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CyborgSage00x0 posted...
I would, but no idea how you'd practically ban an app that can also be accessed from the internet...especially when banning anything makes a kid want it more. So, no practical way to do it.

1) The access to it is being greatly curtailed, which cuts off the majority of the userbase who either isn't savvy enough to find alternative methods or don't care enough.

2) Services can blacklist IPs from certain countries. Yes, you CAN get around that with a relatively inexpensive service (assuming those services don't get targeted by the US government for violating the law and face punitive measures themselves), but how many people are going to do that?

3) Countries can blacklist access to certain services (ie, China's Golden Shield)

As popular as TikTok is, the ban will likely remove the majority of its US userbase. And since those users will likely move to similar platforms, other portions of TikTok may start to join them.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
It's technically a mix. Companies generally can't pass on 100% of the cost, so they have to eat part of it (likewise, the exporter may have to lower prices to stay competitive -- more on that in a minute). More importantly, tariffs 100% can hurt the sanctioned nation. The increase in cost of goods makes those products far less competitive and can stimulate domestic supply.

But keep in mind that most of the time, what happens with tariffs is the supply chain changes. You just import from somewhere else. The sanctioned nation is harmed, but the impact to the consumer can be relatively mild (although the company may have to bear some short-term costs).

Ultimately, the greatest harm (and therefore the largest burden) is to the sanctioned company and its business, unless it's the only possible provider of a good or service. Those companies will often be forced to lower prices to stay competitive vs nations without tariffs since otherwise a company will just change suppliers. However, even when suppliers are changed -- so a tariff isn't having a direct impact -- prices COULD be higher in either the short-term or long-term because your cheapest option is going away. However, for some industries, there might not be any added cost to the consumer because the company eats 100% of the cost (particularly when the company can't compete otherwise)

Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
I'm intrigued. I liked BotW (although the praise was excessive, given how empty most of the map was and the general nuisance when it came to travel at times), and am looking forward to playing TotK... if I could find my Switch charge cable.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
ParanoidObsessive posted...
I think most people today don't really understand the concept of "rights".

This so hard. But blame the schools.

BUMPED2002 posted...
In my opinion healthcare should be a BASIC HUMAN RIGHT AND NOT A FOR PROFIT business

Both of those are pretty wrong, tbh. Although the notion of it being a for-profit business makes more sense than a human right, considering that's not even how human rights work.

BUMPED2002 posted...
I agree but I also think back in the 1970s people were sold on the idea of Private Health Insurance" not understanding back then what they meant or would turn into but healthcars should be a basic human right and a non profit business but Reagan changed all of that in the 1980s.


BUMPED2002 posted...
I am not in regards to modern healthcare which is why I said Reagan but at one time most hospitals and health insurers were NON PROFIT and that began to change under Reagan but the bottom line being no one should go bankrupt paying medical bills especially when they have insurance agree or not that should not happen.

Most of the health care industry was never non-profit. Insurance companies in particular have been very profit

The fact that you're spouting glaringly false claims that don't even make any sense isn't surprising, though.

BUMPED2002 posted...
I watched my aunt and my uncle lose all they had when she had breast cancer because the bills were mounting and their health insurance wasn't doing what they should have been doing so they cashed out their entire savings trying to pay her medical bills and when they exhausted their savings as a last resort they sold their home and that should not happen ever in America.

Technically, that has nothing to do with it being a for-profit. Even as a non-profit, that would've been possible. You'd really need a completely different healthcare system, not just non-profits.

BUMPED2002 posted...
Nobody said free but healthcare should not be FOR PROFIT. In Europe and Canada they have we would call socialized medicine but they do not have people going bankrupt

Socialized and non-profit are completely different things. And what's this "we could call"? It is government-run, afaik, for the most part.

And having lived in Canada, I'll tell you it was absurdly hard getting care at times. Particularly in the case of specialists, imagine how long it takes in the US then add a few months. (Although some pricey for-profit specialists can be extremely fast.)
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
Probably. But I also don't use TikTok or social media in general. However, TikTok I've always been leery about simply because there's so little separation from the Chinese government and Chinese companies. The US's level of separation isn't great (and has made the world a bit less safe because of it), but China's is laughably bad in terms of absurd amounts of influence and access. And something like TikTok could be uniquely weaponized.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
Probably going to be the most lopsided round.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
Oh, missed this round since it was on Thanksgiving.

Anyway, it didn't even make sense to have me involved in this since I haven't been active on PotD for several years. On top of that, the TC (who I don't even know who they are) went with my least well-known username.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
Zareth posted...
Nah I'd rather not have a famous rapper consistently release chart toppers about how much I suck

Even if you were a more famous rapper? Or, technically, more famous celebrity? Probably richer, too.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
...I apparently can't remember how to transform deluxe-class DOTM Starscream. Got it most of the way but tucking the nosecone isn't working right and I don't remember how the legs were usually posed.

It was one of the only toy designs I liked from the Bayformers franchise (despite hating how it looks in the movie... as with most of the movie designs), although the Starscream movie colorway looks like shit with the Cybertronian tattoos and cheap gray plastic. The mold works better with Thundercracker.

The leader-class (?) DOTM Starscream is nicer, but I've never been able to transform leader-class figures.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
XenobladeX posted...
remember reading somewhere that older Japan (I guess maybe 19th century and back?) was a lot more receptive to immigrants and cultural exchange,

That's completely untrue. Up until the US forced Japan to open its borders at gunpoint -- literally bring warships into the area -- the country was completely isolationist in the 19th century. And, even after that, Japan wasn't so much "receptive" as it was compelled to be more open.

Japan was likely at its most open state during the reconstruction following WW2, although permanent immigration in Japan -- afaik -- was always difficult, especially for non-Asians.

Culturally, prior to the US forcing trade in the mid-19th century, Japan was largely closed off to outside cultures. There was some adoption but the biggest shift came when the US helped Japan rebuild after WW2. The nukes technically weren't a major factor in that since it was just one way the nation was damaged.

In general, keep in mind that WW2 was a massive gamechanger across most of the world, since it disrupted infrastructures and economies throughout Europe and Asia. That gave the US a tremendous advantage... which we squandered thanks to leftist policies in the 1960s and 1970s. Among other things, those policies accelerated outsourcing and automation. And by the 1980s, Japan looked like it was going to be in a stronger position than the US... which didn't quite happen, although it was the world's second-largest economy for a long time.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
I don't think insurance is mandatory for them, but certain vehicles afaik aren't allowed on roads, which is a separate issue. The laws will vary state-by-state, as will enforcement.

Honestly, you'd probably just be better off getting a bike. There are electric-assisted or whatever ones if you're worried about getting tired while using them. The only iffy thing is transporting items, although you could wear a backpack and keep things light

As for cars, besides insurance, some states already have property taxes on them -- which, again, isn't the case with a bike. Something like a golf cart (which I doubt is street legal in many places) will have some of a bike's drawbacks, particularly a lack of protection from the elements.

Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
ParanoidObsessive posted...

tbh, wasn't one of his first lines in G1 "Things will be different when I'm in control?" His treachery was pretty open and played for laughs in the original.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
Newave posted...
neither, I like the free independents that can align with either depending on situation

tbh, Starscream has now and again been independent (and, in TF Prime, he nearly joined the Autobots... but Arcee interfered with that, since he'd killed Cliffjumper (voiced by the Rock) at the start of the series -- which iirc was the ONLY Autobot they managed to kill during the show's run. In general, the Decepticons were far more effective under Starscream's leadership)

Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
Damn_Underscore posted...
And his last model in the Hall of Presidents is famously bad (it looks like Hillary Clinton)

Ha. Guess they thought that election was going a different way.

SeahorseCpt89 posted...
James Monroe also died on the 4th of July just 5 years later in 1831.


SeahorseCpt89 posted...
Towards the end of his second term, Woodrow Wilson had two strokes that left him paralyzed and bedridden. This was kept from the public and was only known by a select few people. His wife, Edith, supposedly took over some of the routine duties of the president for the remainder of his term (so we kind of had a female president).

Grover Cleveland was diagnosed with Epithelioma and needed surgery. To stop any more panic from happening under his second term (and there was already a lot), he disguised this as a cruise and had the surgery performed on his yacht just off of Long Island. The tumor was successfully removed but it left his mouth and jaw quite disfigured, which was mostly corrected through another surgery (and a cover story on how he just had two bad teeth removed).

JFK also apparently had a lot of health issues he kept on the down low. He had three separate doctors -- one of whom initially wasn't known by the other two -- and received a rather absurd number of treatments.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH

Still cracks me every time, tbh.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
coyot posted...
Had no idea that blight was not BlitzBoy

To be fair, nobody can keep track of Bligh alts. There was once a prominent historian who tried to do it and he collapsed from exhaustion.

Ditto for Helly alts, although that's a little easier since those accounts are lost to attrition.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
Until this most recent election, only Grover Cleveland had served two non-consecutive terms (so he got two figures in those sets of presidential figurines).

So far, the only president who's served more than 2 terms is FDR. Thanks to a law that added term limits, that fact might remain true.

Both John Addams and Thomas Jefferson died on the 4th of July, 1826.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
VioletZer0 posted...
Honestly looking at the command structure of the Decepticons, who in their right mind would join them?

Megatron being this strongman leader with a long history is the only thing keeping the decepticons together, they don't have a clear line of succession. Meanwhile on the autobots have a stable command structure with a clear line of succession.

Autobots are capable of working in a team and trusting each other meanwhile the only reason anyone does what they're told on the decepticon side is because Megatron kicks their ass if they don't.

They're generally the winning side. Besides, you're more likely to get mercy from the good guys than the bad guys if you beg for your life after losing.

As for the line of succession, it's equally clear. Starscream is generally the second-in-command and takes over in Megatron's absence, or has those responsibilities split. Meanwhile, any time the Autobots need a new leader, it feels like they have to hunt for one. And that second doesn't seem very consistent within the franchise.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
ConfusedTorchic posted...

the one with contrarian opinions, especially in this topic, is you

You might as well just said, "I'm rubber and you're glue..."
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
ParanoidObsessive posted...
My main interest tends towards ancient history, with a stronger focus on Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cultures. I have tons of books on those subjects, but the more recent the timeline gets the less interest I tend to be.

Obviously, since ancient Greece was the hub of civilization. Modern Greece... not so much.

Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
Pretty sure incels don't think sex is lame. Otherwise, they wouldn't incessantly whine about not getting it.

If anything, the owl is either a prude or ace.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
Halo478 posted...
man this asshat gets away with everything never seen anything like it


Proto_Spark posted...
We've always had a pretty separate legal system for "important people", it just usually isn't this obvious.

Mostly because it doesn't even get that far with most politicians.

Southernfatman posted...
If Garland didn't drag his ass going after Trump for all sorts of things (most likely on purpose) and if Biden didn't continue to let him, we wouldn't be in this situation. They failed us.

lolwut? So much wrong in this post I don't know where to begin. But, just to cover a minor and pretty glaring fact, Merrick Garland has every incentive to attack Trump, not protect him. After all, Trump is indirectly why Garland isn't on the Supreme Court
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
Zikten posted...
the new owners need to give them back. Wtf is wrong with those people?

Wtf is wrong with people for developing attachments to animals? Or recognizing that an owner who randomly left the animals to their own devices could do it again?

Yeah, it's salt in the wound for the vet getting out, but she's not the only one with an attachment to the animals. And, if you think of animals as more than just property, there could be questions about their welfare.

Zikten posted...
Its also fucked up that the shelter separated the pets, who might have been friends

Literally how shelters and other services work. It's rare to place both animals at once. You can't even do that with adopting kids at times.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
archizzy posted...
So I feel bad for her and the situation, but I kind of understand how we got to that point.

Pretty much. And, honestly, I'd question her ability to care for the pets given prior incidents (not that the new owners might not also have problems). Yeah, it sucks what happened, but the pets could've gotten hurt or killed when she left them like that.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
If they're intro'ing 1-2 new characters per film, it'll just be a matter of time before there are 50 Sonic characters (which, if they got rid of the humans except Robotnik, would be fine).
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
Crimson_Corsair posted...
The implication I was going for was that Alien is superior to covenant, and it isn't even the best. It is Aliens

Aliens was generally inferior to Alien other than effects.

Crimson_Corsair posted...
My failings aside, how tf do you have three above anything

While I wouldn't put 3 over 1 myself, it was a lot closer in terms of concept to 1 whereas 2 felt like a completely different subgenre. While I like Aliens, Alien 3 made more sense. The thing it kinda gets hit for is writing out characters and, you know, not being an action spectacle like Aliens.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
Not really a Shadow fan, but it looks like alright. Since the first two movies were okay (Idris Elba as Knuckles was a delightful surprise), I'll probably see the third. Of course, if this is like Sonic 1 was to Sonic 2, I'm expecting super weird shifts in personality, friendships, etc, between films.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
Apparently not, although it's a bit of a trick question since it's part of another country. This is like pulling up Alaska and asking what country it is, since Alaska isn't really a country, either.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
PMarth2002 posted...
lower or higher?

SSDs have always been more expensive for the same amount of storage. However, they tend to be more reliable because they have fewer moving parts, which also helps with the speed.

If you have a laptop, the difference in performance with a SSD is more noticeable.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
ParanoidObsessive posted...
The Decepticons have both Soundwave and Shockwave.

Everything past Starscream is just icing on the cake, tbh.

ParanoidObsessive posted...
Watching GI Joe as an adult (I bought all the original episodes on DVD and then made my young nephew watch them when he was growing up) made me realize just how good the writing on it was.

Some 80s cartoons I loved as a kid definitely don't hold up in that respect (*cough*He-Man*cough*), but Transformers is actually pretty good, and GI Joe is fantastic for something that was ostensibly little more than a half-hour toy commercial.

I honestly still consider them both better than most cartoons coming out these days. But that's an entirely different discussion.

As with G1 Transformers, He-Man is hit or miss. The vocal talents (or lack thereof) are more obvious with time, though. I'll mention there was a HUGE leap from the original MotU to New Adventures.

(Though the cartoons I'll always mourn are the DCAU of the 1990s/2000s. It's a shame that kids today will never have anything as good as BTAS or Justice League.)

They literally had Young Justice, which felt on par with other parts of the DCAU. (Although technically that show started in 2010 then start & stopped over the next 15 years.) Kinda not as sure about the currently-airing stuff. I know My Adventures with Superman is a thing, which looked interesting from the clips I saw. For non-DC, the X-Men 97 revival is still going, but I haven't watched that yet. And a few years ago, NF did a pretty amazing MotU reboot (not to be confused with whatever Kevin Smith was doing). Of course, as with most things on NF, they stopped after the third season. And, like most cartoons, it was probably impacted by poor toy sales... and, like YJ (which initially got cancelled due to low merch sales), the poor toy sales is more the toymakers' fault than the show's fault.

As for BTAS, it's aged unevenly. The awkward cuts, etc, are more obvious over time. Its one big advantage is that the adaptation was less kiddy than other recent takes. JLU holds up a lot better, partly for coming later and building off a lot of the lessons from BTAS and STAS. Actually, STAS *also* benefited from coming later and learning. STAS from start to finish feels a lot more consistent. Even taking the fact BTAS kinda changed as a whole between seasons, even the seasons sometimes felt uneven.

Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
ConfusedTorchic posted...
except me

Must be why you're so full of shit.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
Once again, it feels like there's a lot to look through without that much to see.

I was looking over BBuy's and Target's game selection last night (thanks to a Gamespot article that let me know it'd started). Other than TotK, the only thing I was kinda thinking about was Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury.

I should still probably look into another laptop, too, but... idk.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
PMarth2002 posted...
Not really sure what the difference is tbh.

Cost and fewer moving parts.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
ConfusedTorchic posted...
one of the times he'll connect in his head that if he stops acting overly pro-fascist about things, he stops getting moderated

Maybe someday you'll connect your love for censorship with its long-standing use by actual fascists, not the pretend fascists in your head. It's rather telling that you're simping for censorship while literally decrying systems that go out of their way to suppress speech. Basically, you're once again engaging in cognitive dissonance while trying to accuse others of cognitive dissonance. Or, to crib a phrase, it's a day ending in 'y'

saying you're going to run someone over with a car isn't quite the same thing as trying to argue that pol pot was right, for example

Well, for starters, one is a real thing that happened while the other is some weird claim you made up to justify your flexible morality and mental gymnastics.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
Far-Queue posted...
Zeus crying about mods? Must be a day that ends in "y"

Blightzkrieg gets modded all the time bro maybe if you weren't in purg so much you'd know this

Bligh really doesn't. The few things Bligh has been modded for have gotten other people banned.

Far-Queue posted...
maybe if you weren't in purg so much you'd know this

And if I had Bligh's diplomatic immunity, I'd never be in purg. Not that purg ever really affected my activity level. Even the mass suspensions didn't really change that much.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
Mystic_Myotis posted...
Not a huge fan of either, but they're both very different characters.

Superman was meant to be an integration of the author's values with some tropes from Jewish and Christian religions in a time when the Nazis were mass murdering people across the ocean; his parents came to the USA having fled violence against Jews in the Soviet Union.

Dragon Ball did not, I think, have any political aspirations, but was rather drawing from kaiju/martial arts films and Journey to the West. Without a political context framing it, Toriyama's show has more flexibility in what it can do. Less responsibility, in a lot of ways.

As an aside, Jacob Geller actually talked about this facet of Superman in this video, if you haven't seen it before:

The broader difference is that Superman hasn't been limited to a single creator. That's why there've been substantially different takes on the character over the years whereas Goku's portrayal hasn't varied as much (early DB Goku doesn't feel that much like later DB Goku, but later DB Goku is kind of in-line with everything after), with the one big exception being Dragonball Evolution

Meanwhile, Superman has had (or been featured in) over a dozen shows so far, multiple film franchises, and a huge number of comics, video games, etc -- most of which don't resemble the original comics.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
It's really a toss-up because neither hugely interests me. However, it's kinda worth noting that MOST of history is pretty same-y and the difference in size (ie, land or population) has an impact on the amount of history, events, etc.

The claim that British History is longer than American history is technically wrong. If you're limiting it to the history of the USA -- which, by the way, was more than just British -- that kinda works, but even if you go back to the earliest arrival of white folk (technically the Vikings, although I can't remember how far across the continent they made it), there were already people living here. And the geological history for both is roughly the same length.

Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
Zareth posted...
The problem with pricing is that it NEEDS to increase.

It actually doesn't. Although inflation is a thing, you have operating margins that would cover that.

Zareth posted...
Attendance keeps climbing every year. What do you do when demand keeps increasing, but increasing supply in response is impossible? Raise prices until demand goes down.

If crowd sizes are an issue (which isn't necessarily true for many of the parks), there are countless ways to address that -- including the size itself eventually turning off people. Price increases are generally a poor fix.

Further, attendance isn't really climbing. For the Magic Kingdom, the attendance has fallen below pre-2014 levels. Animal Kingdom is actually down compared to last year, and its post-pandemic numbers are lower than 2006. Outside the US, Disneyland Paris has actually fallen year-over-year most of the time, and the current attendance is substantially lower than it was about 15 years ago.

And in the most technical standpoint, the "demand" hasn't really increased at all, it's just the US population has increased.

Beyond that, Disney tends to favor non-ride attractions now because they're lower cost. If they could get away with it, they'd probably make the whole park a walkthrough, with gift stores and refreshment stands every five feet (which isn't too far from the current model)
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
SinisterSlay posted...
Yeah, not a big deal honestly.

My old windows 95 machine booted in 10 seconds from power to working desktop. Little longer if it felt like memory training again.

SSDs were needed because of operating system bloat. Where the OS used to be around 100mb, now, because we have... group policy? Not sure, having trouble thinking of the newer features anyone actually uses, but anyways, now OS's are 20gb to 40gb. And instead of needing 8mb of RAM, it needs 12 gigs.

This. Also, they make more sense with laptops.

ParanoidObsessive posted...
I remember having to use these to do anything on a computer:

Actually, I remember having to use one of these to load stuff onto a computer:

Technically I'm almost old enough to remember computers where you had to type code directly into them every time if you wanted to do anything, where they'd actually sell magazines with "code recipes" you could use on your computer. And they basically released them for free and you could pass them around to all your friends without any consequences or complaints because the world used to be a much better place.

Back in my day, computers didn't even use electricity.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
coyot posted...

Worst WWE announcer, but best option on this list.

coyot posted...

Yeah, Sun is suspended again, apparently. Which makes it amusing Sun's in the same round as Bligh, a poster who's literally talked about running Gamefaqs users over with their car and had zero consequences for it, among the countless other things that would get anybody else banned in short order. But maybe Bligh's uncle is a mod or something.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
wwinterj25 posted...
I'm surprised PotD had that many users. With that said I only know a small amount on the list that are active so...

A lot of those names are randos, tbh. Not even sure anybody knows who that Count Drachma fella is -- that's too deep of a cup.

Would've made more sense to narrow this down to maybe thirty names who are actually active.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
ParanoidObsessive posted...
The problem is in what they're choosing to close, and what they're attempting to open.

One of the complaints is that they seem to be putting disproportional emphasis on things they've done recently as opposed to their famous properties of the past, because the ego of certain members of the current upper management are determined to stamp their own legacy onto the parks rather than caring what actual fans might want.

This so hard. They're getting rid of the wheat to make room for the chaff.

It's similar to the question of why so much of their Star Wars push seems rooted in the sequels (which are divisive at best) versus more universally loved earlier films (especially the OT). The answer being because they created the sequel trilogy stuff themselves and have a far greater creative claim to it than the earlier stuff, in spite of the fact that they own both equally. Which implies many of their current decisions are motivated more by ego than rational logic.

The other issue is the actors' ages with the originals. By focusing on the sequels, they can bring back people who featured there.

ParanoidObsessive posted...
It's very telling that the Disney parks have been seeing dramatic downturns in attendance while other similar parks (like Universal) have been seeing upticks (meaning it's not just the economy discouraging visits, but people actively choosing to not go to Disney). Their PR has been in the toilet for years now (even people I know IRL who were huge fans of yearly Disney trips are starting to turn on them for various decisions and problems).

I feel like you're glossing over Disney's other issues including year-over-year pricing (which has raised faster than the other parks), bullshit added fees at every opportunity, and longer lines.

Even if all the attractions remained the same, park experiences are demonstratively worse (due to fewer rides) and far more expensive. I was watching a video from a long-time Disney fan who outlined what looked like a 50% increase in the overall price over the last 5 years (or 7? Can't remember -- either way, the national inflation only increased 20% in the last 5 and 25% over the last 7)
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
The Genesis was clearly inferior in every regard -- specs, library, controller (although that's partly down to taste), etc.

That doesn't necessarily make it bad.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
I would if I found something I liked AND it miraculously stayed in production.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
ParanoidObsessive posted...


Blightzkrieg posted...
Isn't Goku like the 12th most interesting Dragon Ball character

Probably not even that high, unless you mean the original series where during the early run he was interesting. He was pretty bland by the end, though.

ForteEXE3850 posted...
The most interesting Superman stories are the ones where he loses his powers which is kind of telling.

Not really. Most of the powerless stories are kinda whatever.

Kotenks posted...
I disagree. Goku isn't that interesting a character. There's not much to dive into him psychologically. Superman, there's a lot to be said about him. Who he is, how he feels about his place in world, his motivations, how he views humanity, how he sees his two identities, how he fits in a love life. His stance on killing. There's a lot to dig into with stories. Whereas Goku, it's difficult do much with outside a simplistic shounen arc.

Yeah, there isn't much you can do with Goku. Meanwhile, Superman has a lot to explore.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
coyot posted...

You mean a Count Drachma impostor?! The nerve!
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
The Decepticons usually have the cooler stuff.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
I briefly worked for a newspaper around the time I was in college, so I have some published work from that (although I'm not sure I was ever credited on the byline, but I didn't care either way). Nothing exciting, mind you. And then it's just some articles in a college magazine.

ParanoidObsessive posted...
Incidentally, all of this is a large part of why I crap all over Christopher Paolini as one of my "Trinity of Terrible Authors".

Who are the other offenders?

ParanoidObsessive posted...
As an example, someone who self-publishes a novel through a vanity press imprint is very different from someone who had to get their book published by a mainstream publishing house after having been scouted by a literary agent, but both are technically published authors.

I'm pretty sure literary agents don't usually scout writers, it's the writers who solicit literary agents. Plus, e-publishing is a thing now so you don't even need a vanity press -- and these days one doesn't even need to do any actual writing to become an author. There's a glut of authors who feed prompts into ChatGPT and toss those books up on Amazon.

Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
It's arguably developed a few times, but the most recent was the first time I saw a production of Phantom of the Opera (which, at the time, I lamented had the either the Broadway or London cast recording instead of the show's cast... and, honestly, I still would've loved the local version). That was the first time I saw a Phantom musical. Not the first time I saw a stage musical, although after that I was far more open to showtunes.

But, more pragmatically, it would've been when I first heard a clip from "The Schuyler Sisters" from Hamilton. Because I hadn't been listening to music all that often for a long while before that. And that kinda opened the floodgates.

Tony hawks pro skater

Skating games did have amazing soundtracks.

Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
That was all explained in the movie. She was tired of being kidnapped so she learned karate. She also was still ditzy.

The fact they explained it didn't make it any less stupid.

ConfusedTorchic posted...
she was the best version of daphne we have ever gotten

That's like saying Mindy Kaling was the best Velma. Just a straight-up trolling or contrarian opinion.

keyblader1985 posted...
Were there more than two live action movies?

Yes, and I recall one of the others being okay.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
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