EA Lead Dev Explains Why She Doesn't Hire White People

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Current Events » EA Lead Dev Explains Why She Doesn't Hire White People
Glob posted...
If it was really that easy, everybody would be doing it. I get some hefty fees from being a consultant sometimes. However, I do have the relevant qualifications and experience.
I know a political streamer with no degree or education in political science or anything, getting paid 5K$+ per speaking gig to talk at high schools & colleges. Institutions & companies will pay anyone to talk(like how Jordan Peterson's broken dumb ass still gets paid speaking gigs now) if they think you're someone they should listen to.

Look at Rachel Dolezal as well, no accreditation or anything, but because it seems like she knows what she's talking about & companies are desperate to appeal to wider groups for more money, they'll hire anyone to come talk to a room of people.

Maybe you're in a sector where it might matter like engineering, construction, aviation, military, & shit like that when you're teaching or specifically instructing people how to do something. But there's so many areas where consulting firms & people make tons of money doing jack shit.
Glob posted...
Sure, selling your services when you work freelance is almost always the hard part.

And yeah, if your people skills are amazing or you know the right people, you could get the job even if youd actually suck at it, but thats true of most jobs.

A lot of jobs require qualifications period though. I just felt like a place like that might overlook it if they personally knew the person they where hiring.
I put my heart and soul into my work and I fear I have lost my mind in the process
hereforemnant posted...
I know a political streamer with no degree or education in political science or anything, getting paid 5K$+ per speaking gig to talk at high schools & colleges. Institutions & companies will pay anyone to talk(like how Jordan Peterson's broken dumb ass still gets paid speaking gigs now) if they think you're someone they should listen to.

Look at Rachel Dolezal as well, no accreditation or anything, but because it seems like she knows what she's talking about & companies are desperate to appeal to wider groups for more money, they'll hire anyone to come talk to a room of people.

Maybe you're in a sector where it might matter like engineering, construction, aviation, military, & shit like that when you're teaching or specifically instructing people how to do something. But there's so many areas where consulting firms & people make tons of money doing jack shit.

Im in education. Ive consulted for schools, multi-academy trusts and governments. Yes, you need the right qualifications and experience to do that.

But even in the examples that you list, bullshit merchants still need to be good at what they do, which is peddling bullshit.
Glob posted...
Im in education. Ive consulted for schools, multi-academy trusts and governments. Yes, you need the right qualifications and experience to do that.

But even in the examples that you list, bullshit merchants still need to be good at what they do, which is peddling bullshit.
You do not need the right qualifications & experiences, your anecdote doesn't disprove the three I know of that don't have your degree or experience. If you want to say "you should" I'd agree. The only thing for certain is death & taxes & blah blah blah.

When you talk about governments, local state district or whatever, generally they look into backgrounds better because they have bureaucracy that needs to go through the proper channels to verify the background & abilities of their consultants. This isn't always a given because the government does still get scammed sometimes by smooth talking bullshitters as you say, but I'd lead towards them vetting better.

As for corpos or businesses, I don't need to explain it again as I already have. Rainbow capitalism means they want to appeal to as many as possible for , even if the people have no experience or education in the specific economic sector. But Bernie Madoff & Theranos/Elizabeth Holmes are proof you can talk your way into anything if you're clever enough. Trump as well.

Snake oil salesman are as old as humanity itself. So to anyone reading this, practice your social skills & conversational ability, it can really carry you in life, but use it responsibly.
Guys that's how work...works.

Knowing and pitching yourself to the right people is pretty basic when it comes to working under capitalism. Even a degree is really a formal way to pitch yourself over actually proving you are the best person to do a specific job.

A lot of video game writers are left wing and want to be praised for their stories and writing. They work for studios that likely don't really have that much diversity. A company like Sweet Baby goes around and offers a solution to that problem. You want to write a game with minorities ? That's out expertise. That's about it.

The irony of saying this is unfair is it ignoring that stuff like this is specifically the sort of disadvantage that minorities have historically by being treated and viewed as an other.

The grifters and reactionaries either know that or are purposefully ignorant to it. Again this is about culture wars and blaming and targeting minorities for whatever failures in their life they are experiencing.
A Fallen Mascot
hereforemnant posted...
You do not need the right qualifications & experiences, your anecdote doesn't disprove the three I know of that don't have your degree or experience. If you want to say "you should" I'd agree. The only thing for certain is death & taxes & blah blah blah.

When you talk about governments, local state district or whatever, generally they look into backgrounds better because they have bureaucracy that needs to go through the proper channels to verify the background & abilities of their consultants. This isn't always a given because the government does still get scammed sometimes by smooth talking bullshitters as you say, but I'd lead towards them vetting better.

As for corpos or businesses, I don't need to explain it again as I already have. Rainbow capitalism means they want to appeal to as many as possible for , even if the people have no experience or education in the specific economic sector. But Bernie Madoff & Theranos/Elizabeth Holmes are proof you can talk your way into anything if you're clever enough. Trump as well.

Snake oil salesman are as old as humanity itself. So to anyone reading this, practice your social skills & conversational ability, it can really carry you in life, but use it responsibly.

If youre going to type a long response to my post, you might want to read it properly first.
Glob posted...
If youre going to type a long response to my post, you might want to read it properly first.
I love wasting my time having a conversation when one person doesn't read my shit while saying I don't read theirs. I elaborated on what I was talking about, I responded to your small 3 sentences. God that's fucking irritating.

Anyways I'm done here, leaving this then dipping:
hereforemnant posted...
I love wasting my time having a conversation when one person doesn't read my shit while saying I don't read theirs. I elaborated on what I was talking about, I responded to your small 3 sentences. God that's fucking irritating.

Firstly, it was four sentences. And no, Im not saying that as some kind of gotcha moment. Just trying to be accurate.

Secondly, you did not respond to what I wrote, but you wanted me to have written. Or at least, thats how it seems if I give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you werent lying in your responses.

You try to discredit me by claiming that you know of three people who do what I do without the relevant qualifications and experience. You do not. What youve done is taken an answer that I gave and tried to generalise from it and then attack the position that I didnt actually hold.

I responded directly to your final paragraph, because that was your conclusion.

My point, both now and then, was that in certain fields, consultants need a high level of qualification. In others, yes you might get bullshit merchants, but they are still required to be effective bullshit merchants. Thats not a skill everybody has.

From the sound of it, its not a skill you have.
I don't think any developers feel mislead or tricked about the consultancy they were provided.

It's just a small minority of gamers being angry about it. The same exact types who've been angry about woke media for several years and always looking for a target to harass.
A Fallen Mascot
Punished_Blinx posted...
I don't think any developers feel mislead or tricked about the consultancy they were provided.

It's just a small minority of gamers being angry about it. The same exact types who've been angry about woke media for several years and always looking for a target to harass.

Idk why but when I first heard of sweet baby I pictured random white dude trying to explain to another white dude the dos and don'ts oh handling a minority character.

Probably because too many white people get offended on the behalf of others.
I put my heart and soul into my work and I fear I have lost my mind in the process
Punished_Blinx posted...
I don't think any developers feel mislead or tricked about the consultancy they were provided.

It's just a small minority of gamers being angry about it. The same exact types who've been angry about woke media for several years and always looking for a target to harass.
They're not being misled or tricked, just threaten

Time to dive into the fireworks!
Pretty funny considering this all started because these people chose a target to harass.
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Online reactionaries using aka you just know that's a reliable combo

shnangyboos posted...
Pretty funny considering this all started because these people chose a target to harass

Sweet Baby being a target for conservatives has been happening for months.

The entire point of this was to spread awareness and to gain traction.
A Fallen Mascot
And why did they become a target?
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Call http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/182361-human-resource-machine for any comments or concerns.
First off, her being potentially misrepresented as being in a position of power that she may not be in? Unacceptable and if true it's clearly to push a problematic narrative.

Secondly, she's blatantly a racist and I don't know how this is being questioned by anybody. Her words don't at least appear to be edited or AI generated and voiced so if what she said there is what she actually said? I'm pretty comfortable with calling her a racist.

Also should note, if she actually does have hiring privileges? She needs to immediately lose them and never get them back, she's made herself a liability.
The commercial says that Church isn't for perfect people, I guess that's why I'm an atheist.
Solo_Wing posted...
They're not being misled or tricked, just threaten

Did you actually watch that video?
Sir Markham pointed out, drinking another brandy. "A chap who can point at you and say 'die' has the distinct advantage".
shnangyboos posted...
And why did they become a target?

Because they're involved in consulting over several games that reactionaries and conservatives consider 'woke' and they wrote this on their website
A Fallen Mascot
Well that's interesting spin, but it's because they harassed a target. Without that, we're all sitting here still not knowing they exist.
How's my posting?
Call http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/182361-human-resource-machine for any comments or concerns.
The campaign against Sweet Baby already was happening. That's why the staff there complained about it.

The guy who made up the Steam list hasn't even played the games he's whining about

There's always a way to blame the people they target with this crap. Brie Larson, Kathleen Kennedy etc.

It's the same playbook every time. It's always about the culture wars and the perception that their space is being invaded.
A Fallen Mascot
A list of games a company worked on = harassment by hecking Nazi incel chuds
A list of streamers who played a game = perfectly fine, no outrage from game journalists

Bringing up a boycott that demonstrably failed, was completely useless and has absolutely nothing to do with Sweet Baby or this employee is a perfect example as to why this is just culture war crap.
A Fallen Mascot
Woke up, checked my notifications, saw this topic had 97 new posts since last read. Holy shit. And most were made by a racist defending this clearly racist behavior
What in Sam Hill is a puma?
Post #223 was unavailable or deleted.
ImAMarvel posted...
You know what? You're right. I'm sorry, I made a bad take. It wasn't great of me, but yeah, I apologize. And it is (obviously) a rather complex issue, where it isn't necessarily always the dominant demographic discriminating against the smaller ones.

I wasn't aware that this is mostly just culture war nonsense and I will say that there were a lot of usernames itt that never post or barely do suddenly coming out of nowhere to attack this woman or me, when as I said, if you're mad about this, this kind of thing happens literally everywhere against non-white people, period. Not even just black people, but against Hispanics, Asians, etc. I'd imagine, like I said, it even happens in the video game industry, especially considering the sort of people who prop up the industry and the demographics within it. But it's either racist conservative types who silently perpetuate it or its liberals who pat themselves on the back for how "progressive" they are and act like it never happens because they don't want to feel bad.

You and a couple more reasonable posters itt are in the right but there's also a ton of bad faith posters here. I guess that's my fault for getting emotional and actually getting drawn into culture war bullshit.

No worries dude. We all have bad days.

Im glad you were able to see where people were coming from in the end. Its pretty rare for people to see the other side of an argument here and actually give it the consideration it deserves. Fair play.

You may well be right that there are people arguing against you who would turn a blind eye to other racism and it wouldnt bother them at all. All I can honestly say is that Im not one of them.
Post #225 was unavailable or deleted.
Asmongold continues his alt right pipeline to keep his platform. Nothing new there.
I'll be your guide when you wanna get lost
I'll be the sword at your side at all cost
Naysaspace posted...
apparently this video predates her time at EA and is purposely being misconstrued to elicit outrage. apparently it was filmed during her time at a different studio, much smaller than ea
I can tell by the immediate doxxing this was a hit piece.

Happens all the time when a pro-Black work comes out.

The Nat Turner movie? Oh the writer was charged with sexual assault.

Bob Marley movie? Oh no one in that movie is Jamaican, don't watch it

Black Panther game? This woman got promoted and this is how she felt about her old studio. Don't buy the game.

This is what racism really looks like. The video is being posted with zero context so one can hate the subject without knowing a single thing about her.
ImAMarvel posted...
I don't think she's racist, I think she's just aware that there's a lack of black people in the video game industry and that she's trying to help us out in that regard.

Like it's just weird that people are literally demonizing her and getting so whiny when as far as I know, it's small team handling the narrative in the game.

Her: I wont hire white people because Im racist.

You: What she actually meant was

Jaguar34 posted...
I can tell by the immediate doxxing this was a hit piece.

Happens all the time when a pro-Black work comes out.

The Nat Turner movie? Oh the writer was charged with sexual assault.

Bob Marley movie? Oh no one in that movie is Jamaican, don't watch it

Black Panther game? This woman got promoted and this is how she felt about her old studio. Don't buy the game.

This is what racism really looks like. The video is being posted with zero context so one can hate the subject without knowing a single thing about her.
I dont disagree that this topic probably wasnt posted in good faith, but are you arguing that things like writers being charged with sexual assault shouldnt be made known?
Hee Ho
darkace77450 posted...
Her: I wont hire white people because Im racist.

You: What she actually meant was

Come on dude, he conceded he was wrong and did so graciously. No need to keep going after him.
She don't have much brains that's for sure.
Italian, French, German.
Current Events » EA Lead Dev Explains Why She Doesn't Hire White People
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