Board 8 > Ace Attorney Discussion Topic, Part 4 - Dark Age of the Law Edition

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03/23/17 12:57:35 AM

Where the ends always justify the means!

Yeah, yeah, I know we're not quite at Dual Destinies yet, but close enough!

Revised spoiler warning: Spoilers for every game in the series that's in English in any form are fair game, and that includes AAI2 now. Mark spoilers if you want to talk about DGS (which I think only dowolf and I here have completed in any form), but other than that, go nuts!
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03/23/17 1:33:23 AM

Ralliers' determination can't even hold a birthday candle to the blazing flame of DpOblivion's winning spirit!
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03/23/17 4:53:28 PM

Can't seem to find my predix for E2-4's length, but I want to say I was close. :/

@Zyxyz0 - any chance you'd archive the last topic?
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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03/23/17 6:17:13 PM

SeabassDebeste posted...
Can't seem to find my predix for E2-4's length, but I want to say I was close. :/

@Zyxyz0 - any chance you'd archive the last topic?

Also including the first two topics since I still had them saved!
Archive of my AA playthrough topic and some others' playthrough/ranking topics:
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03/23/17 6:21:22 PM

you debeste
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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03/23/17 6:21:37 PM

you the real MVP
add the c and back away
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03/23/17 7:20:36 PM

You're the Marsh now Dogen
Leonhart posting from his phone
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03/23/17 9:46:13 PM

Something I keep forgetting to mention...

Team Stepladder: Gregory
Team Ladder: Badd

someone add them to that weird picture
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03/23/17 9:47:19 PM

I knew Gregory wouldn't let me down...!
Ralliers' determination can't even hold a birthday candle to the blazing flame of DpOblivion's winning spirit!
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03/23/17 10:52:45 PM

Got to the first save point in E2-5 Beginning. Couple of quick takes: I like the concept of the Moozilla head being a red herring murder weapon as well as the "monster footprints" giving the impression of a supernatural murder. In fact, I'm almost kind of disappointed it wasn't actually the murder weapon, but Penny Nichols mistaking the camera crane covered by the tarp for Gourdy is so bad. She should've known better, too, bad eyesight or not!

Secondly, The Fall of the House of Lang (a.k.a. The Lang Street Blues) is so good.
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03/24/17 1:23:50 AM

Naturally, leave it to E2-5 Beginning to be so absurdly long that I can't finish it before I need to go to bed! It's definitely going to give the longest cases a run for their money.

A couple of other fun things before I (hopefully) finish Beginning tomorrow and summarize the events so I don't forget to mention them: There's a sequence after you rescue Sebastian where Edgeworth is trying to figure out what happened to John and what Blaise was up to. Kay pulls out the dirty gloves, the IS-7 case file, and...her Yatagarasu's Badge. Edgeworth asks her why she's showing him something that has nothing to do with the case, and then she turns it right around and reminds him that he shows a lot of irrelevant things to a lot of different people! One of the things I love about DD and SoJ is how they lampshade many players' tendencies to show everything to everyone, so it's cool to find a reference here, too.

Also, when you go to Blaise's garage, Kay takes charge because she considers "stealing" back John to be a case for her special abilities and thus dubs Edgeworth as her assistant, reversing their roles. When Edgeworth tries to protest, she gets onto him for not embracing his role and showing some self-awareness. In his inner monologue, Edgeworth simply says, "...She scolded me." So good. Also, I loved it when Kay dubbed Edgeworth as her assistant, and she tried to get him to say her Yatagarasu spiel with her. Naturally, Edgeworth wasn't having any of it and completely no-sold it.

On the negative side: Man, this trial is so bad. It might even be worse than I remember it!
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03/24/17 2:59:26 AM

I can't get past the fact that Ray is working as a defense attorney, but not in his client's interests. So bad.
Ralliers' determination can't even hold a birthday candle to the blazing flame of DpOblivion's winning spirit!
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03/24/17 3:23:22 AM

LordoftheMorons posted...
I can't get past the fact that Ray is working as a defense attorney, but not in his client's interests. So bad.

I can buy it, only because I was under the impression he was there to plead guilty and maybe cut a bargain for a reduced sentence given the blackmail charges, and that's if he had enough time to think up anything given how he took the case on such ridiculous short notice, even for the AA universe.
Agent Triple Zero at your service!
DpObliVion is the new greatone. Congratulations to our Guru overlord.
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03/24/17 7:23:34 AM

phoenix basically works against engarde in 2-4 by allowing de killer to testify

trial is indeed dumb though

beginning and mid should be super long since end is so quick
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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03/24/17 8:24:10 AM

Phoenix was good enough to get Engarde on the verge of being declared not guilty against peak Edgeworth, so I don't want to hear 2-4 comparisons! Not to mention, they were actually good at stalling for time! The trial in E2-5 is just them saying the same thing every time they cut in on it. Roland going "but you don't have THAT ONE DECISIVE PIECE OF EVIDENCE do you," Ray going "uh if the glove does not fit you must acquit" and Franziska just whipping Ray for talking. Plus, they've got the defense and prosecution on the wrong sides of the screen, which feels weird!

also I don't think End will be as quick as you think because Simon stonewalls you just as hard as Alba does
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03/24/17 9:15:58 AM

phoenix in the end works against his client, though - effectiveness has nothing to do with it

the execution is obviously worse but that misses the point

also, the end with alba includes an investigative stretch, right? where does end even begin in E2-5? if it includes dogen or any of ss-5 then yeah it might clock in at around 2-2.5
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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03/24/17 4:26:13 PM

I mean, the main thing Phoenix does is refuse to take the Not Guilty when it's clearly offered to him, and he does it for Edgeworth's sake more than anything else because he'd done the same for him. Exposing contradictions in a "beneficial" testimony isn't even unique to 2-4!

plus if you want to be silly you can still plead Not Guilty even after Maya's been safely recovered and just let Engarde plead Guilty himself
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03/24/17 8:19:45 PM

Whew, E2-5 Beginning is finally complete! Let's just do overall stats first to give you an idea of what all this part entails: Two testimonies against Lang, and two Logic Chesses (...I don't know if that would be a proper pluralization there), one against Courtney (which I had completely forgotten even existed) and a lengthy but rather simple one against Sebastian. It feels good to go up against Lang for old time's sake, but that's really all it is. They're not very difficult testimonies. The Logic Chess against Courtney is kinda unmemorable as I already noted. It exists to reveal that John Marsh is her son (while you try to figure out the logistics of how a 26-year-old woman has a 13-year-old son. Although with that age disparity, I assumed pretty quickly that he must be adopted, but I guess "darn it Japan" is a real thing, even in Ace Attorney).

The Logic Chess against Sebastian is the notable one here. There's an instant lose option if you pick the one that says he's a complete failure, but it's also obvious you're not supposed to pick it! I've seen people say a lot of this stuff with Sebastian is just Edgeworth trying to motivate him by saying things that aren't true, but I can't say I ever really saw that. Edgeworth isn't the type to employ empty flattery. Essentially what he says is, "If you are determined to continue down the prosecutor's path but you want to be different from your father, I will help you." You can't help but feel bad for him with all his blubbering, but then you also feel like everything Edgeworth just did was in vain when Sebastian immediately runs away once the Logic Chess ends.

Anyway, there's so much jumping around from person to person and place to place in this first section that it's hard to focus on anything but the major stuff. I'm pretty sure I already have three full pages of evidence and two and a half pages of profiles. I feel like that's a bit of a flaw with this first part of E2-5. There's just too many different things happening at the same time, and it spreads itself a little thin. I suppose I can appreciate its ambition, but the case gets way better from here on out once the focus of the case narrows considerably.

The trial is garbage, but Sebastian tries his hardest to salvage it at the end here with the single manly tear animation, the new theme, and the image of him digging through the dump looking for THAT ONE DECISIVE PIECE OF EVIDENCE. I never would have imagined up to this point that Sebastian could carry a scene by himself, but he did here. Watching Sebastian stand up to and shut down Blaise was incredibly satisfying. I think it took on a new poignancy to me that it didn't have before, especially with that last line: "Pops, you may have always hated me, but I always looked up to you. Thank you for everything...and goodbye."
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03/24/17 9:57:21 PM

All right, I'm going to play a little Mass Effect Andromeda and give myself a bit of a break after the marathon that was E2-5 Beginning because I am expecting a similar marathon from E2-5 Middle!
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03/24/17 10:12:26 PM

the plural of logic chess is clearly logic cheess (like cheese but without the z sound). duh~

LeonhartFour posted...
(while you try to figure out the logistics of how a 26-year-old woman has a 13-year-old son. Although with that age disparity, I assumed pretty quickly that he must be adopted, but I guess "darn it Japan" is a real thing, even in Ace Attorney).

Yeah. I think a lot of AAI2 works better if you age up her and Edgeworth and maybe a few other characters into their mid-thirties.
Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius
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03/24/17 10:28:30 PM

LeonhartFour posted...
Anyway, there's so much jumping around from person to person and place to place in this first section that it's hard to focus on anything but the major stuff. I'm pretty sure I already have three full pages of evidence and two and a half pages of profiles. I feel like that's a bit of a flaw with this first part of E2-5. There's just too many different things happening at the same time, and it spreads itself a little thin. I suppose I can appreciate its ambition, but the case gets way better from here on out once the focus of the case narrows considerably.

I think this is a problem with the entire case, actually, until all things converge at the very end. There's a ridiculous number of balls being juggled in the air the whole case, and a ridiculous number of subplots. I kind of like it in a way since it's cool to see how every case in the game ties together, but I think E2-5 has too many threads and lacks a concrete identity of its own until the final confrontation.
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03/25/17 12:49:06 AM

Yeah, like I said, E2-5 tries to live up to its name, but it's kind of a mess until the focus converges on SS-5 and the Mastermind.
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03/25/17 1:05:14 AM

Also, speaking of character ages, it's fun to advance them 9 years and figure out how old they'd be in the current timeline. Badd would be 69. John Marsh is 22 now.

Badd is the same age as Bonnie Young somehow

It's weird to think that IS-7 happened 27 years before AA6, so someone like Katherine Hall, who's 16 during Gregory's section, would be 43 in AA6. Jeff Master would be 66. Delicia would still look exactly the same.
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03/25/17 1:07:08 AM

I think the mastermind keeps it all fresh. beginning is the weakest part, though.
add the c and back away
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03/25/17 1:08:14 AM

transcience posted...
I think the mastermind keeps it all fresh. beginning is the weakest part, though.

Eh, even in Beginning, your one conversation with the Mastermind is a whirlwind of bad guy cliches. They didn't give me much hope of him being good until he finally showed up!
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03/25/17 10:25:53 PM

E2-5 Middle, Part 1 complete! I figure I better break it up between save points considering how ridiculously long it is! To give an example of this case's bloatedness, at one point I think there were around twenty characters on the screen at the same time. Let me count them:

1. Edgeworth
2. Kay
3. Courtney
4. John
5. Gumshoe
6. Franziska
7. Lang
8-10. Three MIBs
11. Lotta
12. Nicole
13. Ray
14. Penny
15. Will
16. Generic policeman/forensics guy

So yeah, pretty close! Speaking of Lotta and Nicole, will you two just go away already?! They've been following us around the whole case for no real reason, especially now that we've squashed the myth of Moozilla and Gourdy. Anyway, there are three testimonies here: One against Lang and two against John, the latter of which gets the Presto theme and totally earns it. It's really good. I wasn't a big fan of John my first couple of times through, but I'm warming up to him a bit this time around. I like that he's a pretty realistic teenage boy and he gives unconventional reasons for lying and hiding stuff as a result. He didn't tell anybody about the tape of him rehearsing because he was too self-conscious to let anybody watch it. He doesn't tell anyone he caused the fire that caused the Moozilla head to fall over because he was too embarrassed to admit he made a stupid mistake. He threw the lion lilies away to protect his mom, but he won't admit it out loud, of course. They try to make a couple of connections of Edgeworth and John both being emotionally stunted. Does Edgeworth have the emotional maturity of a 13-year-old boy? Maybe so! But like I said, I think he makes some serious progress over the course of AAI2.

Next comes the SS-5 investigation and AAI2's ultimate Little Thief recreation, and you know what that means! Yes, more Lang Street Blues! Aw yeah. Anyway, as I said before, I'm not a huge fan of the switching between recreations because it's sometimes not entirely clear when you're supposed to swap or even when you're done. There's a weird unintuitive spot where there are two pieces of Logic that you can't connect until you've completed the Little Thief examination, but the game never really tells you that. I wandered around for a few minutes trying to figure out what the heck I was supposed to do until I just decided to try Logic on a whim and it worked. Still, figuring out what really happened during the SS-5 Incident is really cool because the payoff is crazy.

The big revelation at this point is that John is the president's son, and they finally reveal that he is, in fact, adopted by Courtney. They even have the president's will where he acknowledges it to be so, along with a child's drawing that is clearly Dogen and his dog but nobody even bothers to comment on at this time! So the real revelation of SS-5 will have to wait until Part 2!
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03/25/17 10:56:17 PM

wow I think this is officially the worst NCAA bracket I've ever done

no Final Four teams right
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03/26/17 12:48:58 AM

I think every time I played AAI2, my computer would freeze at the Little Thief recreation of the orphanage.
Agent Triple Zero at your service!
DpObliVion is the new greatone. Congratulations to our Guru overlord.
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03/26/17 12:56:01 AM

_SecretSquirrel posted...
I think every time I played AAI2, my computer would freeze at the Little Thief recreation of the orphanage.

The game was lagging super hard almost the entire time for me.
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03/26/17 1:06:14 AM

Man, these hard resets for Trilogy are even more annoying now that I'm playing AA2. About half the time I accidentally load up my AA1 save instead because ai'm not paying enough attention to hit right on the d pad.
Ralliers' determination can't even hold a birthday candle to the blazing flame of DpOblivion's winning spirit!
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03/26/17 1:08:35 AM

Anyway, E2-5 Middle complete! Three testimonies here: One against Lang and two against Dogen, both with the Presto theme. The testimony against Lang is really cool because there's no hostility or disagreement between the two. It's basically Edgeworth and Lang talking through the details and trying to get to the bottom of SS-5. Then the bombshell drops when Edgeworth reveals that it was really an assassination and not a kidnapping by using the drawing with Dogen and his dog on it. It turns out Lang had his suspicions and his father almost certainly knew it but took it to his grave in order to preserve Zheng Fa's stability. That image of the anti-Yatagarasu in the same poses as the Yatagarasu image from AAI1 is very cool. It's definitely the coolest Roland and Blaise look the entire game!

But right on cue, Dogen shows up to confirm what we painstakingly deduced about the real president. Apparently, he's been tracking us and eavesdropping on us the entire time. Dude hasn't lost his touch! He reveals he's looking for the same person we are: The Mastermind, who had saved his life back then when the anti-Yatagarasu was planning to kill him to silence him. Gradually working your way through both of Dogen's testimonies to the realization that Knightley was Dover's son and thus Gustavia's son must be the Mastermind is a great progression. The realization of who the Mastermind is feels a lot like the moment when you have to name the culprit in Persona 4 because you don't suspect him at all until the time comes when you have to name him and you realize it can't be anybody else. It's a great feeling of befuddlement.

Anyway, the finale will come tomorrow! According to the loading screen, it's just labeled as "End," so no more save points the rest of the way! It doesn't look like E2-5 is going to take the title of longest case unless it tops the Alba showdown (not the investigation, but purely the series of testimonies against him) by a good bit. We'll see how it goes!
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03/26/17 1:10:16 AM

LordoftheMorons posted...
Man, these hard resets for Trilogy are even more annoying now that I'm playing AA2. About half the time I accidentally load up my AA1 save instead because ai'm not paying enough attention to hit right on the d pad.

Yeah, I remember that being super annoying for me, too.

trying to get all the dialogue feels like the perfect job for an emulator with instant save states
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03/26/17 1:13:50 AM

most mindblowing character selections! this is a way better list than it should be

1. Dhurke
2. Godot
3. Simon (spoilering this just to be totally safe)
4. Ini (technically doesn't count as it's a dialogue choice, but eh)
5. Phantom
add the c and back away
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03/26/17 1:22:30 AM

While I think the Mastermind is clearly superior to the Phantom, I sort of put those reveals in the same category where it's a situation of "wait it can't be him but it has to be!" I think I'd agree with you on the Dhurke one being the best because that one is, "I know I'm right but I want to be wrong," and you identify with Apollo so hard on that choice. Godot's sort of in the same boat, but it's not quite as emotionally powerful.

I saw the Ini/Mimi thing coming, so it didn't quite have the same impact on me, but I'd probably feel the same way as you if I hadn't because it's flat out insane that Mimi stole her sister's face.

I might put having to indict Kristoph in 4-1 up there instead of that one.
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03/26/17 2:16:55 AM

I called the Simon thing early, because I was just going through profiles and I was like 'oh, this is the only one that makes sense'
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03/26/17 9:50:16 AM

this is most shocking reveals, right?

the only one of those i called was godot, super-early

everything else i figured out only roughly when we were supposed to
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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03/26/17 9:51:40 AM

and yeah, E2-5 really does have some messy parts - dogen showing up is so bad - the case really comes down to the SS-5 recreation and the mastermind showdown for me
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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03/26/17 9:52:43 AM

SeabassDebeste posted...
this is most shocking reveals, right?

I think more specifically, 'most shocking moments when you have to select a character from the character profile list'
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03/26/17 9:54:17 AM

Yeah, it's most shocking moments when you're forced to pick a profile in response to a question, usually a "J'accuse!" moment but not always.
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03/26/17 10:01:07 AM

yeah, it's funny how the two conflate so easily. this is how AA delivers its killing blow.
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03/26/17 10:03:49 AM

I wish "Who is channeling Dahlia Hawthorne right now?" qualified because I'd totally put that one in my top five! That's the "wait WHAT" moment of 3-5 for me.
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03/26/17 10:11:07 AM

I think the Phantom is the one that most blindsided me. I hadn't considered Fulbright at all.

I figured out Dhurke a while in advance of the reveal; I imagine that would have been something otherwise.
Ralliers' determination can't even hold a birthday candle to the blazing flame of DpOblivion's winning spirit!
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03/26/17 10:13:41 AM

Yeah, Fulbright was probably the biggest sucker punch for me. Well, Phoenix basically outright tells you before you have to get to the profile selection part, by repeating the "detective leading the case" line twice, but still.

Of course, part of the reason I didn't see it coming was because it was such an ass pull in the first place!
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03/26/17 10:30:48 AM

It was Aura's line about the ladder that made me realize who it was.

I figured out the Dhurke thing about 30 seconds before you have to choose, which was the perfect amount of time to get your mind racing and prepare you for it.
Leonhart posting from his phone
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03/26/17 5:06:34 PM

E2-5 complete! Four testimonies against Simon, the last two getting the Presto theme. The last piece of evidence is the lion lilies, because the traces of it on the hot air balloon proves Simon crushed the body double. This showdown is great because while it's a marathon haul like against Alba, it doesn't feel redundant or formulaic. Simon is great at manipulation and provocation. The only two people he can't provoke are Edgeworth and Ray, who takes the defense attorney's creed to heart and is essentially unflappable. He helps Edgeworth keep his focus and direct his attention in the proper direction multiple times during this part.

I really like the weird swerve they throw at you where Simon believes his father was actually Dover and not Gustavia, but in spite of that, he still somehow managed to follow in his father's footsteps (even down to freezing the body to throw off the time of death) and become the one he despised. It goes along with the theme of the bond between parent and child, and what a child chooses to do in response to the path his parent follows. Edgeworth chose not to follow his father's path while still retaining (or maybe "regaining" would be the better term after von Karma) his father's heart. Sebastian chose to follow his father's path at first but diverged from it when he realized he didn't want to be like his father after all. Simon declared he wouldn't follow his father's path but ended up doing so anyway, albeit unwittingly. It's an interesting series of contrasts and foils there.

Simon also proposes a few of the ethical dilemmas that AAI2 is so good at. He claims he sent the letters to Blaise, Jill, Kay, and even John (although he trolls and says "maybe" he's lying about that) because he wanted them to know the truth, and isn't the truth always a good thing, like Edgeworth claims? Simon also talks about how he had to take revenge into his own hands because there was no other way. The law wouldn't help him because the law was essentially the one after him in the form of Blaise. He also accuses Edgeworth of only wanting the truth when it's convenient to him because he's pursuing Simon with only circumstantial evidence when more evidence points to John as the body double's killer. Edgeworth takes this all in stride (with a little help from Ray as mentioned earlier), but some of the other characters struggle with it.

All the talk about Simon encountering the body double on the rooftop is super good. He mentions that the body double was planning to kill Courtney and John, and they should be thankful he's dead now. Again, that's another odd ethical dilemma. Although it certainly wasn't his motive, Simon essentially stamped out an evil greater than himself and prevented more tragedy by killing the body double. It doesn't justify his actions by any means, but it's interesting to think about. They somehow manage to make Simon into a somewhat sympathetic and tragic figure by surrounding him with as many heartless villains as possible. Edgeworth at the end says that he wants to remain a prosecutor so that no one has to take matters into their own hands the way Simon did, and he doesn't want anyone not to be able to believe in others as a result of the law's contradictions.

Anyway, after Simon's A+ breakdown, we get a weird sequence with De Killer and Dogen, where everyone just stands around and does nothing until they both leave. Dogen giving the knife to John doesn't really do anything for me because you know there's no way it's ever really going to be a tough decision for him. After it's all said and done, Edgeworth gets his prosecutor's badge back and Gumshoe finally gets a raise, which is a surprisingly touching moment. Then the final image of Edgeworth and his father back to back with their respective badges behind them is awesome and a fitting end to this great game.

Final numbers incoming next post!
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03/26/17 5:09:40 PM

E2-5 Beginning playtime: 4:27:42
E2-5 Middle playtime: 3:10:34
E2-5 End playtime: 1:57:50
E2-5 in-game time: >7 hours, 28 minutes
E2-5 total playtime: 9:36:06

E2-5 - 9:36:06
3-5 - 9:35:46
2-4 - 9:05:21
1-5 - 8:46:43
E1-5 - 8:42:23
E2-3 - 8:09:06
E2-2 - 7:29:23
4-4 - 6:38:01
3-2 - 6:02:56
E2-4 - 6:01:14
4-3 - 5:58:33
3-3 - 5:48:31
2-3 - 5:06:33
1-4 - 4:59:52
4-2 - 4:58:35
E1-4 - 4:58:26
2-2 - 4:47:40
E1-3 - 4:02:16
1-3 - 3:49:35
E2-1 - 3:36:32
E1-2 - 3:15:49
1-2 - 2:40:40
4-1 - 2:11:44
3-4 - 1:54:15
E1-1 - 1:44:51
3-1 - 1:43:09
2-1 - 1:15:57
4-0 - 1:09:44
1-1 - 0:33:35

Yes, E2-5 beats out 3-5 by a mere 20 seconds, thanks to its nearly 30 minute epilogue and credit sequence!

Ace Attorney Investigations 2 total playtime: 34:52:21
Trials & Tribulations total playtime: 25:04:37
Ace Attorney Investigations total playtime: 22:44:45
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney total playtime: 20:50:25
Justice for All total playtime: 20:15:31
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney total playtime: 19:46:53

I'm also going to repost all the other stats since I wanted to wait until I finished AAI2 to do this:

"Days" by total length:

1. 3-5 day 2: 6:02:27
2. 2-4 day 2: 4:46:23
3. 2-4 day 1: 4:18:58
4. 1-5 day 3: 3:37:24
5. 4-3 day 2: 3:35:41
6. 3-5 day 1: 3:33:19
7. 3-3 day 2: 3:19:52
8. 4-4 day 2: 3:03:37
9. 3-2 day 1: 3:01:35
10. 3-2 day 2: 3:01:21
11. 1-5 day 2: 2:44:33
12. 2-3 day 1: 2:41:06
13. 4-2 day 1: 2:37:01
14. 3-3 day 1: 2:28:39
15. 2-3 day 2: 2:25:27
16. 2-2 day 2: 2:25:06
17. 1-5 day 1: 2:24:46
18. 4-4 day 1: 2:24:40
19. 4-3 day 1: 2:22:52
20. 2-2 day 1: 2:22:34
21. 4-2 day 2: 2:21:34
22. 1-4 day 3: 1:46:53
23. 1-4 day 1: 1:39:08
24. 1-3 day 2: 1:35:43
25. 1-4 day 2: 1:33:51
26. 1-2 day 1: 1:23:48
27. 1-2 day 2: 1:16:52
28. 1-3 day 1: 1:13:33
29. 1-3 day 3: 1:00:19

Trial length in-game totals:

1-5: 16 hours, 30 minutes
2-4: 14 hours, 38 minutes
1-4: 14 hours, 15 minutes
3-5: 11 hours, 34 minutes
1-3: 11 hours, 3 minutes
2-3: 11 hours
4-2: 10 hours, 35 minutes
E2-2: >10 hours, 34 minutes
E1-5: >10 hours, 33 minutes
4-3: 10 hours, 24 minutes
3-2: 9 hours, 59 minutes
3-3: 9 hours, 2 minutes
1-2: 8 hours, 48 minutes
2-2: 8 hours, 45 minutes
4-4: >7 hours, 50 minutes
E2-4: >7 hours, 43 minutes
E2-5: >7 hours, 28 minutes
E1-2: 7 hours, 6 minutes
E2-3: 6 hours, 51 minutes
4-1: 6 hours, 28 minutes
E1-3: >6 hours, 16 minutes
3-1: 5 hours, 16 minutes
1-1: 4 hours, 32 minutes
2-1: 4 hours, 16 minutes
3-4: >3 hours, 49 minutes
E1-1: 3 hours, 42 minutes
E1-4: 3 hours, 40 minutes
4-0: >1 hour, 37 minutes
E2-1: 2 hours, 26 minutes

Investigation days by length:

1. 3-5 day 2: 2:40:27
2. 2-4 day 2: 2:22:16
3. 2-4 day 1: 2:17:55
4. 4-4 day 2: 2:04:21
5. 3-2 day 1: 2:02:38
6. 3-5 day 1: 1:58:45
7. 3-3 day 2: 1:42:38
8. 3-2 day 2: 1:39:44
9. 2-3 day 1: 1:35:11
10. 4-3 day 2: 1:31:28
11. 4-2 day 1: 1:31:13
12. 3-3 day 1: 1:27:52
13. 2-2 day 1: 1:26:42
14. 1-5 day 2: 1:26:02
15. 1-5 day 3: 1:21:23
16. 4-3 day 1: 1:18:37
17. 2-3 day 2: 1:18:17
18. 4-2 day 2: 1:18:05
19. 2-2 day 2: 1:16:38
20. 4-4 day 1: 1:12:52
21. 1-5 day 1: 1:03:57
22. 1-4 day 2: 0:58:35
23. 1-3 day 2: 0:57:26
24. 1-4 day 1: 0:56:42
25. 1-2 day 1: 0:41:53
26. 1-4 day 3: 0:41:22
27. 1-3 day 1: 0:39:27
28. 1-2 day 2: 0:35:58
29. 1-3 day 3: 0:27:01
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03/26/17 5:09:49 PM

Trial days by length:

1. 3-5 day 2: 3:22:00
2. 2-4 day 2: 2:24:07
3. 1-5 day 3: 2:16:01
4. 4-1: 2:11:44
5. 4-3 day 2: 2:04:13
6. 2-4 day 1: 2:01:03
7. 3-4: 1:54:15
8. 3-1: 1:43:09
9. 3-3 day 2: 1:37:14
10. 3-5 day 1: 1:34:24
11. 3-2 day 2: 1:21:37
12. 1-5 day 1: 1:20:49
13. 1-5 day 2: 1:18:31
14. 2-1: 1:15:57
15. 4-4 day 1: 1:11:48
16. 4-0: 1:09:44
17. 2-2 day 2: 1:08:28
18. 2-3 day 2: 1:07:10
19. 2-3 day 1: 1:05:55
20. 4-2 day 1: 1:05:48
21. 1-4 day 3: 1:04:31
22. 4-3 day 1: 1:04:15
23. 4-2 day 2: 1:03:29
24. 3-3 day 1: 1:00:47
25. 4-4 day 2: 0:59:16
26. 3-2 day 1: 0:58:57
27. 2-2 day 1: 0:55:52
28. 1-4 day 1: 0:42:26
29. 1-2 day 1: 0:41:55
30. 1-2 day 2: 0:40:54
31. 1-3 day 2: 0:38:17
32. 1-4 day 2: 0:35:16
33. 1-3 day 1: 0:34:06
34. 1-1: 0:33:35
35. 1-3 day 3: 0:33:18

Ace Attorney Investigations segments by length:

E2-5 Beginning: 4:27:42
E1-5 Middle: 4:08:44
E2-2 End: 4:06:28
E2-3 End: 3:27:58
E2-5 Middle: 3:10:34
E1-5 End: 3:10:20
E2-3 Middle: 2:42:34
E2-4 End: 2:37:56
E2-2 Middle: 2:17:37
E2-3 Beginning: 1:58:34
E2-5 End: 1:57:50
E2-4 Middle: 1:51:47
E2-1 Beginning: 1:50:21
E2-1 End: 1:46:11
E1-4 Beginning: 1:40:09
E1-4 End: 1:39:44
E1-4 Middle: 1:38:33
E1-3 End: 1:32:58
E2-4 Beginning: 1:31:31
E1-3 Beginning: 1:23:35
E1-5 Beginning: 1:23:19
E1-2 Beginning: 1:21:00
E1-2 End: 1:07:01
E1-3 Middle: 1:06:43
E2-2 Beginning: 1:05:18
E1-1 Beginning: 0:53:00
E1-1 End: 0:51:51
E1-2 Middle: 0:47:48
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03/26/17 5:15:41 PM

I told you that end was pretty light! I kinda feel like you shouldn't count epilogues. those things are so fluffy.
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03/26/17 5:18:32 PM

Yeah, I thought about not counting the credit rolls in particular, especially since they get longer as the series goes along, but I've been counting them for every case so far. I imagine 3-5 beats out E2-5 if you cut out the credits.
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03/26/17 8:53:12 PM

A time listing with the credit rolls removed would be interesting. You could most likely time the credit rolls from Lets Plays or other Youtube videos so that you don't need to replay the games again.
"The people who play Final Fantasy 7 actually have lives and dont NEED polls" ~MajinUltima
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