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Community » bloodyarts
Garioshi posted...
Linearity. Since when was linearity a bad thing?
Agree. I see people complaining that Lies of P is too linear, and that you can't get lost. How is being lost fun?

LightningThief posted...
He wasn't joking.

It's best people stop saying he's joking. We know he's dead ass serious when he says stuff.
They know, too.
SauI_Goodman posted...
It's not throwing it away if everyone does it. Whooooooooooosh!
I have dreams, too. And they're all more realistic than this.
SauI_Goodman posted...
Guys, we don't need to vote either one of these jackasses in. There are other parties available.
Human cloning is further along than we think.
Why do they insist on calling him President Trump, instead of former President, or just Trump? Isn't Joe Biden still the President..?
Nick Fury.

Initially, Sam Jackson was the inspiration for an alternate universe version of Nick Fury, which was then used in the MCU.

Well, Sam Jackson's MCU character became so popular, original comic book Nick Fury was given a new role, and Sam Jackson's Nick Fury became the mainstream 616 Marvel Universe, by way of original Nick Fury having a secret son who previously went under an alias, but is in actuality... Nick Fury, Jr.!

Except, no one ever addresses him as Junior; just straight up Nick Fury, as if he was the only Nick Fury, and original Nick Fury (Junior's dad) just never existed.

bigblu89 posted... a job in the mailroom as basically a favor to a friend that already worked there.

Slowly worked my way into the Accounting Department, and was basically the lead of the AR Department by the time I left that job
Same, but I was Accounts Payable.

Resident_Hill posted...
we worked our way from the bottom over the course of 20 years.
Same, but for me, it was 2 different companies in that timespan.

Wrath_Of_Spiral posted...
...getting very, very lost at specific points in the game and not knowing where to double-back
This is what I don't get about true souls-like games... how is it fun to get very, very lost and not even know how to find your way back?

party_animal07 posted...
It was my favorite game of last year.
Same. It's also my favorite game of this year, so far.
I'm on my 4th playthrough and was so surprised when a Phase 7 skill tree opened up. I'm trying to get all weapons and amulets. After this final playthrough, I should have them.

P.S. never played any other Souls-borne, and since I've heard this is the easiest of its kind, it may be the only Souls-borne I play until Lies of P 2. [Lies of D..? If you finished this game, you know what I'm talking about].

Racists/ bigots: "If everyone stopped talking about it, it would go away".

I eat Subway's rather regularly. I haven't noticed much of a quality downturn in recent years.
However, when Quiznos was a thing, I chose it over Subway's every time. What a shame that Quiznos is no more. I loved that place.

Edit: I don't have a Firehouse Subs within order-able distance, so I can't judge them, but Jersey Mike's is the undisputed sub king, to me.
Only downside is that there isn't one near enough for me to walk to, at home or at work, so I always have to order if I want Jersey Mike's, which makes the meal substantially more expensive than Subway's which is in walking distance no matter where I am.
Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Shotgunnova posted...
Living in the city
You know you have to survive
You've got to keep the dream alive
I hated this soundtrack. I don't know why it's so revered.
TomClark posted...
Mega Drive Sonic has amazing music, but the 3D Sonic music is either forgettable or memorably bad (apart from Fist Bump, that's an absolute banger).
I agree. Also, Jpn Sonic CD is fantastic beginning to end. I've never heard another game soundtrack that I could literally listen to every song on the soundtrack without skipping. Why tf they changed the soundtrack for the US baffles me to this day.
LonelyStoner posted...
Same, but I sincerely doubt Trump wins.
Even if he doesn't win, GOP local governents may choose to ignore the federal courts, weaponize the Supreme Court, and find ways to soft-repeal civil rights, voting rights, marriage rights, abortion rights, unions, etc anyway, congruent with Project 2025.

Trump is not wholly necessary to the Project. Republicans will keep trying/cheating until they get the person in the White House that's gonna get the Project rolling. Or they'll take it by force.
ROBANN_88 posted...
Don't forget how there's a high chance that you're just gonna get "the video you want, reaction"
fucking this!
And "video you wanted" uploaded with foreign subtitles, reversed visuals and/or weird resolution to avoid copyright strike.

Also: Not "video you wanted", but here's some other videos by artist/ uploader/media company.
Rosstin316 posted...
I cant even listen to that song or watch that video without getting emotional.
This. I recently added this and a few other Cranberries songs to my Playlist and I couldn't help but think, "Dammit Dolores, why did you have to leave us?!". Just a beautiful person, inside and out.

TheLiarParadox posted...
You would be surprised how many people walked away from American History X more racist. Or maybe you wouldn't these days.
I'll admit, this really surprised me. Suddenly, people had dreams of curb-stomping "thugs". It's like people literally ignored his redemption arc (and the price he paid), and upheld all the values he came to despise.
30 years later, their dreams are inching closer to reality.
Jiek_Fafn posted...
I don't want... nut jobs to come out of the woodwork claiming he had some good ideas
Don't know if you've heard, but half the country is claiming this RIGHT NOW.
LonelyStoner posted...
I saw that as well. Very sad. His poor son.
Please elaborate.
Can't believe this hasn't been blamed on DEI yet.
Sheiky-Baby posted...
If it's considered ugly, I'm thankful for that as Western animations has more uniqueness to them in their designs. I'll take Simpsons, Doug, or Rugrats designs over everything looking like an anime.
This. I don't know wtf OP or that dumbass tweeter are talking about.
SrRd_RacinG posted...
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter

Tomb Raider II

Silent Hill

Gran Turismo

Killer Instinct

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

Pokemon Snap

Duke Nukem 3D

Donkey Kong Country

Mega Man X

I was/am a Sega man. Yes, I know some of these were multiplat.
Yes, I still watch when whenever I catch it on public access. It amazes me how he never draws anything; just forms his subjects with strategic paint placement.
And yes, his calm, quiet voice, minimalist background and tranquil subjects are definitely stress-relievers.
I didn't watch the show, but I know who the cast members are.
I like brunettes, so then and now, Courtney Cox.
Lies of P.
Gave up too early. Gonna try again.
Short answer; yes. But in the meantime:
  1. Religions will form.
  2. Doomers will justify their existence.
  3. Capitalists will... capitalize.
  4. Countries will take steps to protect their "elite".
  5. Inner cities will be under martial law.
  6. Riots and crime will be a regular occurrence...
  7. ... as will vigilante-ism.
  8. "Other-ing" will reach a fever pitch.
Everyone will be out to get theirs, and various groups will form to that end.
Yeah, it sucks. Especially when you're the reason why things aren't the same anymore.
Had a close friend once. We hung out all the time, spent many nights at his place after partying or picking up girls. We were groomsmen at each other's weddings.
As time went on, things just seemed to fall in place for him. He was becoming successful at work, getting better quality women, had a better car, crib... everything.
He never really changed how he treated me, but I found myself becoming jealous, and I slowly drifted away. I haven't seen him or spoken to him in over a decade. I miss my friend.
LonelyStoner posted...
I used to drink it straight black because I was pressed for time in the mornings.
I still do this.

Sufferedphoenix posted...
Didn't know that don't really read much flash stuff.
Didn't happen in a Flash comic; it happened in one of DC's crossover events, Identity Crisis.

Legendary screen villain Clarence Boddicker:

"B*tches, leave."
"Cops don't like me; so I. don't. like. cops."
Unequivocally, yes.
As for your rec, Ninja Kamui is a great and bloody modern anime. They'd only 2 episodes, so far.
This is what he meant when he said Free Speech:
Community » bloodyarts