Do You Think Trump Will Successfully Overturn Democracy?

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Current Events » Do You Think Trump Will Successfully Overturn Democracy?
Hes mused the idea in a joking manner and we saw what happened January 6th, 2021.

I never read the document, but summaries made it seem that Project 2024 has the goal of eliminating and removing all opposition to Trump and the hard rights goals and views. If they were to occur, could the USA successfully recover from such an event peacefully?
if your electric car runs out of juice do you walk to the charging station for a jerry can of electricity?
Yup. Hes going to win.
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Guys, we don't need to vote either one of these jackasses in. There are other parties available.
Italian, French, German.
If the supreme court takes his side he already has.
SauI_Goodman posted...
Guys, we don't need to vote either one of these jackasses in. There are other parties available.
Might as well vote for Santa Claus it'll do just as good as voting third party
She rings like a bell through the night
Post #7 was unavailable or deleted.
SauI_Goodman posted...
Guys, we don't need to vote either one of these jackasses in. There are other parties available.
Sure, well get right on that.
Currently playing: Rune Factory 5 (Switch)
Never befriend a man in sandals and always measure twice, cut once.
SauI_Goodman posted...
Guys, we don't need to vote either one of these jackasses in. There are other parties available.
Whether or not he wins (I don't think he will), the Supreme Court is doing a bangup job at eroding our rights and democracy incrementally alone.
Do you know left? Do you know right? Do you know where it's safe?
GrandConjuraton posted...
Whether or not he wins (I don't think he will), the Supreme Court is doing a bangup job at eroding our rights and democracy incrementally alone.
Its almost as if who gets to pick justices matters.
Currently playing: Rune Factory 5 (Switch)
Never befriend a man in sandals and always measure twice, cut once.
If scotus backs him then yes he will
First time Ive seen someone use the term Project 2024. Ive seen a lot of people talk about Project 2025.
PSN ID: sled_dogs76
60" Pioneer Kuro Elite PRO151FD, Yamaha RX-V3900 A/V Receiver, Oppo DV983-H player. Coming soon: 2 Seaton Submersives from Mark Seaton
bloodyarts posted...
It's not throwing it away if everyone does it. Whooooooooooosh!
Italian, French, German.
CADE_FOSTER posted...
If scotus backs him then yes he will
Democracy gonna die in a 6-3 vote baby.
I don't want to be a snuff film reviewer. I want my hobbies to be farming, coin collecting, and reading. - farmer88
SauI_Goodman posted...
Guys, we don't need to vote either one of these jackasses in. There are other parties available.
"No class or group or party in Germany could escape its share of responsibility for the abandonment of the democratic republic and the advent of Adolf Hitler. The cardinal error of the Germans who opposed Nazism was their failure to unite against it. At the crest of their popular strength, in the july 1932, the National Socialists had attained but 37 percent of the vote. But the 63 percent who expressed their opposition to Hitler were much too divided and shortsighted to combine against a common danger which they must have known would overwhelm them unless they united, however temporarily, to stamp it out."
William L. Shirer
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

This is America right now.
Furthermore, The GOP is a Fascist Organization and must be destroyed
MangaBroski posted...
Hes mused the idea in a joking manner and we saw what happened January 6th, 2021.
He wasn't joking.

It's best people stop saying he's joking. We know he's dead ass serious when he says stuff.
It's kind of a coin toss. Which is scary. While as a straight white dude I'd probably be physically safe, the fact that I actually care about others means that I probably wouldn't blend well. Honestly I kind of seeth just seeing trump flags so I don't know if I could bite my tongue forever if things truly got bad. And I live in FL so it's going to get worse especially if he wins.
We all ate the biscuits, Fighter. We can all see through time.
Trump will never be elected President again. I'm sure there are contingency plans to prevent that from happening a second time.
This rant was brought to you by your local random thinker.
I'm as Canadian as Wayne Gretzky crashing a snowmobile into a moose. - JIC X
Post #21 was unavailable or deleted.
SauI_Goodman posted...
It's not throwing it away if everyone does it. Whooooooooooosh!
I have dreams, too. And they're all more realistic than this.
LightningThief posted...
He wasn't joking.

It's best people stop saying he's joking. We know he's dead ass serious when he says stuff.
They know, too.
While shit will likely be really bad for a lot of people if he does win, I do think people overstate the impact he would have. I don't think they have the intelligence or power to do so without a literal civil war happening.
Nemu posted...
While shit will likely be really bad for a lot of people if he does win, I do think people overstate the impact he would have. I don't think they have the intelligence or power to do so without a literal civil war happening.
Project 2025.

I still don't think he'll win either, though.
Do you know left? Do you know right? Do you know where it's safe?
I think there is zero chance he wins the election provided the election actually happens as elections are supposed to happen.

I do not trust that the systems that bent but didn't break in 2020/21 that prevented the bullshit legal arguments that Trump and Co wanted to push will save us in 2024.

They have had too much time to prep the failure of their 2021 insurrection.
I'm a long, long way from giving up
Call me old-fashioned, call me a fool
SauI_Goodman posted...
It's not throwing it away if everyone does it. Whooooooooooosh!
First past the post voting system. Whooooooooooooosh!
Currently playing: Rune Factory 5 (Switch)
Never befriend a man in sandals and always measure twice, cut once.
SauI_Goodman posted...
Guys, we don't need to vote either one of these jackasses in. There are other parties available.

Big Brain take over here.
Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
I think he will successfully be a convicted felon by this time next week
PSN: ArsenalGear, NNID: CrimsonG80, XB GT: CrimsonG80
Last game(s) finished: Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (XSX), Gears of War 3 (X360)
There's a very good chance. Even if Biden wins, this is going to be every single election midterm and presidential election in the US for like, a generation at least. The next time the republicans get to be the power in the US again, its over.

Even with that, the biggest hurdle to this is ironically Trump himself. Because Trump is too stupid to quietly do the whole "fascist takeover" and I don't think he even really cares, he just is out for his own interest, and currently the way for him to stay out of prison is to just takeover America.

I think the bigger threat is if Trump is "dealt with" in some way - if Trump dies, the GOP can just push the whole Trump appeal onto one of the monsters they're trying to push, who actually are competent enough to actually end American democracy. But Trump has to step aside for that to happen, and he's not willing to do that.
Proto_Spark posted...
There's a very good chance. Even if Biden wins, this is going to be every single election midterm and presidential election in the US for like, a generation at least. The next time the republicans get to be the power in the US again, its over.

Even with that, the biggest hurdle to this is ironically Trump himself. Because Trump is too stupid to quietly do the whole "fascist takeover" and I don't think he even really cares, he just is out for his own interest, and currently the way for him to stay out of prison is to just takeover America.

I think the bigger threat is if Trump is "dealt with" in some way - if Trump dies, the GOP can just push the whole Trump appeal onto one of the monsters they're trying to push, who actually are competent enough to actually end American democracy. But Trump has to step aside for that to happen, and he's not willing to do that.
You dont have to worry about generations to come since hes going to win this time. Even if Biden drops a complete landslide on him the Supreme Court will give it to Trump on some made up technicality. People need to start paying attention to more than Reddit or CE.
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SauI_Goodman posted...
It's not throwing it away if everyone does it. Whooooooooooosh!

This is basically the latest Republican alternative scheme to suppressing voter turnout. Congratulations on being such a darling model for the GOP.
electricbugs2 posted...
You dont have to worry about generations to come since hes going to win this time. Even if Biden drops a complete landslide on him the Supreme Court will give it to Trump on some made up technicality. People need to start paying attention to more than Reddit or CE.
Then we fight them in the streets.
Furthermore, The GOP is a Fascist Organization and must be destroyed
electricbugs2 posted...
You dont have to worry about generations to come since hes going to win this time. Even if Biden drops a complete landslide on him the Supreme Court will give it to Trump on some made up technicality. People need to start paying attention to more than Reddit or CE.

The Supreme Court still needs some kind of justification to do something as major as overturning the election . There's a reason the same crooked court as today didn't do the same thing after 2020. If Trump loses the election and takes power anyways, it won't be through the courts. It'll be another Jan 6th-esque event, except it'll work this time.

They'll only give it to Trump in 2024 if the election is narrow enough, like Bush/Gore in 2000. If Biden has a decisive win the court won't have a real leg to stand on, and they'll just continue taking rights away until Trump/another republican wins again.
You mean oligarchy
Proto_Spark posted...
The Supreme Court still needs some kind of justification to do something as major as overturning the election . There's a reason the same crooked court as today didn't do the same thing after 2020. If Trump loses the election and takes power anyways, it won't be through the courts. It'll be another Jan 6th-esque event, except it'll work this time.

They'll only give it to Trump in 2024 if the election is narrow enough, like Bush/Gore in 2000. If Biden has a decisive win the court won't have a real leg to stand on, and they'll just continue taking rights away until Trump/another republican wins again.

I remember making the same kind of point the other week. Glad to see the idea is getting through, even though it's sad people are using the Supreme Court in the first place as an argument for voting being futile. The only way the Supreme Court decides the election and gets away with it is if we leave enough room in the margin of victory for them to reasonably intervene. So if you're afraid of the Supreme Court getting involved, it's just more reason to get out the vote for Democrats, especially in swing states that will be more likely to be contested.
If it meant keeping him in office like a King I can't see any of his devotees opposing it. Whether he could actually make it happen is another story.
This is where cool people write stuff.
electricbugs2 posted...
You dont have to worry about generations to come since hes going to win this time

You're not doing anything coming in every single topic and say this shit.
Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
...what democracy?
Steam Deck Board
I feel like Trump not being smart enough to know any better is the reason why there's a pretty good chance it WILL happen.

The wrong people gets their hooks in him, and he'll just be their puppet.
You gotta laugh. That is the one thing at the end of your life you will not wish you did less of.
bloodyarts posted...
Its genuinely fucked up that this is the reality,
He's all alone through the day and night.
Heineken14 posted...
You're not doing anything coming in every single topic and say this shit.
Too damn bad. My family lives in Texas and will be absolutely fucked come November. Had enough of the optimism from the shut ins here.
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What's going on with the supreme court?
Since only from below can one better see the heights.
What democracy?
"Why would I listen to your lies... when the journey to the truth... is so much sweeter?"
If he wins he will. Nobody will even think to try and stop him.
Taxes, death, and trouble.
Brunt/Gaila 2024. Make Ferenginar Great Again!
If he wins the election, yes.

My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
CountCorvinus posted...
What democracy?

R.I.P. #43
"Kill all tires"
CrimsonGear80 posted...
I think he will successfully be a convicted felon by this time next week
Thats what should happen. He demanded states fudge votes for him. He incited insurrection as response to the failure to win. Those actions stand against the very idea of American politics.
SaikyoStyle posted...
If he wins he will. Nobody will even think to try and stop him.
Maybe the USA in their cultural adoration of France will come together for a revolution. Are there enough groups to coalesce like happened then?

ScazarMeltex posted...
Then we fight them in the streets.
I like the idea, but doesnt Project 2025 involve putting some shill at the top of the military (I unfortunately do not remember the title)? The average people of this country cannot handle the USAs military. The disparity between equipment and training is too vast. Thats assuming Trump doesnt have some goons like brown shirts or gestappo to do work before hes need to call on the military. Although, Trumps ego would probably have him use military power first.
electricbugs2 posted...
Too damn bad. My family lives in Texas and will be absolutely fucked come November. Had enough of the optimism from the shut ins here.

So you want to make sure everyone shares in your misery? Because your messaging lends perfectly to such an outcome.

Hope you and your family can find a way out of that shithole state. I live in Missouri, so while I still have a lot of idiots in my state, at least the fucked up climate as still at a point we can just mostly kind of ride out the tornadoes we have here.
Stronger men than him have tried.

So no.
The succotash is suffering.
Current Events » Do You Think Trump Will Successfully Overturn Democracy?
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