Board 8 > Politics Containment Topic 181: We Are Seeking (An) Asylum

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06/22/18 10:27:53 PM

The newest Vlado update is his proclamation that even bad dictatorships are better than democracies
Congrats to BKSheikah for winning the BYIG Guru Challenge!
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06/22/18 10:29:55 PM

While other companies cave to globalist pressure by putting girls in games and unfairly vilifying Nazis, Nintendo continues their stories of damsels in distress and furious waifu boob rubbing. Artistic integrity!

Im oversimplifying but this is basically his logic
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06/22/18 10:33:09 PM

I still remember my favorite Vlado gaming take, where he said Journey was bad because of its message
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06/22/18 10:35:22 PM

Journey had a globalist agenda? It didn't even have lines :/
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06/22/18 10:37:14 PM

without lines you can't have borders

think about it
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
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06/22/18 10:37:53 PM

Youre not supposed to promote co-operation with people who speak differently

(Really he was mostly offended by the idea of reincarnation. He considered it dangerously blasphemous.)
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06/22/18 10:42:15 PM

So he is also outspoken against Harry Potter too then?
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06/22/18 10:43:50 PM

I dont think hes read them. And he says almost all movies are globalist distractions from uncovering the truth
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06/22/18 10:44:16 PM

He really does sound like a JRPG character
Board 8's Voice of Reason
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06/22/18 10:45:18 PM

And there are no political statements in the Metal Gear series
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06/22/18 10:53:17 PM

Angel Moms is really hot garbage and I hate that these poor women are being manipulated for a racist cause.

Would you feel better if your son or daughter was killed by a legal citizen? What about them being illegal makes it any different?
TheRock ~ I had a name, my father called me Blues.
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06/22/18 11:00:13 PM

Oh God, they segment ended with the three women being shown a video of a man deported to Salvador without his daughter after they were separated at the border.

And they had zero sympathy and said he didn't care about his daughter because he tried to cross the border illegally.

I feel significantly less sympathy for these women when they react like that to someone else having their child ripped away from them.
TheRock ~ I had a name, my father called me Blues.
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06/22/18 11:03:11 PM

MS13 endorsed the Democrats. This definitely true image says so.
For your BK_Sheikah00.
At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza
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red sox 777
06/22/18 11:03:35 PM

LordoftheMorons posted...
red sox 777 posted...
Sounds like he doesn't understand the Republican project. Congressional Republicans are not submitting to the President because they are weak, but because they are getting exactly what they want. Paul Ryan's primary mission was tax cuts, and he got them.

At a minimum most elected Republicans dont want Trumps tariffs and are doing jack shit about them because of fear

I would hope they know enough not to undermine the President's negotiations while he is in the middle of doing them. If Congress says the President cannot raise tariffs, why would any other countries take him seriously? If they wanted to, they could even press their advantage by raising tariffs on us.
September 1, 2003; November 4, 2007; September 2, 2013
Congratulations to DP Oblivion in the Guru Contest!
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06/22/18 11:04:12 PM

TheRock1525 posted...
Oh God, they segment ended with the three women being shown a video of a man deported to Salvador without his daughter after they were separated at the border.

And they had zero sympathy and said he didn't care about his daughter because he tried to cross the border illegally.

I feel significantly less sympathy for these women when they react like that to someone else having their child ripped away from them.

Zero sympathy...for the DAUGHTER even?
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06/22/18 11:06:11 PM

MoogleKupo141 posted...

MS13 endorsed the Democrats. This definitely true image says so.

Yep I just heard Chuck Schumer killed a man to get his colors
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06/22/18 11:15:02 PM

Jakyl25 posted...
TheRock1525 posted...
Oh God, they segment ended with the three women being shown a video of a man deported to Salvador without his daughter after they were separated at the border.

And they had zero sympathy and said he didn't care about his daughter because he tried to cross the border illegally.

I feel significantly less sympathy for these women when they react like that to someone else having their child ripped away from them.

Zero sympathy...for the DAUGHTER even?

They didn't say anything about the daughter.
TheRock ~ I had a name, my father called me Blues.
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06/22/18 11:19:53 PM

ALEX JONES (HOST): Atrazine does have the same effects in mammals as it has in frogs. And it changes areas of the brain associated with the olfactory nerve. That's the nose, my friend. That's the part of your brain that hooks to your nose. And everything else that make men feel attracted to other men.

The Pentagon developed a Atrazine-type spray that they would spray. They tested it actually in Iraq. That's classified but it was -- it got leaked. You can pull it up. Gay bomb! They always take like a clip of me going gay bomb, baby! And then I show BBC, but they cut the BBC, and it's basically a chemical cocktail, not just of Atrazine. They add some other chemicals. It's classified. But the word is, it's like, what's ecstasy's compound? I forgot. MDMA! They mix that with Atrazine and stuff. And then they spray that on you and you'll start having sex with a fire hydrant.

I mean, the point is, is that sex is all based not even on visual, men it's mainly -- but it's smells with women particularly. But they can flip that on. It's like perfume. You know, everybody knows about that? Well, they've got weaponized perfumes, basically that will make men attracted to other men and they want you to do that so you don't have kids.

TheRock ~ I had a name, my father called me Blues.
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06/22/18 11:31:31 PM

They have weaponized perfumes and theyre wasting it on making us all gay?
Board 8's Voice of Reason
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06/22/18 11:32:02 PM

Who DO they want to have kids, I wonder...
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06/22/18 11:33:42 PM

He should discuss this when he has Milo on
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06/23/18 1:12:44 AM

I'm sure there's a perfectly logical and reasonable explanation.
Besides, marijuana is far more harmful than steroids. - BlitzBomb
I headbang to Bruckner.
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06/23/18 7:09:52 AM

MoogleKupo141 posted...

MS13 endorsed the Democrats. This definitely true image says so.

The meme is so bad, it doesn't even use the same font!
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Mr Lasastryke
06/23/18 8:22:05 AM

Jakyl25 posted...
While other companies cave to globalist pressure by putting girls in games and unfairly vilifying Nazis, Nintendo continues their stories of damsels in distress and furious waifu boob rubbing. Artistic integrity!

Im oversimplifying but this is basically his logic

this reminds me of the gamergate days, when wang would constantly talk about dead or alive xtreme 3 and its "ass physics"
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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06/23/18 2:59:08 PM

Gamergate... It'll never completely die, will it?

At least once a week it seems to pop up on here.
I'll get back up for good this time and I ain't comin' down...
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06/23/18 4:56:26 PM

Racism Watch Dog is on a break, but this dog whistle might be loud enough to call him home.
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06/23/18 5:28:17 PM

We must maintain a Strong Southern Border. We cannot allow our Country to be overrun by illegal immigrants as the Democrats tell their phony stories of sadness and grief, hoping it will help them in the elections. Obama and others had the same pictures, and did nothing about it!

Phony stories of sadness and grief

Dont let him gaslight you
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06/23/18 7:23:16 PM

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06/23/18 7:36:11 PM

Jakyl25 posted...

Not gonna lie...kinda impressed the truck got both Ts in "boycott."

Before anybody accuses this of racism, please note that the truck is black.
Nominate METAL MAN for 20XX!
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06/23/18 7:36:33 PM

But more seriously, that person sucks and should feel bad.
Nominate METAL MAN for 20XX!
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06/24/18 12:17:34 AM

Milo still out there making his ironic Nazi salutes for shock value to a Jewish woman raising funds for herself. She donated it to immigrant advocates.

As someone in the replies said, paying the libs to own the libs.
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Mr Lasastryke
06/24/18 12:35:09 PM

milo literally told joe rogan he was unlucky for never having been raped as a child and he still gets taken seriously by the alt-right. imagine what the alt-right's repsonse would have been if someone on the left had said something like that.
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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06/24/18 2:41:50 PM

We cannot allow all of these people to invade our Country. When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came. Our system is a mockery to good immigration policy and Law and Order. Most children come without parents...

Fuck due process, am I right??

Also invade
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06/24/18 2:56:24 PM

Now you too can get a commemorative coin to celebrate...the Presidents private business

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06/24/18 3:00:46 PM

Jakyl25 posted...

We cannot allow all of these people to invade our Country. When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came. Our system is a mockery to good immigration policy and Law and Order. Most children come without parents...

Fuck due process, am I right??

Also invade

Whenever someone claims to want "law and order" you can pretty much just assume what they mean is destroying due process
Congrats to BKSheikah, who knows more about years than anyone else.
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Mr Lasastryke
06/24/18 3:03:33 PM

"Strong Borders, No Crime." good to know that people in the US never commit any crimes ever!
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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Mr Lasastryke
06/24/18 3:05:04 PM

Jakyl25 posted...
Also invade

he's also stated that without strong borders, "the country will be overrun by millions of immigrants."
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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06/24/18 3:06:27 PM

Mr Lasastryke posted...
Jakyl25 posted...
Also invade

he's also stated that without strong borders, "the country will be overrun by millions of immigrants."

Such a terrible thing to happen, that surely hasn't happened in this country's history PRIOR to us becoming a massive world super power.
Touch fuzzy. Get fuzzier.
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06/24/18 3:06:34 PM

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06/24/18 4:47:40 PM

Jakyl25 posted...

Racism Watch Dog is on a break, but this dog whistle might be loud enough to call him home.

because that wasn't strong enough they gotta go further
something something hung something horse something
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06/24/18 5:00:33 PM

I buy that someone might absentmindedly use that phrase without thinking, and he did apologize later.

Everyone learns culturally-ingrained racist phrases without realizing theyre racist, and the fact that he didnt double down on it like others might makes me want to give him a second chance. ONE second chance.

It blew my mind when I was first told the racism behind saying someone got gypped, and I was in my 20s
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06/24/18 5:06:35 PM

When was the last Democratic US President who didn't talk hard against ILLEGAL immigration?
LoL ID = imajericho
XBL GT = Corrik
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06/24/18 5:08:06 PM

I dunno, what was Carters stance?
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06/24/18 5:15:18 PM

Jakyl25 posted...
It blew my mind when I was first told the racism behind saying someone got gypped, and I was in my 20s

Real talk this exact thing happened to me. Got a like 20 minute lecture from a Master Sergeant and had zero idea at all.
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
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06/24/18 5:18:17 PM

Im curious how that could stretch to 20 minutes

You know that phrase is referring to a racist stereotype of gypsys, right?

The end
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06/24/18 5:19:31 PM

he was romani

If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
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06/24/18 6:53:56 PM

I used to think there was a phrase where if someone negotiated a lower price than you originally wanted that they chewed you, like chewed you up and spit you out.

Learned some years later that wasn't what I was hearing in my childhood. Bah.
Nominate METAL MAN for 20XX!
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06/24/18 8:27:55 PM

"Bordate is a pretty shady place, what with the gangs, casinos, evil corporations and water park." - FAHtastic
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06/24/18 8:30:30 PM

It's not half-Christmas yet.
Nominate METAL MAN for 20XX!
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06/24/18 8:31:18 PM

Don't play Undertale.
"Bordate is a pretty shady place, what with the gangs, casinos, evil corporations and water park." - FAHtastic
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