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I read it as zombie fries.
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While having a grill fest is referred to as having a BBQ, if I went to a BBQ restaurant and all they served was grilled food, I'd wonder why they called themselves BBQ. The same for a BBQ competition that was only grilling.

And it doesn't need to be low and slow, hot and fast is also a way to cook BBQ.
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eggcorn posted...
Interesting how you guys are frantically investigating which side of the political spectrum he was on so you can decide if it was a tragedy or cathartic.

It would be interesting if it wasn't the standard.
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refmon posted...
The gameplay is massively improved from 2 but my god, the characters and dialogue are insanely annoying.

I just cant replay it and face those voicelines again

If you could skip all that shit I would have played it a lot more, but I just couldn't bring myself to start up a third character knowing what and how much I was going to have to sit through.
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Obviously this is just word game shit. If I'm skinny, I'm not lacking in fat or whatever. If I'm short, I'm not lacking height. People are tall, short, skinny, fat, bald, hairy etc... If you think changing the language from a person being fat to a person having fat is going to change how being fat is perceived, you're kidding yourself.

Also I would guess that the fat acceptance movement would reject your language update, as it suggests not being fat is normal, and that there's something wrong with being fat, when being fat is what gives you value.

Edit: But they would also reject any idea about losing weight being a positive thing, too.
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I'm going to go and shut down the highway in protest of people being fired for things outside their control.
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Didn't take long for the civil rights movement to be brought up, it never does. The simple minded position that all protests I agree with, no matter how they're done, can and will be compared to the civil rights movement. If you can paint your opposition as someone who would oppose the civil rights movement, why they must be horrible people, and you're just that more morally correct in your position.

More of the stupid argument games this place loves.
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Biden could say he's going to kill 20% of the population, and you dudes would have to take the position that Trump's going to kill 40% of the population and enslave all the women, so vote Biden.

Have fun having the same argument 700 times for the next few months.
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Y'all want to really get pissed off, I pronounce it jife.
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Sniff sniff is that racism my highly trained nose is detecting?
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She didn't include not being straight or cis, uninclusive trash.

Also the last part is the progressive version of "I'm not racist, but...".
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How will music recover?
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Simple being +10% headshot damage, "complex" being +10% headshot for 5 seconds after killing an enemy.

I'm playing Cyberpunk, and some of this shit is just, why? I prefer just basic, static improvements.
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Do armpit people want to fuck the armpits, or is just about licking and smelling?
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You say the fight's already over since she's been fired, and it may be true, but I'd argue that without the campaign, the real problem here, she wouldn't have been.
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I thought we needed to be calling this shit out every time racism rears its ugly head, we need to let those disgusting racists know that we won't tolerate this kind of hate and disgusting beliefs. How can a campaign against hate and racism ever be anything but good for society, right y'all.

And no, I'm not outraged at this, and it's hilarious that you used the word "performative", since it appears that all the pearl clutching and bullhole clinching of the past was actually performative, and the concepts of judging or discriminating or hating groups of people based on immutable characteristics really isn't so bad sometimes, even if it should be punished.
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We've seen campaigns against nobody racists before, why is this one a problem?
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Can someone find me anyone claiming that she's going to oppress white people or bring upon a white genocide in gaming?
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None of you can be pure enough.
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Are mutants separate species, or are they mutated humans? Does a mutation cause a whole new thing?
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Squatting community.
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I love how y'all are acting like you give a shit if she was actually responsible for hiring. Let y'all get a whiff a white shelf-stocker somewhere saying saying they wouldn't hire black people, that bullshit would become a silent fart in a strong wind for it's relevance.
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If y'all just ignored this person they'd go away, right fellas.
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Love the "unplanned donation" bullshit.
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Cuticrusader09 posted...
Takes two to tango buddy. Maybe we should make all men get snipped. Way too fucking many of them stealth. Or forgot a condom. Or complain way too fucking much that it doesnt feel right with a condom until a woman gives in because they promise to pull out.

What a weird ass response.
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Anyone in the market for one, don't get Rove brand, or if you do, get a Rove brand memory card. It tells what kind of card you need, but if you get one that isn't Rove, it's not going to work 90% of the time as it tells you to buy a Rove brand memory card.
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Well that's interesting spin, but it's because they harassed a target. Without that, we're all sitting here still not knowing they exist.
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And why did they become a target?
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Pretty funny considering this all started because these people chose a target to harass.
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Oh boy, we've got a "you can't be racist to white people" dude in here. It's sure to elevate the discussion.
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ImAMarvel posted...
Shut the fuck up with your victim complex.

My victim complex? You seem to be the biggest victim in the topic.
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Part of being a good anti-racist is assuming white people are racist. If you can't see the racism, assume it's there, and combat it with counter-racism, the good racism.
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Anti-racists, who hate racism and racists, suddenly don't really care about racism. And oh, will you look at that, this particular racism is actually justified, to combat potential, unjustified racism. Hell, it's not even racism.

We hold our own accountable, "this person doesn't have power to enact her racism, so this isn't worth mentioning, and mentioning it probably says something negative about you". No, we will not call for this racists job, no fucking way, are you kidding me. We will shrug our shoulders and criticize anything other than the blatant racism we would normally criticize. God, we fucking hate racism and racist scum, God hate them so much.
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Calling someone a bigot isn't flaming because the person is a bigot. Gamefaqs logic at its finest.

I guess if I call someone an asshole its fine because the person is an asshole? What about dumbass? Piece of shit? As long as they actually are those things, it can't be flaming.
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I don't know why people are confused on why she would be so public about this. These people are trained that this is the way forward, that this actually fights racism, and I wouldn't be surprised if she was trained that you can't be racist to white people. They think this shit is what makes them good anti-racists. Of course they would tell the world.
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superman_2000 posted...

Since you keep trying to get my attention with your strawmen fallacies, I'll give it to you just this once. Hope you're happy now.

Am I missing something? You post in his topic, he responds, and him responding is him trying to get your attention?
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Has he been deemed a nazi yet? Alt-right adjacent? Carrying water for nazis?
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Have y'all determined which side is most pure and moral yet?
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Toonstrack posted...
Not if the village has a bunch of idiots.

For real. I don't think people really put much thought into ideas like this. They just assume the "village" is going to share their values and principles.
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I always use the one at Walmart and never had any problems. Didn't really understand people's problems with them. Then I used the one at Kroger. Every second or third item fucked up and we had to keep getting someone there to fix it. If that had been my regular experience with self-checkout, I would hate it.
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The highly educated 16 and 17 olds who are known far and wide for their critical thinking skills.
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Get in their faces, right fellas. Let them know they'll have no peace. Surround, hound, and beat down with your righteous voices. No peace for these fuckers. This is how we do it, right.
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Turducken posted...
Maybe you finding that stick is a sign that you should start hiking! Listen to the sticks...

Well, I could use it while I'm walking around the yard with the dog. Maybe it'll ignite a passion for hiking I didn't know I had.
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I just picked up what I thought would be a good hiking stick in my yard, even though I know I'll never use it because I don't hike. Still leaned up against the house, though.
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The Boyscast.
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Well it was on Brave, so maybe that was it.
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Well the app works fine, can you imagine that.
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I actually have to have my thumb on the video to scroll down. Once the video isn't on screen anymore, I can't scroll at all. Regretting this decision.
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I got it to scroll like half a speck down, no idea how.
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Never used it, but I just signed up for a podcast I like, and I can't fucking scroll. It scrolled fine before I signed up, now it won't move. I can play the video that's there, but that's it. I thought maybe it just needed to load more, but it just won't move. Am I missing something?
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