Board 8 > ~FIGHT!~ T-Rex/Denton/Thrall/Vile/Leeroy vs. Dante/KOS-MOS/Ridley/Axl/Snake

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07/23/11 1:17:00 AM

KOS-MOS is as she appears in Xenosaga 1, though she does not have access to Gate, Satellite, or S-Chain. She's strictly in her Red Eyes form, has access to only her techs as well as Shion's transferable ones minus Revert, all her weapons save for F-SCYTHE, and is in her best non-broken equipment. Kratos has stabbed her with the Blade of Olympus.

Dante is as he appears in DMC4, though he does not have his canon regen. He may access Devil Trigger for up to 10 seconds every 5 minutes, and he does not have Pandora or Yamato.

Omega Ridley is as he appears in his Metroid Prime 3: Corruption boss fight. Kratos has stabbed him with the Blade of Olympus.

Axl is as he appears in Mega Man X8, in his White Axl form. He has access to the DNA cores from that one game, as well as access to all his Command Mission transformations save for Mad Nautilus. He has all his X8 weapons save for Copy Shot and A Trance, and he does not have any other powerups or items. He does not have access to his Hyper Mode.

Old Snake is as he appears in Metal Gear Solid 4, though he does not suffer from his self-destructive FOXDIE issues. He is equipped with his Stun Knife, suppressed Operator, Five-SeveN, fully upgraded M4 Custom, Mk. 46 Machine Gun, DSR-1 Sniper Rifle, MGL-140 with a full supply of all non-emotion forms of grenades, C4, Stinger, Solar Gun, Rail Gun, THOR .45-70, and The Patriot. He also has access to his Solid Eye, Octocamo, Nanomachine Syringe, Facecamo with a copy of every mercenary on the field, the latest issue of Playboy, cigarette packet, a cardboard box, and Bandana. During the fight, Snake will be able to be in constant communication with Axl through codec. Codec does not magically freeze time. He will appear to everyone as a Doritos Truck. He will look, smell, and taste like he's full of doritos. Other characters will see the space that Snake actually occupies as a more brightly-glowing part of the truck.
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07/23/11 1:18:00 AM

T-Rex/Denton/Thrall/Vile/Leeroy have challenged Dante/KOS-MOS/Ridley/Axl/Snake to a fight! Location of the fight: neutral, nondescript terrain. Which side will win?


- The fight will occur in real-time (like an FMV sequence). Gameplay mechanics are less important than how the characters would function in a real-time environment.

- The members of each team are ideal teammates capable of a pre-selected plan of battle.

- "Broken" refers to a lot of things, including insta-death, auto-effects, a variety of status effects (e.g., Imp, Silence, Stop, *not* Poison), and revival. Unless stated otherwise, nobody has them, though do use your own discretion.

- There may be SPOILERS from all of the games the characters are from.

Rules for Voting

- Bold your votes (using and ).

- Provide a justification for why you think the selected team would win. Fanboy logic, ignoring character assumptions or rules, and vague or unintelligible justifications are all grounds for having your vote disqualified.

- If you want to switch your votes simply bold the change; there's no need to delete your post, though you may if you wish.

- This match will end in 24 hours.

JC Denton is seen at the end of Deus Ex, with his skills and augs fully maxed. These augs are Run Silent, Combat Strength, Environmental Resistance, Regeneration, Power Recirculator, Cloak, Ballistic Protection, Vision Enhancement, and Agressive Defense System, and he can be considered to have 100% energy going into the fight, though he only has three biocells. Other equipment he has are his Binoculars, Tech Goggles, Rebreather, Thermoptic Camo, and Hazmat Suit. In addition, he carries a PS20, Riot Prod, Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Mini-Crossbow, and Dragon's Tooth Sword, and normal LAMs, which are all fully modded.

Thrall is as he appears in World of Warcraft and its expansions. In addition, he has access to all three of the Shaman's talent trees, as well as most basic shaman spells. He cannot use any totems, Nature's Swiftness, Elemental Mastery, Far Sight, Astral Recall, Reincarnation, Ancestral Spirit, Blood Lust, Lava Burst, Lava Lash, Feral Spirit, Ghost Wolf, Earth Shield, and Hex.

Vile is as he appears in Maverick Hunter X. He has an infinite amount of energy that will automatically restore itself (unlike the game), is with both the Speed Devil and Frozen Castle upgrades, and his weapons are Triple 7, Popcorn Demon, Infinity Rig, Longshot Gizmo, Nervous Ghost, Parasite Sword, Rumbling Bang, Sword Bouquet, and Dragon's Wrath.

The T-Rex is as he appears in Doritos Dash of Destruction. He has been fully augmented and has all his upgrades from the game.

Leeroy Jenkins is as he is seen in World of Warcraft, a Level 70 Human Paladin with access to most unbroken equipment and spells. He has not been informed of any pre-battle plans his team may have made.
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07/23/11 1:31:00 AM

So yeah Omega Ridley and Kos-Mos are sort of busy being exploded from the inside by the Blade of Olympus that has stabbed them and are dead.

Leeroy Jenkins is going to be charging in with his signature yell regardless of whether or not his ability triggered, so we've got LEEEEEEEEEEEROOOOOYYYYYYYY JEEEEEEEEEEEEEENKIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNSSSSSSSS being shouted as he charges towards the enemy team.

Dante, who's just done some hair flip or something because he's all chill like that responds to Leeroy's taunt and goes up and begins to slice him to bits.

But then, all of a sudden Thrall roots him in Ice for 5 seconds with Frost Shock, rendering him immobile and allowing for my team to kill Dante since he doesn't have his canon regen and is a sitting duck!

Then, Denton can see Snake with his radar vision and kill him, as well as the T-Rex can smell Snake so he'll be able to find him even if he's stealthed. Axl is just sort of there being base Axl and not extremely useful and my team can easily beat base Axl.

~Acting on Impulse~
Black Turtle still didn't MAJORA'S MASK
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07/23/11 9:47:00 AM

KOS-MOS and Ridley can tank the blade since 1) ridley is the tankiest tank this side of tanktown and 2) KOS-MOS is a robot without vital organs or blood to worry about.

Snake can gun down dudes easily since he doesn't have to reload or anything. He's like an infinite ammo death turret.

Dante is cool and all and could solo this anyways but still.

maybe, lol
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07/23/11 9:51:00 AM

also 3) KOS-MOS has healing spells so lol

maybe, lol
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07/23/11 10:10:00 AM

I'm inclined to think being stabbed would mess KOS-MOS up something fierce, given the stuff that jacks her up in Xenosaga (Shion bullet to the head, Gnosis chopping her limbs off, etc)

We are thought, and reality, and concept, and the unimaginable
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07/23/11 10:13:00 AM

well even if you think that, ridley can survive it since he's so big and he's taken worse punishment. but if you don't see them surviving, Snake/Dante/Axl are still unhindered in their fighting and can easily win since they outclass the enemy team; snake doesn't need to worry about stealth when he has infinite ammo and it's on neutral. leeroy is dead weight

and I wouldn't write off axl since he's probably better than JC/thrall/leeroy anyways. the dude has homing shots and a ice minigun. He's going to do quite a bit of damage.

maybe, lol
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07/23/11 10:21:00 AM

it like

makes them explode from the inside. this isn't some normal blade. it kills gods.

the blade of olympus can kill cronus who is sort of a lot more powerful and immortal and tanky than kos-mos and ridley so good luck to them

also the problem with axl being useful is that dante is super fast so he's already across the field and frozen by the time any of axl's bullets can really do anything (also dante is probably in the way of axl's bullets when he's frozen or something), and they can't stop my team from killing dante and if they're explosives they're not going to be hurting my team any time soon because of denton's aggressive defense aug

so basically once dante dies it becomes thrall, denton, t-rex, and vile vs. snake and axl

if snake isn't worrying about stealth then he's going to be killed by the t-rex or denton who is invisible, and vile > axl

~Acting on Impulse~
Black Turtle still didn't MAJORA'S MASK
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07/23/11 10:24:00 AM

T-Rex can probably smell him past the stealth camo, since he's presumably full of Doritos. That said, I don't see Dante jobbing to a simple Thrall ice spell either

We are thought, and reality, and concept, and the unimaginable
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07/23/11 10:27:00 AM

Yeah, I dunno how much respect to give Kratos' thing, but setting that aside:

1. Dante is Dante
2. Axl is nice backup
3. Snake isn't that great on neutral in Dorito mode, but he's at least decent

The other side basically has a four-man team (and Leeroy), and none of them are near Dante's level.

another place and time, without a great divide, and we could be flying deadly high
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07/23/11 10:27:00 AM

well the ice spell would freeze him in place for 5 seconds

and then my team just sort of annihilates him while he's stuck

~Acting on Impulse~
Black Turtle still didn't MAJORA'S MASK
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07/23/11 10:29:00 AM

snake doesn't have stealth camo. he brought the bandana so he has infinite ammo which means a constant stream of bullets/railgunz. Also snake can see through denton's stealth since he has enhanced vision. and snake >>>> denton.

also geez dante isn't going to get hit by friendly fire or rush in, he's not leeroy. He knows what strategy/having a team is. unlike leeroy who will be running in to his quick death

maybe, lol
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07/23/11 10:32:00 AM

also the freezing dante thing is extremely unreliable and relies on dante being dumb/not mobile. it'd be like trying to shoot a water gun at a wasp.

i don't know if it would even be effective on dante. if he got hit wouldn't he just comically punch the ice/break out in a jiffy.

maybe, lol
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07/23/11 10:33:00 AM

oh right also if dante ends up being too close to freeze in place thrall can just light him on fire for 18 seconds.

and if dante gets too close to him, thrall can just cast Thunderstorm (instant cast, no need for a target. just like shoots electricty out from around him) and eject dante like 25 yards away and then freeze him in place there

~Acting on Impulse~
Black Turtle still didn't MAJORA'S MASK
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07/23/11 10:34:00 AM

Wouldn't Thunderstorm fry Thrall's allies too?

another place and time, without a great divide, and we could be flying deadly high
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07/23/11 10:35:00 AM

this isn't comically brittle ice, this is like super-enhanced warcraft universe ice

like, mages can encase themselves in ice and be immune to lava or literally anything else

~Acting on Impulse~
Black Turtle still didn't MAJORA'S MASK
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07/23/11 10:36:00 AM

From: Drakeryn | #015
Wouldn't Thunderstorm fry Thrall's allies too?

not really

my team is mostly range so they'd be spread out enough. i know i've argued thunderstorm's use before so its not like my team doesn't know what it does and how to avoid it.

~Acting on Impulse~
Black Turtle still didn't MAJORA'S MASK
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07/23/11 10:37:00 AM

i have to leave i'll be back in like two hours lol

~Acting on Impulse~
Black Turtle still didn't MAJORA'S MASK
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07/23/11 10:38:00 AM

this still relies on hitting dante in the first place which ain't happening. Like he's going to be hopping and jumping off of T-Rex while styling on the rest of your team, and there's nothing they can do.

and there's still axl/snake/potentially ridley to deal with too. all of this goes downhill if thrall gets shot apart by axl or snake, which is pretty likely.

There's also the fact that dante has gunz too so he doesn't have to get in melee range vs. your team.

maybe, lol
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07/23/11 10:44:00 AM

i don't see how thrall can't hit dante

it's an instant-cast spell and it's not a projectile

it basically just explodes/freezes whatever he wants it to

plus the t-rex is charging snake down (he loves his doritos) so yeah snake can't really do anything against an armor-plated t-rex who can probably get across the terrain faster than dante (rocket feet yo).

hell axl will probably be completely distracted by the t-rex too and end up succumbing.

~Acting on Impulse~
Black Turtle still didn't MAJORA'S MASK
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07/23/11 10:47:00 AM

or denton could just cut off dante's head with the unbreakable dragon's tooth sword

~Acting on Impulse~
Black Turtle still didn't MAJORA'S MASK
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07/23/11 10:49:00 AM

this still relies on dante being alone and close to your team.

also, if t-rex is quote "charging into snake" this means he's charging into my team.

dante drops him, r.i.p. t-rex.

there's also these things which are ranged swords. look at that aim, dante can wreck your team without even getting into melee/freeze range.

maybe, lol
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07/23/11 10:53:00 AM

well thrall will have cast a thunder or water shield on the t-rex if it charges, so when dante attacks the t-rex he's either being shocked and being interrupted or the t-rex shrugs it off because he's getting healed. each shield has 3 charges i believe

(lol forgot my phone)

~Acting on Impulse~
Black Turtle still didn't MAJORA'S MASK
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Mega Mana
07/23/11 11:19:00 AM

So I see the T-Rex in the game gets, like, armor or cybernetic enhancements all made of some kind shiny steel.

Metal Gears?

"And the theoretical maximum is 2880 messages, so I was only performing at 45.94% posting efficiency." - Luster Soldier
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07/23/11 11:22:00 AM

Snake could totally take rex. Canon.

maybe, lol
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07/23/11 11:27:00 AM

From: Silverliner182V | #025
Snake could totally take rex. Canon.


Team Snake

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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07/23/11 11:52:00 AM

Seriously though: Justification. Assuming this is a 3v4 because Ridley + KOS-MOS's head explode and Leeroy sucks:

This match is still pretty easy. Axl vs Vile is probably point for Axl. Snake's... I don't know why the Dorito truck thing is a bad thing, it seems like it'd be more useful for him than anything as the opponents wouldn't prioritize a Dorito truck (until it starts shooting them) and it's harder to see exactly where he is.. Anyway, Snake's better than Denton. Dante can handle Thrall and T-Rex and Leeroy at the same time. Probably Denton and Vile too but his back-up is more than enough for them.

Throw in the possibility that the blade might not make both of their heads explode, and well it's pretty easy.

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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07/23/11 11:57:00 AM

Doritos truck is a bad thing because it means the T-Rex can sniff him out if he tries to be stealthy. Also, I generally assume that teams know what their own abilities do, so JC's mercs should know that it's an enemy merc and not an actual Doritos truck.

But yeah, bandana instead of stealth camo, he's not doing any stealth here anyway.

another place and time, without a great divide, and we could be flying deadly high
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07/23/11 12:03:00 PM

Well still. It does make him harder to target-- harder to look for a glowing portion of a truck than a man.

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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07/23/11 1:39:00 PM


they don't have to look for the glowing part

they just see the glowing part and know that it's snake >_> in that region

also axl > vile what kind of crack are you on

~Acting on Impulse~
Black Turtle still didn't MAJORA'S MASK
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07/24/11 12:02:00 AM

In any case, the way I see it, Team Thrall doesn't have enough of an answer for Dante with competent backup.

Re: Denton invisibility strategy (Denton goes invisible, then kills Dante once Dante thinks the fight is over) - I think there's a pretty decent chance that Axl survives, which screws up that plan. This is particularly true if Denton refrains from shooting in order to escape notice.

On the other hand, if Denton is helping his team during the main fight, it alerts the enemy team to his presence. And in any case, Denton would be visible at the start before activating his invisibility; Dante and co. would see him disappear. So I'm not convinced it'd be that easy to catch Dante off guard.

Team Dante

another place and time, without a great divide, and we could be flying deadly high
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