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Community » rexcrk
Ghostbusters 2016 is another one I really enjoyed. And I say this as someone who puts the original in my top 10 movies.

I could see disliking it if you dont like modern-type comedies, but at least it remembered to be a comedy.

The whole narrative that people created about it being some evil feminist movie trying to ruin the original!!1! is. bizarre.
MrKapowski posted...
I guess it's part of the gimmick, but it's a little strange how TC always asks so many questions, and will bump his shitposts incessantly, but he never answers any of the questions directed at him.

To sum up, stfu sunhawk
Oh! Could that be considered disruptive posting?

Heineken14 posted...
So you've moved onto lying about dating guys now?
Ah haha
Its not difficult to follow the rules.
Bound to get som negative tags and comments but:

-Star Wars sequels
-Star Wars prequels (more applicable ten years ago I guess. Its still wild to me to see the people who claimed those movies were so terrible now act like theyve always loved them )
-Shrek the Third
-Bays Transformers movies (especially the first three, and especially especially the first two)
-Captain Marvel
-The Marvels
-The two live action Ninja Turtles movies from like a decade ago now
-Suicide Squad
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
On this board, the Batman lol

The accuracy

HighSeraph posted...
From Portal?
Thats Chell
Blastia posted...

i just feel like i'm supposed to. idk
Society needs to stop pushing this
Exceedingly based. Too many people are hung up on having a relationship as the be all end all of life when there can be so much more to it than that.

And obviously I know this is a bad faith topic given who made it, but my point is still valid, for people who may not realize.
I have a mentally stressful job that doesnt pay well enough lol. More money would help so I could at least feel like its worth it. Id love a less stressful job that pays what I make now.
bknight posted...
Ghost Busters 2016, The Marvels

I think you misread the topic.

Ironically enough, I quite enjoyed both of these.
Whether or not its true, the sad thing is that it absolutely 100% would not surprise me if it was.
Black Panther. I really dont see whats so mind-bogglingly amazing about it. I dont think its a bad movie, and maybe it was ruined for me because I wasnt able to see it until a week after release and all I saw was people going absolutely nuts over it, but I was so incredibly underwhelmed by it. I personally think its bottom tier MCU.

But I also love what a lot of people hate, so wtf do I know
Just leave
Not enough Danvers
Its about as appropriate as making annoying bad faith topics and stalking people with spreadsheets.
NPC posted...
So I'm chilling in Chipotle last night, as I do, eating my burrito bowl. A cute HB7-8 walks in for a burrito. I'll guess she is 20. I'm not out gaming yet, but I figure this will be a good warmup. I finish my burrito and toss the bowl. By this time she's on her way out. To-go burritos are the devil.

I walk out the door right behind her, tap her on the shoulder.

"Excuse me..."

"Oh, sorry."

"Ha no, I just had to come talk to you before you left. I'm 8s9s10s."

"Oh. Hi, I'm Kate."

"Where are you headed in such a hurry, Kate?"

"I'm actually headed over to Starbucks" (across the street and down half a block).

"Oh, hey, me too, I need some green tea. [this is actually true] I'll walk with you."

So we walk down, I ask her where she lives, what she's doing after her frappucino (a party), etc. She is returning questions. She is pretty shy, but that's to be expected, I'm a casnova, and she doesn't look like the type who is used to talking to boys.

We get to Starbucks, we order, and I tell the guy we're separate (because bump dat, I ain't paying for her $5 coffee). She says she need to get to this party, so I go to hand her my phone, when I realize I left it at Chipotle. So I have her put my number in hers and scramble back over there. I am back in two minutes to show her I found it.

Here's where shit gets real. The guy behind the counter says she said I grabbed her out of Chipotle and dragged her over here. I'm making her uncomfortable and I need to leave. I do not believe this because I am a super friendly guy, so I start bantering back with the guy, who I recognize and have bantered with before, in a friendly way. His next move is "you need to leave or we are calling the police." He picks up the phone and dials. She asked them to call the cops"Whoa, guys, what? Ok, look, Jesus, I am leaving."
I go out and finish my tea outside. A cop pulls up. I ask if Starbucks called him. Turns out yes, he's there for me. I explain what happened and he's clearly on my side, but asks for my name, address, etc. Two more cops show up. Oh boy.
I go up the street and wait fifteen minutes or so. I go back to starbucks and talk to the guy.
" I look like I was trying to grope her? I was just talking. I didn't even try to buy her coffee. Come on." *To be clear here, not apologetic, just incredulous.
"Yeah man, I don't know. I've seen you around, you're ok. But just be more careful."
"More careful how? Never talk to anyone?"
"I don't know. Maybe."
So there you have it. The worst thing that can happen when you approach a girl. I used the story the rest of the night though and it went really well. The worst that can happen is you get an awesome story.

Tell me you didnt type this all out.
Rogue One.

I dont even dislike it, but Ill never understand the boner that people get for it. Its not that good, unless all you are about are cool action scenes (and I do love a good action scene, but when 95% of your characters are so bland that I dont give a shit about them, it makes the action less compelling).

It hits every check on the list of nerds who think theyre cinephiles use to dislike movies, but for whatever reason, this one gets a pass.
16-BITTER posted...
She was just the live action Little Mermaid
Beat me to it
specialkid8 posted...
These are nowhere close to memes.
The message must be spread!
Louder for the people in the back:
I liked that Ant-Man was one of the MVPs in Endgame.
thronedfire2 posted...
(because she isn't wearing any)
( )
Bad faith question
JuSt GeT a NeW jOb
VeggetaX posted...
Ah, the profits were louder than the user reviews.
Yep. Its that simple
Based Sonic
Why do hardcore gamers hate casuals so much?
UnsteadyOwl posted...
Humina humina humina humina
Nope. I actually quite like who I am.

The issue I face is others not liking who I am. Romantically anyway. I have lots of friends and get along well with people unless I try to date them lol. Women want absolutely nothing to do with me romantically lmao.
Bad faith topic
Yo I was thinking about Zoltan! this morning lmao
marvel_fan333 posted...
TC's gimmick is to ask a loaded question and then post an irrelevant image
Sounds about right
Vicious_Dios posted...
Which kind of makes you wonder who'd bother posting that but...

Jesus Christ.

Dude was definitely a bit of a screw loose so Im not surprised tbh

What was post #2?
Beveren_Rabbit posted...
DKBananaSlamma posted...
I'm not clicking a video that has a thumbnail like that
Im normally pretty critical of videos with dumb thumbnails, but this one doesnt seem so offensive to me tbh
saspa posted...
It both ruined my plans and yet also came up at the most opportune moment. Had just finished a major project at work and was finally negotiating with the boss to use up all my accumulated vacation days... and then bam March hit.

Used that time to get some exercise and basically played Breath of the Wild day and night. While so many around me and on social media were posting about how bored they were and how there's nothing to do, I was laughing in video games. It's funny just how immersive video games could be, you could be playing for 6 hours and barely feel more than 30 minutes had gone by. So many people don't realize this or just have no interest in video games. All things considered I had a nice staycation.

Its amazing to me that so many people saw it as some kind of punishment instead of using the opportunity to learn how to entertain themselves in other ways besides going out. Talk about a squandered opportunity.

I appreciate them as entertainers for sure, and Id definitely be star struck if I met one I was a fan of in person (wouldnt harass them or anything. If nothing else, Id want to let them know how much I enjoy and appreciate their work) but it always struck me as odd how people get so invested in their personal lives.
CSCA33 posted...
Post #38?


Whats post #38? Whoever posted it must have me blocked because it goes from 37 to 39
I worked. I didnt get to have fun time off while still making more than I was before lockdown (and Ill never not be salty about this. I shouldve been making bank as an eSsEnTiAL hErO)

But the person going slow iSnT dOiNg AnYtHiNg WrOnG right?
hop918 posted...
Why pay Dtoast to interact with the community he's managing when they can just have their Muppet Sterolizer do it for free

Please dont associate that with the Muppets
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