He won't surpass Beerus, because that's the joke.
Beerus isn't a character, he's a punchline.
Ted Cruz realistically shouldn't be re elected. He does nothing but go on fox News and bitch about the democrats and does no actual work I'm the senate. Like 9 bills in 12 years, that kinda thing. Plus he deserts his people when critical moments happen.
Yeah, that's kind of what I was getting at with my last question, there were decades of tension leading up to both world wars but there are exact events in history that people point to (assassination of Franz Ferdinand and invasion of Poland) as the point of no return with both world wars and I wondered if that would also be the case in a WW3 scenario.
I don't know how blame is passed around in Canada, but in the US, people blaming immigrants for what's wrong in their country tend to be right wingers.
I don't think it's a racial calculation as much as a rhetorical approach where they can only ever have escalatingly large threats. Trump is incapable of speaking in a language other than hyperbole, and the right wing media ecosystem thrives on fear. There's no one who can say "well, she's not as bad as Obama, but still..."
Well will find out in 10 days whether Trumpism will become a part of the rest of our lives or not.
If you're the sort of person that turns your nose up at sports while thinking that playing videogames means you're an academic, I don't know what to tell you
"It appears to be an organized effort at this point, said Adams, an elected Republican."
Yeah I call bullshit on this investigation
Being physically fit is a criminal offense?
I'm on the "Soft G" side, but someone once brought up that .JPEG is pronounced J-Peg, but the P is for Photographic. Blew my mind.
Anyone else reminded of the one right winger who forgot to switch to his sock puppet twitter account when he pretended to be I think it was a gay black man
especially with a low population country like Canada.
Something like 90% of Canada lives in a tiny spot of Southern Ontario
I just hate old people and no I plan on being dead long before then
Sex is part of human nature Americans historically have been largely Christian which condemns pre-marital sex
I wish you people wanting to fuck up the country would just like... go to a different one.
I can understand people who get excited while watching, even though it isn't my cup of tea. I cannot understand the people who actually take it seriously and become legitimately upset or overly excited when "their" team loses/wins.
Ah, I see you've visited St. Louis
He was made out to be "real life Tony Stark" and posited all these ideas that the news cycle pretended were viable
On that we can agree. Rich assholes who have three homes should definitely be taxed harshly for the amount of time they dont even use those homes.
If he wasn't such a dangerous fascist asshole, there'd be something almost cute about his utter lack of knowledge about every part of how governments function.
It's like a nine year old running for president. All he has to do now is make "Pizza for dinner every single night and bed time is now 10:30" part of his platform to complete the effect.
Getting into it when you're actually at the game is understandable, but people yelling at their tv over sports is just embarrassing
The snipers are actually MAGA and will shoot the election workers.
While I was donating plasma some obnoxious fuck was asking the phlebotomists who they were voting for, then started in about talking up Trump and I was just thinking to myself how sick I am of this shit
I mean you cant also have an open border since resources are finite. Also a lot of Muslim extremist seem to be coming in as well. Common sense immigration laws shouldn't be a left vs wing thing.
Current electoral system makes it practically impossible for third party candidates to actually get elected anyway so yes, vote for third party is a wasted vote.
Because doing the same from watching fictional characters is better.
So basketballs ok then
Do you really think trump knows you're telling him to fuck off? And he won in 16 lol...
And? He's telling him to fuck off. Whether Trump gets it or not us irrelevant. And he lost in 2020. He got the fuck message that time.
If the Australian construction industry is anything like the American one, the people building homes are disproportionately immigrants. A slowdown in construction isn't going to make housing prices go down.
Many countries have failed to build the additional housing needed to keep prices low.
Doesn't this imply Capitalism will always turn into fascism?
the Founding Fathers basically said "Fuck it, we'll figure this shit out later" and told future generations to work out a better system.
If Harris wins in 2024, why would AOC try to get the nomination over her in 2028?
DMC games always look slick and stylish while conveying how much health the player has and how many life extension powerups they've collected so far