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Billy Thatcher Egg Hatcher(I think that was the name).
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Smallville posted...
You wanna be MGMT? Koga you have a college degree?
No, and no. The management jobs here seem like they suck.
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Smallville posted...
Your job it isn't possible right?
Right, management can do work from home. But I can't.
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Smallville posted...
Oh, I remember you said you wanted a g/f before though, how about this woman?
I do like her a lot, but I'm not crushing on her like I have previous coworkers. If it turns out that she's interested in me, then I'd happily give it a chance.

I don't think that's the case though. My other coworkers asked her a while back if she would consider dating me, and she said no. So, I think that settled things.

The coworker who asked her was drunk after the Christmas party a few weeks ago and told all of us what was said. >_>
So, while not exactly great news. I had been wondering if there was more to her friendliness to me. So knowing that she actually does just like me as a friend helped settle my mind and I've been able to open up with her more.
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Smallville posted...
Do you only hang out with blood relatives and kinda distrust people who aren't? This is kinda common though.
Outside of work, I'm essentially a shut in. I see my parents, and little cousin. Those are the only people that are really involved in my life at all. Kinda how it's always been.

I have really bad social anxiety, and I struggle to meet people. I was so happy to have befriended this coworker, and her brothers seem really nice. It just kind of feels like my only options are to force myself to go and just deal with the emotions that happen, or skip and possibly blow my chance at actually having friends for once.
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0 before, during, and after.
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I'm really struggling with this right now.

No, I don't hang out with anyone. Ever. I've never really had friends. Never been invited to a party or anything. Was invited to a game night at church once, but when I arrived it was clear that they didn't expect it want me there. It was awful.

...but now there's a coworker that I have become friends with. It's really nice to see her at work and talk to her, but now she has invited me to her brother's Yugioh group. They're really pushing for me to go, but that's way WAY out of my comfort zone. They're supposed to text me a reminder to attend in a few days, and I'm it's seriously triggering my anxiety. It's been through the roof since I spoke to them last night, and I don't have an excuse not to go, and I'd like to spend time with them... But everything else about the situation is making me want to skip.

Ugh, why do I have to be this way? Literally afraid of people who are nice to me.
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Smallville posted...
You could not personally remember what you saw?
Not really, I watch a ton of movies and I didn't recall when exactly most of them came out. Looked at Wikipedia to see which ones were from last year and turns out it was just those 2. I remembered seeing them, and a bunch of others too, but I don't really mentally keep track of when I saw them. Thought I was probably missing a couple, but nope, just those 2.
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Looking over the Wikipedia page, looks like it was Godzilla vs King ng, and Alien Romulus.
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Octopii are so cool, and smart. I love them. But I did not expect fish punching.
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Thankfully, this is the 1st Valentine's day in a long time didn't bother me. Whether that means I'm recovering or dying more inside is harder to say.
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Yeah, their post will be missing entirely.
Like the post counter would be missing their #. It would go something like 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8. If posts 4 and 7 were made by someone blocking you.
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I would've lost my lymphatic system.
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I used to watch it a decent bit on bbc America. From the Christopher Eckleston doctor through to near the end of Peter Capaldi's.

Nothing against Jodi Whittaker or anything, but I kinda enjoyed each doctor less than the previous. So kinda just eventually drifted away from watching.
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Nice, I just finished a playthrough myself just a couple of weeks ago.
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Or be like everyone I know and be baffled by the price increase and still blame it on Biden anyway.
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Pho, Oogway, and Shifu.
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You don't say. I wonder what tipped him off. The president ignoring it entirely, his legal team claiming the constitution is unconstitutional, or Musk figuratively ripping it to shreds?
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LinkDaLunatic posted...
Trump: Spends 3 weeks making baffling decisions that will obviously crash economy
Economy: "... ... ... I-"
And half the country will believe it. My boss and his wife were claiming this before the election even happened. That Biden/Harris have the economy set to tank after Trump takes office to make him look bad.

Also that they rigged the AI android that oversees the stick market and determines who is worthy of being rich and who isn't to turn on Trump and his supporters. So that China can buy out the federal reserve and push the USA into using DogeCoin as a baseline standard over gold. Then China will hit us with an MP3(yeah, I know, his words, not mine and repeated over months of discussions).

Also, his friend's TV and smart car are sentient and hate him for being too smart.
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Gulf of Mexico.
I'm not going to call it the Gulf of America just because the president likes that name better.
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Kurt_Russel posted...
Hes not even posting complete sentences. Its just more word salad.
It's the only kind of salad his followers will eat.
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Virginia(I live here).
West Virginia(I live like 30 minutes from the state line).
North Carolina.

So, 4.
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Humble_Novice posted...
Sounds like you've got it rough.
Eh, she's toned it down quite a bit. I hid that I voted for Harris from my family because I knew they'd be mad. But I admitted it a while ago, and she's toned down her blind praise for Republicans and hate for Democrats, but she still tries to convince me Trump was the right choice every once in a while.

I just don't understand how people have convinced themselves that he was the lesser evil.

Edit: Not saying Harris is evil at all. Just that in their minds they had to choose between 2 evils, and went with Trump... Somehow.
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My mom says the same thing. "Sure, Trump is bad, but Kamala would've been way worse!"

How? In what reality would she be worse? She also claims that America was at its worst under Biden, and that it was Kamala's fault.
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Wait, That's not a joke?
Oh... oh, my god.

I cringed so hard it actually ached.
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hivebent4life posted...
Americans always wondered why regular Germans allowed it to happen, and then it turns out we were no different, and the majority of the country are okay with fascism.
I don't know what we can realistically do, aside from protests. Really feels more and more likely that another civil war is on the way.
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This makes my stomach churn. It's so blatantly obvious that he's following the same steps, but half the country just wants to fold and let him.
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Accolon posted...
Undocumented immigrants are at that stage.
The head housekeeper at my job is from Mexico, she's here legally though. She also has about 5 Spanish only speaking employees(I assume here legally as well since they get regular paychecks).

The employees haven't been to work in 2 weeks. I'm assuming they won't be back due to the immigration stuff.

Was told today the head housekeeper has had her driver's license suspended due to "green card issues". So, looks like things are moving towards targeting legal immigrants too already.
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Man, I sure hope not.
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He's really crying and saying that it's illegal to tell people how to do their job?
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Hejiru posted...
Tomatoes are too expensive. I suggest rocks.
Bricks are too heavy, but you can put some power behind a can of soup.
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Arrest any and all of them for obstruction of justice. Guantanamo is ready and waiting for some new residents.
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Well yeah, the guy quit when he thought being outed as a racist was still a career ending revelation. Now that he knows better he's getting rehired no consequence.
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No, of course not.
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GeminiDeus posted...
The number will be your physical and mental age for the duration in years as the number you rolled, after which you will pass away.
So I'm now a 76 year old man, physically and mentally? And I will be for 76 years, or until I turn 76?
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Accolon posted...
I'm thinking Krillin and Aang.
Those were the ones that came to mind for me, but I'd also count Zuko despite him having a pony tail for the first part.
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archizzy posted...
Not an issue. I wasn't trying to like call you out. I just genuinely wanted to talk about Bonanza haha. It is a rare opportunity for me to do that on gamefaqs.
Ha, understandable. :)
My dad loves it. Back when we had cable, he'd find a channel that nothing but Bonanza and watch it nonstop.

He does the same now, leaving it on MeTV but it's just 1 episode a day I think.
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archizzy posted...
As a massive fan of Bonanza, who has actually been in the house for filming in Nevada Lorne Green was 13 years older than either Pernell Roberts
Pernell Roberts was the one I was thinking if, and I guess I was either misinformed, or misremembered then. My bad.
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We actually had one for a while. Someone gave it to us because it took up too much room for them to keep. We ended up giving it to my brother after he got married. I think he still has it.
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I wish there was something we could do to help. My only suggestion would be to eat something nice, take a relaxing shower and put on comfortable clothes, and watch cute animal videos to get at least a little distraction.
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Zikten posted...
I just tried ff14 and still can't get in. I'm wondering if sometimes it comes back briefly and then goes down again. So I periodically attempt to get in. If I can just jump onto the Square Enix servers during that moment, I think I can stay in the game. But realistically I'm probably just going to have to wait til everything is permanently back up
Huh, you're right. I just tried the MH beta and it wouldn't connect.

Strange, it's functioning enough for the store, and to allow my offline games to work still.
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ROBBAN posted...
oh, you know what, i must have been looking at character age, not the actresses
Ah, idk. You just reminded me that I had heard that Bea Arthur was the oldest of the cast. I went on Wikipedia and it said Arthur was born in 1922, and Getty in 1923.

Which also reminds me of Bonanza. The actor that played the oldest son was only 2 years younger than the one that played his father.
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ROBBAN posted...
the main 3 Golden Girls were in their 50's at the time, apparently
Bea Arthur was older than Estelle Getty who played her mother.
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And I can play the offline games again.
I don't have an online game installed at the moment or I'd check that too.

Ok, my cousin got in fortnite on the primary PlayStation. Looks like it's back up.
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No, you see, it's fine because they are children and need to concede so the adults can have a safe space free of someone slightly darker than them.
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Eh, people look different. I knew a guy in high school that looked like he was approaching 30, thinking hair, kinda leathery looking skin, all just made him look older despite being 16.

Likewise, I knew a guy in high school that didn't really grow much. At 17 he still looked like a kid.

Also, between me and my brother, he looks older than he us, and I look younger. People always a much larger gap in our ages than there is. He's only 2.5 years older than me(actually today is his birthday). He was once mistaken for my father. lol
That pissed him off so bad. They assumed he was a younger looking middle aged person rather than an older looking 20 something.
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Thanks, will finish watching later. I got a few minutes in and he is very well spoken and making good points.
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Yawn_Master2 posted...
How did he find these people?
He's probably in that discord/chat. He just hired his Nazi buddies he knew online.
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GeminiDeus posted...
I hear my niece playing Fortnite, so I dunno what's going on.
I started up my PS5 because I forgot PSN was down and it's not the primary one. Tried to upload a video and failed.

Now the green dot says I'm online, the store is working, and I can upload my video, but it's still not letting me play(idk if I need to restart it jot though).
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