Board 8 > Post and I will tell you my first memory of you that pops into my head

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01/05/12 12:50:00 PM

wtf I swear to god I posted

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01/05/12 12:51:00 PM

I have a feeling

XIII_rocks, the cream of XIII fanboyism.
The guru champ isn't such a SuperNiceDog, he made me change my sig!
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01/05/12 12:52:00 PM

Sure I'll bite.

"CROSSFIYAAAAAAH!" counter: More times than you've had hot meals and been laid, combined
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01/05/12 12:54:00 PM

let's go

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01/05/12 12:58:00 PM


RayDyn on his Droid, probably at work.
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01/05/12 1:02:00 PM

From: wg64Z | #024
Mine for you is the solid snake box night.

oh man

I remember back in 03 or 04, you had the ambition of making the board's first b8 RPG and I totally wanted to help out with that. This was when I was first discovering spriting. You had me helping you recruit people, running the story by you, and everything. but then your comp crapped and you lost everything and that was the end of that. I remember being pretty disappointed
also, this was one of the first times I've noticed how stupid the modding system was
I remember making the sign up topic and it was something like
"~^~wg64Z's RPG Topic~*~" or something similar
the topic lasted a few days and we had many sign ups, but then It get modded. since your user name has both lower and capital letters, I capitalized RPG and didn't capitalize all of "Topic" this pissed someone off enough to mark it for disruptive posting
I tried contesting to the mod and I said that wg64Z IS YOUR F***ING USERNAME and he was like "Oh ok, you can go ahead and remake the topic then"




From: Dauntless Hunter | #026
what up

A memory doesn't pop up but more a feeling of friendliness. You're always helpful when I make topics and always very pleasant to talk to. I remember appreciating your posts during b8's "LET ME GOOGLE THAT FOR YOU" Phase. b8 sucks sometimes
I wish there were more users like you
I remember being surprised cause I recently found out you're a father

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01/05/12 1:06:00 PM

From: ChichiriMuyo | #028
Oh yeah?

aren't you a contest stats vet? I know I don't see you very often in the board but I've liked what I've seen
the only thing that popped to mind was you were a boss in Smurf's b8 RPG, you were one of Ulti's bodyguards lol

From: AfroSquirrel | #031
I am never remembered.

The only thing I thought was I've always found your username amusing

unfortunately I don't recall any notable events surrounding you =(

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01/05/12 1:08:00 PM

Cool topic

Lockes is warned. Or iPhone posting
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01/05/12 1:09:00 PM

From: blindhobo13 | #034

but how many hobo users do we have? lol

From: mnkboy907 | #035


Dont' you have a naked man in your rotating sig? that always creeped me out

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01/05/12 1:13:00 PM

Wow, I remember that. I put a TON of effort into it, and had a decent story along with the first continent and 2-3 towns with 1 or 2 dungeons/bosses already done.

Twas a sad day *sniff* I do appreciate your input and help though. Oh, life with no responsibilities was so nice.
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01/05/12 1:14:00 PM

From: shadosneko | #036

I've always confused you with HanoftheNekos
I always remember that you two are not the same user, but then it makes me realize I don't actually know you too well

From: StifledSilence | #038
Hi there.

Didn't you have an alt called Stifledseagulls?
I know you were a user from some years ago, did you recently find your way back?
yea, your sig is proof, Taslion doesn't post anymore

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Xiahou Shake
01/05/12 1:15:00 PM

Oh, I am one yet many.

Falcon Punch
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Celtic Guardian 7
01/05/12 1:15:00 PM

hai there, I remember you were here in the glory days of b8
you were a lover of music and Yugioh
its nice to see you posting nowadays
another thing I remember is during Froq's early drawing topics, his drawing of you was the Celtic Guardian as a basketball player for the Celtics

I was like huh, so simple and so funny

I still am a lover of music and Yu-Gi-Oh! Glad you like seeing me around. =D I totally don't remember that drawing but it sounds amazing. If it's around anywhere I'd love to see it, haha.

You laugh at my Celtic Guardian, until I use my Scapegoat, and then United We Stand, Mage Power, and 3 Axe Of Despairs, with Gaia Power out.
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01/05/12 1:17:00 PM

From: BIGPUN9999 | #059
Dont' you have a naked man in your rotating sig? that always creeped me out

But it's Chris Evans...

"First time I got punched in the face, I was like "oh no", then I was like "this is a story"."
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01/05/12 1:21:00 PM

Yep, StifledSeagulls and StifledWaffles are my alts.

As for being back, I'd say so. At least for now anyway. I missed the place.

"Just drown them in maple syrup. sticky maple syrup." - Taslion
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01/05/12 1:23:00 PM

From: ctesjbuvf | #041

Okay, this is how I remember you
You just randomly showed up one day and you were like, almost a fanboy of mine. like you would back me up in some topics, you would cheer on my shenanigans and you always said I was cool and stuff. but I had NO idea who you were. I guess I simply never noticed you and then you just sprouted up, but thats how I saw you. I think you even left a comment on my wiki too. Then you gained steam and you took over the Alphabet User contest from Lokigamer. That was the last thing I remember you doing until IT happened

I lost to you in UotY last year
I don't take those contests too seriously but I was shocked
I hadn't seen you do ANYTHING and I was beaten out by you. I chalked it up to people antivoting me but as it turns out, you became a vet on B8C and yea, thats what happened. I used to be a vet on b8c myself but I kinda fell off for a couple of years. So yea, you inspired me to come back to b8c >_>

From: AlecTrevelyan006 | #042
I want the SECOND memory.

very well

last night, when you were talking about how you were closing to ****ing a nurse. then you randomly popped out of nowhere and were like "WHERES THE NURSE" and I was like "SHINE?"

I seriously laughed for 5 minutes at my own stupid joke there. I'm seriously a moron when I'm deprived of sleep >_>
as for the first memory, I remember I used to get you confused with besaid, as he was originally called thereal0six or something like that

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01/05/12 1:24:00 PM


I sold my sig for gas money.
SuperNiceDog just kicked my ass.
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01/05/12 1:31:00 PM

From: Shoenin_Kakashi | #045
uhh k

a memory doesn't come up but more like "My buddy ^_^"
we always seem to be in similar taste and its pretty easy to start a conversation with you about stuff

I just wish you weren't so mopey all the time =(

From: OmarsComin | #046
sounds nice

You're igloobob right?

I don't think I used to talk to you that much back in the day but it seems we interact a whole lot more often now

I'm not really sure what changed either

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01/05/12 1:33:00 PM


XBL GT: Demon Ninja X2
"There comes a time in every man's or woman's life where they have to make **** up to cover their ass." - Hazama
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01/05/12 1:39:00 PM

From: skull_bonek23 | #047
I think I probably already know mine maybe

I remember when I randomly ran into you during match making in Marvel Vs Capcom 2.

I remember thinking "Bonek? what the **** is a bonek"
I mean, I still do, but at the time, I was thinking about it REALLY hard

and then it came to me

"I think I've seen a bonek on b8"
then I decide to message you and it turns out you're the same person!

I remember I admired your team, not using top tier guys. If I'm not mistaken, you used Gambit, Iceman, and Hulk
You actually bested me in our match.I got you down to just iceman, but then you started spamming Icebeam and you managed to chip out my guys
I remember saying "Aww I wish you didn't start spammin !" or something similar
but then you said something like "Dude thats noob talk stop being a b****" or something
and I wasn't that serious either! so I was like OH NO HE DIIIINT but then I dropped it

nowadays, ALOT of people say YOU NEED TO PLAY BONEK IN MVC3. and everytime I issue a challenge to you, you disappear off the face of the earth for several weeks.
I hear you use Wolvie, Hulk and Sent. I hate fighting Wolvie and I can't stand those Hulk Sent shenanigans people online do, its safe to assume you might be able to best me, despite what other people have been saying

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01/05/12 1:40:00 PM


"This grass feels funny," Kirby thought. It feels like.... pants
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01/05/12 1:54:00 PM

From: Mer_Mer_Yes_Mer | #051
wtf I swear to god I posted

external image

I could just end it there, but I'll say something

I obviously remember you being the little kid on board that was also gay, and he acted like a black chick too

but most notably, how vocal you were about how hot you thought I was.

I didn't think too much of it, but one day, I was talking with my coworkers about random bull**** and SOMEHOW the conversation came up "Do you know of anybody that has masturbated to you"
uhhh yea
I'm not sure how often that becomes the topic of conversation but thats what we were talkin about
I remembered that you said in some topics that you indeed touched yourself to me, and while I thought you were joking, I figured I'd ask if it was there was any truth about it. then you went off on me, saying "OF COURSE I DON"T " and "GET OVER YOURSELF, YOU"RE UGLY" and other crap and I was like WHOAAAA OKAY!

but nowadays you're still doing the same crap, so I've been assuming you were just embarrassed that I acknowledged your posts or something. so I've always wanted to know what was up with that.

Another thing I want to mention, you always say I'm the second hottest on the board, and I'm second because I'm a moron. I just wanted to point out, as I've said earlier in this topic, this is another example of why the board sucks sometimes. You probably see my posts, how I'm not serious and chalk it up to me being stupid.

From: XIII_rocks | #052
I have a feeling

I might be remembering it wrong, but I remember you were pretty hostile back in the day
I remember thinking "Why is this guy so angry all the time"

but you've definitely chilled out and now you're a cool guy, we get along on b8c too. You always have to call me out when I do my :D entrance, but you never call out alec's "##Alec" thing, and you never call out cokes "." entrance either
why just me?! And I've been doing it for years too!
well anyways, we're pretty cool


Ryu Wins
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01/05/12 1:55:00 PM

he pun
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01/05/12 1:57:00 PM

to give a final verdict

despite how overwhelmingly idiotic Pun sometimes is, I generally do like him and find him extremely attractive

I have never masturbated to pictures of him (I'm not Luster)

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01/05/12 2:00:00 PM


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Princess Anri
01/05/12 2:04:00 PM

This better be good.

Congratulations to Rafael Nadal on a Career Golden Slam. - The Mana Sword
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01/05/12 2:07:00 PM


My Japanese alter-ego.
Hey all this is Bartz btw.
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01/05/12 2:09:00 PM

lol I forgot all about that MVC2 stuff. And yeah we should definitely play some UMVC3 (or vanilla if you don't have ultimate) some time. I mean that's if you're good. Otherwise it isn't going to be very much fun for either of us I'm afraid.

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01/05/12 2:09:00 PM


Warning_Crazy Winner of Board 8 Big Brother!
i may be running for senatorship (thanks nio) but i'm no SUPERNICEDOG
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01/05/12 2:12:00 PM

Here I am you can skip to me first

Sushi, kamikaze, fujiyama, nippon-ichi...
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01/05/12 2:13:00 PM

From: skull_bonek23 | #078
lol I forgot all about that MVC2 stuff. And yeah we should definitely play some UMVC3 (or vanilla if you don't have ultimate) some time. I mean that's if you're good. Otherwise it isn't going to be very much fun for either of us I'm afraid.

surely you jest


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01/05/12 2:16:00 PM

From: Crossfiyah | #053
Sure I'll bite.

wasn't your main Chaoscell or something like that?
I'm sorry, I need this confirmed before I go off and ramble

From: VintageGin | #054
let's go

I think I remember You and palmer getting into some shenanigans some years ago

do you recall any yourself?

Married to my Sugar mama, CrimsonOcean. Oct. 10, 2007 ~by Seginustemple
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01/05/12 2:17:00 PM

Indeed it was. Good memory.

"CROSSFIYAAAAAAH!" counter: More times than you've had hot meals and been laid, combined
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01/05/12 2:18:00 PM

BIGPUN9999 posted...
From: WhoopsyDaisy | #033
BIGPUN9999 posted...
From: WhoopsyDaisy | #011
I bet I know what my memory's gonna be :D
Yea, you're from Texas and you work(ed?) at an HEB

I was envisioning it being the Wendy's thing, but yeah. I worked there and have since moved on to bigger and better things :D
wendys thing? I'm not palmer

ROFLMAO, I meant that one guy leaving his account open at Wendy's and sending me death threats when I suspended it.

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01/05/12 2:18:00 PM


XS2 is the only good Xenosaga game - Lady Ashe
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01/05/12 2:20:00 PM

From: Crossfiyah | #083
Indeed it was. Good memory.

I unfortunately can't remember specifics

but I remember you suicided your account

You were leaving the board for some reason and I remember it being somewhat tragic, I remember feeling bad for you and wishing I could help you somehow

then I remember being relieved stuff was okay enough for you to come back

but of course, I might be remembering it wrong entirely and you left the board just cuz

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01/05/12 2:21:00 PM

From: Weakupedia | #085

poster topic

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01/05/12 2:22:00 PM

BIGPUN9999 posted...
From: Crossfiyah | #083
Indeed it was. Good memory.
I unfortunately can't remember specifics

but I remember you suicided your account

You were leaving the board for some reason and I remember it being somewhat tragic, I remember feeling bad for you and wishing I could help you somehow

then I remember being relieved stuff was okay enough for you to come back

but of course, I might be remembering it wrong entirely and you left the board just cuz

I left just cuz. But I like that the illusion of suffering was tangible.

"CROSSFIYAAAAAAH!" counter: More times than you've had hot meals and been laid, combined
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01/05/12 2:22:00 PM

I might've been confusing chaoscell with someone else

but still, I'm surprised I remember chaoscell at all

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01/05/12 2:25:00 PM

From: CorporalSphynx | #055

Hai Raydyn
I remember you were pretty cool with me and Palmer when we used to get into Hijinks back in the day

it seems you're not around as much anymore

of course I can't talk to you without mentioning how I would totally pick you to kill me >_>

I'm seriously amazed how touched you were by that, it always seems like you really do want to murder me

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01/05/12 2:26:00 PM

BIGPUN9999 posted...
From: Weakupedia | #085
poster topic


XS2 is the only good Xenosaga game - Lady Ashe
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01/05/12 2:28:00 PM

From: EdgarAllenBro | #058
Cool topic

I know that you're a party dude and you live in Texas
I remember one time you wanted me to come up and have a drink with you but I couldn't due to college and stuff
would I have been in your bro clique if I had gone through with it, I wonder

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01/05/12 2:28:00 PM

Do you even have one of me?

Many a false step is made by standing still
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01/05/12 2:33:00 PM

From: Xiahou Shake | #062
Oh, I am one yet many.

You're one of few b8 users I talk to on AIM outside of b8c.
the first thing that popped into my head is how you've already succumbed to our PC Game overlords and you hardly play consoles anymore
we would probably play everyday if it wasn't for that!

From: tazzyboyishere | #067

my thought was where does your name come from
I've always wondered if it has anything to do with the Looney Tunes character

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01/05/12 2:37:00 PM

Mopey is my foundation

Im this close - to going full blown self hatred and taking a city block with me while pretending to be a butterfly.

Oh SuperNiceDog's doing it again dude.
SuperNiceDog, you ain't no pimp dude
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01/05/12 2:38:00 PM


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01/05/12 2:39:00 PM

muddersmilk posted...
Whiskey Nick is RPGLord? Huh.

oh no my terrible secret is out!

Not changing this sig until the Bengals, Bills, Browns and Lions win the Super Bowl (10/10/10)
The most American Canadian on Board 8 - #9 Bro on Board 8
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01/05/12 2:44:00 PM

From: Pirateking2000 | #069

I remember you being that one user who gets really excited over everything and is very enthusiastic and stuff

then I heard you were treated for cancer recently

I was thinking how could someone that nice be hit with something so horrible

I hope recent events haven't changed your views on life

From: NoName999 | #071

are you blueristar?

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01/05/12 2:54:00 PM

Oh yeah you have lots of cool stuff on your wiki page.

I never took over any contest from lokigamer.

Good thing I made you come back to b8chat then huh?

Easiest bracket ever, yet we all failed!
Well except SuperNiceDog, of course!
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01/05/12 2:55:00 PM


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