Board 8 > Top 10 Disney Villain Sidekicks

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03/18/18 11:42:41 AM

I was recently having a conversation with a friend about how the villain's sidekick is often the most overlooked character in a Disney movie, so I decided to put together a quick list of the top 10.

A few notes about the list: I only counted animated Disney proper (the "canon," so no live-action, no Pixar, no direct to video sequels, etc.). Also the character had to actually be some sort of assistant or lackey to the main villain, so side villains with their own separate agenda, like Kaa, aren't counted.

Oh and spoilers.

10. Horace & Jasper (101 Dalmatians)
The fact that they are able to kidnap 15 puppies under the nose of Nanny, who isn't exactly an idiot, makes them two of the more competent Disney villain sidekicks, but they're incompetent enough to get caught up in a series of slapstick stunts when the puppies plot their escape, making for some of the best laughs in the movie.

9. Fidget (The Great Mouse Detective)
Fidget is the perfect cross between creepy and hilarious - some of his faces are absolute nightmare fuel, but his voice and mannerisms, particularly when he's taunting the heroes or realizing he screwed up, are just hysterical.

8. Flotsam & Jetsam (The Little Mermaid)
Creepy as fuck, but super effective. They're the ones who seduce Ariel into seeing Ursula, and I love the thing with their eyes (each one has one yellow and one white eye, and they're the opposite sides on each). Plus, they're one of the few villain sidekicks that the main villain seems to genuinely care about - Ursula actually takes a second to mourn their (rather graphic) death, which only further fuels her rage.

7. Joanna (The Rescuers Down Under)
Though she never speaks (despite nearly every other animal in that film being able to speak), Joanna relies on physical comedy to be one of the best Disney villain sidekicks. With a harsh treatment of McLeach's prisoners and a particular penchant for eggs (much to the dismay of her master), Joanna gets herself into all sorts of situations that I just can't help but laugh at, and her faces are the best.

6. Morph (Treasure Planet)
While John Silver's and certainly Morph's status as villains may be questionable, I decided to include him. There's so much you can do with a little ball of goo that can turn into anything roughly its own size, and the animators take full advantage of it. He's always good for a side joke, and many of his pranks actually end up advancing the plot. Plus he's one of the more conflicted sidekicks, in that he likes both Jim and Silver and wants to do both of their bidding.

5. Shenzi, Banzai and Ed (The Lion King)
I mean let's face it, pretty much every character in the Lion King is great, and these three add plenty of humor to the film by being just menacing and dangerous enough to be genuine threats to the heroes but just incompetent enough to be a thorn in the villain's side. Plus points for turning on Scar at the end and making him eat his own words. The fall didn't kill him - his friends did.
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03/18/18 11:43:50 AM

Predicting Kronk as #1
Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
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03/18/18 11:44:46 AM

Honorable Mentions:
Mr. Smee (Peter Pan)
Diablo (Sleeping Beauty)
Brutus & Nero (The Rescuers)
Helga Sinclair (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)

Dishonorable Mentions (The 5 Worst):
Mr. Snoops (The Rescuers)
Chief (The Fox and the Hound)
Creeper (The Black Cauldron)
Wiggins (Pocahontas)
Lawrence (The Princess and the Frog)
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03/18/18 11:46:36 AM

smee, sir hiss, kronk, iago and... sour bill?
all going according to the plan of BKSheikah this time...
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03/18/18 11:47:09 AM

hmm if not smee than who is the fifth...

nm it is only four i cant read
all going according to the plan of BKSheikah this time...
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03/18/18 12:09:58 PM

4. Sir Hiss (Robin Hood)
One of the few sidekicks who is arguably more competent than the main villain, and also one of the few characters in the film that actually really gets something out of being a particular animal, the animators take full advantage of having Hiss be a snake in giving him ways to snoop around for Robin Hood, and giving Prince John ways to abuse him. The two easily make up one of the funniest villain/sidekick duos in all of Disney. The only one that can top them is... yet to appear.

3. Iago (Aladdin)
Gilbert Gottfried has one of those weird voice that like, should be super annoying but somehow manages to actually be funny in the right situations, and this is one of them. Iago is basically fed up with life, and that's his motivation for fucking with the heroes. The abuse he takes from nearly every character in the film gives us some great one-liners, and (at least for now) he just stuck right along with Jafar in one of the best non-death endings for a Disney villain (and sidekick) (again, ignoring sequels).

2. Lefou (Beauty and the Beast)
Okay, maybe this is bias because I'm currently playing him in a local production (which is what actually prompted the original conversation between me and the Beast), but Lefou is the exact opposite of Iago - he wears his abuse like a badge of honor because he is so incredibly loyal to Gaston for seemingly no particular reason other than he's just the greatest fucking guy in the world. Despite constantly being used and abused, he's incredibly optimistic and uplifting, and sings arguably a top 10 Disney song (actually, do ANY other villain sidekicks get a song?), plus he's just hilarious, he surely would have been top 5 on this list regardless.

1. Kronk (The Emperor's New Groove)
No question, the best villain sidekick not only in Disney, but possibly in all of fiction, is Kronk. In an already hilarious movie, Kronk absolutely steals the show. Unlike all the other films on this list, The Emperor's New Groove IS first and foremost a comedy, allowing Kronk (and for that matter all the other characters) to be as over-the-top as possible, with moments like "he's doing his own theme music" and his tenuous grasp on the plot to kill Kuzco (including accidentally giving Yzma the idea). The angel/devil scenes are some of the best in all of Disney, and he and Yzma easily make up the best and funniest villain/sidekick pair. Kronk is dumb, emotional, cartoony, a bit childlike, and perfectly voiced by Patrick Warburton, making him not only the best Disney villain sidekick but one of the best Disney characters period.
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03/18/18 12:14:31 PM

Kronk = too stronk!
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03/18/18 12:15:02 PM

fuckin right

Kronk is easily the best Disney character imo
Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
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03/18/18 12:19:41 PM

this one's for you, morph
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03/18/18 12:20:43 PM

Aww yeah, Sir Hiss finally getting something like the respect he deserves.
If I only consulted the Gossip Stones like BKSheikah, instead of listening to Tingle, maybe I could have been the 2017 Guru Champ!
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03/18/18 12:31:34 PM

Yeaaaah Lefou way too high for my liking. Glad Sir Hiss got at least top 5 though. He's so good <3
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03/18/18 12:59:02 PM

Fantastic list, though I'm a bit sad Smee was only an HM.
Bear Bro
The Empire of Silence
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03/18/18 1:01:16 PM

StifledSilence posted...
Fantastic list, though I'm a bit sad Smee was only an HM.

It was between Smee and Horace & Jasper for #10
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Grand Kirby
03/18/18 1:07:03 PM

I was going say Iago should be number one, but Kronk's pretty good. Hard decision.
Okay, I rolled a 14. What's that mean? Hsu
That you're a cheater. This is a 12-sided die. Chan
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