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07/05/17 2:26:31 PM

MariaTaylor posted...
for the record I loved rogue one but I wouldn't say I found the space battles particularly noteworthy. looking over my review I did not even mention them a single time. actually I can't even remember any battle in the movie that took place in space, aside from them just cutting to stuff during the final battle.


To be honest, I thought that final space battle saved what was otherwise a very mediocre--

Jeff posted...
Some people believe the film is entirely saved on the merits of its third act.

Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius
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07/05/17 2:33:37 PM

all of the parts in the final battle that I cared about took place on land. I mean there was stuff going on in space but I barely remember it. they'd just occasionally cut to people fighting up there who I didn't care about at all.
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
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07/05/17 4:41:07 PM

LeonhartFour posted...
We get a new OP and ED in Eureka Seven. The new OP is fine, but still way better than the last one. The new ED is okay, but at least it's not bad.

Eureka Seven OPs: 2 >= 1 > 4 > 3
Eureka Seven EDs: 3 > 4 > 2 > 1 (I'm more unsure here I just remember that 3 was the best and I liked 4. I forget how 1 and 2 fit into this so I guessed. >_>)


Trails 3:

I didn't make any plot advancement but I did a bunch of side-stuff. Including completing all doors. So, without further ado, final DOORS post.

Sun Door 3 Final Pre-Prologue: This was by far the best of Sun Door 3. Music was excellent and it got pretty hype. lmao Cassius and Loewe teamup at the end there. Panic level: MAXIMUM. I got super lucky though because Loewe never used one of his S-Crafts. Cassius did, but I had just thrown up Grail Sphere so crisis was averted. hahaha at Anelace's weapon getting upgraded to be better than her Zemurian Ore one. Well, good thing Richard uses the same weapon type so he could use it and it not be a waste.

Star Door 14: This is probably, without question, the most intriguing door in the entire game. I imagine it's really great without Cold Steel knowledge, but it's perhaps even more interesting with it. It doesn't really answer any questions (and if anything raises more) but it does so in a way that's incredible and leaves you wanting more from this series because oh man.

Anguis Meeting hype. GRANDMASTER hype. This definitely raised some real questions about Ouroboros's operations though. When the Grandmaster called for the Phantasmal Blaze plan it sounded like, in theory, all the Anguis should be working together to enact it. If the same had been true for the Gospel Plan it sure didn't seem like it! Weissmann was doing that solo unless it turns out some other characters are hidden Anguis. The Grandmaster's phrasing also raised my eyebrows. When they said they left all the decision-making in the Gospel Plan to Weissmann rather than making the decision themselves to avert what they anticipated in Weissmann's death, they said they thought it would be "best for this world." That makes it sound like the Grandmaster isn't from it? Whether that means they're like a god (Aidios hype) or there's some kind of multi-verse thing going on (more on this in a sec) I don't know but it made me think for sure. Especially since this entire meeting takes place in the "Celestial Globe."

Then finally Campanella at the end. What the hell was that. Was he talking to the player? If so, just a troll/dev joke? Or is this actually "canon" in that he can sense observation from the player (in which case that goes back to what I meant by the Grandmaster. Could they be a similar existence?) Or is it a more "mundane" explanation in that Campanella somehow senses Phantasma "recording" things there and is reacting to that/his expectation that someone in Phantasma will see it. After all the Grandmaster implies they're aware something similar to the events of the 3rd will occur but tells the Anguis to leave it to the church. Ahhhhh I could talk more but I see the character count warning and I have another door.

Star Door 15: Well. This was deeply disturbing. SC implies all this, but yeah. I'm not going to comment too much here because I think anyone who sees it doesn't really need it. I guess I'll say that I wonder what Renne wants to go to Crossbell for. Presumably that's answered in the Crossbell games but yeah.
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
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07/05/17 5:04:43 PM

Star Door 14: My explanation was just that Campanella could somehow tell Phantasma was recording things, or something similar. I have faith that Trails won't try to break the 4th wall because that is just a disaster waiting to happen.

(Cold Steel minor spoilers and Trails the 3rd larger spoilers) Also, I wouldn't read too much into the thing about the Anguis working together. I think it's still the case that some people are taking the lead. (I think in this case it's one in Crossbell, and different one in Erebonia though). But, the rest of the Anguis can still act to support that somehow and the organization in general which I think is all the Grandmaster was talking about. And I'm pretty sure it was the same for the Gospel Plan, it's just that we don't see it since it's basically behind the scenes stuff.

Also the final stage of Sun Door 3 is the only thing in the game I never finished lmao.
Congratulations to BK_Sheikah00, this year's guru to achieve contest enlightenment!
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07/05/17 5:14:56 PM

Ehhhhh maybe.

I could talk about this some more but it'd pull in some Cold Steel spoilers and I'd like to draw a line somewhere for how far I'm willing to go in this topic. >_>
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
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07/05/17 5:35:43 PM

MariaTaylor posted...
all of the parts in the final battle that I cared about took place on land. I mean there was stuff going on in space but I barely remember it. they'd just occasionally cut to people fighting up there who I didn't care about at all.

I mean, if I were to describe any character in Rogue One, it would be with the word "Who?"

(I sort've enjoyed but did not truly like Rogue One fwiw)

Re: Star Door 14: ...Now I want to reread it in Japanese, because I don't remember getting that impression re: not-from-this-world, but... Hmm. As for Campanella's thing at the end, it reminded me of the idea I've seen in a few books (one from I think Orson Scott Card concerning Christopher Columbus comes to mind, though I forget its name) where, when observing things in the past, the viewer actually does minutely influence that past, and sufficiently perceptive individuals can sense this. Though I agree with Pyre: 4th wall breaking doesn't feel "right" for the Trails series.

Star Door 15: ...Yeah. If you're curious, the censored version cuts straight from I think the 3rd sentence of the intro (not even the entire intro!) straight to when Joshua shows up at the end, and proceeds to excise more throughout. Thankfully, finding the full version online wasn't too hard >_>

It's super disturbing, and I love the understated way it's all handled -- letting the truth dawn on you, and then, once it does, the authors let that sledgehammer wail away.

Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius
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07/05/17 5:45:36 PM

*Trails 3 Spoilers*

Star Door 14: Maybe I just read too much into it? I did think the phrasing from the Grandmaster felt "odd" if spoken from the perspective of a "normal" person. I'm fond of the "Grandmaster is Aidios" theory though so maybe that fed into it and warped my interpretation of the line. The "other world/4th wall" thing is probably not true, yeah. That might have been influenced by the setting. Celestial Globe? A background of space? You're trying to do this to me Falcom! The Grandmaster could just be speaking poetically though and really is just a normal person, but where is the fun in that? Plus I didn't get the impression from them that they were all that theatrical. That's Bleublanc's thing. Outside Operation Names the Grandmaster seemed pretty... grounded? Down to earth?
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
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07/05/17 6:07:59 PM

More Star Door 14 / Trails the 3rd spoilers

I distinctly remember thinking of the grandmaster as being childlike, almost like the rest of them (I'm blanking on the term the series uses) were her parents, or something?

I really want to reread this scene now >_>

Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius
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07/05/17 6:15:02 PM

Hrm. Looking back, I can see how that interpretation could fit, it just wasn't the vibe I got from it. Nothing that tells me it couldn't be though.
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
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07/05/17 6:54:51 PM

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07/05/17 7:01:49 PM

Anyway, we got back from watching Guardians Vol. 2 earlier. I liked it less than the original, but I still thought it was pretty good. As I said before, I really enjoyed the "ragtag bunch of misfits becomes a heroic team" trope, and you can't really do that plot again. Their interaction and cast chemistry was still great, but it didn't really feel like there was any growth as a unit. Some of them got some individual growth, but they were also split up for most of the movie.

Winter Soldier > Age of Ultron >= Avengers > Guardians of the Galaxy > Guardians Vol. 2 > Captain America > Iron Man >= Iron Man 2 >= Iron Man 3 > Ant-Man > Thor > Dark World > Incredible Hulk

also saw the preview trailer for Thor: Ragnarok for the first time

it has Jeff Goldblum in it so I am now hyped for it
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Jeff Zero
07/05/17 7:05:18 PM

Thor: Ragnarok has a very good shot at being the best of the Thor films, which, granted, is like heaping praise on Final Fantasy Tactics for having the best story out of the Tactics games. But Tactics does have a good story, and everything I'm hearing about Ragnarok's production is promising. It's taking the groundwork James Gunn has provided on Marvel's cosmic universe and it's tossing Thor into that madness. And returning to Bruce's story all-the-while. It just seems like it will be a real treat. Also, Goldblum.
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07/05/17 7:42:22 PM

I watched Independence Day.

Best bad movie I've ever seen. Also, Goldblum.
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07/05/17 8:14:29 PM

re: the line in Star Door 14: I looked it up. "necessary for the world" would've probably been a better translation. (If you're super curious, the line is simply "sore ga sekai ni totte hituyou to [...]," which is "That was necessary for <> world," where there is literally no word in the Japanese that fills in that gap in the angle brackets, because... Well, because Japanese isn't English, and doesn't require singular countable nouns to have adjectives in front of them. But there's nothing to suggest that they are talking about one world among many, here.
Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius
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07/05/17 8:53:17 PM

For all I know that is how it was translated. My memory sucks and is what I used as a basis. >_>
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
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07/06/17 1:46:37 AM

pjbasis posted...
I watched Independence Day.

Best bad movie I've ever seen. Also, Goldblum.

What, the original? Is that actually considered to be a bad movie?
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07/06/17 1:48:43 AM

Anyway, we watched Civil War earlier, and that's definitely my favorite so far. The fight scene at the airport was super great, and Spidey's cameo just got me extremely hyped for Homecoming. Just reminds me of why he's the best. Cap standing back up and saying "I could do this all day" when Iron Man tells him to stay down was also excellent.

Oh, and Cap was right in the original Civil War and he's still right here.

Civil War > Winter Soldier > Age of Ultron >= Avengers > Guardians of the Galaxy > Guardians Vol. 2 > Captain America > Iron Man >= Iron Man 2 >= Iron Man 3 > Ant-Man > Thor > Dark World > Incredible Hulk
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Jeff Zero
07/06/17 1:50:33 AM

look at all those slots ahead of the Iron Man movies

MCU so good overall
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07/06/17 1:52:59 AM

Also, another round of anime is down, too.

Only one episode left in Kanon, and the show decides to tease us by making us watch the final episode to see what her final wish is!

Eureka's hair is back to normal now, thankfully. Much better look! Also, it's weird that young Norb is voiced by Phoenix Wright and old Norb is voiced by Dhurke. It also makes sense if you think that Norb is what Teddie became when he grew up.

Psycho-Pass season 2 is under way, and it was basically like Civil War, too, with Akane playing Cap and the new female inspector playing Iron Man. The Kagari replacement looks even more like Reno, and the Masaoka replacement looks too much like Ginoza without his glasses, along with his name (Kogane) being extremely similar to Kogami. I guess Ginoza is actually supposed to be the Kogami replacement though. The new girl is definitely not an Akane clone. She's the anti-Akane, which should prove to be interesting.
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07/06/17 1:53:37 AM

LeonhartFour posted...
Oh, and Cap was right in the original Civil War and he's still right here.

Good opinion right here
Congrats to BKSheikah for winning the BYIG Guru Challenge!
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07/06/17 1:55:42 AM

While I agree more with Tony I do think the movie did a way better job of presenting both sides as valid and understandable.

The comic started that way then they just got lazy and had Tony go full villain despite the initial concept being that neither side was really wrong.
FC - 2852 - 9769 - 0007 My shinies -
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Mac Arrowny
07/06/17 1:59:55 AM

Sakura is my favorite E7 OP. Love it a lot.

Civil War was good, but I was hoping it would be better. Definitely preferred the Avengers movies.
All the stars in the sky belong to BKSheikah
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07/06/17 2:04:45 AM

oh right and I anticipate Homecoming will contend for my favorite MCU movie just based on the trailers alone

looks so good
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Mac Arrowny
07/06/17 2:12:04 AM

What're your thoughts on the five Spider-Man movies? I loved basically all of them, and would consider my favorite two to be better than any MCU movie, though ASM2 was a bit disappointing (if only it'd focused on Electro more...).
All the stars in the sky belong to BKSheikah
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07/06/17 2:24:23 AM

I never actually watched the Andrew Garfield ones. Didn't really hear good things about either one of them, so I didn't bother.

The first two Tobey Spider-Man movies are really good. The third one completely botched Venom (easily my favorite Spidey villain/rival), and so I will never forgive it, not for all the Emo Spidey Dancing in the world.
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07/06/17 2:33:20 AM

I have to give props to Spider-Man 3 for one thing: I rewatched it a year or two ago, and the quantum mechanics stuff on the board in Dr. Connors' class is actually correct, which was a very pleasant surprise (this is rarely the case when people put random math in the background in pieces of fiction).
Congrats to BKSheikah for winning the BYIG Guru Challenge!
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07/06/17 2:33:45 AM

LeonhartFour posted...
pjbasis posted...
I watched Independence Day.

Best bad movie I've ever seen. Also, Goldblum.

What, the original? Is that actually considered to be a bad movie?

I don't know what the consensus is. It isn't really that bad since the acting really carries so much of it. But there's also too much dumb shit to really say it's a good movie imo.
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07/06/17 11:25:34 AM

LeonhartFour posted...

Oh, and Cap was right in the original Civil War and he's still right here.

I'm actually surprised to see this (and similar) opinions, because I always thought the central argument of Civil War was one of its weaker parts. What the argument came down to in my mind was, "Do we give civilians control of the most powerful military force in the world?" And that's a pretty settled question in the real world: dear god yes.
Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius
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07/06/17 11:26:02 AM

Murphiroth posted...
While I agree more with Tony I do think the movie did a way better job of presenting both sides as valid and understandable.

The comic started that way then they just got lazy and had Tony go full villain despite the initial concept being that neither side was really wrong.

I feel like the point in both the comics and the movie is that Tony's way is way more dangerous because it blurs so many lines, especially in Marvel's world where the average human (no matter how well trained) is no match for a supervillain and alien invaders don't care about borders.

(plus I'm not a fan of big government getting even bigger but that's a discussion for another time and topic)
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07/06/17 11:28:47 AM

I thought it was clear that Cap was right, too, but you see plenty of people siding with Iron Man, so I had to throw it out there!
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07/06/17 11:49:30 AM

Whoa, I finally found a Switch on Amazon for under $300.

It will soon be mine.
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07/06/17 1:36:37 PM

Almost time for the penultimate (sorta) dungeon in P4G! Man, that whole sequence is so great, except for one thing that they added in Golden. When you talk to Namatame, he'll now start talking about seeing everyone at the concert...except it's clearly a completely different VA now, and then it goes right back to the old one as soon as he's done. It's so jarring.

Oh right, and Teddie's S. Link is maxed out now, too! Whoo!
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Jeff Zero
07/06/17 5:07:56 PM

Kanon has almost ended. I really like how the various women in Yuichi's life have all visibly shaped him throughout the show. The weight of his self-perceived failures really starts to wear on him toward the end but the reality is that he's done the best he can. I look forward to the finale. I'm having a difficult time considering a character ranking for this cast; I don't think anyone has really stood out to me as fantastic, but nobody has been bad, either. It's a whole lot of decent with some quite-good peppered in. Good show.

Eureka Seven had a soccer episode, and as Brother Doggie says, it was a Really Good Panther Shot. Since then, the core plot has kicked back into gear. The Limit of Questions hasn't been reached, presumably. I have absolutely no idea what that term means. This show's lore is a lost cause on me and yet I don't seem to mind at all. Minute-to-minute it's a hoot and Norb/Sakuya has proven exceptional.

Psycho-Pass took a bit of a quality dive toward the end of the first season, which is a real shame. I correctly predicted (we both did; it wasn't a big gamble) that Makishima would be defeated but the other stuff would remain unresolved. However, I had hoped Akane would take a more passionate approach to the Sibyl System's ultimatum, choosing to attempt its reformation or at least being bolder in her decision to end it. Still, though, she's at least behaving somewhat antagonistically toward it. I'm worried Kogame won't be anywhere in Season 2, because I've been thinking up reasons it's ill-regarded on forums and that one seems like a solid one-two punch alongside the potential for underdeveloped new characters. With only 11 episodes on the clock, Season 2 will be an interesting case study.

LeonhartFour posted...
When you talk to Namatame, he'll now start talking about seeing everyone at the concert...except it's clearly a completely different VA now, and then it goes right back to the old one as soon as he's done. It's so jarring.

Agh, the worst. I remember griping about that, myself.
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07/06/17 5:33:03 PM

Jeff Zero posted...
The Limit of Questions hasn't been reached, presumably. I have absolutely no idea what that term means. This show's lore is a lost cause on me and yet I don't seem to mind at all.

IIRC, The Limit of Questions is the idea that an area can only support so much "thought" (intelligent life) and if it's exceeded it like... collapses into a black hole or something.

like if you don't think about it very much and work backwards from a black hole being a location of an extreme amount of mass compacted into a small space. but replaces mass with thought.

but it's eureka seven so like "yeah"


Think I'm in the final dungeon of Trails 3. dat music hype.

On a lighter note, I've always felt people made too big a deal about the treasure chest quotes. I mean, to me, they've just been a thing that is there and if you removed them I wouldn't care or even really notice. That said, they've been a lot better in Trails 3. Because some of them are now things like localization trivia/what-ifs. XSEED also seems to have checked which message goes to which chests for all of them because they're often targeted to specific chests now and I think you could the number of times that was true in FC + SC on one hand. And because of that, they've actually been able to use the whole gimmick to pretty great effect in the later stages of the game.

man i'm almost getting emotional reading some of them now
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
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07/06/17 5:34:17 PM

Oh yeah, lmao P4G's handling of Namatame's new voice is quite the thing.

They could have maybe have gotten away with it if not for the fact that it switches back and forth in that scene. But it does and it's so jarring.
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
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Jeff Zero
07/06/17 5:39:44 PM

IIRC, The Limit of Questions is the idea that an area can only support so much "thought" (intelligent life) and if it's exceeded it like... collapses into a black hole or something.

like if you don't think about it very much and work backwards from a black hole being a location of an extreme amount of mass compacted into a small space. but replaces mass with thought.

I'm at a loss for words, so I'll allow one of the best characters in sci-fi TV to cover my feelings on this one

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07/06/17 5:51:18 PM


You're coming up on an episode where I think the show plays the last of its lore cards and I can try to explain/clear up any details about wtf the lore is, but I mean, Eureka Seven isn't really about the lore.
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
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07/06/17 6:02:54 PM

Rise and Naoki S. Links complete! Rise, you'd make a pretty good OTP in a game where Yukiko doesn't exist. Naoki is one of those Links that doesn't really get good until the last couple ranks, but the whole dealing with grief thing winds up being pretty powerful, I think.

Kanji and Naoto are both Level 7, and Eri is at Level 4. I've got about a week left before I have to complete this dungeon, so hopefully I can max out one more before then.
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Mac Arrowny
07/06/17 6:28:56 PM

xp1337 posted...

You're coming up on an episode where I think the show plays the last of its lore cards and I can try to explain/clear up any details about wtf the lore is, but I mean, Eureka Seven isn't really about the lore.

I think you mean it would've been better with less lore.
All the stars in the sky belong to BKSheikah
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07/06/17 6:31:08 PM

Nah, it's harmless fun. I appreciate the effort to have lore!
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
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07/06/17 7:03:29 PM

Jeff Zero posted...
Psycho-Pass took a bit of a quality dive toward the end of the first season,

Boooo. The ending was pretty easily my favorite part. I remember not being as big on the short stretch around ep. 19 or so, but I really enjoyed the ending itself.

Jeff Zero posted...
I'm worried Kogame won't be anywhere in Season 2, because I've been thinking up reasons it's ill-regarded on forums and that one seems like a solid one-two punch alongside the potential for underdeveloped new characters

If only something like this were enough to explain the problems with season 2...

Mac Arrowny posted...
I think you mean it would've been better with less lore.

I might agree with this generally, but I honestly thought some of the lore stuff near the end was really cool.
Congratulations to BK_Sheikah00, this year's guru to achieve contest enlightenment!
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Jeff Zero
07/06/17 7:05:47 PM

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07/06/17 7:12:00 PM

I don't really remember specifics that well since it's been too long, but I remember really liking the stuff with Kogami/Makashima as well as Ginoza/Masaoka. Also (Psycho Pass) the way the end of the last episode mirrors the beginning of the first episode is a neat narrative trick that I thought worked really well here.
Congratulations to BK_Sheikah00, this year's guru to achieve contest enlightenment!
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07/06/17 8:19:26 PM

I liked how the end mirrored the beginning, just with a different narrator, but the major plot line did not end the way I wanted it to, so I was pretty disappointed. I also imagine the fact that it ended that way will have a major impact on season 2 not being as good.
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07/06/17 8:25:08 PM

I watched Guardians of the Galaxy 2 earlier today

I... don't have much to say about it honestly

it was a fine movie
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
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07/06/17 8:25:54 PM

Yeah, it's good. Just more of the same and not as good as 1.
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Jeff Zero
07/06/17 8:37:09 PM

I have a few paragraphs worth of text for that movie, same as the rest of them, and I'll deploy it sometime relatively soon. I like it slightly better overall, though.
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Mac Arrowny
07/06/17 9:34:31 PM

S2 of Psycho-Pass isn't good because it was from a different writer and the movie was already in production at the time so they had to make sure nothing would actually happen.

LeonhartFour posted...
I liked how the end mirrored the beginning, just with a different narrator, but the major plot line did not end the way I wanted it to, so I was pretty disappointed.

Which major plotline? Were you hoping they'd do something different with Makishima?
All the stars in the sky belong to BKSheikah
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07/06/17 9:38:32 PM

Just got back from Homecoming.

FC - 2852 - 9769 - 0007 My shinies -
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07/06/17 9:48:53 PM

Murphiroth posted...
Just got back from Homecoming.


Heck yeah
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