Current Events > How come enlightened centrists are always right wing?

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10/25/23 9:27:46 AM

Southernfatman posted...
Because the right can't actually defend their positions and always have to resort to dirty tactics and lying and pose as "centrists".

The Official Odin of the Shin Megami Tensei IV board.
"You know how confusing the whole good-evil concept is for me."
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10/25/23 9:28:07 AM

AnsestralRecall posted...
That means they want us gone.

Trans kids I guess would be accurate I spose.

But I think we can act in good faith and know the general person is envisioning the boogeyman scenario given. Which isnt very accurate.

I really dont want this to turn into a trans topic though, so I kinda wanna reel it back to topic.

A show of kindness may not do much help, but a show of cruelty may do much harm.
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10/25/23 9:33:30 AM

Sufferedphoneix posted...
Cities in general seem more liberal.

My point of view is bigoted view points are softened if you actually engage with different types of people. I grew up in a Hispanic neighborhood never had Ill will towards Hispanics in general. Was weary of black people growing up cause all I knew was stereotypes and shit but then I started hanging out with several in my party days and that's no longer a issue for me.

Think it was a eye opener when I was at a party 80% black and my shit got stolen. My friend and I went into detective mode and found out it was one of thr few other white dudes who stole my shit. (Not that we make good detectives. We just grilled people and dudes own friend threw him under thr bus) Realized can't go by sterotypes. Though to be fair ir wasn't all sterotyoes but also probability due to the ratio difference.

Sorry to ramble. Point is in rural areas it's all too easy to only associate with only similar people. So I can see why bigotry is more common.

Exactly this.
And of course this comes with some people finally experiencing the outside world to become more open-minded but since they still have ties and connections with what they're used to so they compare themselves with the bigots back home as open-minded even if their own open-mindedness is still rather close-minded otherwise.

Cherish me
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10/25/23 9:36:41 AM

I actually am a centrist tho, I think abolishing all political parties and just have all candidates run independent would do wonders for politics as many ppl will literally vote for their side cause they have to otherwise they feel like traitors. The amount of ppl saying fuck I hate trump but I have to vote for him since Im republican would astonish you, if every president candidate was independent they wouldnt feel the need to vote for trump. But I do agree, a lot of far right ppl do pretend to be centralist so they can use it as a shield to shit on the left

"If you hate me get in line!" Time to fist ppl in Ishin baby!
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10/25/23 9:39:00 AM


Ah. I apologize then. I didnt know it had a connotation. Sorry.

A show of kindness may not do much help, but a show of cruelty may do much harm.
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10/25/23 10:52:16 AM

WesternMedia posted...
Exactly this.
And of course this comes with some people finally experiencing the outside world to become more open-minded but since they still have ties and connections with what they're used to so they compare themselves with the bigots back home as open-minded even if their own open-mindedness is still rather close-minded otherwise.

True. My family as a whole stay growing on that front. We are fighting decades maybe centuries of ingrained bigotry.

To ramble again (sorry) my grandad on two points showed some acceptance to gay people. He admitted to being beat up by a gay guy (my grandad was a boxer and martial artist) and he said they might be a f** but they are still a man. Then after learning about me it took a while but in his death bed he told me often he loved me..

Then there's my grandma she was full blown conservative but in her later years her best friends was a married gay couple.

My mom too. Whole family was raised conservative she's headstrong but at as more people switched their tunes and argued their parts she softened up too. Mind you she was from the start pro LGBT thag was the one liberal issue she always agreed on. She actually snatched us out of church (before she even knew about me) over them bashing gays

I put my heart and soul into my work and I fear I have lost my mind in the process
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10/25/23 3:05:03 PM

Because as it currently stands, the right wing positions (based on the laws they are passing or attempting to pass) are

-women are property

-minorities are evil

-jews are evil

-children should work

-gays shouldn't be allowed to marry

-trans people are "groomers" and "pedophiles"

-anything to the left of hunting homeless for sport is "woke"

And some republicans have a modicum of self-awareness, and know how utterly repugnant and abhorrent those positions are, so they hide behind the guise of centrism.

Currently playing: Megaman Collection 1 and 2
Donald Trump: Inmate No. P01135809
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10/25/23 3:21:48 PM

Real centrist tend to not care about being labeled centrists because they tend to not get into political discussions because they tend to have viewpoints that cover both sides of the line.

For example, they're practicing Catholics, but have no issues with the LGBT community. It is their belief that the lifestyle is "wrong" but also recognize that not everyone has their belief structure.

They like social support programs, such as welfare, but think the abuse of those systems should be punished.

Most centrists (in my experience) tend to be people that usually don't share their beliefs, because they prefer not to deal with the BS of political discussion.

It takes zero effort to be a good person.
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10/25/23 3:28:36 PM

Im just here for the entertaining if disingenuous strawmanning of centrists, like where theyre in favor of some obviously reprehensible act, just not all of it.

Right wing: we want genocide!
Left wing: no genocide!
Centrist: well, how about we compromise and have just a little genocide?

"I do not imply... that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies" - Karl Popper
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10/25/23 3:43:29 PM

AloneIBreak posted...
Im just here for the entertaining if disingenuous strawmanning of centrists, like where theyre in favor of some obviously reprehensible act, just not all of it.

Right wing: we want genocide!
Left wing: no genocide!
Centrist: well, how about we compromise and have just a little genocide?

I think that's a little extreme.

I think it's more like "I think anyone that wants to come to the US should be able to, but come here through the legal channels. I also think it shouldn't take 10 years and $15,000 to get someone to become a citizen."

It takes zero effort to be a good person.
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10/28/23 8:00:12 AM

Notti posted...
Here is Ben Shapiro literally telling his readers to lie and pretend to be centrist, to "defeat leftists"

Btw, even if I don't believe Centrists are as centrist as they claim, what it comes down to me is if their local voting is 50 50.

--- Bernie>Biden>poo>Trump
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10/28/23 9:00:06 AM

Because being on the actual left requires a clear understanding that current systems are broken in specific ways. Being a centrist or conservative comes from thinking that a broken system can either be fixed or is actually good, or that it's scary/unrealistic/childish to not accept things as they are. You can't change these systems by being a "centrist" on injustice. Neutrality on injustice being accepted or considered "smart" is only useful to the unjust.

Supporting the status quo actively or passively makes you functionally right wing, regardless of your self-image because actually changing things is not possible through anything short of active engagement. Inaction helps the status quo. Inconsistency helps the status quo. Both sidesing helps the status quo. Half measures, compromise, and patchwork "solutions" help the status quo.

To provide a historical example, a left wing economic position would be giving more power to workers. Whatever form that takes, from strong regulations to unions, to worker democracy, such a thing can't be accomplished through half measures, half hearted support, or agreeing with capital on some things and labor on others. Any success was pushed forward by radicals who fought and died for the idea that labor should organize. Centrists were the people who thought "a union might be okay, but the laws shouldn't be too strict/no one should strike/they shouldn't sabotage/they shouldn't fight the police" etc.

Centrists may signal that they might support some final goal, but passively or actively block the methods that would actually get people there. They do this because they don't understand the true problems with the current system or they think it's outright good. Their stance benefits the right wing.

Tl;dr, centrism can be passive and is compatible with and necessary for right wing victory, while leftism is fundamentally incompatible with the status quo and right wingery.

I gotta be righteous, I gotta be me, I gotta be conscious, I gotta be free, I gotta be able, I gotta attack, I gotta be stable, I gotta be black.
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10/29/23 3:26:02 PM

Both sides! Since 2010

"We exist in different epistemological paradigms... FUCKPANTS!"

--- Bernie>Biden>poo>Trump
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10/29/23 3:44:07 PM

Because anything critical about the left is right-wing.

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11/01/23 3:53:05 AM

--- Bernie>Biden>poo>Trump
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