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02/13/12 8:55:00 PM

you forgot Soraka being under nerf city if not ruined.

Definitely not Sona levels of nerf, but yeah.

Also hextech nerfed THANK. GOD.

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02/13/12 8:58:00 PM

also why buff warwick like that?

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02/13/12 9:00:00 PM

From: KommunistKoala | #352
also why buff warwick like that?

No freaking clue.

He was always solid.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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02/13/12 9:10:00 PM

red/FD DuoQ about to start:

edit: nvm red is doing WoW stuff -_-

lame red is lame

~Ç~ Eff_Dee
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02/13/12 9:10:00 PM

I'd like one ****ing team to listen to me when they're about to do something stupid. "Don't baron, they're right there." "Don't push mid, we're not all there." "Don't try backdooring, we need the full team to win a fight." Every single time.

Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
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02/13/12 9:15:00 PM

From: KamikazePotato | #355
I'd like one ****ing team to listen to me when they're about to do something stupid. "Don't baron, they're right there." "Don't push mid, we're not all there." "Don't try backdooring, we need the full team to win a fight." Every single time.

You know how I feel pretty much every game, then.

Again, three baron steals in a single game after I told them not to three times.

I didn't deserve to lose, but I'll take it, because those idiots went down with me.

Too bad they didn't learn anything.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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02/13/12 9:18:00 PM

streaming beginning now

~Ç~ Eff_Dee
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02/13/12 9:20:00 PM

With LOL's rise in popularity the casual crowd has descended upon it.

This means all advice and criticism are taken as insults upon honor and pride and trolling is super cool.

Just do your best and duo queue. Whenever I play with someone good I always invite them to duo queue afterwards.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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02/13/12 9:21:00 PM

They buffed Warwick because the dude can't jungle anymore and it's kinda sad. Altho I think this will make top lane WW stupid. I think Jungle WW for me was around a 90% win rate for the other team with a different jungler. Like I'd almost take Jungle AD Carry over him. Faster and better ganks. >_>

Kennen nerfs weren't as big as I was guessing they would be but with Hextech getting hit as well not too surprising it would just be Cooldown.

Lol Shen... There is definitely a reason he is getting the buffs. Lower win rate then Evelynn according to lolstats. Which honestly seems mostly accurate. Altho I finally have a reason to get him.

Ahri/Cass/GP/Sona/Rammus all deserve what they got. I think Ahri might actually be in for another nerf even after this one.

Poor Soraka. The Bull God shall replace you.

All in all. I like this patch better then the Ziggs patch.

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02/13/12 9:24:00 PM

From: SythaWarrior | #359
They buffed Warwick because the dude can't jungle anymore


Warwick trades speed (Which isn't that bad with AD runes and a LS start) for safety. You can't 1v1 him and win. He won't fall below 80% even during his initial clear. He can farm the jungle for days. His ganks pre-6 are irrelevant, because they at least improve, while junglers like Shyvana have bad ganks all the way through.

Warwick was never bad, just outshined by FotM AoE dudes.

You want bad, look at Amumu and Fiddlesticks now.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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02/13/12 9:30:00 PM

Lane WW was already powerful, now he's just gonna be ridiculous. I can understand they wanted to aid his jungle some but...ugh

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02/13/12 9:31:00 PM

When I'm level 7 and the jungle warwick is just hitting level 5. I'm not scared of him. Warwick isn't even safe in his own jungle honestly. And his buffs are super easy to steal. I've been abusing him hardcore since the new jungle. It's not really a secret. Warwick is really really easy to counterjungle right now and he isn't scary gank wise so it puts an ass load of pressure on your lanes. Of common junglers he is definitely the one of the weakest if not the weakest. The Warwick needs to flat out be a better player to win at all.

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02/13/12 9:33:00 PM

Also Amumu jungles super fast, ganks way better the most and has level 2 gank set ups. I don't see the problem with jungle mumu. And Fiddles is likely better then you think too. Better ganks then WW and just as safe pre and post 6.

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02/13/12 9:42:00 PM

I don't even get why Bio's saying Sona was nerfed to uselessness. Most of Sona's early game power wasn't in her auras it was in her low mana cost burst offense/defense. The power chord nerf is gonna be the thing that hurts her the most out of that stuff. (and that's only if 14+9 per level means it's +23 damage at level 1 now pre-nerf instead of +14. Otherwise it was arguably buffed.)

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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02/13/12 9:43:00 PM

From: SythaWarrior | #363
Also Amumu jungles super fast, ganks way better the most and has level 2 gank set ups. I don't see the problem with jungle mumu. And Fiddles is likely better then you think too. Better ganks then WW and just as safe pre and post 6.

external image

Amumu and Fiddlesticks both share a crippling problem, and that's over reliance on blue buff. Amumu especially. You're basically denying your AP carry a resource because you picked a mana intensive jungler. The MOST mana intensive junglers. You want to talk about counter jungling, the first thing anyone smart thinks when they see Amumu or Fiddle on the enemy team is "Kill blue. Now." And then they're useless for the rest of the game, since Fiddle is a one trick pony and Amumu will be backing every two minutes.

And how the HELL does Fiddle have better ganks than WW, pre or post 6?

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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02/13/12 9:45:00 PM

Fiddle's ganks pre six have fear which is the longest lasting CC in the game.

Fiddle's ganks post-six have fear + crowstorm

Dude's a monster ganker.

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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02/13/12 9:48:00 PM

Warwick's pre-6 ganks are hilariously bad. Anyone who says that he's currently a good jungler has not been a jungler against him. The difference in the effect you make on the map is astounding.

Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
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02/13/12 9:50:00 PM

So guess I'm gonna try Soraka once or twice to see if these nerfs really bother me that much, then I'm gonna practice my Alistar and Taric.

For each of them, do you think armor seals or mregen seals (or hell, even gold seals) are most effective? I've been running armor reds, armor yellows, cdr blues, and gp/5 quints for Soraka. I feel that for Taric, with his natural armor thing, I could probably cut the armor yellows for either mregen or gp/5. I haven't played him in forever so I don't remember how steep his mana costs were, and I think that reduction in costs will help me with Alistar a bit. So I'm leaning toward gp/5 yellows on each. Maybe with the gp/5 yellows I could use my MS quints for Alistar, since I always feel like I need a little more speed to get into the position that I want.


"Later that day, I f***ed a panda." - PSO
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02/13/12 9:50:00 PM

Red and FD DuoQ

1-0 so far.

we beat dat elementz again, lol

~Ç~ Eff_Dee
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02/13/12 9:51:00 PM

[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
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02/13/12 9:52:00 PM

Yeah, just walk up and fear them, they will never see it coming.

And this is assuming you went full retard and didn't put more than one point in drain, neutering your jungle speed even further.

Fiddle's ult also has a monstrous cooldown and a single ward destroys any element of surprise he might have, which is far more important to him than any other champion. WW guarantees kills in lane.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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02/13/12 9:53:00 PM

And I really don't get why you're assuming that if your pre-6 ganks are bad that WW is going to want to gank.

Like, seriously, that's the price you pay. Should every jungler just be Udyr and not have tradeoffs?

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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02/13/12 9:54:00 PM

A single ward can ruin any jungler. If you see any jungler coming, their ganks will probably fail. If Fiddle catches a lane unawares, like what a jungler is supposed to do, then they're screwed.

And Warwick's Ult definitely guarantees kills less than Crowstorm. Crowstorm doesn't need the element of surprise to wreck you.

Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
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02/13/12 9:54:00 PM

A jungler that can't gank well is absolutely worthless.

Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
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02/13/12 9:55:00 PM

From: KamikazePotato | #373
And Warwick's Ult definitely guarantees kills less than Crowstorm. Crowstorm doesn't need the element of surprise to wreck you.

These two statements alone contain such high concentrations of falsehood, it should be hazardous.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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02/13/12 9:56:00 PM

From: KamikazePotato | #374
A jungler that can't gank well is absolutely worthless.

Shyvana is worthless, folks, you heard it here first.

Get M5 on the horn and tell them that they've got this game all wrong.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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02/13/12 9:57:00 PM

Fear's range isn't that low (it's almost as high as WW's ult). You combine it with flash/crowstorm and good timing and you can easily get it off for ganks-- sometimes even if it's warded if you've got +5 boots or are creative with where you storm from.

Also even if you just put 2 points in fear its CC duration is longer than most champions can muster, which you can do at level 3 or 4 (protip don't get dark wind as jungle fiddles-- hell, arguably don't get it as lane fiddles either. Drain + fear master race.)

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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02/13/12 9:57:00 PM

Shyvana can gank just fine. Far far better than Warwick can. She's also significantly more useful in general than Warwick outside of jungling, so the 'tradeoff' she gets is much better,

Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
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02/13/12 10:02:00 PM


Are we seriously arguing with Bio right now?

i am the acid eating away at the fabric of justice - Ed Bellis
best [poelkemon ids nifdorino - Timjab
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02/13/12 10:02:00 PM

Shrug at least Amumu and Fiddlesticks do something. Warwick is pretty much letting your team 4v5. He is really that bad in the jungle right now. Also I've done Amumu paths without blue buff before and gotten first blood. He isn't as Blue buff heavy as one would think. It just helps him a great deal. Bandage Toss is something Warwick cries himself to sleep over because he'll never have good CC prelevel 6.

Hell to paraphrase something I heard Oddone say a couple says ago. "Only time I pick Warwick anymore is to counterpick Shaco."

He's pretty much commonly accepted as a weak jungle pick.

If you want more opinions here's Stonewall's tiers.

God Tier – Skarner, Udyr, Lee Sin
Tier 1 – Trundle*, Cho Gath*, Maokai*, Shaco*, Nocturne, Rammus, Shyvana, Alistar, Jarvan, Malphite, Sejuani,Amumu, Master Yi, Dr Mundo, Gangplank
Tier 2 – Jax, Riven, Xin Zhao, Wukong, Olaf, Renekton, Tryndamere, Singed, Kayle, Nunu, Fiddlesticks
Tier 3 – Volibear, Pantheon, Twisted Fate, Janna, Kennen, Shen, Blitzcrank, Taric, Sion, Ezreal, Twitch, Soraka, Karthus, Cassiopeia, Warwick, Ziggs, Fizz, Leona, Eve
Tier 4 – Yorick, Poppy, Karma, Nasus, Gragas, Irelia, Malzahar, Sivir, Galio, Akali
Tier 5 – Viktor, Mordekaiser, Graves, Orianna, Ahri, Talon, Urgot, Kog Maw

Jungle Cassie and prebuff Jungle Shen are considered better at it then him. Amumu is near the top and Fiddlesticks is in the middle.

It's not so much safety which doesn't matter anymore. If I want to jungle at full life while starting boots I'll jungle Chogath.

Like I have no idea why anyone would not think Warwick didn't need some help in the jungle.

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02/13/12 10:05:00 PM

I want to see jungle Janna (and it amuses me that she's apparently as good as WW). That'd be boss.

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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02/13/12 10:08:00 PM

I have no idea how Jungle Janna even works. But her ganks would definitely be powerful.

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02/13/12 10:37:00 PM

Slow, knockup, knockback, buff ally helping you with gank? Dude.

"Later that day, I f***ed a panda." - PSO
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02/13/12 11:01:00 PM

So I was really wanting to buy Cass, because I decided that she was really fun to play, and she was a champions that I didn't see much.

Then she had a free week, and I knew they were going to nerf her. So I held off, and BAM, no more point to buying Cass.

On the one hand, I'm happy that I still have my IP. On the other hand, I'm unhappy that I was robbed of the opportunity to play a champion I actually think is fun. I seem to have to play champions I hate far too often, for the sake of team comp.

And Sona was the only support I actually liked playing. I guess I'll use my IP to buy Taric now.

Continued unjustified nerfs to revolver make me hate riot for not simply removing spell vamp from the game. They obviously don't like it as a stat.

The is my least favorite patch since I started playing. This reminds me of when I quit WoW because the devs obviously didn't want people playing mages. Why do they always come after the mages.

"What if you just eat vegetarians?"-neonreaper
"^ You are what you eat. ^_~"-Koiji
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02/13/12 11:05:00 PM

With spell vamp quints and the mastery Mundo is now God Tier. Fastest clear time And he can invade on anyone in the game. Can't fight Mundo. E too strong.

So top Warwick is now insane. Damage over time stacking as a passive with a ranged Q that doubles as sustain on both: DIDN'T THEY JUST NERF GP.

Nautilus looks as stupid as we thought. Lee Sin mobility that goes OFF TERRAIN. Cool mechanic but super OP. He can whiff his gap closer and still get close enough to stun you then turn around and stun your support. How stupid. The cooldown is like 3 seconds when he hits terrain.

Oh yeah he Also has a shield that doubles as AOE DAMAGE OVER TIME.

Goodbye Leona and Sej. You've officially been rendered pointless.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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02/13/12 11:10:00 PM

Gwindor posted...
The is my least favorite patch since I started playing. This reminds me of when I quit WoW because the devs obviously didn't want people playing mages. Why do they always come after the mages.

When did you quit? >_> The only time I can think of when melee really was that dominant over the majority of caster reliant teams was late-ish BC, and even then Warlocks were pretty damn good if you're talking about casters in general, and Mages were still very viable in PMR. And Mages themselves have been pretty damn consistently amazing in general since, with a lapse of a season or so post-Arcane nerf, the beginning of WotLK.

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02/13/12 11:15:00 PM

Yeah Nautilus basically makes Sejuani useless. Sejuani has better slows but all around Nautilus has a far better package.

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02/13/12 11:18:00 PM

When I played WoW, every single patch was a mage nerf.

Every. Single. One.

This was right around when WotLK came out.

I finally decided that I had clearly chosen a class that wasn't Paladin, Druid, Shaman, or Deathknight, and they didn't want me playing their game. So I stopped.

"What if you just eat vegetarians?"-neonreaper
"^ You are what you eat. ^_~"-Koiji
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02/13/12 11:21:00 PM

He has the best kit since Lee Sin, maybe better.

His Q sticking to terrAin is just nuts. You see him coming but it doesn't matter. Also catching him is going to lulzy. Just terrain just everywhere.

Did I mention his passive is Bear Stance? His passive, as in not one of his 4 moves, is a stun that can proc on multiple people in a short time span.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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02/13/12 11:23:00 PM

From: Gwindor | #388
When I played WoW, every single patch was a mage nerf.

Every. Single. One.

This was right around when WotLK came out.

I finally decided that I had clearly chosen a class that wasn't Paladin, Druid, Shaman, or Deathknight, and they didn't want me playing their game. So I stopped.

Complaining about Shaman? Seriously?

SuperNiceDog is a fine Guru Champion!
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02/13/12 11:24:00 PM


"What if you just eat vegetarians?"-neonreaper
"^ You are what you eat. ^_~"-Koiji
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02/13/12 11:46:00 PM

Red and FD's DuoQ haul tonight? 0 ELO <_<''

Win ~ Alistar ~ 0-0-8 (infinity) [+12] 1845 [45]

Loss ~ Sona ~ 1-7-10 (1.57) [-11] 1834 [45]

Loss ~ Gangplank ~ 4-7-5 (1.29) [-13] 1821 [45]

Win ~ Nunu ~ 1-1-11 (12.00) [+12] 1833 [45]

But on the interesting side we (1) beat elementz again and (2) lost with elementz again.

That brings our record WITH elementz to 0-3
And our record AGAINST elementz to 5-0

Elementz personal record in FD/Red games? 0-8

~Ç~ Eff_Dee
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02/13/12 11:52:00 PM

Achromatic posted...
From: Gwindor | #388
When I played WoW, every single patch was a mage nerf.

Every. Single. One.

This was right around when WotLK came out.

I finally decided that I had clearly chosen a class that wasn't Paladin, Druid, Shaman, or Deathknight, and they didn't want me playing their game. So I stopped.
Complaining about Shaman? Seriously?

you're complaining about Shaman and Druids when WotLK came out? Feral Druids were good, but their other specs were laughable, and the only reason you'd ever consider a Shaman was if you couldn't get a Holy Pally since they at least had more armor then Priests/Resto Druids. Additionally, Mages were absolutely RIDICULOUS at that point in time. Definitely the #3 OP class after Paladin and DK with just how absurd Arcane damage was.

I guess all those stereotypes about Mages crying weren't an exaggeration. -_-

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02/14/12 1:58:00 AM

From: Gwindor | #384
So I was really wanting to buy Cass, because I decided that she was really fun to play, and she was a champions that I didn't see much.

Then she had a free week, and I knew they were going to nerf her. So I held off, and BAM, no more point to buying Cass.

On the one hand, I'm happy that I still have my IP. On the other hand, I'm unhappy that I was robbed of the opportunity to play a champion I actually think is fun. I seem to have to play champions I hate far too often, for the sake of team comp.

I, too, wanted to buy Cassiopeia, and after her free week I went ahead and did so. Trust me, it's worth it, she is tons of fun to play. And the nerfs really aren't too bad. A 0.1 AP ratio nerf on her Q isn't great, but it's not killer either. It won't hurt until late game, and most of the damage doesn't really come from Q at that point. The 10 damage nerf at all levels of her E will only hurt early game. Let's do some mathcrafting; this is mostly just for my benefit.

Ignoring magic resist (as the percentages stay the same): starting with boots+3, I have 20 AP at level 1 with AP quints and 21 in offense masteries, so at level 2 that's probably 21ish. A level 1 Twin Fangs used to do 60 + .55 * 21 = 71.55 damage. Now you do 61.55, which is 86% of that.

If you get lucky and hit QEE at level 2, let's compare damage:
1 * (75 + .9*21) + 2 * (71.55) = 237.
1 * (75 + .8*21) + 2 * (61.55) = 215.
So a 10% reduction in damage at level 2, and that's assuming you hit 2 Twin Fangs. This is the worst case scenario for damage lost. If you only hit 1 Twin Fang, it's only a ~7% reduction.

At level 3 assuming you leveled up E again, you'll have 22 AP:
1 * (75 * .9 * 22) + 2 * (106.55) = 308
1 * (75 * .8 * 22) + 2 * (96.55) = 286
This is a 7% damage reduction. If you only hit 1 Twin Fang, it's a 6% reduction.

My point is that it's not too bad, at least on paper. I'll play her tomorrow and see if it really hurts her, but I don't think so.

It's iubaris, not Lubaris.
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02/14/12 3:39:00 AM

Saint vicious just did trial run with new Shen.

STUPID DAMAGE. He started Dorans Shield in the jungle and didn't lose any HP. Feint makes the cooldown on Ki Strike a joke. One Giants Belt and he had nearly 100 damage Ki Strikes procing every 2-3 seconds. Wits End for second item made it even funnier.

Lastly, taunt energy renewal is scary. You taunt, do damage, reduce damage, have enough energy to shield and just Ki Strike like a boss.

For anyone wondering the runes it was the following:

Attack speed reds
Armor yellows
Mr blues
Flat health quints

9/21/0 taking attack speed tree. He plowed through the jungle at speeds slower than God Tier but he also did it with full health and a Dorans Shield

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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02/14/12 4:31:00 AM

unjustified nerfs to Revolver


Revolver was nerfed because there were too many cases of people grabbing it and never upgrading it to WotA because the sustain it gave was just that good for the price. It's one of the main reasons that champions like Kennen and his ilk are such asspains in lane.

And Leona isn't going to be affected by Nautilus because she's pretty much got to options except to support these days, while Nautilus is good everywhere else. If anything, Nautilus and Leona will compliment each other because if infinite stuns.

Sejuani, though... I hesitate to call any champion obsolete, but when the kits are so similar and only one champion has come and gone since her release... it's just jarring, to say the least.

I imagine she'll be getting buffs, so what she lacks in utility that isn't slows she makes up for in some actual damage.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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02/14/12 4:52:00 AM

To Sejuani's credit, however, she can pass through walls with a basic ability.

I don't think that should be underestimated.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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02/14/12 5:53:00 AM

Yeah Cass is still stupid strong, but you're right, don't buy her, I'd like her to fall back down into obscurity.

These nerfs just made it so she won't blow you up as quickly. I'm still pretty sure she has the potential to do the most AP damage per second right behind Karthus.

and she still clears waves like a boss and has a good ult.

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02/14/12 6:07:00 AM

man i understand that they want to limit infinite sustain on soraka (balanced or not, it's rather boring) but they need to give her something else to make up for it
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02/14/12 6:16:00 AM

They lowered the mana cost of Starcall slightly!

And then of course raised the cost of the heal. It's just silly.

Falconnnnnnn PUNCH!
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