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Community » opopopza
AceMos posted...
which games are in this one
It's discussing Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
Nintendo is winding down on the Switch, I hope people don't have high expectations. My only hope would be showing off Metroid Prime 4 finally, the reality being it will probably also be in the Switch successor.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
Kradek posted...
Whenever I've tried to use it they didn't seem to. Only select songs available and as Daki mentioned on a shuffle system.

Like when I showed my friend Sleep Token, he looked them up on his phone's Spotify and there was only 5ish songs there (think it was mostly singles from the most recent album) and they've made 3 full albums.
It looks like there are three albums and a few various instrumental albums on Spotify right now for Sleep Token. Unless there are legal issues with a song, I've found Spotify generally has everything.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
I've never heard of this, what exactly is the purpose? At least with cat declawing I can understand why someone would do it, especially if they don't understand what it actually does to a cat. But why would you want a dog without a tail?
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
These lists always skew very heavy on R&B.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
The show definitely went two seasons too long. Though I did like the finale, overall season three and four felt like steps back for the team.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
TMOG posted...
Agreed, Ncuti Gatwa is already doing great as the Doctor, and he's only three (four?) episodes in to the role.

I'd say so far the current run has the same issues that Whittaker's run had, where the Doctor is great but the scripts range from bad to weird for the sake of weird. But I'm pretty sure that The Usual Crowd will give RTD a pass on that because he gave the Doctor a penis again.
I was kind of thinking the same, the Doctors all used to have very distinct personalities, but I think you could swap out Whittaker into these episodes and they would work the same. Their energy and tone feel very similar to me.

The one big advantage with the new season is that Ruby already has more characterization than the 13th Doctor's companions had in their entire series.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
I'm not a fan of the US films, though Skull Island is probably the best. They have too much bloat with uninteresting protagonists. There are some fun fights, but they are also a bit too cartoony.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
What's the parking situation look like?
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
Dungeater posted...
i want ppl to talk about 2nd episode

like whether they agree or disagree, "i actually liked (X) because (blah blah blah)"

or talk about the animation or something

not just "shows good has good reviews"
The show came out 7 months ago, I can't remember what explicitly happened in episode 2. But I thought the show was pretty fun with some good action.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
emblem-man posted...
It's illegal in various places. For example, some cities don't let you have rooms with no windows. You're obviously going to have that in a mall that's renovated.

Best way is to make it cheap and easy to do the renovations, which requires removing building requirements such as that.
I'd imagine not having full bathrooms would be a pretty big issue.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
Pete and Pete and it's not even close. That show manages to be funnier now that I'm an adult than when I was a kid.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
Yes. They will temporarily increase it to make up the difference if you were short on taxes or insurance that is held in escrow.

And then of course it will go up permanently if (when) your property values are reassessed and you start owing more in taxes.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
IShall_Run_Amok posted...
This one really so good you had to post it twice?
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
Eclipse and Intellij/Webstorm. Whatever the default font is.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
Ted Lasso season 2 was a big step down from the first, but season 3 was a major improvement. Great show, but not perfect.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
I do think it's weird that in the entire terrible Star Wars film, people have picked up on that line specifically. It's awful, but it's pretty in line with all the other awful lines. Somehow implies that they are going to try and figure out how he returned, which they never really satisfactorily do in the context of the film. But the stupid dagger lining up with the Death Star is by far the worst part.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
It's 3.29 here, east coast city.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
She should be in a mental facility for the rest of her life and hopefully gets some help to understand fully what she did.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
Not a fan.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
Dancedreamer posted...
Why is it considered a negative to affirm Israel's right to exist...? I get that it's mostly performative, but Israel has a right to exist. And pointing it out as a negative only goes to bolster the viewpoint of people who think pro-palestine means wanting to eradicate Israel.
You just earned yourself an F buddy.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
StealThisSheen posted...
I'm gonna question this, only because a "Swimming ref" on Reddit is saying something that appears to be in direct conflict with what... Actual swimming refs/analysts are saying. Did said ref on Reddit actually provide proof that they are what they say they are? Because when it comes to actual provable analysts in the media, they all seem to almost universally "No, this was a dumb call."

EDIT: Thinking about it, the "excess waves" thing doesn't even make sense, since you can create "excess waves" by splashing in your own lane, which is NOT prohibited. He could have splashed in his own lane in celebration, which would have caused more waves than what he actually did caused, and there would have been no rule against it.
I assume about 80% of Reddit posts are full of shit, but at least it gave a possible explanation. Most likely the ref just had a stick up his ass that day and didn't like the celebration at the end.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
There was a good post on Reddit from an actual swimming ref that explained why this rule is in affect.

It basically came down to creating excess waves in the pool while others are competing can affect their visibility as they are trying to finish (plus just poor sportsmanship). And the lane dividers can also break easily, you are never supposed to get on them.

He said these are not some obscure rules, basically every swimmer knows you can't do this and you will be disqualified for it. So there wasn't much sympathy for this guy.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
I just finished watching all the bonus features on the Freaks box set, love Criterion.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
Has he watched his own movies...?
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
I think the Japanese voices sound better (my wife played Remake in Japanese), but there was dialog during battles that wasn't subtitled so I eventually switched to the dub.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
WingsOfGood posted...
do math what is 6% of $20 million?
Bro, I can't even do my taxes why you gotta call me out like that.

Sorry, I misread it as $2.6 million. Carry on.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
Her pay was raised ~150K, not millions. Basically the salary of 1-2 people.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
Ha, we paid $60K over asking and waived the inspection...
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
It's a remake.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
I've been there! Lived down the street for awhile, yes she's completely insane. It's pretty common knowledge since the restaurant opened. Food was OK, she ruined the experience.

It's a fairly small place, they have maybe 25-ish customers a night.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
I still have my copies, I have issue 1 through the mid 50s, a ton of N64 era, and then from Wii to the end. In total I have about 150 issues, someday I'd like to track down every issue.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
Cuticrusader09 posted...
Non alcoholic drinks come by robot, if you order sake an actual person comes to make sure you are of drinking age.
In Japan the screen just prompts asking if you are 20 years old, and you can just hit yes. Love the honor system. They still do have waitresses to come over at the end to tally up your plates though.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
If your best defense is "it's technically not illegal" then you probably need to have some self reflection on what you are doing.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
VeggetaX posted...
Guys, it's a popcorn flick. It means shut off your brain and enjoy it for what it is. If you need to dissect and deeply analyze this movie then you might as well not watch it.
This doesn't really work anymore with Godzilla. Minus One showed that these don't have to be stupid, it's a choice that the American productions are making.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
I don't think Ukraine will get a total victory in the war, but I wouldn't consider that a win for Putin. Putin can move the goal posts if he likes to call it a success, but everyone will know the truth that they embarrassed themselves.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
Romeo and Juliet is a good call, kids in high school must have watched that for decades. I can't imagine they show it anymore though.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
The movie was pretty awful I felt. Definitely not a great movie.

Nick Fury subplot was filler, the villain's whole motivation is shown in a quick flashblack, and Monica's character is a total bore.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
BlueBoy675 posted...
Hmm, Superman by Grant Morrison goes for pretty cheap. Thats New 52 Supes I think?
I hated the art on this run.

I collected all the Conan Omnibus when Marvel had the rights, I'm glad I did because they are worth quite a bit now. I did recently pick up the new printings of the Clone Saga and Ben Reilly, as well as Immortal Hulk.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
When I went in January (a few years ago), the sun came up at like 10am and set at 2pm. It was really weird but kind of fun.

One of the excursions I did was going inside a glacier, that was pretty wild. It was a fun trip, but everything there is pretty expensive.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
I'm not a civil engineer, but why does it take so long to build a bobsled track? China would've gotten it done in a weekend.
Can you say David Hasselhoff?
Community » opopopza