Current Events > A liberal tries to explain how and why Trump was elected president.

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12/27/17 8:52:08 AM

I'm definitely a liberal though far from an SJW and I've been trying to be more understanding of conservatives and basically anyone who thinks differently than me. So this is my understanding of how this election played out the way it did being as sincere as I can be. So please, of you agree, let me know how your perspective made you chew these series of events.

WARNING: It's a very complex issue, and therefore requires a complex explanation. So there's gonna be quite a bit of text coming at you. And also, please don't say I'm wrong and not explain yourself, or act as if you can boil this complicated series of events down to a one or two sentence explanation. The only reason to even try to do that is if you're trolling. Also, the "IMO" is assumed before every thought, so don't get mad at me like I'm assertion my opinion is fact.

I'll start by just explaining where this line of thought originated, it to me as I was trying to explain the rise in radical feminism and how it changed from being the fight against the inequity women have dealt with forever into the with for inequality in women's favor. Normally, that kind of radicalism would never get off the ground, but it was a response to the election of Donald Trump which was an extremist event in and of itself (as evidenced by the rise of the extreme right aka alt right and how emboldened they have become since Trump's election) though not nearly as much as most liberal people are making it out to be. But that post got way too late ng and involved so I decided to actually expand on it and make it it's own topic.

Anyways, the main reasoning I can see for Trump's election was the frustration felt by the right on what had been going on in Washington as well as how badly things had gone for the GOP in particular for around two decades. It started mostly with Clinton's presidency which coincided with the ramped up partisanship in the media, conservative media especially when you look at how Fox News had become much more sensational as well as conservative radio like Rush Limbaugh becoming mainstream as companies learned that if you followed that model of sensationalizing the news and catering it to a political ideology, more and more people would be hooked which would then legitimize something that had been considered to be purely entertainment before that.

Clinton went on to have a great presidency (I know there's a ton of flaws and missteps you can point out, but that's true for every president. We're not comparing presidents against perfection, were comparing them against other presidents. And as far as presidents go, especially if you're just considering living memory, then Clinton had a great presidency and this is also the consensus opinion, so don't get too hung up on that.
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12/27/17 8:53:54 AM

This led to the 2000 election which Democrats had a decent chance to pull off despite working against the pendulum of politics in America which sees the white house changing parties more often than not. This of course culminated in the infamous recount and the potentiality of one of the candidate's brother determining the outcome. As we all know this resulted in W being elected who turned out to be a complete embarrassment for the GOP and conservatives in general since he helped further the stereotype of conservatives being stupid hicks and liberals responded with a giant "I told you so" and took delight in rubbing it in after feeling cheated out of the 2000 election.

So after a solid presidency with Clinton (which also saw an impeachment complete backfire as Clinton's popularity soared after the GOPs attempt to take him down as well as his success in office.) And the embarrassment that was W, coupled with an increasingly partisan conservative media (BTW, liberal media was noticing the success fox news was having and was beginning to follow suit, but I don't think conservatives watched liberal media so it's not really relevant, which is why I'm not mentioning it, not out of bias, so I'm acknowledging it here that bias in conservative news was not unique.) which was becoming more and more sensational, as well as the GOP starting to utilize it as their own propaganda machine, led to the expectation that after the Democrats took the white house (which was basically a foregone conclusion), it would be Republican's turn to pile on the Democrats and give it as good as they got it the past 8 years. We then elected our first black president which definitely contributed to the disdain by the right and don't try to deny that fact, were all grown ups here, act like it. That coupled with the desire to repay the frustration that's been building for around a decade led to conservative's refusal to even attempt to work with him while also painting him as the anti Christ even before his inauguration, which was espoused not just by the general conservative public, but my the actual leaders of the GOP establishment, famously displayed by Mitch McConnel declaring that their number one priority was to make Obama a single term president. This really illustrated just how much frustration had been building in the GOP that they didn't even try to hide that they were treating the president as the enemy and that fighting him was more important than improving the country or governing it competently, let alone trying to work together and unify the nation. Plus, as the conservative media had been stoking the flames of division, it became politically expedient for Republicans to be as uncompromising and obstructive as possible. You can't blame the Republicans for underestimating Obama since he was a relative nobody and was completely inexperienced and had actually campaigned on trying to work across the aisle, which he did actually attempt to do despite it being an exercise in futility since even the most reasonable of compromises with him became political suicide for the Republicans, as evidenced by John Boehner being ostracized for just that. Hell it even hamstrung the GOP into shutting down the government or else risk being viewed as weak. The main consequence of this was that the divisiveness in politics became supercharged which resulted in the most obstructive Congress in us history who wouldn't just refuse to work with Obama but actively worked against anything he was trying to do no matter if it was good for the country or even something that they had previously supported.
Now you can't call me a sigless user.
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12/27/17 8:54:29 AM

Or just Clinton sucked
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
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12/27/17 8:55:09 AM

A major issue started to present itself as the divisiveness and uncompromising hard headed stance of the GOP that was being promoted in the media started to clash with actual real world politics as Obama proved to be far more capable and far more popular than the GOP had anticipated. He was able to deal with their political attacks single handedly while also managing to actually accomplish part of his agenda despite facing the most obstructive Congress in US history. So instead of the satisfaction that conservatives had been expecting to get from bagging on liberals while they were in charge like had been done to them, instead things were starting to back fire yet again as liberals still piled on the same old stereotypes of conservatives being stupid, rednecks, bigots, religious nutcases, etc. With the actual liberal media (as in not news, but talk shows and things like the daily show) continued to attack conservatives and conservatism as a whole. Hell the whole "birther" movement had basically ensured that any criticism of Obama would be simply laughed off and ignored even when they managed to make legitimate arguments, which had to be more frustrating than anything. I mean when you're in a heated debate it sucks when any argument or insult falls flat, even questionable ones. But damn is it exponentially more infuriating when your objectively correct arguments are simply ignored and ridiculed without any legitimate response. I'm not going to get into the ACA too much since that could derail any discussion all on it's own, but I'll say that of course conservatives were extremely pissed that Obama had passed a massive piece of legislation that was basically a perfect example of everything liberals and conservatives disagree on when it comes to government. He also did it with 0 Republican input and when Republicans tried to make him pay for it by dubbing it "Obamacare" it ended up backfiring stupendously as everyone who's life or family members life had been saved by the ACA credited "Obamacare" as a miracle which did more PR for his image than anything he could have done himself. So that frustration along with suddenly losing the social battles on things like gay marriage had to be more than even the most rational and logical of conservatives could bear to stomach.

The conservative media had continued ramping up their partisan hackery during Obama's presidency since opposing Obama was an easy money maker for them and they had got quite a few people to believe horrible things they were saying about Obama and liberals in general, and maybe had started to believe their own bullshit. This set up the perfect political climate for someone like Trump to come along and pull out an insanely unlikely win. He had absolutely no decorum, lied his ass off and claimed that everyone who called him out for those lies were the real liars (and conservative media had already convinced all of them to just ignore anything they heard on the news since it was all politically motivated aka fake news). And also ran with this notion that we needed an "outsider" who hadn't been corrupted by Washington like everyone else (as if he hadn't been involved with dealing in DC for decades and was the one doing the corrupting, as well as having been corrupted himself, just in the business world rather than the political landscape.). While completely ignoring how being president isn't as easy as they were making it out to be, especially when you don't even have a cursory knowledge of how anything get done in Washington, let alone around the world.
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12/27/17 8:55:36 AM

And like all politicians, he claimed to be fighting for the little guy and was going to stick it to the rich establishment folks. But every single politician claims to do that. And while liberals had assumed that nobody with an ounce of intelligence in their body could believe this man and claimed that you had to be an idiot to vote for him (once again prodding that stereotype of the stupid conservative, which only pushed more people onto his side) they didn't ever taken into consideration that it's a lot easier to believe bullshit if you want to believe it. And really the choice was to either take a leap of faith on this guy who said a lot of things they liked and also checked all of the boxes that the propaganda they had been being brainwashed by for 2 decades had told them to look for, or they could swallow all of their pride and take the mountain of insults from smug condescending liberals right on the chin as they just conceded another 4 years to Hillary Clinton who was painted as an extension of Obama (despite being far different) and had been brainwashed by that same conservative propaganda machine into thinking she was a criminal and, once again, the anti Christ. Obama has actually even remarked on this as he talked about how the GOP had been "riding this tiger" for years which was an apt analogy because they likely would have lost to Hillary had they not become so dependent on the increasingly sensational propaganda conservative media had been pushing, but they had also completely lost control and could no longer steer their course and suddenly this crazy populist came in and coopted their party. They had not only put someone in the white house that they had no relationship with or control over, but he had actually taken control of their message and their base because he's much better at manipulating the media than they are, and that tiger they had been riding ensured that whomever controlled the media controlled their base.

When you see it from their perspective (as ignorant and distorted as it may be for those that fell down the fake news rabbit hole) it actually is surprising that Hillary actually got 3 million more votes than him. It shows that it's wrong to consider conservatives stupid and naive that any, let alone a huge number of them, were intelligent and mature enough to not fall victim to their emotions and impulsive desire and not vote for Trump.

It's human nature to want to be right and be fooled by confirmation bias. We hear enough people agreeing with the way we think and we assume that anyone who disagrees must either be stupid, or they just don't have all of the information that we do and if they just learned what we know and stopped being so stubborn, then they'd think the same way we do. But that's completely false. Whether you're a liberal or a conservative, do you know why liberals/conservatives disagree with you? It's because they're actually different from you. They actually think differently and disagree with you on certain fundamental principles. And guess what? Sometimes they're right. They aren't the enemy, in fact you need them! We've seen what happens when countries are dominated by the right (Nazis) as well as the left (Communist Russia) and it's always horrible and leads to suffering and death while eventually imploding in on itself. So maybe stop considering people across the political aisle as enemies that can't be reasoned with because they make up half the population. And we know what happens when people can't settle their differences diplomatically with discussion and compromise... It leads to the argument advancing beyond verbal disputes and, if not dealt with, ends in violent confrontation. We've already seen a man plow his vehicle into a crowd of people simply because he disagreed with their political and social beliefs.
Now you can't call me a sigless user.
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12/27/17 8:56:13 AM

Imagine being TC and having a week long meltdown through Christmas
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12/27/17 8:56:19 AM

UnfairRepresent posted...
Or just Clinton sucked

nicklebro posted...

WARNING: It's a very complex issue, and therefore requires a complex explanation. So there's gonna be quite a bit of text coming at you. And also, please don't say I'm wrong and not explain yourself, or act as if you can boil this complicated series of events down to a one or two sentence explanation. The only reason to even try to do that is if you're trolling.

Now you can't call me a sigless user.
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12/27/17 8:56:41 AM

*wall of text falls*

ah help get it off

get it offff
Grandad Beaches Freeman
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12/27/17 8:57:48 AM

It's really not more complicated than a huge amount of people thought he was better than Clinton
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
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12/27/17 8:58:00 AM

beechesfreeman posted...
*wall of text falls*

ah help get it off

get it offff

I put a warning.

But I guess most people coming into this topic we're expecting a short funny post, but if I can get one legitimate response, it'll be worth it.
Now you can't call me a sigless user.
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12/27/17 8:59:23 AM

nicklebro posted...
We've seen what happens when countries are dominated by the right (Nazis)

>Seized the means of production
>Regulated the hell out of all privately-owned businesses
>Wage and price controls
>Enforced strict gun control on huge segments of the population
>All fascist philosophers were Marx contemporaries


If you want an example of an actual far-right dictatorship, look up Pinochet.
Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
-George Orwell
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12/27/17 8:59:35 AM

UnfairRepresent posted...
It's really not more complicated than a huge amount of people thought he was better than Clinton

Duh, that's what votes are signifying. I'm trying to delve deeper into the question of why did they think that
Now you can't call me a sigless user.
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12/27/17 9:00:03 AM

In a nutshell

- voters disenfranchised with perceived "politics"
- desire to rebel against "the man"
- repulsion of identity politics when core issues were not being addressed or communicated well
- fractured and listless democrats
- hillary's poor image problems
- 8 years of a democrat president ("time for a change in management")
CE's Resident Scotsman.
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12/27/17 9:00:37 AM

All of that only to sit here and tell me that Hillary isn't a criminal? You have no idea what you're talking about.

Stop posting.
"Impossible is just a word to let people feel good about themselves when they quit." - Vyse, Skies of Arcadia
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12/27/17 9:01:59 AM

Mal_Fet posted...
nicklebro posted...
We've seen what happens when countries are dominated by the right (Nazis)

>Seized the means of production
>Regulated the hell out of all privately-owned businesses
>Wage and price controls
>Enforced strict gun control on huge segments of the population
>All fascist philosophers were Marx contemporaries


If you want an example of an actual far-right dictatorship, look up Pinochet.

All extremist governments seize the means of production.

Lol and did you seriously just say that the Nazis weren following Marxism? They literally grew as a response against communism, which is why they Russia.

You've been proven wrong about this so many times. I'm not going to humor you further.
Now you can't call me a sigless user.
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12/27/17 9:02:09 AM

Mal_Fet posted...
nicklebro posted...
We've seen what happens when countries are dominated by the right (Nazis)

>Seized the means of production
>Regulated the hell out of all privately-owned businesses
>Wage and price controls
>Enforced strict gun control on huge segments of the population
>All fascist philosophers were Marx contemporaries


If you want an example of an actual far-right dictatorship, look up Pinochet.

Strange then that nazi movements today support republicans and not libbie commies huh
CE's Resident Scotsman.
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12/27/17 9:04:13 AM

pinky0926 posted...
In a nutshell

- voters disenfranchised with perceived "politics"
- desire to rebel against "the man"
- repulsion of identity politics when core issues were not being addressed or communicated well
- fractured and listless democrats
- hillary's poor image problems
- 8 years of a democrat president ("time for a change in management")

Yeah these are some good reasons for voting for a Republican, but doesn't go nearly far enough to explain how a reality TV show host can win the presidency.

Caution999 posted...
All of that only to sit here and tell me that Hillary isn't a criminal? You have no idea what you're talking about.

Stop posting.

Did I say she wasn't a criminal? Is that anywhere in my post at all? Lol you wouldn't know, cuz you just came here to troll.
Now you can't call me a sigless user.
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12/27/17 9:05:53 AM

4 years to Hillary Clinton who was painted as an extension of Obama (despite being far different) and had been brainwashed by that same conservative propaganda machine into thinking she was a criminal and, once again, the anti Christ.

"Impossible is just a word to let people feel good about themselves when they quit." - Vyse, Skies of Arcadia
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12/27/17 9:07:16 AM

Caution999 posted...
4 years to Hillary Clinton who was painted as an extension of Obama (despite being far different) and had been brainwashed by that same conservative propaganda machine into thinking she was a criminal and, once again, the anti Christ.

Yeah, and you were. Long before Obama presidency even ended.

Still never said she wasn't a criminal though, and you're still just trolling. If Hillary is a criminal, then so is Trump.
Now you can't call me a sigless user.
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12/27/17 9:08:55 AM

Since apparently to some people facts no longer matter and "criminal" can be anyone you want it to be. Used to be someone who was convicted of committing a crime. But in the post facts world, it can be anything! Just like your gender I guess.
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12/27/17 9:09:59 AM

Seems to just boil down to boring, enabling centrist bs in the end.

Also lol at mal.
Do you really think you can beat me?
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12/27/17 9:10:06 AM

That's what that sentence implies. That we were brainwashed into thinking she was a criminal.

Liberals: *we hate Trump because he colluded with Russia!"

*Liberals voted for Hillary*

*Hillary is the only one that has proven to have colluded with Russia*

*mind explodes*
"Impossible is just a word to let people feel good about themselves when they quit." - Vyse, Skies of Arcadia
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12/27/17 9:10:26 AM

nicklebro posted...
Yeah these are some good reasons for voting for a Republican, but doesn't go nearly far enough to explain how a reality TV show host can win the presidency.

These are why they didn't want a standard republican

- voters disenfranchised with perceived "politics"
- desire to rebel against "the man"
- repulsion of identity politics when core issues were not being addressed or communicated well

I'd also add
- perception that financial success = good moral character
- increasing obsession with the cult of celebrity (I think we're just going to keep seeing more celebrity politicians now)
- "drain the swamp"
- clever rhetorical and oratory style

In Trump's defense, I'd say unlike anyone else he managed to latch onto the key issues that republican voters felt was important, and he gave easy digestible reasons for how to fix them.

Also "Make America Great Again" is a terrific campaign slogan. A motif he drilled into the marketplace over and over again. Compare that with Hillarys:

"Hillary For America"
"Forward Together"
"Fighting for us"
"I'm With Her"
"Stronger Together"

Look how vague and confused and frankly narcissistic these sound by comparison.
CE's Resident Scotsman.
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12/27/17 9:12:01 AM

It's almost like Trump had an actual plan and platform for what he was going to accomplish and all Hillary could do was "OMG what if Trump says THAT in front of OUR children????? THINK ABOUT THAT!!!"
"Impossible is just a word to let people feel good about themselves when they quit." - Vyse, Skies of Arcadia
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12/27/17 9:15:03 AM

nicklebro posted...
All extremist governments seize the means of production.

Pinochet didn't.

nicklebro posted...
Lol and did you seriously just say that the Nazis weren following Marxism? They literally grew as a response against communism, which is why they Russia.

All brands of communism hate each other. And yes, if you read up on Giovanni Gentile it's really obvious how fascism came from Marxism.

pinky0926 posted...
Strange then that nazi movements today support republicans and not libbie commies huh

Today's "Nazis" are nothing at all like the third reich. They're just racists who like the Nazi aesthetic.
Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
-George Orwell
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12/27/17 9:17:14 AM

Caution999 posted...
That's what that sentence implies. That we were brainwashed into thinking she was a criminal.

Liberals: *we hate Trump because he colluded with Russia!"

*Liberals voted for Hillary*

*Hillary is the only one that has proven to have colluded with Russia*

*mind explodes*

Yeah ok man.

pinky0926 posted...
nicklebro posted...
Yeah these are some good reasons for voting for a Republican, but doesn't go nearly far enough to explain how a reality TV show host can win the presidency.

These are why they didn't want a standard republican

- voters disenfranchised with perceived "politics"
- desire to rebel against "the man"
- repulsion of identity politics when core issues were not being addressed or communicated well

I'd also add
- perception that financial success = good moral character
- increasing obsession with the cult of celebrity (I think we're just going to keep seeing more celebrity politicians now)
- "drain the swamp"
- clever rhetorical and oratory style

In Trump's defense, I'd say unlike anyone else he managed to latch onto the key issues that republican voters felt was important, and he gave easy digestible reasons for how to fix them.

Also "Make America Great Again" is a terrific campaign slogan. A motif he drilled into the marketplace over and over again. Compare that with Hillarys:

"Hillary For America"
"Forward Together"
"Fighting for us"
"I'm With Her"
"Stronger Together"

Look how vague and confused and frankly narcissistic these sound by comparison.

But still, this doesnt explain how someone like Trump could win. I mean sure it explains some.things they didn't like about the establishment, and how a relative outsider could steal the election like Obama did. But a reality TV star that has no clue how to get anything done in Washington?

It's so easy to just blame stupid, bigoted people for it, but that's obviously not a realistic answer. There were 16 other Republicans he beat, a few of them being outsiders as well and far more qualified and obviously more rational choices.
Now you can't call me a sigless user.
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12/27/17 9:18:16 AM

Caution999 posted...
It's almost like Trump had an actual plan and platform for what he was going to accomplish and all Hillary could do was "OMG what if Trump says THAT in front of OUR children????? THINK ABOUT THAT!!!"

Good point man you win, damn. Im just gonna keep talking to these other posters tho, but yeah fuck you won, I'm sorry and congrats.
Now you can't call me a sigless user.
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12/27/17 9:18:42 AM

I think people were tired of the same ol' candidates. Trump was a breath of fresh air whether you like it or not. He told it like it was, had a plan, said what we all wanted to hear, and didn't give a fuck if someone was offended.
"Impossible is just a word to let people feel good about themselves when they quit." - Vyse, Skies of Arcadia
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12/27/17 9:20:11 AM

nicklebro posted...
Caution999 posted...
It's almost like Trump had an actual plan and platform for what he was going to accomplish and all Hillary could do was "OMG what if Trump says THAT in front of OUR children????? THINK ABOUT THAT!!!"

Good point man you win, damn. Im just gonna keep talking to these other posters tho, but yeah fuck you won, I'm sorry and congrats.

Her commercials literally were that message in PA. Every 15 seconds it was "imagine if he says this in front of our kids?" And she never had a plan with what she would do as president. No plan.

Shit like that might work in California, where no offense, the casual viewer only cares about hurt feelings and such, but on the east coast, we tend to be a little more intelligent ;) ;) ;)

What kind of parent lets their children watch political debates to begin with? The whole message made no sense.
"Impossible is just a word to let people feel good about themselves when they quit." - Vyse, Skies of Arcadia
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12/27/17 9:20:47 AM

Trump just tapped into the stupid, poor white voters. Nothing special. Hillary was too good for her own good.
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12/27/17 9:22:26 AM

Caution999 posted...
nicklebro posted...
Caution999 posted...
It's almost like Trump had an actual plan and platform for what he was going to accomplish and all Hillary could do was "OMG what if Trump says THAT in front of OUR children????? THINK ABOUT THAT!!!"

Good point man you win, damn. Im just gonna keep talking to these other posters tho, but yeah fuck you won, I'm sorry and congrats.

Her commercials literally were that message in PA. Every 15 seconds it was "imagine if he says this in front of our kids?" And she never had a plan with what she would do as president. No plan.

Shit like that might work in California, where no offense, the casual viewer only cares about hurt feelings and such, but on the east coast, we tend to be a little more intelligent ;) ;) ;)

What kind of parent lets their children watch political debates to begin with? The whole message made no sense.

Yeah man so true, damn wish I thought of that. Still gonna entertain other posters tho, hope you don't mind.
Now you can't call me a sigless user.
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12/27/17 9:22:35 AM

Caution999 posted...
He told it like it was

I love the doublethink from Trump garglers

"He says it like it is"
"He didn't mean it like that"
"You have to take him seriously but not literally"
Not removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
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12/27/17 9:24:06 AM

TurtleInFreedom posted...
Trump just tapped into the stupid, poor white voters. Nothing special. Hillary was too good for her own good.

See it can't just be that, cuz every politician tries to woo stupid poor white voters. It's literally like half the electorate lol. It's why I put my understanding of it down and explained how even smart, rational conservatives could do something so irrational and unintelligent.

There's more to it.
Now you can't call me a sigless user.
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12/27/17 9:24:42 AM

nicklebro posted...
Caution999 posted...
nicklebro posted...
Caution999 posted...
It's almost like Trump had an actual plan and platform for what he was going to accomplish and all Hillary could do was "OMG what if Trump says THAT in front of OUR children????? THINK ABOUT THAT!!!"

Good point man you win, damn. Im just gonna keep talking to these other posters tho, but yeah fuck you won, I'm sorry and congrats.

Her commercials literally were that message in PA. Every 15 seconds it was "imagine if he says this in front of our kids?" And she never had a plan with what she would do as president. No plan.

Shit like that might work in California, where no offense, the casual viewer only cares about hurt feelings and such, but on the east coast, we tend to be a little more intelligent ;) ;) ;)

What kind of parent lets their children watch political debates to begin with? The whole message made no sense.

Yeah man so true, damn wish I thought of that. Still gonna entertain other posters tho, hope you don't mind.

Seriously dude - her commercials never provided any clue of what she was going to do as president - other than stay with the status quo. It's not Trump's fault she lost. It's hers. He had a better campaign team and he had a better plan.

The reason is simple.
"Impossible is just a word to let people feel good about themselves when they quit." - Vyse, Skies of Arcadia
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12/27/17 9:27:09 AM

Doom_Art posted...
Caution999 posted...
He told it like it was

I love the doublethink from Trump garglers

"He says it like it is"
"He didn't mean it like that"
"You have to take him seriously but not literally"

Thats a huge thing I've noticed. There's that famous clip of the lady with a trump decorated car who sakd "he says what he means and means what he says!" When the opposite is clearly the case. He's been caught in so many lies it just made me start to wonder what th actual underlying reasons we're for his election. And I really think I did a pretty good job of getting in their heads. If I had to pick just one reason tho, I'd say it'd be the completely irresponsible perversion of conservative media who spread all of these lies about all liberals and these people trusted them to not mislead then when their one and only motivation was making money.
Now you can't call me a sigless user.
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12/27/17 9:28:43 AM

Mal_Fet posted...
Today's "Nazis" are nothing at all like the third reich. They're just racists who like the Nazi aesthetic.

It's almost like the main driving force behind Nazism's wide support wasn't so much communist economic principles but populism and white nationalism.

Remember that people tried turning to communism but germany's wealthiest tycoons financed Hitler's campaign as a reaction because this frightened them so much.

Goebbels, what was he for
CE's Resident Scotsman.
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12/27/17 9:28:47 AM

Caution999 posted...
nicklebro posted...
Caution999 posted...
nicklebro posted...
Caution999 posted...
It's almost like Trump had an actual plan and platform for what he was going to accomplish and all Hillary could do was "OMG what if Trump says THAT in front of OUR children????? THINK ABOUT THAT!!!"

Good point man you win, damn. Im just gonna keep talking to these other posters tho, but yeah fuck you won, I'm sorry and congrats.

Her commercials literally were that message in PA. Every 15 seconds it was "imagine if he says this in front of our kids?" And she never had a plan with what she would do as president. No plan.

Shit like that might work in California, where no offense, the casual viewer only cares about hurt feelings and such, but on the east coast, we tend to be a little more intelligent ;) ;) ;)

What kind of parent lets their children watch political debates to begin with? The whole message made no sense.

Yeah man so true, damn wish I thought of that. Still gonna entertain other posters tho, hope you don't mind.

Seriously dude - her commercials never provided any clue of what she was going to do as president - other than stay with the status quo. It's not Trump's fault she lost. It's hers. He had a better campaign team and he had a better plan.

The reason is simple.

Oh yeah it was def the commercials, shoulda thought of that before man im so stupid. Make more topics please so I can just learn there rather than you showing me up like this in my own topic.

Still gonna talk to these other posters tho, just for fun.
Now you can't call me a sigless user.
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Post #38 was unavailable or deleted.
12/27/17 9:29:32 AM

It also doesn't help that Julian Assange really exposed all the corruption that Democrats had going on.
"Impossible is just a word to let people feel good about themselves when they quit." - Vyse, Skies of Arcadia
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12/27/17 9:31:54 AM

Caution999 posted...
Julian Assange

Not removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
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12/27/17 9:33:20 AM

leverageblargh posted...

Aw c'mon you've been super cool to me and I enjoy your posts. At least gimme your explanation if you just don't want to read my novel lol.
Now you can't call me a sigless user.
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Post #42 was unavailable or deleted.
12/27/17 9:42:22 AM

Doom_Art posted...
Caution999 posted...
Julian Assange


Loling at a guy who's never released any fake news

I wonder if you therefore find CNN and MSNBC to be more hilarious
Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
-George Orwell
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12/27/17 10:02:23 AM

leverageblargh posted...
Now you can't call me a sigless user.
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12/27/17 10:07:49 AM

he's famous and rich
He would make his mark, if not on this tree, then on that wall; if not with teeth and claws, then with penknife and razor.
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12/27/17 10:07:56 AM

Caution999 posted...
It also doesn't help that Julian Assange really exposed all the corruption that Democrats had going on.

Yeah and I was shocked at how little corruption there was. Actually disappointed. I mean look at how much corruption we already know about the GOP and that's without hackers releasing all of their *altered* emails.

Democrats really need to step their game up. Lol be we have a presidential candidate asking hackers to steal information from the sitting secretary of state, we have the candidate's son meeting with hostile foreign Nations to get dirt on his opponent, and what, the Democrats pay for favor within their own party? That's not even illegal! Dammit Dems, are you even trying?

Trumps campaign was under FBI investigation because he was playing to win! Dammit Hillary, if the FBI ain't investigating you for treason, you ain't trying!
Now you can't call me a sigless user.
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12/27/17 10:11:17 AM

nicklebro posted...
Yeah and I was shocked at how little corruption there was. Actually disappointed. I mean look at how much corruption we already know about the GOP and that's without hackers releasing all of their *altered* emails.

What corruption is the GOP up to that compares to the Democrats rigging their primaries and having news outlets feeding them debate questions beforehand during the general

Also, what "altered" emails are you talking about

nicklebro posted...
Democrats really need to step their game up. Lol be we have a presidential candidate asking hackers to steal information from the sitting secretary of state, we have the candidate's son meeting with hostile foreign Nations to get dirt on his opponent,

Whiiich is exactly what Hil-dog did, except she actually paid Russia. Have you forgotten all about the dossier made with Russian assistance?

nicklebro posted...
Trumps campaign was under FBI investigation because he was playing to win! Dammit Hillary, if the FBI ain't investigating you for treason,

Lmao that's not even what he's under investigation for. Do you get all your news from TYT or something
Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
-George Orwell
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12/27/17 10:21:02 AM

Mal_Fet posted...

Whiiich is exactly what Hil-dog did, except she actually paid Russia. Have you forgotten all about the dossier made with Russian assistance?

You mean the one she got from the Republican candidates running against Trump's? Lmao. And paying a Russian company is different than colluding with the actual Russian state.

Mal_Fet posted...

Lmao that's not even what he's under investigation for. Do you get all your news from TYT or something

Never said it was.

But are you denying that it's impossible that's what they uncover? The dossier on Trump that Republicans had paid to investigate does point in that direction.

Lol funny how Hillary can collude with Russia but they'll still hack her emails and not Trump's, and will influence the election in her opponents favor.

Man you're so bad at this.
Now you can't call me a sigless user.
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12/27/17 10:21:29 AM

Trump won because Hillary was a crooked witch who stood for whatever was convenient at the moment and nobody liked her. That's all there is to it.
Professionals are predictable- it's the amateurs who are dangerous.
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12/27/17 10:26:28 AM

I knew there was a reason I had you tagged as Clinton Defense Force. Thanks for reminding me,
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