Current Events > Ok, how do I dicipline myself? I HAVE to go down in weight or I die.

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05/10/17 4:36:40 AM

I lack all willpower. I dunno how to do it. I need some strategies. It's serious.

I have no alcohol at home anymore. So that should be easy, just don't buy.
I have some candy still...I could just throw it away.
When there is dinner and such with good food, I need to cut the portions in half.
I need to get out and move.

But there are so many mental blocks and such, I need some strategies.

Also my reward system is fucked up.
- When something good happens, I deserve a win and reward myself with good stuff
- When things go to hell, I reward and console myself with good stuff
- When I'm bored, I reward myself with good stuff

There is no end.

I'm dying if I don't stop, doesn't help that I know exactly the damage I'm doing to my body. Just makes me more sad, and I need to reward myself..

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05/10/17 4:54:01 AM

I'm working through it myself. I've cut alcohol, and part of that was just getting on the right meds where A: I couldn't drink while on those meds, B: Drinking didn't really do anything for me anymore.

You have to turn your mind around such that you don't see changing your ways as sacrifice. You will be tricking yourself a bit, but then again you've kinda tricked yourself into your current behavior too.

People who are thin generally don't have loads more willpower than you, they will just tell you that because it makes them feel good. They just have habits that have turned out better, but those habits likely came out mostly on their own.

The differences come from making turns to your momentum. For food. Just stand and force yourself to drink 1 liter of water twice a day. It takes like 1 minute to down it and then later you just ask yourself "am I really hungry"? Your compulsive things will make you want to eat and angry you are "depriving yourself" but when you recognize that that is the addiction speaking and not really your true feelings, then you can start to see that a better life doesn't really involve that much "depriving"
"joe is attractive and quite the brilliant poster" - Seiichi Omori
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05/10/17 4:56:52 AM

Pick a specific ingredient that you want to cut out of your diet. Check the labels of everything you buy to make sure said ingredient isn't included. It sucks at first and you can expect to make mistakes, but if you stick to it it will help build discipline over the foods you purchase.
Do unto others what your parents did to you.
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05/10/17 4:57:49 AM

Why are u dying
Thanks for the peeps that made the pics <3 if i make typos it means i am on phone
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05/10/17 4:58:51 AM

SpiralDrift posted...
Pick a specific ingredient that you want to cut out of your diet. Check the labels of everything you buy to make sure said ingredient isn't included. It sucks at first and you can expect to make mistakes, but if you stick to it it will help build discipline over the foods you purchase.

Eh... I'm thinking TC is in a much worse boat than people this kind of advice is for.

TC, if you are a little overweight looking to lose 20lbs then yeah do this.

If you are looking to lose 200lbs then you'll need to start where I was talking.

Addictive behavior is treated differently than nutrition fact reading.
"joe is attractive and quite the brilliant poster" - Seiichi Omori
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05/10/17 4:59:24 AM

I'm glad you decided to turn things around, and start taking care of yourself. I don't have any advice, since I have no will power myself, but I do believe you can succeed, and I wish you the best of luck.
What did the pirate say on his 80th birthday?
Aye Matey!
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05/10/17 5:01:30 AM

Reward yourself with time playing video games instead of food. And start doing a sport like swimming or something in order to get toned
Hide your kids, hide your goats
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05/10/17 5:15:50 AM

joe40001 posted...
Eh... I'm thinking TC is in a much worse boat than people this kind of advice is for.

It's just the only thing I could suggest to help build food discipline. Ideally it should be in addition to other things, though, yeah.

I've never been an unhealthy weight but I used to binge a lot on candy. It got pretty ridiculous. This was unrelated but at some point I decided to stop eating red meat, and it was around that time that I finally broke free of the cycle. It wasn't about counting calories or anything like that, just getting into the habit of restricting things that you make a decision to not have.
Do unto others what your parents did to you.
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05/10/17 5:17:01 AM

The best way to do it is the way I did it. Just fucking do it. Eat better and exercise every day.
Everything will be alright.
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05/10/17 5:19:14 AM

Make it so you can't post on CE without going on a 20 minute walk. Then gradually move that up to a 20 minute jog. Then a 30 minute jog. etc.

Also try to cut out the most unhealthy foods you are eating. It's easier than doing a total change. Just cut out some of the worst stuff.
I may not go down in history, but I will go down on your sister.
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05/10/17 5:22:56 AM

Sativa_Rose posted...
Make it so you can't post on CE without going on a 20 minute walk. Then gradually move that up to a 20 minute jog. Then a 30 minute jog. etc.

Also try to cut out the most unhealthy foods you are eating. It's easier than doing a total change. Just cut out some of the worst stuff.

20 minute walk? That's a big fucking commitment.

You want to start small if you are like 100s of lbs overweight. The worst thing you can do is recommend somebody do too much such that they end up just feeling more defeated.

Continual positive progress is more important than just suggesting strong goals so the goal givers can feel good about it.

A person having 4 sodas a day is a good goal for a person who has 7 sodas a day. Making them feel like shit over the 4 sodas will just cause them to stay at 7.

Continual positive progress is the most important thing for people in severe cases, and correct me if I'm wrong, TC, but that sounds to be what is going on here.
"joe is attractive and quite the brilliant poster" - Seiichi Omori
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05/10/17 5:57:51 AM

joe40001 posted...
I'm working through it myself. I've cut alcohol, and part of that was just getting on the right meds where A: I couldn't drink while on those meds, B: Drinking didn't really do anything for me anymore.

You have to turn your mind around such that you don't see changing your ways as sacrifice. You will be tricking yourself a bit, but then again you've kinda tricked yourself into your current behavior too.

People who are thin generally don't have loads more willpower than you, they will just tell you that because it makes them feel good. They just have habits that have turned out better, but those habits likely came out mostly on their own.

The differences come from making turns to your momentum. For food. Just stand and force yourself to drink 1 liter of water twice a day. It takes like 1 minute to down it and then later you just ask yourself "am I really hungry"? Your compulsive things will make you want to eat and angry you are "depriving yourself" but when you recognize that that is the addiction speaking and not really your true feelings, then you can start to see that a better life doesn't really involve that much "depriving"

Yeah it's really bad habits. I really need to identify a lot of stuff first before I can change. But I dunno really where and what. I need a start somehow.

SpiralDrift posted...
Pick a specific ingredient that you want to cut out of your diet. Check the labels of everything you buy to make sure said ingredient isn't included. It sucks at first and you can expect to make mistakes, but if you stick to it it will help build discipline over the foods you purchase.

I don't eat bad food when it comes to normal foods. I need to stop going to junk food places, no candies and snacks. And eat less portions and more consistent. I know what I need to do, it's just I dunno how to be disciplined enough.

apolloooo posted...
Why are u dying

Well...risk of diabetes, heart and cardiovascular disease, cirrhosis (obesity is pretty much as bad as alcohol), stroke etc, and all those lead to even more shit.

KogaSteelfang posted...
I'm glad you decided to turn things around, and start taking care of yourself. I don't have any advice, since I have no will power myself, but I do believe you can succeed, and I wish you the best of luck.

I've decided this many times. But I never really get started.

GOATSLAYER posted...
Reward yourself with time playing video games instead of food. And start doing a sport like swimming or something in order to get toned

Right now I'm so stressed and tbh fucked up with my studies I don't really have time for anything. And because of all shit I end up doing nothing not even studying.

fan357 posted...
The best way to do it is the way I did it. Just fucking do it. Eat better and exercise every day.

It's not that easy.

Sativa_Rose posted...
Make it so you can't post on CE without going on a 20 minute walk. Then gradually move that up to a 20 minute jog. Then a 30 minute jog. etc.

Also try to cut out the most unhealthy foods you are eating. It's easier than doing a total change. Just cut out some of the worst stuff.

I am too much on CE I know...I need to stop's super hard
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05/10/17 6:00:57 AM

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05/10/17 6:05:10 AM

ssj3vegeta2 posted...
you'll just drink dem calories anyways lol

Gotta stop buying alcohol.

Was on the cruise and there was cheap alcohol and I bought shit there. Drank the last of it last night. Now just gotta stop going to the liquor store.
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05/10/17 7:29:18 AM

Dying is a good motivation

try drinking more water instead of calories
Pokemon is awesome
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05/10/17 8:54:42 AM

No shit it isn't that easy. I used to be about 300 pounds and I got down below 200. Just look at yourself in the mirror and do it. No excuses.
Everything will be alright.
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05/10/17 8:57:33 AM

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05/10/17 9:11:39 AM

Just count your calories. Calories in versus calories out is all it amounts to in the end. :v You can eat whatever you want as long as you have the calories. Think of it like a bank account. You can only withdraw so many till they run out and then you're broke till the next day. There are lots of phone apps to help you track them.

I'd suggest 1800 if you're a guy trying to lose weight. That's what I eat. It all comes down to willpower in the end. The important thing is that if you mess up one day, don't take it as an excuse to go ham and eat as many calories as you want. Just log your screw up and continue on and make a point to do better the next day.
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05/10/17 9:12:37 AM

Drink. More. Water.

You'd be surprised at how much this plays a role in curbing hunger.
Actually, I dont give a damn.
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05/10/17 9:14:34 AM

and don't let anyone tell you that you need to cut out all diet soda and drinks. :v I know they aren't the best for you, but calories are calories and if it comes down to eating something you shouldn't versus drinking a diet soda then drink the damn soda.

I'm drinking diet mountain dew right now
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05/10/17 9:19:24 AM

The guy that recommended walking is a good start. It's an easier activity to do, but slowly push yourself more and more each day.

I'm a fan of rapid changes, so throw all the candy away, absolutely. No more alcohol is an obvious one. You can get in contact with a nutritionist, nobody here will be able to offer you advice that is tailored to your individual needs. Everybody is different, and it may help you to work with someone to set realistic goals given your own personal schedule and lifestyle habits.

Cutting back on portions is hard, but drinking water is a good start. Snack on things like fruit or veggies, cut out red meat completely, lean meat like chicken only. Cut back drastically on sugar, especially in breakfast foods (which seems impossible, but is doable). And take it one step at a time. If you don't think you can, change one thing each day. Start with a simple walk around the block, then start cutting sugar out of your diet. Take it step by step, it's a slow process. But definitely no more candy bars, and no more alcohol.
For all your gaming pleasures:
Currently Playing: Majora's Mask, Final Fantasy XIII, Shadow of Mordor
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05/10/17 9:23:29 AM

I see all your advice on what I need to do to lose weight, but that's not the problem, the problem is to actually do it, stay motivated and be commited, which is impossible for me. I know what I have to do, just...really hard to.
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05/10/17 9:24:16 AM

FF_Redux posted...
I see all your advice on what I need to do to lose weight, but that's not the problem, the problem is to actually do it, stay motivated and be commited, which is impossible for me. I know what I have to do, just...really hard to.

Start by cutting out 2 things for 2 weeks at a time. For the next 2 weeks, you can eat mostly whatever you want, but drink wise, you can only drink water. Water only for 2 weeks. Cut out candy as well. Try to eat food that is "more real". You can still have bad carbs for now like noodles. After 2 weeks has gone by, cut out something else, or better yet, add something. Protein with every meal. Eggs, chicken, turkey, good beans, for 2 weeks. etc.

Also, don't count your calories as you transition. Once you get to the point where you are eating right, eat as much as you want. If you're eating the right stuff, you will typically shed weight.
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05/10/17 9:27:30 AM
#24: that I think about it, and this will sound cliche, but having accountability is a great motivator. If you have a best friend or lover that can help keep you on track, I think that would drastically help your mindset. If they can cook for you, even better.
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05/10/17 9:35:21 AM

DoGCyN posted... that I think about it, and this will sound cliche, but having accountability is a great motivator. If you have a best friend or lover that can help keep you on track, I think that would drastically help your mindset. If they can cook for you, even better.

This. Motivation is on you, you have to tell yourself to just do it. The longer you sit and think about it, the harder it is to actually get up and do it. It was easy for me, since I had to study all the awful diseases and health problems you can get as a result of obesity, and it terrified me. So I refused to let myself go down that path. It's easier to change is you realize how much you're killing yourself with bad dietary/exercise habits.

But you have to find your motivation tool. That's a hard thing to ask someone to do for you. There's no magic words you're going to find. Either care, or don't. Step up or don't. And diet is an easy start. Stand up, go to your pantry, and throw all your candy away. And no more alcohol. If you're not motivated enough to do that, I don't think you're ready.
For all your gaming pleasures:
Currently Playing: Majora's Mask, Final Fantasy XIII, Shadow of Mordor
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05/10/17 9:38:31 AM

I care alot, and Im studying too and know what it does to me and Im scared to desth, its still not enough. I can start something but once it gets hard I quit instantly, and find excuses all the time.
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05/10/17 10:20:55 AM

Preempt yourself. If you know when X happens, then you consume Y, and you can't not consume Y, then you prevent X from happening.

FF_Redux posted...
the problem is to actually do it

Baby steps, imo.

For two weeks, just log everything you eat or drink (including portion size estimates). Don't bother looking up caloric values or anything.

After two weeks, set aside an hour or two with a caloric database like myfitnesspal and just sum up your daily caloric consumptions.

Then, look up your TDEE at your current mass and then subtract 500 from that in order to lose ~0.5 kg/week.

Compare your daily caloric consumption to your consumption goals, and it'll be rather easy to see what you can remove from your current diet (either wholly or partially) to meet your goals. By working within your current diet, you're more likely to succeed rather than convert to whole wheat everything and sugar never.

Then... followthrough. I break down my caloric goals (when I'm trying to lose weight) into something like a 300 calorie breakfast, 600 calorie lunch, 600 calorie dinner, and 300 calories in misc drinks/snacks. The trick is to passively count calories instead of looking up everything on the fly because I can't be assed to do that. But since I already know this dish in front of me is 600 calories and this snack is 120, then it's the rough equivalent of me checking off a to do list.
Remember that I won't rest, 'til we share the same tense
Just know, to me, you're better late than never again.
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05/10/17 10:28:04 AM

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05/10/17 4:37:13 PM


This trip to Florida really makes me want to be not 210 pounds

My problem isn't really massive consumption of candy and soda but that I just eat too much food. I get home and I can't stop myself from eating a bowl of cereal, and then a huge portion of dinner, and later more cereal.
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05/10/17 4:41:52 PM

as stupid as it sounds, the times where I've been able to lose weight fast have been when I haven't had easy access to food at my place

during my last semester in college my apartment's fridge broke down so I ate outside once a day (I was pretty busy, too, anyway)

lost 30 pounds in like 5 months without trying >_>
Ave, true to Caesar.
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