EA Lead Dev Explains Why She Doesn't Hire White People

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Current Events » EA Lead Dev Explains Why She Doesn't Hire White People
Crimson_Corsair posted...
We're making progress with him fellas. They are at least admitting it is racist now.
Nah i find it way worse that they admit its racism but are still defending it
Hee Ho
Post #152 was unavailable or deleted.
Part of being a good anti-racist is assuming white people are racist. If you can't see the racism, assume it's there, and combat it with counter-racism, the good racism.
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Post #154 was unavailable or deleted.
i wonder if this is a culture war fake news bullshit thats dredged up some old post to misrepresent a- oh would you look at that
My fate was the grandest, most brilliant of them all.
ImAMarvel posted...
Shut the fuck up with your victim complex.

My victim complex? You seem to be the biggest victim in the topic.
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ImAMarvel posted...
Oh fuck off, I'm not okay with racism in the slightest. I just think that white nerds see someone who handled something in an inappropriate manner and get all ass blasted when the truth is, we face that same shit all the fucking time, it's just not as explicit. AND while I genuinely believe this woman's heart was in the right place, when it's white dudes at the top, they do it because they straight up don't believe that black people could have the talent for this kind of thing.
Handled something in an inappropriate manner is a crazy phrase to describe literal racism. If im a white nerd because im shitting on loud and proud racism, then okay lmao

Hee Ho
ImAMarvel posted...
Oh fuck off, I'm not okay with racism in the slightest. I just think that white nerds see someone who handled something in an inappropriate manner and get all ass blasted when the truth is, we face that same shit all the fucking time, it's just not as explicit. AND while I genuinely believe this woman's heart was in the right place, when it's white dudes at the top, they do it because they straight up don't believe that black people could have the talent for this kind of thing.

Says the man who has been trying to defend racism for the last however many posts.

Look, if you want to argue that racism against black people is a far bigger issue due to its prevalence and history, Id be on board.

If you wanted to argue that shes wrong but you can understand how she got there, Id be on board.

However, you just keep denying racism thats explicit and pretending its not real.
Post #159 was unavailable or deleted.
ImAMarvel posted...
There are probably people in here who act like white nerds in the industry may as well be forced to use nasty, shitty bathrooms in disrepair and be denied a promotion that they deserve just because a black woman somewhere did something kinda dumb, for justifiable reasons.

Damn...y'all may as well be getting lynched out here.

Watch out everybody! Hes deployed the straw man!
Post #161 was unavailable or deleted.
ImAMarvel posted...
There are probably people in here who act like white nerds in the industry may as well be forced to use nasty, shitty bathrooms in disrepair and be denied a promotion that they deserve just because a black woman somewhere did something kinda dumb, for justifiable reasons.

Damn...y'all may as well be getting lynched out here.
???? what is this even in response to
Hee Ho
ImAMarvel posted...
Every time any one of color uses their voice in any industry like this, they always come out in droves, don't be fucking stupid.

Im afraid you are no longer qualified to use that phrase after your recent posts.

Lets be clear: racism is bad. All racism is bad.

Do black people suffer more as a result of racism than white people do? Immeasurably so.

However, I need to direct your attention back to the part where I told you that racism is bad.
Post #164 was unavailable or deleted.
ImAMarvel posted...
Every time any one of color uses their voice in any industry like this, they always come out in droves, don't be fucking stupid.
Oh so youre back to thinking that her comments were acceptable and that shes being unfairly attacked. Great.
Hee Ho
You keep saying stuff like that, actually white people, Hispanics and black people are all underrepresented at EA according to that graphic.

With Asians having 3x their population representation.
........the ghost in the machine...
IGN: Fox, FC: 5344-2646-0982
I think it's fine for her to say she wants to hire specifically black devs, especially if her content is supposed to have a black focus.

I think where she fucked up (and where the alt-right is gonna have a field day) is by explicitly excluding specifically white people. That's just not a good look, even if it was fueled less by genuine spite and more out of wanting to give PoC opportunities.

I have nothing else to say
ImAMarvel posted...
You know damn well what this is a response to.
No i dont lmao. You just cant say that shes racist and instead go on some weird unrelated tangent about white nerds
Hee Ho
Dungeater posted...
i wonder if this is a culture war fake news bullshit thats dredged up some old post to misrepresent a- oh would you look at that
Iike this kinda thing doesn't happen all the time to ruin someone's career or public standing
I put my heart and soul into my work and I fear I have lost my mind in the process
RchHomieQuanChi posted...
I think it's fine for her to say she wants to hire specifically black devs, especially if her content is supposed to have a black focus.

I think where she fucked up (and where the alt-right is gonna have a field day) is by explicitly excluding specifically white people. That's just not a good look, even if it was fueled less by genuine spite and more out of wanting to give PoC opportunities.
This. its the specific exclusion of white people that makes the comment so wack and unacceptable
Hee Ho
Post #171 was unavailable or deleted.
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
No im getting racism from the fact that shes not hiring white people because they are white. Not their personality, not their skills, but their skin color. That is racist.

Tell me how explicitly not hiring someone because they are white is not racist.
Wasnt it because of specific lived experiences relevant to the game they were making, rather than solely based on skin color? I didnt watch the video though so idk what she said other than the misleading clickbait title
[click here] pronouns incoming
ImAMarvel posted...
Oh fuck off, I'm not okay with racism in the slightest .


Serious doubt.
Sufferedphoenix posted...
Iike this kinda thing doesn't happen all the time to ruin someone's career or public standing
My fate was the grandest, most brilliant of them all.
ImAMarvel posted...
Then why don't people use their fucking energy to combat racism that hurts way more in the industry than some black woman who did the wrong thing for the right reasons? Like you see WAY more people assblasted about this rather than the lack of black people in the industry, it coming out that there has been racial discrimination in several prominent studios, and so on. It's like no one cares until this woman said this shit and suddenly this is the worst thing ever.

And yet, I have an active topic on this board explaining that I was asked by a member of the board which governs my school to not hire any black people, and I did it anyway.

Im not an enemy to black people, or any other race, for that matter. The people calling her out for being racist arent wrong, and thats why youre failing to defend her. The people letting other racist behaviour slide are the issue, and Im not one of them. Youre angry with the wrong people.
Post #176 was unavailable or deleted.
CSCA33 posted...
Wasnt it because of specific lived experiences relevant to the game they were making, rather than solely based on skin color? I didnt watch the video though so idk what she said other than the misleading clickbait title
She says its safest to be with people exactly like her and that white people will engage in micro aggressions and thus harm the safe environment, and this is why she doesnt hire white people.

Look, if this is an opinion you want to have of a friend group or something thats perfectly fine to me. But when it comes to work, you just simply cannot exclude people because of your preconceived notions about their skin color.
Hee Ho
Post #178 was unavailable or deleted.
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
She says its safest to be with people exactly like her and that white people will engage in micro aggressions and thus harm the safe environment, and this is why she doesnt hire white people.

Look, if this is an opinion you want to have of a friend group or something thats perfectly fine to me. But when it comes to work, you just simply cannot exclude people because of your preconceived notions about their skin color.
Sounds like DEI training might be more helpful rather than a blanket exclusion for hiring practices.

And if they create a hostile work environment, thats something else to address
[click here] pronouns incoming
thronedfire2 posted...
the most important part is that it's only illegal because she explicitly stated that was her intention. all she'd have to do is shut up and say "oh, I hadn't noticed", and there would probably be no case unless there was something else documented to prove it. that's how so many companies have gotten away with hiring 90+% white people for the last 20+ years

Thats why it baffles me when people get caught and sued for discriminating. Like, when rejecting or ignoring someones job application you dont have to give a reason why, so its impossible to prove you a person was skipped over due to unlawful discrimination.

The only way you can possibly get caught is if you outright admit it, but I guess cases like this prove that people can be fucking stupid enough to do that.
"How is that a religious topic? That's just me talking about GOD." -Frostmourne
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
She says its safest to be with people exactly like her and that white people will engage in micro aggressions and thus harm the safe environment, and this is why she doesnt hire white people.
ah, see, i had an open mind about all this up until reading this. if this is the case, and it's not just trying to support underrepresented groups in the industry, then yeah, benefit of the doubt gone. that's a shame.
No clues, no trace
No hands, no face
ImAMarvel posted...
I said "people," not you specifically. I saw your topic.

Anyway, I'm mad because every time something like this come up, all the racists come out and use it to justify their bullshit, not to mention, like I said, people just conveniently ignore why exactly someone felt like it was necessary to do this. I don't doubt there's probably tons of idiots making games, sharing shitty racist memes when they think no one's looking, making microaggressions, saying shitty racist things to get a rise out of people.

Yeah, but all of those things can be true and its still racist. And racism is still wrong. Are other racists out there doing more damage? Sure. And are people who are outraged about her but fine with other forms of racism either disingenuous racists at worst or hypocritical idiots at best? Also yes.

Like Ive already said, she might have more sympathetic motivations for racism than some others do, but its still racism thats still not cool, no matter how much you try to rationalise it as okay.
CSCA33 posted...
Wasnt it because of specific lived experiences relevant to the game they were making, rather than solely based on skin color? I didnt watch the video though so idk what she said other than the misleading clickbait title

Something like that but as I pointed out could still have non black employees that handled stuff not related to the content of the game. Coding testing the game for glitches and bugs etc.
I put my heart and soul into my work and I fear I have lost my mind in the process
shnangyboos posted...
Anti-racists, who hate racism and racists, suddenly don't really care about racism. And oh, will you look at that, this particular racism is actually justified, to combat potential, unjustified racism. Hell, it's not even racism.

We hold our own accountable, "this person doesn't have power to enact her racism, so this isn't worth mentioning, and mentioning it probably says something negative about you". No, we will not call for this racists job, no fucking way, are you kidding me. We will shrug our shoulders and criticize anything other than the blatant racism we would normally criticize. God, we fucking hate racism and racist scum, God hate them so much.

Obligatory reminder that this user defended Kyle Rittenhouse.
"How is that a religious topic? That's just me talking about GOD." -Frostmourne
Post #185 was unavailable or deleted.
Crimson_Corsair posted...
How is that not racist?

The people who need to hear and understand the actual answer to this question won't listen to it.
What has books ever teached us? -- Captain Afrohead
Subject-verb agreement. -- t3h 0n3
SF_Okami posted...

"Counter-racism" and reverse-racism are not things.
What has books ever teached us? -- Captain Afrohead
Subject-verb agreement. -- t3h 0n3
Oh boy, we've got a "you can't be racist to white people" dude in here. It's sure to elevate the discussion.
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ImAMarvel posted...
Ok, that's fine. Thank you for being understanding and not pointing your finger at me and implicating that I'm racist when I'm one of the most anti-racist people here.

Fucking LMAO, what is even going on anymore. You're defending racist hiring practices while simultaneously calling everyone who is calling you out on that a racist, and now you're claiming you're the most anti-racist person here.

What in the actual...
My head's not torn off, my sunglasses aren't broken. Amen, hallelujah, peanut butter.
Post #190 was unavailable or deleted.
ImAMarvel posted...
Ok, that's fine. Thank you for being understanding and not pointing your finger at me and implicating that I'm racist when I'm one of the most anti-racist people here.

I just think it's odd how people get their arms in a bunch over this, however justifiable it may be, when this is literally the reality for black people basically everywhere. And even if we do get put in higher positions, those are literally the exception and not the rule.

I got a little emotional, I'll admit. But my point was always that this kind of thing happens in reverse, far more often, just behind closed doors, and is far more harmful considering that this is just one smaller studio. But people act like it just doesn't happen.

Youre right that Im not trying to say that youre racist, only that you were trying to rationalise racism. I can understand why youre tempted to do so, and youre right that its an emotional response rather than a rational one.

I agree that white on black racism is a much bigger issue. Hell, where I am, Vietnamese people get discriminated against by other Vietnamese people and white people get loads of preferential treatment. The closest Vietnamese equivalent to me in my organisation, in terms of qualifications, experience and responsibilities, gets paid around a ninth of what I do and gets significantly less perks, all because shes Vietnamese. And thats a decision made by Vietnamese people. Crazy.

So yeah, white people definitely have it much easier when it comes to racism. Many will go through their life and never experience it, and many of those that do will experience it at a far less significant level. In the grand scheme of things, they aren't very often the victims, but doesn't mean that we should tolerate it when they are, any more than we should tolerate any other racism.
hereforemnant posted...
1. This was a video from 2+ years ago for another game separate from the Black Panther game
2. Libs of Tik Tok(noted propagandist anti-trans bigot Twitter channel hosted by a moron that can't answer what bad shit is happening in schools that they're so against) dug up this video that had no prior interaction until now
3. She's not a lead on anything, she's an assistant in a far down the totem pole position & has basically no control over the game's development & will have minimal impact on it's fruition
4. Black people wanting their own space with like minded people isn't racism, but her trying to only hire black people is. Good thing she has next to no actual power over anything.

Think I covered everything for today's outrage bullshit magnet.

PS: Asmongold is fresh off of milking content about sweet baby inc so he can smell that rage bait performative conservative action in the water with him like the bottom feeder he is. I challenge anyone to find a more useless mouth to listen to for information than him

As a right leaning white person, I am completely in support of her and her position.
I was curious about how the studio in question is doing these days and according to LinkedIn they've only got 8 employees at the moment.

Like I don't even really know if this is a studio that's big enough to even really do interviews or if it's just a bunch of connected industry people who opened up a studio and make games together.

They haven't released anything other than ValiDate either.
A Fallen Mascot
Man I thought this Gamergate bullshit died out years ago. I really don't understand why people give a shit
We're on a journey to forever! Dreams eternal in a wondrous world without walls
We are Forever, wondering what the future holds
shnangyboos posted...
Oh boy, we've got a "you can't be racist to white people" dude in here. It's sure to elevate the discussion.

You must feel in great company then, boo boo buddy, since I don't think I've seen you elevate anything ever. Let alone this discussion.
What has books ever teached us? -- Captain Afrohead
Subject-verb agreement. -- t3h 0n3
firedoom666 posted...
Man I thought this Gamergate bullshit died out years ago. I really don't understand why people give a shit
Seeing as how this thread isn't going to die out anyways I might as well respond to this.

It's because it started off again with a DEI consulting company called Sweet Baby Inc doing advisements for a lot of game developers & companies. But the thing the far right racist people pushing this connection don't understand is that just because a company is consulting on something, doesn't mean the receiver acted on it at all. Consulting, in my opinion, is pretty fucking meaningless & a fluff job.

Someone pays you to give your opinion on something you don't really need to be credited or professional on, & you tell them how to make themselves appeal more to demographics or sectors of the economy. They get their check for doing basically nothing besides a speaking gig, you go around the industry doing it to all of them.

But the far right thinks this is some broader plan to wokeify the entire gaming industry & that it must be the reason everything bad is happening in regards to layoffs & game quality getting worse in AAA spaces & so on. And it only takes assholes like Assmonshit to propagate it, or when unfortunately people like Mutahar take a centrist position on something that doesn't need a wishy-washy middle ground.

They find that one single solitary spark they were searching for to make a culture war that doesn't meaningful fix anything, & we're right back into gamergate 2.0 because history is a circle. The woman in that bullshit mischaracterized video just helped them add more fuel to the fire.
hereforemnant posted...
Seeing as how this thread isn't going to die out anyways I might as well respond to this.

It's because it started off again with a DEI consulting company called Sweet Baby Inc doing advisements for a lot of game developers & companies. But the thing the far right racist people pushing this connection don't understand is that just because a company is consulting on something, doesn't mean the receiver acted on it at all. Consulting, in my opinion, is pretty fucking meaningless & a fluff job.

Someone pays you to give your opinion on something you don't really need to be credited or professional on, & you tell them how to make themselves appeal more to demographics or sectors of the economy. They get their check for doing basically nothing besides a speaking gig, you go around the industry doing it to all of them.

But the far right thinks this is some broader plan to wokeify the entire gaming industry & that it must be the reason everything bad is happening in regards to layoffs & game quality getting worse in AAA spaces & so on. And it only takes assholes like Assmonshit to propagate it, or when unfortunately people like Mutahar take a centrist position on something that doesn't need a wishy-washy middle ground.

They find that one single solitary spark they were searching for to make a culture war that doesn't meaningful fix anything, & we're right back into gamergate 2.0 because history is a circle. The woman in that bullshit mischaracterized video just helped them add more fuel to the fire.

If it was really that easy, everybody would be doing it. I get some hefty fees from being a consultant sometimes. However, I do have the relevant qualifications and experience.
Glob posted...
If it was really that easy, everybody would be doing it. I get some hefty fees from being a consultant sometimes. However, I do have the relevant qualifications and experience.

Seems like the kinda job someone could get without qualifications or experience provided they know the right people. In other words sounds more like getting the job is the hard part
I put my heart and soul into my work and I fear I have lost my mind in the process
Sufferedphoenix posted...
Seems like the kinda job someone could get without qualifications or experience provided they know the right people. In other words sounds more like getting the job is the hard part

Sure, selling your services when you work freelance is almost always the hard part.

And yeah, if your people skills are amazing or you know the right people, you could get the job even if youd actually suck at it, but thats true of most jobs.
Current Events » EA Lead Dev Explains Why She Doesn't Hire White People
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