Board 8 > I copy Johnbob and rank every TV Series I've ever seen

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08/02/17 10:14:56 AM

#25: Arrow
Network: CW
Genre: Action
Available: Netflix
Favorite Character: Oliver Queen
Favorite Episode: The Climb
Premise: The Story of how Oliver Queen became The Green Arrow
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Arrow's first three and a half seasons were absolutely fantastic. They were some truly incredible episodes of television. Then... they decided to take Felicity Smoak and turn her into a Mary Sue. And she nearly ruined the show. Arrow has picked up a bit since then, but it's still never quite reached it's previous form. If I had done this back after season 2, it'd probably be in my top 10. Manu Bennett is fantastic. So is Stephen Amell. But the writing in season 4 just... was terrible. A lot of fans became fed up with Felicity, and the Olicity shippers. Though some took it way too far. Emily Bett Rickards is not at fault for her character's stupid actions. The show has also sort of always seemed more like "Batman: The TV Show only we call it arrow because DC won't let us do a batman show for some reason". They even use plenty of Batman villains. (Then again, I can't really think of many Green Arrow villains that are really doable on TV other than Dark Archer). While season 5 was better than Season 4, I don't think it was THAT much better. I'll get into it in the spoiler section though. It's still a show I like quite a lot, and I'll keep watching. But it's fallen from where it once was.
Spoiler Thoughts:
Season 5 just made no sense to me! Adrian Chase was such a terrible villain. I don't even really get his plan to ruin Oliver's life, and there's absolutely no reason for him to be so far ahead or skilled. I mean Oliver didn't just get his training from Talia Al'Ghul (Why didn't they just make HER the villain from the start?) who he trained with for like.. 3 days. He got training from Ra's, and Slade, and... a whole lot of other people. Also Nyssa curbstomped Talia in the finale. Oliver could probably curbstomp Nyssa judging from his fight with Merlyn, and merlyn's fight with Nyssa... and Talia's probably better than Chase. So Chase should have been defeated after half an episode.

#24: Veronica Mars
Network: UPN
Genre: Crime-Drama
Available: Nowhere
Favorite Character: Veronica Mars
Favorite Episode: Leave it To Beaver
Premise: A Young Girl tries to find out who really killed her best friend
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Veronica Mars is a teenage girl who's mother ran away, and who's father lost his job as local town Sheriff after asking the wrong questions after the death of his daughter's best friend--Lilly Kane. Especially to her father, who is one of the richest men in town. So her dad becomes a Private Detective, and Veroncia follows in his shoes and becomes a private detective too--namely trying to solve her best friends murder, because she's not convinced the guy they arrested is guilty. Of course she takes other cases in the meantime. The show has a fantastic cast of side characters, many of whom are suspects in Lilly's murder. Including Eli Navarro, the leader of the local motorcycle club, Logan Echolls Lilly's boyfriend., and Duncan Kane Llly's brother and Veronica's ex-boyfriend. There's also characters like Wallace, who is Veronica's best friend and lovable jock, and Dick Casablancas a complete idiot. Oh and I can't forget to mention the completely useless new Sheriff, Don Lamb--who has something against Veronica and her father. The show introduces a new major mystery in each of it's three seasons. I think Veronica's dad may be one of the best TV Dads.The show was cancelled after season 3--but a kickstarter helped fund a movie.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/02/17 12:01:10 PM

#23: Pushing Daisies
Network: ABC
Genre: Comedy-Drama
Available: Nowhere
Favorite Character: Ned
Favorite Episode: Oh Oh Oh... it's magic
Premise: Ned makes pies... and wakes the dead
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
The facts were these... Pushing Daisies has a charming narrator, a love for alliterative names, and a cool concept. Ned is a pie maker who can wake the dead--but only for a minute. If he waits any longer, something equal must die. In the first episode, Ned brings his childhood crush Charlotte Charles back to life after she dies... only he doesn't touch her again. He leaves her alive... which means that someone else dies in her place. The problem is... he can never touch her again, or she will go back to being dead. Ned often assists Emerson Cod (played by Chi McBride) a private detective in solving his cases. Of course his only assistance can be from bringing people back to life, and asking them who killed them. Now this sounds like it'd be a boring show--until you realize they only have one minute to ask questions to the corpse. And the corpse usually isn't too cooperative, usually preferring to deal with other business first. Which means that it only assists Emerson Cod's investigations just a little. It's a really funny show, but it only lasted two seasons. It has a pretty consistent quality throughout. If I were to bring back any show that lasted less than 3 seasons, it'd probably be this one. Oh, it'd definitely be this one. Every show from here on out has either had more than 2 seasons, or will probably have more than 2 seasons.

#23: iZombie
Network: CW
Genre: Comedy-Drama
Available: Netflix
Favorite Character: Ravi Chakrabati
Favorite Episode: Salivation Army
Premise: Liv is a Zombie who eats people's brains... and gets visions (and their personality) after eating them, and helps solve their murders
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Rose McIver does a great job as the Zombie with a million different personalities. Each episode she helps solve a different crime by eating the brains of the victim. She then gets their personality, as well as has visions of their life--which often helps solve the crime. It's a delightfully quirky show that moves pretty fast. I think one of my favorite moments comes from the pilot, when Ravi reveals he knows that Liv is a Zombie. It's just so heartwarming. He doesn't get upset at her, or anything. He just says that it must have been so hard for her not having anyone to confide in, and promises to try to find a cure. Ravi and Liv are such a great pair together, and without being romantically interested in each other. Clive is also awesome. The whole team sort of grows as a family, as Liv helps Clive solve more and more cases. The show has a lot of punny names--Liv Moore, Filmore Graves. And it's got a lot of Veronica Mars alumni. Including Logan Echolls, Dick Casablacas, Veronica herself (though as Kristen Bell, and only in voice), Keith Mars, Wallace, Cliff, Vinnie Lowe. It's no surprise, considering it's written by Rob Thomas. Even Rob Thomas shows up--but not THAT Rob Thomas. Matchbox 20's Rob Thomas. The show is absolutely delightful, and fantastic at setting up season finales. Each season also has multiple big bads, which is nice.
Is Ravi going to be a Zombie? Or will he have developed a Vaccine? The show really could go either way. Most shows I could probably predict it with at least 50% certainty. But... here I really couldn't say one way or another.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/02/17 2:29:58 PM

#21: Daredevil
Network: Netflix
Genre: Action
Available: Netflix
Favorite Character: Wilson Fisk
Favorite Episode: Daredevil
Premise: A TV Show based on Daredevil
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Daredevil is a fantastic action packed show, with some really great fight scenes. I think Daredevil may have some of the best action scenes on television. I didn't like Season 2 as much as I liked season 1. I thought Season 1 was fantastic. Each episode had me excited for the next. I binge watched season 1 with no hesitation. Season 2 on the other hand... I couldn't. I didn't like the growing friction between Foggy and Matt. I'm not really steeped in the lore of Daredevil at all, so I didn't really care much about The Hand. I did really like The Punisher though, and felt he was the best part of the season. I felt more should have been dedicated to him, without all the other stuff. I mean I still liked Season 2 a lot--otherwise the show wouldn't be almost in my Top 20. Fisk was a lot better of a villain, and I always felt like they dedicated the right amount of story to him. And Vincent D'Onofrio was amazing in the role. (Of course I know nothing about the Daredevil comics or characters, aside from seeing an episode or two of a cartoon spider-man when my brothers used to watch it, from which I remember Kingpin a little). The only thing really keeping it from me ranking it higher is that I don't find myself really connected to the characters. But the action really is fantastic, and I think it alone is enough to hold the series up very well.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/02/17 2:55:32 PM

I've only finished S2 of iZombie and intend to keep watching it - there's a lot of fun stuff in it - but this seems absurdly too high for it. It's entertaining, but it also feels far too smart of a show to be as dumb and typically 'ugh, TV shows' as it is at times. Heavy reliance here on lack of communication, often for terrible reasons.
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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08/02/17 3:09:23 PM

*shrug* It's never really bothered me. I like the characters, the plots, and the acting. I'd rather have a fun show that might not make sense, than a serious show that's not much fun.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/02/17 3:21:15 PM

Yeah, I'm with you there. I watched both seasons (30ish episodes?) of iZombie. I'm not sure I'm gonna finish even Episode 3 of The Handmaid's Tale, and six episodes of Top of the Lake were completely miserable.
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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08/02/17 4:13:27 PM

Most of my top 20 will probably be headscratchers for a lot of people. But I really enjoy them. They may not have the best writing, acting, directing... but I get the most enjoyment out of them. (I mean I still like the acting, writing, etc.. but that's not really why I love them)
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/02/17 4:16:17 PM

you are already caught up with me and my topic has been running for months

how do you keep this pace
Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
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08/02/17 4:26:52 PM

If I do this (which I'm still waffling on but I did do the front work of going through the wikipedia entries so it's possible) I'm going to have a lot of write-ups pre-done when I start which could help. Not sure if that's the case for this dude or he's just that hardcore but you know there are ways!
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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08/02/17 4:43:47 PM

Johnbobb posted...
how do you keep this pace

I do write-ups when I have nothing else to do, then just copy/paste them.

Also I wanted to finish by Sunday, since I'm going on vacation on Monday.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/02/17 5:38:37 PM

#20: Haven
Network: SyFy
Genre: SciFi
Available: Netflix
Favorite Character: Audrey Parker
Favorite Episode: Thanks for the Memories
Premise: An FBI Agent arrives in a small town where people have the troubles--abilities that are tied to their emotions
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Emily Rose has a love interest named Nathan. Nolan North plays an archaeologist and Claudia Black is also in it. Am I talking about Uncharted? No, I'm talking about Haven! This show features Audrey Parker an FBI Agent who was a foster child. She's sent to a small town in Maine (Where else would a tv show based on a Stephen King book take place?) Okay, maybe Indiana...) where she discovers not only that some of the people there have special abilities that are often out of control (usually every 27 years), but that there's an old newspaper with a picture of a woman who looks very much like her in it. So she decides to stay so that she can learn more about a woman she assumes is her mother. The troubles are actually pretty creative, and based on emotion--which means that most of the people aren't bad guys so much as they just need to learn to control their abilities and their emotions (as well as understand them). Some of the troubles include a woman who's emotions control the weather, a person who's music makes crazy people sane but sane people crazy, someone who brings what they read to life, a girl who turns any food she touches into cake, a baby's cry that can kill, and the ability to bring one person back from the dead before the end of the day. Troubles tend to run in families, meaning that a father and son might have the same trouble. And they go back a long ways. The show reminds me a little of X-files. Each episode they have to deal with figuring out the trouble that's causing trouble for the town, and then figure out how to stop them. Much like X-Files, you have an Agent who is a believer (Audrey in this case), and one who is skeptical (Nathan in this case). Of course with Nathan, his skepticism borderlines on absurd at times, because HE HAS A TROUBLE HIMSELF. He can't feel anything. Of course the reason for this is that he wants to live in a normal world without the troubles. So he doesn't want to believe that it's true. The town has a few other characters that are recurring as well--including Those Two Old Guys Vince and Dave, who seem to know more than they're letting on. (And they never let on more than they want to) The mystery of Haven, the troubles, the barn (which mysteriously appears and disappears when the troubles go away) and even Audrey herself grows each season. With answers coming slowly but surely. The show did get a pretty good ending, and one that was satisfying.
Spoiler Thoughts:
The first season ended with a real big bang. "i'm Agent Audrey Parker. Who the hell are you?" And of course the reveal that Audrey is Lucy, and has come to haven every 27 years as a different person. I just really like the mythology of the show. We eventually learn that Audrey is Mara who created the Troubles. William Shatner was pretty good as the big bad of the whole series--and I actually like that they redeemed him, rather than killed him. It was nice seeing Audrey return to Haven one more time--to live her life with Nathan ALL over again. Though the identity of the Colorado kid as her and Nathan's son from the past was a bit weird.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/02/17 5:42:33 PM

#19: The Vampire Diaries
Network: CW
Genre: Supernatural Drama
Available: Netflix
Favorite Character: Katherine or Elijah
Favorite Episode: The Departed
Premise: A 100+ year old vampire meets a girl who looks just like his vampire girlfriend who died over 100 years ago
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
So the CW decided to rip off twilight... by basing a show on a book written before Stephanie Meyer even thought about Bella Swan. But these vampires are awesome. They don't sparkle in the sun--they melt, unless they have a special ring that lets them walk in the sunlight. These vampires have many of the traditional powers and weaknesses-though some of the powers displayed early on are NEVER used again. Which is unfortunate, because Super Speed and Compulsion seem to be the only vampire powers they use. Damon Salvatore is a deadpan snarker who's solution to every problem is violence. Find someone, kill them, done. Ian Somerhalder does a really good job as Damon. His brother Stefan on the other hand is a pacificst--though he does have a pretty good reason for being one, though it's not explained until the second season. Elena on the other hand is the dead ringer for Katerina Petrova--the Vampire who turned Stefan and Elena. And who both brothers loved. Of course they both also love Elena. In the second season they introduce the Original Vampires--who are basically vampire boogeymen, and they make for excellent villains. The series really did have some spectacular villains. At least... for the first four seasons. Then the show went downhill, they dragged out the love triangle for too long. But when Vampire Diaries was awesome, it was awesome. You were never really sure what they were going to do next. Especially Damon, who's unpredictability caused a lot of problems over the years (especially whenever he turned his emotions off). The show did manage to pick back up a little in the last season, before ending with a really good finale. But those couple of weak seasons after season 4 make it hard to rank it any higher. I also really got attached to some of the characters.
Spoiler Thoughts:
So many great moments in the show. Katherine revealing that she's built up tolerance to Vervain. Elijah killing a vampire by throwing coins at a window. Klaus killing poor recently turned Jenna. Elena using the dagger on Elijah. Jeremy and Elena killing Kol. John giving his life to bring Elena back after Klaus kills her. Elena using the cure on Katherine (Definitely DID NOT see that one coming). Stefan revealing that he is a vegan vamp because he has absolutely NO self control, and if he fed on humans he's basically go on an enormous killing spree) Rebekah standing in front of Matt's truck, causing Elena and Matt to both go over the river--culminating in Newly Made Original Alaric being staked--which leads to him saying goodbye to Jeremy in a completely hearbreaking moment. I mean that's probably my favorite moment of the show. Jeremy just standing there wondering how Alaric got in without being invited in... and then it hits him. The only way Alaric could die... is if Elena was dead. Not to mention Elena telling Stefan to save Matt over her. Then Elena's absolute HEART BREAK after Jeremy is killed by Vampire God Silas... she's left COMPLETELY alone. Her mom, dead. Her dad, dead. her adoptive mother, dead. Her Uncle/adoptive father, dead. Her brother, dead. She has absolutely NO FAMILY. And all of this on top of being a vampire, meaning her emotions are heightened? Yeah, it's not surprising the girl turned her emotions off. Though I hated that they brought Jeremy back later. And for a little while she was a pretty awesome vampire. This shows first four seasons were great. It's just too bad the show went downhill in season 5.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/02/17 8:37:56 PM

#18: Psych
Network: USA
Genre: Comedy-Drama

Available: Nowhere
Favorite Character: Shawn Spencer
Favorite Episode: Mr. Yin Presents
Premise: A hyperobservant Shawn pretneds to be a psychic and solves cases with his best friend Gus
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Psych is just a really fun show. And it's theme song--and all it's variations--are great. What makes psych a truly fun show is that Shawn is a slacker, a goof, and yet... somehow he's still the best detective on the show. Not becuase Juliette and Lassiter aren't any good. No, they're both good detectives who aren't held back to prop up Shawn. But becuase he's been trained from a young age--almost to the point of abuse--to notice things other people don't. Plus he's hyper observant. Of course he also throws out a lot of wild theories--which is what makes him a good detective. He's willing to actually consider everything. One of my favorite moments in the entire series is probably when Chief Vick is talking with Lassiter and Juliet about their scores on the detective exam. Both are bickering about who did better.. etc... and then Shawn comes in, and casually mentions he took the exam when he was in high school--and he got a perfect grade. Chief Vick just has this look on her face, while Lassiter and Juliet are like "okay, that proves the exam doesn't matter..." Shawn and Gus are a fun pair. Shawn's always introducing his sidekick as many different names. Including but not limited to Dr. McTock, Olvaltine Jenkins, Chocolate Einstein, Lavender Gooms, Galileio Humpkins, Magic Head, Tan, Lodge Blackman and Felicia Fancybottom. Their antics would drive most people crazy--and they tend to do just that. Of course the show is also--subtly--also about Shawn and his father repairing their relationship. The two have a lot of friction, and it's clear his dad does NOT approve of him claiming to be a psychic. But he IS proud of him.
Spoiler thoughts:
I didn't really like Juliet's reaction to finding out. I think she kind of overreacts. Sure, he's a fake psychic. He's also solved a lot of crimes, and this means he's not just another airhead who got lucky with psychic powers. He's actually a really good detective who wants to help people. Yeah, he lied about it, and that's not exactly cool. It takes too many episodes for him to get back on her good side. Also I think Chief Vick has ALWAYS known he's not a real psychic, but also knows he's not fit to be a detective. But his prowess are just too good to pass up.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/02/17 8:38:14 PM

#17: Chuck
Network: NBC
Genre: Comedy-Drama
Available: Nowhere
Favorite Character: Chuck Bartowski
Favorite Episode: Chuck vs the Ring
Premise: Chuck Bartowski is sent an Email from his old college buddy with all the secrets of the NSA and CIA... and it downloads into his brain
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Chuck is another really fun show about a nerd who get all of the governments secrets, and then gets two handlers who protect him. The first is the beautiful Sarah, who is the girl he is in love with. And the second is John Casey. Not so pretty. The three effectively work as a team, while they work at getting the Intersect out of Chuck's head. Meanwhile Chuck works at the best buy parody store--Buy More. A lot of the hilarity comes from inside the buy more, with co-workers like Morgan, Anna, Jeff and Lester. As the series progresses, Chuck becomes a better spy. The show has some good fight scenes, and some great uses of music. I don't think there's many shows that use music better than Chuck did. The ending was... a little forced, but still ended up being pretty good. And they dragged on the Will they won't they a little too long between Chuck and Sarah. But it was still a very well done romance. The series finale was fantastic--and had plenty of nice callbacks to the pilot. Though I wasn't really set on the final season's vilains. The show also featured Scott Bakula, though I can't recall if they made any references to Quantum Leap or not. Chuck was a fun show--and funny, with some good serious moments.
Spoiler thoughts:
The end of Chuck vs The Ring might be one of my favorite cliffhangers ever. "Guys, I Know Kung Fu!" just after beating up a group of Ring Operatives. Chuck getting an upgraded intersect was great. I wasn't too big a fan of the Morgansect. But culminating in Sarah getting the intersect, and then losing her memory... only for Chuck to tell her their story. That was a really nice moment. Though a little forced. Of course they did a lot of callbacks to that first episode, including using the Irene Demova Virus to save a general from a bomb. And of course that scene on the beach with Sarah and Chuck. The two had such a great relationship. Chuck is really Chuck and Sarah's story.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/02/17 8:56:51 PM

#16: The Walking Dead
Network: AMC
Genre: Horror
Available: Netflix, AMC
Favorite Character: Darryl Dixon
Favorite Episode: Too Far Gone
Premise: A Zombie Apocalypse
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
I actually didn't like season 1 of The Walking Dead, unlike most people. I liked the pilot, but then kind of lost interest at the third episode. Then I watched season 2 and actualy liked it (also unlike most people). BUT I think what helped was that I didn't watch season 2 live. I didn't have to wait between weeks for the next episode. I binge watched it, and actually liked it for the most part. Darryl's character grew on me. So did Rick's. Andrea, Shane, and Lori were still annoying--but I finally had characters I really liked. This is a show that I do NOT miss out on. Though there have been a few episodes I've felt were boring. Especially in Season 7. Sometimes it feels like there are episodes where very little happsn. I think some of the fake outs were pretty bad. Also unlike most people, I really liked the finale of season 6. I didn't mind the way it ended. Especially with the way they began the season premiere. This is a show ultimately about the survivors--the walking dead--and their struggle to survive. Their worst enemy are each other. Which is a nice theme. I like it better than most people do I think--I really like stories with Zombies in them. I really like Jeffery Dean Morgan as Negan. And I like a lot of the cast now. There are some slow moments (did we really need an episode about Tara alone?), and I think it's more a show that's better to binge than watch from week to week. Though the quizzes they have can be pretty fun while the show is going.
Spoiler Thoughts:
Rick's pretty dumb though for trusting those junkyard people. Though I don't care how unrealistic the tiger attacking Negan's people was--it was awesome. I can suspend my disbelief for that. Really looking forward to season 8.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/02/17 8:57:20 PM

Yeah I agree wholeheartedly on the spoiler thoughts for Psych. I think that really drug the show down for me later.

That and the super sporadic release schedule in the later seasons. Yeesh. Would still rate high for me but yeah. Little things.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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08/02/17 9:11:03 PM

The 15 shows remaining (in no particular order) Can anyone guess them?

-One should be incredibly obvious
-Two shows share a universe
-Two shows share a creator
-Two shows share an executive producer, but were on different networks
-One is my favorite Netflix Original Show
-Two are spinoffs of (Different) shows earlier in the list
-Two are on the same network and have the same executive producer

Badly Described Plots for the rest:
-A Chef tries to make friends
-A man starts a business because of his dead son
-A Boy grows up
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/03/17 6:52:52 AM

can you post the road so far?

some predix:

supernatural??? this one is a real stretch!
penny dreadful for netflix?
fringe (both jj abrams?)
better call saul
breaking bad
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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08/03/17 10:07:01 AM

The Road So far...

213 Dr. Phil
212 Pawn Stars
211 The Apprentice
210 Deal or No Deal
209 Storage Wars
208 America's Got Talent
207 Shark Tank
206 American Inventor
205 Hell's Kitchen
204 MasterChef
203 Fear Factor
202 The Chair
201 Bold and the Beautiful
200 Young and The Restless
199 Last Comic Standing
198 Judge Judy
197 Hope and Faith
196 Father of the Pride
195 Video Game High School
194 Intelligence
193 Emerald City
192 Aquarius
191 God, The Devil and Bob
190 The Nine
189 The Amazing Race
188 Touched by an Angel
187 Wheel of Fortune
186 Cops
185 The Price is Right
184 Reba
183 Complete Savages
182 Project MC Squared
181 I survived a japanese gameshow
180 Melissa and Joey
179 The Pjs
178 Smith
177 Numb3rs
176 Guiding Light
175 NCIS
174 The Bernie Mac Show
173 Days of Our Lives
172 Bunk'd
171 The Weakest Link
170 Family Fued
169 Sliders
168 Under the Dome
167 Survivor
166 Big Brother
165 Family Guy
164 Fear the walking Dead
163 Revolution
162 Wipeout
161 Jeopardy
160 Who Wants to be A Millionaire
159 Lab Rats
158 Medium
157 The Kettering Incident
156 Worst Year of My Life Again
155 Terra Nova
154 Ghost Whisperer
153 The Gates
152 Six Degrees
151 Persons Unknown
150 Life with Boys
149 My Own Worst Enemy
148 Carnivale
147 The Event
146 Futurama
145 Joan of Arcadia
144 Lois and Clark: The Adventures of Superman
143 No Ordinary Family
142 Whose Line is it Anyway
141 America's Most Wanted
140 Unsolved Mysteries
139 The Mole
138 Murder in Small Town X
137 The Flintstones
136 John Doe
135 Resurrection
134 Alcatraz
133 Seinfeld
132 The Jetsons
131 Hart of Dixie
130 Magnum PI
129 My Name is Earl
128 The Andy Griffith Show
127 Sam & Cat
126 3rd Rock from the Sun
125 ALF
124 A.N.T. Farm
123 The Nine Lives of Chloe King
122 One Tree Hill
121 The Sarah Jane Adventures
120 Passions
119 Eek the Cat
118 Jessie
117 Step By Step
116 Dog With A Blog
115 Best Friends Whenever
114 Stuck in the Middle
113 Eleventh Hour
112 Fear Itself
111 The 100
110 Do Over
109 United States of Tara
108 Gotham
107 The Lone Gunmen
106 Sleepy Hollow
105 Gracepoint
104 Happy Town
103 Garfield and Friends
102 Grand Tour
101 Columbo
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/03/17 10:07:58 AM

100 Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
99 Torchwood
98 Twisted
97 Liv and Maddie
96 DuckTales
95 Beyond Belief
94 Last Week Tonight
93 The Daily Show
92 The Strain
91 Awkward
90 Supergirl
89 Flashpoint
88 Ringer
87 icarly
86 Death Valley
85 Reign
84 Once Upon a Time
83 Victorious
82 Roswell
81 Alphas
80 Last of the Summer Wine
79 Just Add Magic
78 The Mentalist
77 Dresden Files
76 Heroes
75 Lie to Me
74 Reaper
73 Battlestar Galactica
72 South Park
71 Channel Zero
70 The Good Place
69 Legends of Tomorrow
68 Top Gear
67 Elementary
66 Secret World of Alex Mack
65 Girl Meets World
64 Timeless
63 The Blacklist
62 Stitchers
61 Kyle XY
60 Kenan and Kel
59 Criminal Minds
58 Outer Limits
57 Dead Like Me
56 Boy Meets World
55 Switched at Birth
54 The Fosters
53 Harper's Island
52 Tales from the Crypt
51 Dollhouse
50 Quantum Leap
49 Sabrina the Teenage Witch
48 MacGyver
47 Finding Carter
46 Life
45 Better off Ted
44 Community
43 Monk
42 Dexter
41 Lucifer
40 Arrested Development
39 Father Ted
38 Firefly
37 The Librarians
36 Young Dracula
35 Life Unexpected
34 Revenge
33 The Secret Circle
32 Angel
31 American Horror Story
30 Twilight Zone
29 Wizards of Waverly place
28 X-Files
27 Point Pleasant
26 Jericho
25 Arrow
24 Veronica Mars
23 Pushing Daisies
22 izombie
21 Daredevil
20 Haven
19 The Vampire Diaries
18 Psych
17 Chuck
16 The Walking Dead
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/03/17 10:42:55 AM

#15: Stranger Things
Network: Netflix
Genre: Horror
Available: Netflix
Favorite Character: Eleven
Favorite Episode: Chapter Eight: The Upside Down
Premise: A young boy disappears, and his friends must confront terrifying forces to get him back
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
It feels a little strange putting it this high, since it's only had one season. But I really loved this show. It was absolutely fantastic, and I can't wait for season 2 in October. This is the only show that's managed to scare me in at least... ten years. The Demogorgon itself wasn't all that scary (I don't think any monsters really are, but that's just my opinion). It was the shows ability to make me suspend my disbelief that made it scary. I felt a slight chill while watching this show. Just once, but it was a moment where I set aside the notions of 'none of this is obviously real'. It's rare that a horror show can make me do that. That's part of why I'm so impressed by this show. That and the fact that they use child actors that are actually good. The story is compelling, and draws you in like a good Stephen King story does. The first episode or two didn't quite capture me, but by the third I was hooked. I couldn't stop watching. I wanted to know what happened next. I actually like that they only had 8 episodes in the first season. Exactly the number they needed, which left little room for filler. I think that's a problem with a lot of shows today--they use the 22 episode format, and have to fill each episode. And some shows do well, but with that format you're bound to have issues. Of course Netflix has the advantage of being paid directly by viewers, while broadcast tv has to rely on advertising revenue based on how many people watch (or how many people Nielsen says watches) And they have to fill enough weeks with content, that they can't just put on shows with 8, 12, or 13 episode seasons. One or two is okay, but they need 22 episode seasons to get the most out of every show. It'd just cost too much to put too many shows on. That's a major advantage of Netflix, I think. Stranger Things on broadcast television would have never worked. Even stretching it out 5 more episodes probably would have caused problems. But the 8 format worked just perfectly. And it was a fantastic show. Can't wait to see where it goes. I don't suspect season 2 will be quite as good--but if it can be, then this show might raise even higher.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/03/17 10:45:42 AM

the must confusing part is, i don't know if this is your favorite netflix show, or the show about a kid growing up!

willing to throw out some guesses as well for jessica jones and luke cage
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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08/03/17 10:54:15 AM

Favorite Netflix Show.

Still haven't watched JJ or Luke Cage. Might watch it before Stranger Things Season 2.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/03/17 12:34:27 PM

#14: The Originals
Network: CW
Genre: Supernatural Drama
Available: Netflix
Favorite Character: Elijah
Favorite Episode: From A Cradle to A grave
Premise: The Oldest Vampires in the world seek to take back the city they once ruled.
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
This show reminds me a bit of Angel--well if Angel were called Angelus instead. Yeah, basically it's kind of Angel if Angelus was seeking redemption instead of the ensouled Angel. Because this is essentially the story of Klaus seeking redemption. And Klaus was the big bad of Vampire Diaries. Unlike Angel, Klaus isn't caring or compassionate. He only cares about himself, which makes his redemption harder. He's spent most of his 1000 year life on the run, or as the dreaded one. People who knew the name would run--and then not stop running. His redemption is his child with Haley (who is a werewolf, while Klaus is half werewolf, half vampire). It's Klaus's opportunity for a family. And at every turn he's always screwing up. There are times when Klaus just wants to be the monster everyone sees him as. And then there are times where Klaus wants to be something more. It's a good struggle, and along for the ride is his brother Elijah. (I really wish Rebekah were in it more). And Elijah is awesome. He's charismatic, suave, and has a sort of tranquil fury to him that you don't see from too many characters. From his first moment on Vampire Diaries, to pretty much everything on The Originals he's a fantastic character. He may not be half werewolf, but he's still a certified badass. The show deals with the supernatural struggle between Werewolves, Vampires, and Witches--with humans mostly taking a backseat. And each season Klaus was in danger--though no real danger because he's not only the main character, but because killing him would have killed everyone on Vampire Diaries as well. Which made it hard to really accept any threat against him as legitimate. Because of that I took a bit of a break after season 2, and only went back recently and found myself enjoying it again. Elijah is a truly fantastic character, and his desire to bring his family together is compelling. The rest of the cast is okay. Davina grew on me, and so did Marcel. I'm still not quite caught up, but I'm still enjoying the ride. Hopefully it receives a good ending.
Spoiler thoughts:
Klaus vs like fifty vampires. Yeah, good luck with that Vampires. Oh wait, you're already dead! And then Lucien using a spell to keep Elijah out, thinks he can freely insult Haley. And then Elijah just grabs some wood, and throws it straight through his neck! Did you really think that Elijah wouldn't stake you from OUTSIDE the room given the chance? And then Jackson comes in, and bites him. Pretty much leaving him for dead, since a werewolf's bite is poison to a vampire. Then Elijah calls Jackson off, and is like "I could just stand here and watch you die, or you could invite me in." Don't mess with people Elijah cares about. Not even Klaus is that stupid.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/03/17 12:50:16 PM

ah, a show i've never heard of

makes sense - i'd already searched your list and couldn't figure out the spinoff remaining
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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08/03/17 1:02:29 PM

A couple of these will probably be ones people haven't heard of. With a couple more being fairly obvious ones.

Going to try to aim for Top 7 today. And then finish tomorrow.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/03/17 2:29:45 PM

#13: Eureka
Network: Syfy
Genre: Sci-Fi/Comedy-Drama
Available: Nowhere
Favorite Character: Jack Carter
Favorite Episode: Just Another Day
Premise: A Sheriff has to stop a town full of mad scientists from accidentally destroying the world... on a weekly basis
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
I like Eureka because it's fun. The characters aren't that compelling, and neither is the story. But it's a really fun show! Jack Carter is a US Marshal who's 14 year old daughter has run away from home after he and his wife divorce. Jack gets run off the road (shortly after seeing him and his daughter pass on the other side of the road in the same car), and has to have his car repaired. That's when he ends up in the town of Eureka--a town that's filled with genius scientists. He helps them save the day (despite his lack of scientific know-how), and is eventually invited to become Sheriff of Eureka by the former retiring sheriff. Much to his dismay. Of course it's not long before the first of Eureka's many disasters occur, and Jack and his deputy Jo must stop the world from ending. Eventually Jack's daughter runs away again, and comes to Eureka, and the two start to bond. (With some help from his House. Yes, his house is a character. Her name is S.A.R.A.H. and she's named after Sarah Michelle Gellar. And yes, she can talk. And is voiced by a man pretending to do a girl's voice) Eureka is a very quirky and bizarre town, filled with super future tech (none of it makes any scientific sense, but it makes Eureka sense) The Scientists of Eureka are working on the technology of the far future, and most of it is pretty cool. It's also pretty dangerous. A few disasters in eureka include--the time a student built their own sun, and it grew too big and started to overheat everything. The time a nucelar missile was nearly launched because someone thought the launch device was an old stereo and just had to push the button. And Cloned chicken meat that drains people's intelligence. The show even deals with parallel universes a little. The show's more comedy than it is serious. (Jack's jeep is destroyed who knows how many times.) Some of the characters are pretty fun. Like Nate Stark (Clearly named after Nathan Stark--and the two aren't that different.) and Fargo (who can't resist pushing buttons). Figuring out what's causing each disaster isn't an easy task for our Sheriff. But not helping matters is the refusal of the mad scientists to believe it could possibly be their experiment causing problems. (of course sometimes they're right. It's not their experiment). Jack's lack of scientific knowledge is often poked fun of--but it's usually him (often with help from Henry and Allison, explaining things to him in laymans terms) figuring out how to solve the problems with the Eureka-tech. Of course that won't stop people from thinking his ideas are stupid (It doesn't help though that some of his ideas ARE stupid and need refined). It's just a really fun show. It does have some pretty good serious moments.
Spoiler Thoughts:
The ending was pretty good--though I wish Zoey had waved like she did in the pilot. Seriously, they messed up there! It was a nice setup 5 years in the making. Though I guess it can be explained by them being in a parallel world where Zoey didn't wave at least.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/03/17 4:18:19 PM

... okay yeah just forget all my guesses that aren't already confirmed. no way i know enough sci-fi/fantasy shows to fill this list.
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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08/03/17 4:24:47 PM

#12: Lost
Network: ABC
Genre: SciFi
Available: Lost
Favorite Character: Desmond
Favorite Episode: Through the Looking Glass
Premise: A Plane Crashes on a mysterious island
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Lost was a show that was more about the journey, than the destination. And it was a good journey--for the first four seasons. Then we started getting answers, and none of them were particularly satisfying. The show had a great cast of characters--from Desmond, Sawyer and Charlie to Locke, Mr. Eko and Jin. Every new mystery brought more questions. Who are the others? What's up with the island? And the show was fantastic when it was throwing mysteries at us. Then they felt like they had to answer those questions. And that's when the show started to fall. For a show that started off so strong, you'd have expected more. I'd rather have a show that starts a little weak, and then gets better--than a show that does the opposite. The show did have a lot of really fantastic moments along the journey. Which is why I rank it this high. Even the later seasons had fantastic moments. Even the ending. I don't find it quite as fun on a rewatch--not because of the answers we get, but because most of the fun of the show was discussing it with other people. Making guesses as to what's going to happen next. And that's a magic that can't be repeated. The acting was really good, and the mysteries were fun to follow. I think it would have been fine to leave most of the questions unanswered. Because overall the story was about the journey the characters were on, and not the central mysteries. I know a lot of people would have been disappointed if they didn't get answers--but I bet those same people were disappointed with the answers we did get. The show made me laugh, it made me cry, and it had me tuned in every week. Each season ended with a great cliffhanger that always left you talking about what was coming next. Lost also made a great use of music, including original songs. If they had left the show about the characters, without us solving the central mystery, I think Lost may have been one of my favorite all time shows.
Spoiler thoughts:
Some of my favorite moments:"Thing is, we're gonna have to take the boy." Make your own kind of music. Sawyer killing the original Sawyer for Locke. "I just shot a bear!" "We have to go back!" "My mother taught me." Hurley gets tripped up on time travel questions. Charlie drowning. Desmond and Penny reuniting. Jack's death. Libby and Ana Lucia's deaths. Arzt goes boom. And those are just a few I remember. It had some fantastic moments. Just too bad that "Magic Light" was the best answer they could give us to the Island.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/03/17 4:31:15 PM

The thing that annoyed me most about the ending was that it didn't really serve the characters. Virtually everyone who defended the show said that it did, but to me that purgatory crap didn't serve them at all.

I did enjoy the first 2/3 of S6, though. And LOST certainly has some incredible stretches that don't depend on mythology.
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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08/03/17 4:42:55 PM

I thought the ending was well done, but not well written (if that makes sense).

Honestly the show didn't need purgatory at all. I think it was just a big tease to people who thought they were in purgatory all along. I even saw some people confused by the ending.

I mean it's not the worst ending. *looks over at Dexter* But I feel like they could have done so much better. I don't think they really knew where they were heading all along.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/03/17 6:06:27 PM

#11: Fringe
Network: FOX
Genre: SciFi

Available: Nowhere
Favorite Character: Walter Bishop
Favorite Episode: Peter
Premise: A team investigates Fringe Scientific Events
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
When I first started Fringe, I didn't like it that much. I thought it was 'eh' for the most part. But as I pushed on, I started liking it more and more. And by the end of season 2, I was totally hooked. Fringe is fantastic sci-fi that gets into a lot of science fiction concepts. Most importantly parallel worlds. I'm not sure there's been a show yet that's done Parallel worlds as well as Fringe. Dr. Walter Bishop is easily my favorite character on the show, though Olivia and Peter come close. Dr. Bishop is the quirky doctor who keeps a cow in the lab, and loves to get high. Also he kidnapped Peter from an alternate universe, making Walternate Evil. Fringe is another sci-fi show that's done an animated episode. As the show delves more into the overall mythology of the series (like with the Observes) I think it gets better. But I also really like the story behind the relationship between Walter and Peter. It's a fantastic story of a father and son, and then of Peter and Olivia and Etta. I think Fringe ended more satisfyingly than Lost, though it started off not as well. I always tear up a little when Walter tells Peter "You are my favorite thing, Peter. My very favorite thing." Of course Fringe tends to have more monster-of-the week type episodes, but I've always been a fan of those. It's a very well done show, and something anyone who loves Sci-Fi should watch. The show does start off a bit slow though, and has a rough spot here and there--which keeps it just out of the Top 10 for me. Still a great show, and one of the best sci fi shows i've ever seen. Also I love how each season the words in the theme change. I love when shows do that--and so few shows really do. The only ones I can think of that mess around with their opening title (beyond just having different scenes) are Supernatural and Psych. But I'm sure there's a few I'm missing.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/03/17 6:20:41 PM

A pair I got right! Never seen Fringe though.

It's pretty clear you've never seen Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, but it changes its theme song, too.

Changing the scenes in the opening is plenty for me, though. Tons of shows don't even do that anymore!
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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08/03/17 6:25:32 PM

oh, and i looooved chuck. it drops off about halfway through, but it has such a quirky optimism and charm.
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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08/03/17 6:26:05 PM

No, never seen Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.

Anyway occupations for the main characters of the Top 10 shows (in no oder)

-4 people who work with the police in some capacity
-2 Conmen
-1 Journalist
-1 Secret Service Agent
-1 School counselor
-1 person who doesn't really have a job
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/03/17 7:55:19 PM

#10: Sherlock
Network: BBC
Genre: Mystery
Available: Netflix
Favorite Character: Sherlock Holmes
Favorite Episode: The Reichenbach Fall
Premise: Modern Day telling of Sherlock Holmes
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Sherlock is a fantastic show, and one that is truly well done. There's just... not enough of it to rank higher. Oh all the episodes are of high quality. There's no doubt about that. Of course with just three episodes a season, that's not too difficult to do. They've barely had more episodes than Stranger Things. It's just barely had as many episodes than Daredevil Season 1. Also the seasons can sometimes be too far apart. With as few episodes as there are, that can be a tad annoying. Benedict Cumberbatch is fantastic as Holmes. And the mysteries are always a fantastic part of the show. This Sherlock is far different from the Holmes of Elementary. Words pop up on the screen to show us what he's seeing, letting us look through the eyes of Sherlock himself. I thought the Abominable Bride (the special) was probably the weakest part of the show so far. (Though I haven't seen season 4 yet). Martin Freeman is great as Watson himself, though sometimes I find myself less interested with his character than I do Sherlock. I think the moment that sold me on the series was in the very first episode, when after meeting with Mycroft, Watson turns the job down, and tells Sherlock so. Sherlock asks him if he took the job, and Watson tells him no. Then Sherlock in no uncertain terms tells him he should have taken it, and they could have split the fee. At that moment, I knew I was going to really love this show. I'd say overall season 3 was probably the best season. I really liked all the theories as to how Sherlock faked his death. Though, again I haven't seen season 4 yet. Sherlock may be one of the highest quality shows on television. It's enjoyable, has a fantastic plot. There's just simply not enough of it. That's a good complaint in a way. Sometimes there's too much. But not enough? That means you want more. It's a compliment really. But one that makes it hard to rank too highly. But it's definitely in my top 10 shows, even with just a few episodes.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/03/17 8:14:43 PM

I'm a weirdo who liked the second half of Lost better than the first half.

And yeah Fringe is great too.
BK_Sheikah? More like BYIG_Sheikah. - Number of people that D'awwed: 102
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08/03/17 9:56:01 PM

ah yeah, i only watched through the first three episodes of sherlock, but it was good. felt too much like movies for me to binge-watch, though.
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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08/03/17 9:57:30 PM

#9: Hannibal
Network: NBC
Genre: Crime-Drama
Available: Amazon
Favorite Character: Hannibal Lecter
Favorite Episode: Mizumono
Premise: Will Graham must get in the mind of a serial killer--unbeknownst to him that it's the man helping him find him.
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Hannibal is a fantastic show. Mads Mikkelsen knocks it out of the park with his portrayal of Hannibal Lecter, alongside Hugh Dancy as Will Graham--a troubled investigator who's genius and ability to get inside the mind of killers is top notch. It's the last show on my list that I'd consider truly high quality--the rest are fun series that I really enjoy. But none of them are as quality as Hannibal. The show is just a tad too artistic for me to rank higher than this. But somehow it manages to work really well as a network tv show. People were disappointed it wasn't on HBO or Showtime, but I think NBC let Hannibal get away with just enough to still make it a truly great show. Hannibal is a calculating killer, and a mastermind. His friendship with Will Graham is at the center of the show, and it makes for a fantastic tale. The FOOD they show in each episode just looks exquisite. It's basically food porn. But knowing what's in the food (namely human...) makes me really glad to be a vegetarian. Not only does Hannibal turn food into an artform, he turns murder into one as well. This is a show that's just so fantastically done, it's hard to believe it's Network television. Each season focuses on a different main plot, with a few smaller cases sprinkled here and there--not so much that it feels anything like a police procedural or case of the week. There's also some other references to the Fuller-verse in there. The show also had a satisfying ending. Something a show like this deserves. And it didnt' go on for too long either--though at points it could feel a little slow. The network DID pull one episode from viewing--which was unfortunate. I can't remember if I saw it or not, and will have to when I rewatch the series eventually. I actually like Madds Mikkelson as Hannibal better than I do Anthony Hopkins. He's creepy, and awesome at the same time. Calm, calculating, and everything that makes a great serial killer.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/04/17 10:28:13 AM

#8: Smallville
Network: WB
Genre: Action
Available: Hulu
Favorite Character: Clark Kent
Favorite Episode: Reckoning
Premise: The Story of Clark Kent becoming Superman
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Before there was Arrow, there was Smallville. The story of Clark Kent turning into Superman. And it was a fantastic journey. Clark was an idealistic youth, who's refusal to kill was steadfast, and at times frustrating. (Seriously Clark, if someone else kills Lex and you don't save him you aren't really playing God.) The show had its ups and downs. Mostly because of Lana Lang. I think she's more tolerable on a rewatch. Not as bad as Felicity in any case. Most of the show was freak of the weak, and it was almost always on Clark to take them down. But often he'd be assisted by other DC Superheroes including Aquaman, Impulse (I really hated Kyle Gallner as Bart Allen though), Green Arrow, Black Canary, Hawkman, Doctor Fate, Star Girl, The Wonder Twins, Cyborg, Zatana, Martian Manhunter, Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, Saturn Girl, and more! The show also had what was, in my opinion, the best Lex Luthor in Michael Rosenbaum. And in a more sympathetic role, where you could really relate to him before hating him. Smallville was as much Lex's story as it was Clark's. The show features many superman alumni including Dean Cain, Christopher Reeve, Annette O'Toole, Teri Hatcher, Margot Kidder, and so many more. Clark could at times be a little dim, and just stand there as the villain of the week pummeled him--before getting back up and taking them down. The writers stuck to the No Flights No Tights rule for the most part. Which is probably a good thing, I think his other outfits look better. Over the course of the series, Clark realizes that his alter ego IS Clark Kent. He learns not to fight his destiny--something it takes him 10 years to discover. But Clark always remains the boy who must save everyone--and beat himself up over the fact that he can't. His powers develop slowly over the power of the series, with him learning more about them as he goes. The show is probably the closest thing we'll get to a Justice League television show (even though it's clear CW would love to do one.) I actually liked Tom Welling as Clark, and I even liked Erica Durance as Lois. Also it's kind of funny Lex Luthor becomes President in 2017. And now here we are in the present... and a businessman gets elected President of the United States. Let's just hope Steve Banon isn't from Krypton.
Spoiler Thoughts:
Jonathan Kent's death is easily the saddest moment in the series. His funeral is just so well done. I feel like they'd have been better off not bringing Lana back, just to send her off again. Clark getting over her without her return would have been nice. Her story was pretty much done, though she absolutely should have come to Chloe's wedding. Killing off Jimmy was kind of dumb, even if they did bring him back. Also it's kind of funny that Aaron Ashmore's twin brother played a part in earlier Smallville. But Aaron played both Jimmy's. MIssed opportunity Smallville! Missed opportunity!
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/04/17 10:37:17 AM

Ah, yeah. I was trying to think of what superhero shows hadn't been listed yet, but I was thinking the recent surge and not the older stuff.

Hannibal sounds pretty cool and I might check it out. Knowing that it got canceled, though, I'm not gonna let myself get too hyped.

(edit) - Can you specify which boxes these checked off, or if they were only half-a-box, mention that? I haven't seen like any of these, so the guessing game is what I've got!
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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08/04/17 11:03:08 AM

Hannibal actually had an ending. I mean they wanted to continue, but the show wasn't going to last.

-Two shows share a creator- [Fringe, Lost]
-One is my favorite Netflix Original Show [Stranger Things]
-A Chef tries to make friends [Hannibal]
-A Boy grows up [Smallville]

-Two shows share a universe - One has already been listed
-Two are spinoffs of (Different) shows earlier in the list [The Originals]
-Two are on the same network and have the same executive producer - One has already been listed

-One should be incredibly obvious
-Two shows share an executive producer, but were on different networks
-A man starts a business because of his dead son

-2 people who work with the police in some capacity
-2 Conmen
-1 Secret Service Agent
-1 School counselor
-1 person who doesn't really have a job

Badly described Plots for the remaining 7:
(In no particular order)
-A man starts a business because of his dead son
-A show about an IRS storage facility
-A thief runs away
-A man starts seeing things, and then kills them
-Siblings enter the family business
-A near death experience changes the life of a man in love with his sister
-A High School girl hunts for more than the perfect pair of shoes

By network left:
CW/WB: 3
NBC: 1
BBC: 1
TNT: 1
Syfy: 1
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/04/17 11:36:54 AM

so i'm gonna guess:

* orphan black [BBC - maybe the same creator as sherlock?/no job/thief runs away]
* grimm [NBC/cop/starts seeing things and kills them]
* buffy [WB/counselor/hunts]
* supernatural [CW/conmen/family business]

the dead son one i have no clue

alias for the secret agent?

(edit) oh, and i'll toss in castle for the TNT show. i think he's a cop too.
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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08/04/17 2:22:40 PM

Castle is an ABC show.

And Orphan Black is BBC America so I don't know if that would count. My money's on Doctor Who because Moffat.
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08/04/17 2:27:17 PM

oh yeah, dr. who seems much more like the procedural/episodic style that she goes for

didn't know that about castle. procedurals really are not my thing. <_<
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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08/04/17 2:28:24 PM

And The Doctor is a thief who ran away.
BK_Sheikah? More like BYIG_Sheikah. - Number of people that D'awwed: 102
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08/04/17 2:39:22 PM

#7: Leverage
Network: TNT
Genre: Action
Available: Netflix
Favorite Character: Parker
Favorite Episode: The Last Dam Job
Premise: The Rich and powerful take what they want. These guys take it back for you. Sometimes bad guys make the best good guys. They provide... Leverage
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Leverage is an incredible show about a team of conmen and thieves who steal from the rich and powerful, and give back to the people they stole from. And what really makes it work is it's cast of amazing characters. You have the Hacker--Alec Hardison. A nerdy black guy who loves his vans. He can hack practically anything, and his skills truly prove useful over the course of the series. You have The Hitter--Elliot Spencer. A walking badass played by Christian Kane. Not many people would want to mess with him. You have the Grifter -- Sophie Deveraux. She's charming, and a great actress (as long as she's not on stage). She can convince anyone to do just about anything. You have the Thief -- Parker, who is my favorite. Beth Riesgraf plays this absolutely adorable girl who lacks emotions and doesn't understand human interaction. Also she loves money. She once stole the hope diamond, and then put it back because she was bored. Parker probably has the most character development over the course of the series, as she starts to bond with her Leverage family. And then you have the one who ties it all together--the mastermind, Nate Ford. Nate has plans, and his plans have plans, and those plans have plans. He doesn't count on Plan A, Plan B, or even Plan C. He has Plan F, and if that falls through... well he can always go on to Plan Q. He's a man who's prepared. And he's the one who comes up with the plans to con their targets. From stealing a painting, to selling someone something that doesn't exist, to even stealing a country. (Carmen Sandiego, eat your heart out!) Most of the leverage team are former bad guys who aren't really evil so much as they enjoy what they do. Then they're given a chance to work for the good guys, and decide to start helping people out. (Especially after Nate makes them more money than they'll ever need). Each episode features them trying to con someone or some business--and they always do such a great job of it. It's hard to predict just what the con's going to be, because you don't always get all the details. They provide those later. It's a fun show, with fun characters. It only lasted five seasons, but really that's plenty. I don't think this show had a single bad episode. Watching them extract revenge on the rich and powerful is great--especially when those rich and powerful people tend to be pretty awful.
Spoiler Thoughts:
Also Nate is awesome. He convinces two people who want to kill him to kill each other. Which is kind of frightening. He also convinces two thugs to beat each other up, when he's tied to the chair. Oh yeah, and he gives a guy a nosebleed using nothing but psychology. It's hard to believe even with all that, he's only my SECOND favorite character on the show.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/04/17 2:40:43 PM

Orphan Black is also in the poll options btw lol
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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08/04/17 2:45:03 PM

Dancedreamer posted...
A walking badass played by Christian Kane.


mnkboy907 posted...
And The Doctor is a thief who ran away.

you can tell i have never seen this show
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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08/04/17 2:52:41 PM

Oh it seriously was Leverage. I half thought that was one of the conmen shows but I didn't really expect anyone to rate the show that high. To me it's like, enjoyable, but hard to imagine as a favorite cause it never really takes itself seriously enough to ever really draw me in. It's possible these episodes exist as I probably haven't seen much more than half the episodes, but I don't recall any. This isn't really meant as a dis-- I do like the show-- I'm just saying stylistically it doesn't profile as something many would have as really highly rated to me. I guess if you really like over the top plotz though it's really good at that.

I highly recommend Burn Notice if you've got Leverage that high. It's a kinda similar premise, just with ex-spies as the protagonists rather than conmen, but is sometimes more down to earth about things from time to time-- which to me helps the package a lot as you actually have high tension/drama moments. And it veers off into a less episodic scheme more often. Of course it's possible these things are not positives for you, but yeah I'd still recommend giving it a look.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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