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Community » xsdarknesssx
only sausage I eat are basic frozen breakfast sausage.
Goderator posted...
Rick Moranis

He quit acting to take care of his kids after his wife died.
Not that I disagree with him, but part of me wonders how much this stems from him realizing that the only ending of GOT most people are going to care about for the series he has spent 30+ years writing is season 7+8 of the tv series and that makes him a little salty.
Never heard of this, used MSN messenger back in the day but not used it in probably 10 years.
LeoRavus posted...
Who goes on vacation to Africa and decides to overthrow the government.

Looks to me like the one Father from Congo and maybe his son planned this and wanted to rope in a few of the Son's American friends for some reason, maybe they felt they had more protection with them around or wanted to use them as leverage with someone. Hopefully the Government can do something about it, because there is no way in hell he is going to get an kind of fair trial in that part of the world.
Always used drive to visit my grandfather and Cracker Barrel was at like the halfway point that always ended up being around lunch time. Before covid my dad would always insist that we take an hour out of the trip to go into a sit-down restaurant, while their were other restaurants it was one that had no stores close to us so it was often the choice.
Bath and Body men's collection, pretty sure I have tried almost all of the scents at this point.
Is this a stand alone house that you own if so that should be ground enough to have it towed if it is parked on your private property, and I would do it post haste with an anal HOA that would likely find violations for you with it being parked there or something. If you are disabled and they are doing anything to infringe on your rights get a lawyer because they are basically screwed. And document everything.
I do not drink so, not much of a choice for me.
Not only does the idea of everyone in the world (or even like your city/town for that mater) knowing everything that you do sound creepy as hell, If everyone in the world knew everything about you then I would imagine it would be difficult to keep your money secure.
somewhere in the low 70s usually but I keep my beedroom door closed and it is the first vent in the line going that direction so it feels way colder and that is how I like it.
Withdraw it all as $1 bills and light it on fire because the stipulations allow for nothing meaningful anyways.
I can understand the precedent it sets, but at the same time TikTok is one of those hills people should really not want to die fighting on.
I do not want anyone running the country that might not be around in 10 -15 years to live though any of the consequences of their decisions.
Why is a play not some sort of turn but a pitch is, Football would be a turn based strategy RPG imo.
Not that trying to find discounted physical games is any easier when it comes to Nintendo.
Are these shops and stuff complaining right on the beach? I can understand the Mayor not wanting to ban them, but just like in the US I would imagine it is a shop owners prerogative to refuse entry/service.
I do not understand the tweet, the vast majority of those listed do not even have physical options so what is the point in lumping all of these together. Is the number supposed to offend someone or prove some point that seems totally meaningless when all of those false flag statistics are tossed in?
probably been years, cuz I am a righteous and honorable cat person.
Was never a big fan of Nick/CN gameshows or live action sitcoms etc (plus when I watched those channels they were mostly cartoons still). Never watched TGIF or anything like that either. I think a lot of it had to do with growing up with a younger brother, if something child related was on tv it was a cartoon, and by the time he was old enough for that to change we had video games and I was probably watching real tv channels (honestly cant remember).
I thought women turning into Democrats was a side effect of Republicans telling them they are nothing more than maidservants, punching bags and sex slaves. Guess I was wrong, this makes much more sense.
My dad existed and was there for my childhood, was neither good nor bad. He went to work, came home and watched tv or read the paper or w/e people used to do pre internet. Always chalked it up to him being born/growing up in a time were taking care of children was much more defined as a woman's responsibility, he would help out some but was always the bare minimum.
Are celebrity divorces even considered news?
I cba to read all of that, but when it comes to private browser modes I was always under the impression that all I was really doing was hiding what I was doing from people that took a cursory look at something like browser history if they accessed my computer.
Early 2000s, Parent's had a friend that was into computers and built our first one. We never had dial up and remember being a fairly early adopter of broadband.
I grew up not being very religious in my immediate family but being required to do communion, confirmation and the required religious ed classes until like 10th grade mostly to appease grandparents that were more religious. Never went to church for anything other than the above requirements, or for weddings, funerals etc.

We Celebrate Xmas and Easter but not as a religious holiday, the only thing we really do is not eat meat on Fridays during Lent for what ever reason, probably because of how little it really effects your life.
the lack of save carryover from Remake to Rebirth was not that huge of a deal, was a bit annoying to be given 1-2 slot gear and a handful of Materia at the start of Rebirth but it is not like you were really that far into the original game at the start of Rebirth. It will be way more of an annoyance if they do the same for part 3 and have small amounts of unleveled Materia and gear that can only fit a few pieces. Will hold judgement until the release of part 3 thou.
Honestly can't recall the last time I drank anything other than water, probably been years. So that is my choice obviously.
It's fine, but I am just as happy making frozen breakfast sandwiches at home, was not really a huge fan of them until I learned that instead of microwaving them you can split them in half, wrap them in foil and cook them in the oven for 20 minutes to make them way better.

Also I live along the great lakes, I prefer Tim Horton's to any of the other fast food breakfast places not that I would really say no to any of them, but cooking breakfast on a daily basis for the last 10 -12 months has made it mostly a convinence of once or twice a week I do not have to do all that cooking.
Not sure if we even have a Subway here anymore, to many pizza places with better subs around here. Not sure any of them that i frequent are more than like 10 or 11 for a full size sub either so that price is insane.
Stories like this are why I still carry around cash.
I am almost 40 and have no kids, give me the $4M, I am to lazy to deal with making money with the 80% off thing, not to mention I do not have enough starting money to not have to rip off regular people to start off with.
Kradek posted...
What would those bad optics be? "Wow, thank goodness your mom is rich and we get to do and have all this cool stuff!"

Like, are you asserting he's going to be bullied because his mom would be bankrolling the team?

She pays for that and she might expect her son to get what ever position he wants, or to get more play time than other kids or a multitude of other favors. Even if she does not want any of that the people in charge might bend over backwards for whatever she wants without her really asking for it upsetting the other parents without even realizing it or something.
Community » xsdarknesssx