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Community » Dark_Arbron
Dark_Arbron posted...
He won't surpass Beerus, because that's the joke.

Beerus isn't a character, he's a punchline.

Why is this topic still going? I definitely closed it right here.
Mods, do your fucking jobs. We don't need idle conversation when the enlightened has already closed the conversation.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
argonautweakend posted...
Ted Cruz realistically shouldn't be re elected. He does nothing but go on fox News and bitch about the democrats and does no actual work I'm the senate. Like 9 bills in 12 years, that kinda thing. Plus he deserts his people when critical moments happen.

Democracy doesn't have quality control.
Otherwise the US wouldn't be in the position it's currently in (and putting the Rest of the World in).
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Chev427BB posted...
Yeah, that's kind of what I was getting at with my last question, there were decades of tension leading up to both world wars but there are exact events in history that people point to (assassination of Franz Ferdinand and invasion of Poland) as the point of no return with both world wars and I wondered if that would also be the case in a WW3 scenario.

Probably "Russia annexes Ukraine and moves against a NATO member."
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
nocturnal_traveler posted...
I don't know how blame is passed around in Canada, but in the US, people blaming immigrants for what's wrong in their country tend to be right wingers.

Definitely, but "immigration is to blame for our problems" and "in the middle of a housing shortage perhaps we should be limiting population growth" aren't the same thing. The former is scapegoating, the latter is first grade math.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
6'2", aka 185cm.

Never lied about it because there's no reason to do so.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
Antifar posted...
I don't think it's a racial calculation as much as a rhetorical approach where they can only ever have escalatingly large threats. Trump is incapable of speaking in a language other than hyperbole, and the right wing media ecosystem thrives on fear. There's no one who can say "well, she's not as bad as Obama, but still..."

Conservatives absolutely care that she's both black and a woman. Recall they went into a permanent meltdown when a black man dared to be elected president. These are people who regret the outcome of the civil war.
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ShaneMcComez posted...
Well will find out in 10 days whether Trumpism will become a part of the rest of our lives or not.

It will be whether he wins or not. It will take at least another generation to cleanse it.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
pinky0926 posted...
If you're the sort of person that turns your nose up at sports while thinking that playing videogames means you're an academic, I don't know what to tell you

Good thing there aren't any people who think that. =)
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I remember predictions from a decade ago saying that WW3 would start over Syria. Kinda surprised that hasn't happened yet.
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Unsuprised_Pika posted...
"It appears to be an organized effort at this point, said Adams, an elected Republican."

Yeah I call bullshit on this investigation

Probably projection too.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
mustachedmystic posted...
Being physically fit is a criminal offense?

I'm cynical enough to believe that if police didn't carry guns and full legal immunity the idea of people being able to be "too" fit would be floated, since being a super fit trained fighter would make you harder to brutalize- I mean, arrest.

I mean in Australia it's illegal to own body armor, despite it being purely defensive, meaning the only possible interpretation of why is that they want to maximize the chance for a shooting to be fatal. That's a start.

Yes, I just took a stupid topic seriously.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
DragulaRULEZ posted...
I'm on the "Soft G" side, but someone once brought up that .JPEG is pronounced J-Peg, but the P is for Photographic. Blew my mind.

Hah, I never considered that.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
Raiden2909 posted...
Anyone else reminded of the one right winger who forgot to switch to his sock puppet twitter account when he pretended to be I think it was a gay black man

Oh, was that the "as a gay black man, Obama has done nothing for me" guy?
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
He won't surpass Beerus, because that's the joke.

Beerus isn't a character, he's a punchline.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
nocturnal_traveler posted...
especially with a low population country like Canada.

Lokarin posted...
Something like 90% of Canada lives in a tiny spot of Southern Ontario

Population size isn't as important as habitable space.
Most of Australia is uninhabitable, and as climate change accelerates it's only going to get worse.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
Irony posted...
I just hate old people and no I plan on being dead long before then
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
GS4Life posted...
Sex is part of human nature Americans historically have been largely Christian which condemns pre-marital sex

The Abrahamic religions condemn sex in its entirety, and have been nothing but destructive. It's why eastern cultures aren't as weirdly puritanical about our reproductive reality, see hentai manga/anime.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
Gen Z knows it can get proper sex scenes almost anywhere on the internet rather than relying on soft versions of it popping up in mainstream media. The idea that "sex sells media/video games" has always been bullshit given the average internet search can vastly surpass it for free.

Source: I was a teenager in 2005. I never once bought a video game or movie because it had either a modestly dressed woman or sex scene in it. That's what the internet was for.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
Heineken14 posted...
I wish you people wanting to fuck up the country would just like... go to a different one.

Is that user cheering things on, or just accepting the reality that most of a tax payer's taxes don't go anywhere near things beneficial to them?

I mean, most (minority) victims of police brutality paid for the privilege with their taxes. I wouldn't blame their families at all for cheering on the collapse of this corrupt pile of shit we call "the system."
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
"I have [x] more than anyone, but... are they technically [y]?"

I seem to recall this pattern.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
Pokemon hasn't had a "complete" version since gen 1.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
They must know something...
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
Nemu posted...
I can understand people who get excited while watching, even though it isn't my cup of tea. I cannot understand the people who actually take it seriously and become legitimately upset or overly excited when "their" team loses/wins.

Then there's the UK where people actually beat each other to death over their favorite overpaid athletes.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
Villain_S_Fiend posted...
Ah, I see you've visited St. Louis

I ain't been nowhere near, good sir.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
Nemu posted...
He was made out to be "real life Tony Stark" and posited all these ideas that the news cycle pretended were viable

Interestingly, isn't Tony Stark kind of understood to be a fascist asshole? If anything Musk = Stark should have been foreshadowing.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
LonelyStoner posted...
On that we can agree. Rich assholes who have three homes should definitely be taxed harshly for the amount of time they dont even use those homes.


A huge part of the problem is the rich (as always) owning unoccupied properties as "assets." Something you'd think the government should be addressing in the middle of an overpopulation crisis.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
dotsdfe posted...
If he wasn't such a dangerous fascist asshole, there'd be something almost cute about his utter lack of knowledge about every part of how governments function.

It's like a nine year old running for president. All he has to do now is make "Pizza for dinner every single night and bed time is now 10:30" part of his platform to complete the effect.

Good thing we don't let unqualified people run for office! Like nine year olds! Or convicted felons!

... Shit. That's a damn small crack to slip through.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
DipDipDiver posted...
Getting into it when you're actually at the game is understandable, but people yelling at their tv over sports is just embarrassing

I'll take this up another level and admit I enjoy playing sport. But watching? Not for me.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
Holy_Cloud105 posted...
The snipers are actually MAGA and will shoot the election workers.

FFFF- You want went and said it.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
This is why people should vote early by mail where possible. Don't go to the booths where "election watchers" (i.e. traitorous thugs) will be hanging around cosplaying as soldiers.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
MotaroRIP619 posted...
While I was donating plasma some obnoxious fuck was asking the phlebotomists who they were voting for, then started in about talking up Trump and I was just thinking to myself how sick I am of this shit

Usually decent people have the social skills not to bring up politics in an environment like that, so it makes sense only outspoken Trump worshipers would.

Also on a completely unrelated note, thank you for your username. Earlier today I thought to myself "why don't we see Motaro anymore and what was the last game he appeared in?" and I had forgotten to look into it until now.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
Sowing the seeds for that dystopia he has planned. There's a certain charm to roads being full of potholes and power lines collapsing.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
JuanCarlos1 posted...
I mean you cant also have an open border since resources are finite. Also a lot of Muslim extremist seem to be coming in as well. Common sense immigration laws shouldn't be a left vs wing thing.

2016-present has proved that domestic conservative extremism is the actual threat. This isn't the Bush era.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
There was ever a misconception that it could be well-intentioned?
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
Hexenherz posted...
Current electoral system makes it practically impossible for third party candidates to actually get elected anyway so yes, vote for third party is a wasted vote.

Same in Australia really. The only parties that matter are the Liberal Coalition or the Australian Labour Party. The Greens don't matter, and neither does One Nation (thankfully).
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
GeraldDarko posted...
Because doing the same from watching fictional characters is better.

Why is that a specific argument against me?
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
SauI_Goodman posted...
So basketballs ok then

Could've said baseball too. =)
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
That they are normal people who don't get swept up in watching millionaires kicking a ball between posts.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
SauI_Goodman posted...
Do you really think trump knows you're telling him to fuck off? And he won in 16 lol...

rideshort posted...
And? He's telling him to fuck off. Whether Trump gets it or not us irrelevant. And he lost in 2020. He got the fuck message that time.

And by the standards of actual democracy he lost in 2016 too.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
Antifar posted...
If the Australian construction industry is anything like the American one, the people building homes are disproportionately immigrants. A slowdown in construction isn't going to make housing prices go down.

Speaking of which, over the past couple of years we've had some major builders go under. At this point everything is fucked.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
emblem-man posted...
Many countries have failed to build the additional housing needed to keep prices low.

And they allow corporations to own dozens or hundreds of properties only to keep them empty and overpriced.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
I'd rather they faded away than be bought out and propped up as zombies the way Rare was.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
Feisty Final Rush next.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
WingsOfGood posted...
Doesn't this imply Capitalism will always turn into fascism?

It's already feudalism, so it's not a stretch.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
On a related note, games with infinite health codes or unlocks should always make your health bar disappear. Looks way better than having it persist but never go down.

So, in this regard Banjo-Tooie is GOAT.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
RchHomieQuanChi posted...
the Founding Fathers basically said "Fuck it, we'll figure this shit out later" and told future generations to work out a better system.

That's why they say the document was meant to be subsequently updated I guess. Just... kinda gotta get around to that. For starters regarding the massive increase in power of firearms.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
__aCEr__ posted...
If Harris wins in 2024, why would AOC try to get the nomination over her in 2028?

My knowledge of amendments is iffy, but if someone has been elected to the office of vice president can't they only serve one subsequent term as president? Or is that only for those who inherit the office in the event of the president's death?

Edit: Yeah, nevermind me. Otherwise Biden would never have been in the running for 2024 in the first place.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
ImAMarvel posted...
DMC games always look slick and stylish while conveying how much health the player has and how many life extension powerups they've collected so far

On that note, DMC1 also had the best representation of the devil trigger bar and how the transformation itself looked.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
As global population increases it's inevitable. Australia is currently going through a housing and cost of living crisis, so objectively speaking the last thing we need is a population increase.

The difference between me and a racist right-winger though is that I make that statement in reference to anyone coming in, not just brown people.
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
"P.T? What's that?"
If something is hard, you weren't meant to do it.
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