I would, but no idea how you'd practically ban an app that can also be accessed from the internet...especially when banning anything makes a kid want it more. So, no practical way to do it.
I think most people today don't really understand the concept of "rights".
In my opinion healthcare should be a BASIC HUMAN RIGHT AND NOT A FOR PROFIT business
I agree but I also think back in the 1970s people were sold on the idea of Private Health Insurance" not understanding back then what they meant or would turn into but healthcars should be a basic human right and a non profit business but Reagan changed all of that in the 1980s.
I am not in regards to modern healthcare which is why I said Reagan but at one time most hospitals and health insurers were NON PROFIT and that began to change under Reagan but the bottom line being no one should go bankrupt paying medical bills especially when they have insurance agree or not that should not happen.
I watched my aunt and my uncle lose all they had when she had breast cancer because the bills were mounting and their health insurance wasn't doing what they should have been doing so they cashed out their entire savings trying to pay her medical bills and when they exhausted their savings as a last resort they sold their home and that should not happen ever in America.
Nobody said free but healthcare should not be FOR PROFIT. In Europe and Canada they have we would call socialized medicine but they do not have people going bankrupt
Nah I'd rather not have a famous rapper consistently release chart toppers about how much I suck
remember reading somewhere that older Japan (I guess maybe 19th century and back?) was a lot more receptive to immigrants and cultural exchange,
neither, I like the free independents that can align with either depending on situation
And his last model in the Hall of Presidents is famously bad (it looks like Hillary Clinton)
James Monroe also died on the 4th of July just 5 years later in 1831.
Towards the end of his second term, Woodrow Wilson had two strokes that left him paralyzed and bedridden. This was kept from the public and was only known by a select few people. His wife, Edith, supposedly took over some of the routine duties of the president for the remainder of his term (so we kind of had a female president).
Grover Cleveland was diagnosed with Epithelioma and needed surgery. To stop any more panic from happening under his second term (and there was already a lot), he disguised this as a cruise and had the surgery performed on his yacht just off of Long Island. The tumor was successfully removed but it left his mouth and jaw quite disfigured, which was mostly corrected through another surgery (and a cover story on how he just had two bad teeth removed).
Had no idea that blight was not BlitzBoy
Honestly looking at the command structure of the Decepticons, who in their right mind would join them?
Megatron being this strongman leader with a long history is the only thing keeping the decepticons together, they don't have a clear line of succession. Meanwhile on the autobots have a stable command structure with a clear line of succession.
Autobots are capable of working in a team and trusting each other meanwhile the only reason anyone does what they're told on the decepticon side is because Megatron kicks their ass if they don't.
the one with contrarian opinions, especially in this topic, is you
My main interest tends towards ancient history, with a stronger focus on Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cultures. I have tons of books on those subjects, but the more recent the timeline gets the less interest I tend to be.
man this asshat gets away with everything never seen anything like it
We've always had a pretty separate legal system for "important people", it just usually isn't this obvious.
If Garland didn't drag his ass going after Trump for all sorts of things (most likely on purpose) and if Biden didn't continue to let him, we wouldn't be in this situation. They failed us.
the new owners need to give them back. Wtf is wrong with those people?
Its also fucked up that the shelter separated the pets, who might have been friends
So I feel bad for her and the situation, but I kind of understand how we got to that point.
The implication I was going for was that Alien is superior to covenant, and it isn't even the best.It is Aliens
My failings aside, how tf do you have three above anything
lower or higher?
The Decepticons have both Soundwave and Shockwave.
Watching GI Joe as an adult (I bought all the original episodes on DVD and then made my young nephew watch them when he was growing up) made me realize just how good the writing on it was.
Some 80s cartoons I loved as a kid definitely don't hold up in that respect (*cough*He-Man*cough*), but Transformers is actually pretty good, and GI Joe is fantastic for something that was ostensibly little more than a half-hour toy commercial.
I honestly still consider them both better than most cartoons coming out these days. But that's an entirely different discussion.
(Though the cartoons I'll always mourn are the DCAU of the 1990s/2000s. It's a shame that kids today will never have anything as good as BTAS or Justice League.)
except me
Not really sure what the difference is tbh.
one of the times he'll connect in his head that if he stops acting overly pro-fascist about things, he stops getting moderated
saying you're going to run someone over with a car isn't quite the same thing as trying to argue that pol pot was right, for example
Zeus crying about mods? Must be a day that ends in "y"
Blightzkrieg gets modded all the time bro maybe if you weren't in purg so much you'd know this
maybe if you weren't in purg so much you'd know this
Not a huge fan of either, but they're both very different characters.
Superman was meant to be an integration of the author's values with some tropes from Jewish and Christian religions in a time when the Nazis were mass murdering people across the ocean; his parents came to the USA having fled violence against Jews in the Soviet Union.
Dragon Ball did not, I think, have any political aspirations, but was rather drawing from kaiju/martial arts films and Journey to the West. Without a political context framing it, Toriyama's show has more flexibility in what it can do. Less responsibility, in a lot of ways.
As an aside, Jacob Geller actually talked about this facet of Superman in this video, if you haven't seen it before:
The problem with pricing is that it NEEDS to increase.
Attendance keeps climbing every year. What do you do when demand keeps increasing, but increasing supply in response is impossible? Raise prices until demand goes down.
Yeah, not a big deal honestly.
My old windows 95 machine booted in 10 seconds from power to working desktop. Little longer if it felt like memory training again.
SSDs were needed because of operating system bloat. Where the OS used to be around 100mb, now, because we have... group policy? Not sure, having trouble thinking of the newer features anyone actually uses, but anyways, now OS's are 20gb to 40gb. And instead of needing 8mb of RAM, it needs 12 gigs.
I remember having to use these to do anything on a computer:
Actually, I remember having to use one of these to load stuff onto a computer:
Technically I'm almost old enough to remember computers where you had to type code directly into them every time if you wanted to do anything, where they'd actually sell magazines with "code recipes" you could use on your computer. And they basically released them for free and you could pass them around to all your friends without any consequences or complaints because the world used to be a much better place.
I'm surprised PotD had that many users. With that said I only know a small amount on the list that are active so...
The problem is in what they're choosing to close, and what they're attempting to open.
One of the complaints is that they seem to be putting disproportional emphasis on things they've done recently as opposed to their famous properties of the past, because the ego of certain members of the current upper management are determined to stamp their own legacy onto the parks rather than caring what actual fans might want.
It's similar to the question of why so much of their Star Wars push seems rooted in the sequels (which are divisive at best) versus more universally loved earlier films (especially the OT). The answer being because they created the sequel trilogy stuff themselves and have a far greater creative claim to it than the earlier stuff, in spite of the fact that they own both equally. Which implies many of their current decisions are motivated more by ego than rational logic.
It's very telling that the Disney parks have been seeing dramatic downturns in attendance while other similar parks (like Universal) have been seeing upticks (meaning it's not just the economy discouraging visits, but people actively choosing to not go to Disney). Their PR has been in the toilet for years now (even people I know IRL who were huge fans of yearly Disney trips are starting to turn on them for various decisions and problems).
Isn't Goku like the 12th most interesting Dragon Ball character
The most interesting Superman stories are the ones where he loses his powers which is kind of telling.
I disagree. Goku isn't that interesting a character. There's not much to dive into him psychologically. Superman, there's a lot to be said about him. Who he is, how he feels about his place in world, his motivations, how he views humanity, how he sees his two identities, how he fits in a love life. His stance on killing. There's a lot to dig into with stories. Whereas Goku, it's difficult do much with outside a simplistic shounen arc.
Incidentally, all of this is a large part of why I crap all over Christopher Paolini as one of my "Trinity of Terrible Authors".
As an example, someone who self-publishes a novel through a vanity press imprint is very different from someone who had to get their book published by a mainstream publishing house after having been scouted by a literary agent, but both are technically published authors.
Tony hawks pro skater
That was all explained in the movie. She was tired of being kidnapped so she learned karate. She also was still ditzy.
she was the best version of daphne we have ever gotten
Were there more than two live action movies?