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Community » Senta
Before you Go-Go
Loved that game. Still replay it from time to time.

Beat the sequel once when it came out. Remember only 3 parts of the game..
The terrible VA. One certain fight you don't have to win, but can so I always retried..

And the final boss being super easy but having too many phases.
She may just enjoy doing it at her own pace, instead of a full time commitment.
I'm not, but if I were, the time sink wouldn't deter me.

I'm currently catching up on the Assassin's Creed games; I played all on release up through Black Flag.

In the past 7 months, I've 100%ed Unity, Syndicate, Origins and Odyssey nearly back to back. I'm currently working on Valhalla and have about 40 something hours into it...

So, not everyone gets burnt out on a game type or time sink. I love long games.
Without reading the article, I'm going to assume it was a family member.
Do people not realize just how much Nexus Mods hosts and tries to do? They have over 500,000 mods hosted, they've paid out millions over the years to mod creators, they constantly work on improving their mod manager to function with over 200 games currently, and are constantly adding both new and old games to that list.

They've done so much to let people easily mod games, its insane. The fact you can still download any of the mods without paying a thing is great; but damn, I sure as hell don't have a problem paying a small fee for faster speeds, if that helps them keep things running smoothly.
Honestly, they are constantly improving and making things more and more convenient for more and more games, I'm fine with this.

Considering the amount of content they host, and the ever growing nature of modding, $9 is more than reasonable. Helps that they try to so rarely increase their price as it is.
Back_Stabbath posted...
also was that water chip failure line just a throwaway reference to the first game?

I thought it would be a big deal and they'd have to plan getting everyone to the surface but noooooope, never mentioned again like it never happened lol

I personally saw it as a Manufactured Problem by Betty. Happened right before the election, and served as a way to make people want to vote her back as Overseer because of her having been Overseer before. Always a crisis during election year, after all.

When things look glum, vote 31.
Well, I'm off work now, but it seems a lot of the questions ha e been pretty well answered.

Glad to see I'm not the only KH nerd around.

He was really the only one actively seeking to destroy and kill.
FL81 posted...
Meet the Spartans

Me too. Also,

Dracula Untold
So, as someone who has played every KH game from the first on release, and onward..

I have a nearly perfect understanding of everything. If people are legit interested in a breakdown and explanation of everything, I am willing to provide it...albeit later when I am not at work.
Dungeater posted...
For some reason, I thought of Vile from Megaman X.
Where are you getting that any of the characters were happy about it? The episode ends on a sad note, even. They aren't happy about it. It's not a happy ending.
MorbidFaithless posted...
This is what I've heard as well. Apparently it's messing with some lore from older games but idk.

It doesn't mess with any lore. Some purists raged that it did, but they were proven wrong in fairly short order.
It's completely, 100% canon, as confirmed by the creators. Takes place after the games.
Board and site is just going to steadily be no one but the "Better than you" smug types who need to feel superior, thus will rage about any little thing to make themselves feel clever and important.

You can already see it in numerous topics now. People acting all offended and smug about obvious turns of phrase, but pretending it's some great offense that means something else.

Dark humor to point out how ridiculous something is, being met with a screeches of "this isn't a laughing matter!", completely missing the context and long established history of how such sarcasm plays into discussion and conversation.

Man, I normally don't even get involved with most topics, but seeing how fast this place has fallen to this state, I have no hope for this site any longer. A part of me is tempted to just cut out now. Everyone I used to really interact with have been gone for years as it is, so maybe it's time I bail. Even the specific game boards are mostly filled with negativity now. Rage culture has just taken over everything.
My grandmother, in the early and mid 90s, played Mortal Kombat with me. She was born in 1943.
I really enjoyed it. A lot more than the first one.
Brykner posted...
Wait, is it a sequel to the original? SE always names their games so weird which doesnt explain wtf it is at all. Ive never played the original before, it seemed like a good game Id be interested in, just never got around to it.

Basically just the Definitive Edition. It's the one to get.
Honestly, one of my favorite games. One of the best side games in the series for sure, with a lot of Easter eggs and references.

Fun story, as well.
I read the entire thing in the voice of the narrator from The Stanley Parable.
Philip027 posted...
Actually, now that I think about it, I do remember at some point reading about the "trick" of switching all the CPUs to human players on the last turn of the game, so that after the game was over you would collect all of the coins/stars the CPUs had gathered.

But this was years after I'd basically finished my time with MP1, so I never put this to use.

I did this trick a lot just to unlock everything quickly.
Yeah, if it had wanted to hurt him, nothing would have stopped it.

It was just being grumpy, but didn't seem to want to actually hurt him.

Would be terrifying as fuck either way.
BucketCat posted...
I think there's a storyline in 3's DLC that takes you back in time and you are fighting off the initial Chinese ground invasion, meaning China likely started the war but who knows who launched the first nuke

That whole thing is A VR/Training simulation. So the legitimacy of it is very much in question.
All of them. I've completely cut contact with every member and branch of my family.
Irony posted...
Are the load times on PS5 bad?

Nah. They are fine.
NV > 3 > 76 > 4

76 is actually pretty fun with friends. It's vastly improved over how it was at launch.
Nice. I legit love the games. Should do another run of the trilogy this year.

Yes, I actually, legit own the physical releases of all the games.
As someone who hasn't been to a concert, am I missing something here?
Well, I for one don't like homelessness. It should be ruled against!
I get no game on the switch if it is on any other console for this very reason.

Got the PS5 version, and it's been running great.
Doesn't matter if it's rage bait or not. A lot of kids see them on there, same way they see then on YouTube for 5 minute crafts, try to copy them, and hurt themselves.

I'm some cases, severely. It's a matter of the platforms not taking things seriously and coming down on that content. Do you know how many people hurt themselves by microwaving eggs?

Shits crazy. Some are stupid and have no one to blame, but a lot of kids see or hear about it and try it, not knowing better. It needs to be pointed out, so platforms will actually do something. If they don't, then yeah, government agencies will end up getting involved.
Tropicalwood posted...
It actually came back in 2012 for some more seasons till 2016 actually.

Oh snap. I know what I'm doing at work tonight.
TommyVercetti posted...
When was this show on?

Bout 20 years ago. Was really good.
Tropicalwood posted...
I would sooner take to the woods and embrace the knowledge I've learned from Survivor Man.

Great show. Man had legit info, which makes sense considering he and his wife lived off grid plenty.

I still rewatch the series sometimes just because it's damn interesting.
I've done it once just to do it. It wasn't so bad in the moment, but the aftermath cause such a ring if fire, if I had been dropped in the ocean we'd have a few new landmasses I'm sure.

My wife did it once, and spent hours sick on the floor, miserable.
He uses it for intimidation nonstop, but damn is it obvious he could sweet talk his way out of a lot of problems if he wanted to.
You getting to the real fun of the game now. Enjoy the ride.
Mad-Dogg posted...
Yep, I also backed those to help make them happen for sure. Hoping armed fantasia has a lot of those cool wild arms-like jrpg western tunes.

What can I say I am a classic good jrpg simp if the creator of alundra and the team behind a breath of fire-like game where you play as a dragon MC puts up a crowdfunding game I'll be there day 1 tossing my money in their faces.

Same. I backed those as well. Love Wild Arms and Shadow Hearts. I love seeing these developers who loved their creations, finding ways to try and bring them back.
Ya know, I never knew all this stuff about Mangs. Then again, I've never followed him or anything, but I watch a lot of his Advanced Wars videos since they pop up in my feed.

That's a shame.
NoxObscuras posted...
Why the hell did they let this monster post bail!? He's the father. Which means he's back in the house with his infant daughter. He needs to stay locked up.

I doubt that. I'd assume condition of the bond is no contact with the victim, which is common condition. Any contact would let the courts revoke his bond and place him back into custody, without getting any of that money back.
Watch anytime that Gosling is on the show, and any skit he is in. He is a very infectious laugh person, and a lot of times, seeing him break just makes others break too.
I know they've updated 2 or 3 times in the past couple of days, at least for PS5.
I'm like 20 something episodes behind right now, and I knew who it was before entering the topic just from the earlier run in they had with her..

On paper alone, she is insanely powerful.

Now, because I'm not caught up yet, I don't know how many tools and chances they may have missed to make the fight easier beforehand. They do have a habit of not preparing adequately a lot of times, or straight up missing opportunities to swing things their way ahead of time.
Cassie posted...
I think the worst part is the word againlike this isnt the first time? The fuck?

It's like golf. You always go for it even if you really shouldn't. Balls in holes is just the backbone of a man's obsession. Basketball, golf, bowling..
I just looked at the last polls for this month..

There some weirdly fishy ones in there.
Null_Gain posted...
It's not perfect. Fallout 1 and 2 have been presumably retconned, as well as a big piece of Fallout New Vegas for sure.

Nope. Every thing in the games is still canon. They've even stated this themselves.
Don't feel bad. I don't drive either.

Just being a passenger, I hate other drivers, and I suspect I'd get into road rage incidents easily if I were driving. 36 years old, no license. I know my limits on patience, and dealing with drivers is on that edge.
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