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Community » marthsheretoo
Really, really good.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
waterjoe posted...
I don't believe that.

Doesn't matter whether you believe it or not.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
action52 posted...
And even Zahn's books, which are considered the gold standard of EU writing, had an evil clone of Luke Skywalker, created from the hand that was chopped off on Bespin, named Luuke.


I will always defend that particular plot point.

The evil Luke clone was barely in the series; it existed as a clever workaround to the issue of Mara Jade being psychically compelled to kill Luke.

As for the name, the "tell" that Joruus C'baoth was a clone was that he mispronounced his own name - the original was Jorus. Now all of a sudden, Zahn is writing a battle scene between Luke and his clone. What's a simple way to differentiate them rather than having to say "the Luke clone" or something similar over and over again? Give the clone a shorthand variation of the original's name which readers have already learned to associate with clones.

If only Zahn had had the foresight to see what obnoxious clickbait listicles would make of that choice, he might have searched harder for a better solution. Alas.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Snokes...why did it have to be snokes?
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
It's a shame her experience was so bad. My experience was great, and a lot of the points of failure she experienced simply should not have happened. Multiple massive fuckups on Disney's end (and a few on hers tbh).

She also gets some things wrong but eh, she's also calling out some real criticisms I share, and there are a few she didn't mention.

I'm still sad it closed and would have gone back.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
KitKats posted...

Gotta update it to mention the Holocaust denial.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Beveren_Rabbit posted...
no one is a bad person just because they have money.

But plenty of people have money and are bad.

As for me...

Credit, identity, thunder and scenes
Intellectual property, whatever that means,
And if you look closer, this poor little orphan
Will steal! Your! Heaaaaaart!
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Irl battle: some Japanese peasant who can't win a straight fight vs a drunk, scurvy-afflicted ex-con with no prospects.

Meme battle: the pirate takes a fatal wound, keeps fighting long enough to kill the ninja, then dies.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
I'd say it depends on the circumstances of the victory, and if it was sufficiently shady.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
legendarylemur posted...
he's probably quit out of not wanting to manage it anymore,

He quit because he hated the direction Fandom was taking things.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Dudebusters posted...
It manufactures difficulty by making money/items scarce, and putting healing points few and far in between

What is the difference in your mind between manufactured difficulty and just straight-up difficulty?
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Darkinsanity1 posted...
Well thats fucking stupid. Since access to this board is restricted, shouldn't it be more lax? More censorship is stupid. Need less of that, not more.

You're coming at the issue from the perspective of a sensible person.

Fandom's goal is to kill the board and blame it on the users. In that light, their actions make total sense.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Funny how these policy changes for safety's sake are making me feel less and less safe.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
STEROLIZER posted...
But seriously guys, there is a Sex Board for a reason. Just use that.

People don't tend to hop boards anymore. They want to talk about things with their community they've built so it's easier to keep discussion in one place than force members of the community to keep track of a bunch of separate discussion pages.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Zikten posted...
People are dropping like flies

This was the plan all along.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
pegusus123456 posted...
That's why everyone should just play Hearthstone

Just as bad.

PVZ Heroes is the game for intellectual card game enjoyers.

Yu-Gi-Oh is bad and always has been.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Oracle games are incredible but Tears still beats them imo.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Would anything even happen if they did?
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Indian food is so fucking good. I make most of my dishes in house. If you have garam masala, that opens the door to so many dishes (but you need to supplement it with other spices).
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
What kind of ideas are you looking for? Food? Activities? Decor? Vibes?
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Glob posted...
If were listing them then I guess Ill join in, but Id imagine a lot of the American crowd wont know some of these:

Bill Bailey
Jimmy Carr
Sean Lock
Rhod Gilbert
Ricky Gervais
Huhg Dennis
Tim Minchin
Russell Howard
Frankie Boyle
James Acaster
Joe Lycett
Jack Dee
Greg Davies
John Bishop
Kevin Bridges
Dylan Moran

Theres probably more that Im forgetting.

I know like 6 of those from Taskmaster.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
HOON posted...

The ****ler
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Pitch your screenplay.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
King_Rial posted...
"Tell my wife I said 'Hello'."

Came in to say this one.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
OudeGeuze posted...
Star Wars makes Star Wars look bad
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Would be pretty funny if this was a bluff designed to draw out Republican resources and Biden didn't spend a penny in Florida.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Eh, let's compromise and rename Reagan Airport instead.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
This site can't be worth more than three fiddy.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Haven't played a 5e druid (in fact, I think it's the one class nobody in my group has played yet) but in 3.5 I loved playing a master of many forms and abusing the fuck out of as many obscure monsters as I could shift into. Wild Shape is so much more restricted than it used to be.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Had some korean fried chicken last week after Dune 2
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Just_a_loser posted...
Because, ya know, genders are often so confusing in Star Wars, and such things were totally necessary additions.

There are enough alien species with odd genders that I would honestly find this decently helpful.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
NeonOPPAl posted...
The gameplay is awesome

The story is rough at the start, but flattens out to being laughable later

Tiki best girl

"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
s0nicfan posted...
If it gets sold to an american company than the american legal system can take them to court over it. How would one legally force TikTok to stop using a keylogger as they are currently structured (without using a ban)?

Also, the bill isn't even a blanket tiktok ban. It gives the president the power to ban apps that pose a national security risk. Everyone keeps calling it a TikTok ban because it's easier to explain, but the problem is then you have all these people going "but why are they singling out TikTok?" when the bill isn't doing that at all.

EDIT: then there's also this:

They're literally using data harvested to hunt down sources for news stories. In a country where the app itself is banned. AND in strict violation of the steps they took to assure the US this wasn't happening in the first place. People need to stop pretending like TikTok and Facebook are identical things.

Thank you for actually understanding the issue. Too many people are content to assume all privacy violations are equal.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
SunburnCostanza posted...
If you want to say she's denying trans genocide or anti trans that's fine. If you want to call her a "Holocaust denier" and then people take 5 seconds to google her acknowledging the Holocaust and defending Jewish people you're going to hurt your own cause.

I suspect there's a reason people are saying she's denying the Holocaust rather than saying she's engaging in Holocaust denial with specific respect to the way trans people were treated. Basically they just want to inflict the maximum amount of social shame they think is possible

The trans genocide carried out by Nazis was part of the Holocaust.

Something tells me you aren't so concerned for the trans movement that you're worried the language they use is causing them to lose followers. You defended pedantry earlier as being accurate with your words: it is accurate to call this Holocaust denial, regardless of whose feathers get ruffled in the process.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
SunburnCostanza posted...
She clearly acknowledged the Holocaust happened?

It might be time for you to quickly read up on what Holocaust denial is.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
One can defend Jews and engage in Holocaust denial, dude. This is a really weird look.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Gamer queen
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Awful movie. Even outside the context of being a sequel, it's just ok, but the amount of damage it did to the chances of making a compelling sequel is staggering. JJ couldn't have hobbled the trilogy harder if he tried.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Block_that_Kick posted...

Ari seems to have suffered from poor reading comprehension in the process of hunting for an "own".
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Radiant Dawn gets pretty brutal at times. The protagonists occasionally resist killing (but generally for good reasons, like "this will bite us in the ass later" or "we're being coerced into the murder of an ally") but more often than not, it's war crimes simulator.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Maybe add some turn based elements into the gameplay as well.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Mambo #
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Probably Google Palestinian dishes and try and match the spices in my cabinet to one of the results.

Also I'd say something like "why didn't you tell me you knew Gal Gadot and AOC?"
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Hummingbirds are fucking vicious.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Kradek posted...
No one to enforce it, they certainly aren't going to enforce it against themselves.

That's not what he meant.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
CE_gonna_CE posted...
Yeah, this isnt as fun as a money giveaway topic, but there ya go.

I mean someone's gonna be getting a money giveaway.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Mac, we found the bike.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
They add more numbers.

This has already happened. ISBN-13 is a thing now.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Lord of the Rings: The Third Age. NOT the Gamecube one.
"Even MarthKoopa has jumped on the MarthKoopa hate wagon."
Community » marthsheretoo
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