A re
? None. Any game can be remade - the whole point of remaking them is to modernize them, and that involves redoing anything that doesn't fit with modern tastes in gaming. Take FF7R for an excellent example - all the things that made that game feel dated, from the cultural (somewhat dodgy translation, Barrett being a blatant Mr. T expy,
to do with the Honeybee Inn) to the technical (getting rid of random encounters, changing it from a relatively simplistic menu-based combat system to a more action-RPG combat engine in line with more recent FF titles) were completely overhauled (and I say this as someone who vastly preferred the original to the remake). With that in mind, there is no game that could not be remade; it might lose a lot of faithfulness to the original (as FF7R did), but so long as you're OK with that, the sky's the limit.
A re
? Now that's a different story. If you're keeping the core elements of the game, no matter how dated, you start getting into the territory of games that just don't work with modern game design. A few I can think of:
-Any of the oldschool Sierra games (King's Quest, Space Quest, Police Quest, etc.). The idea that you not only *can*, but almost assuredly *will* lock yourself out of being able to complete the game because you didn't follow whatever fever-dream logic the game developers cooked up while on the acid trip that inspired the game and have to restart the entire game from scratch if you didn't keep multiple save files going is completely antithetical to modern adventure game design and modern game design in general.
-The Lunar games, particularly Silver Star Story. I love SSSC - it's one of my favourite games of all time - but all the things that made them unique and amazing back in the day have been overshadowed by what came since. In particular, there's no way an RPG would get by with a battle system as simplistic as Silver Star Story's in the modern era.
-The original Metroid. No map system, a confusing, maze-like layout, and simplistic bosses means that in order to bring it up to modern standards (as Zero Mission did), you basically need to ditch a lot of its unique features.
Kill 1 man: You are a murderer. Kill 10 men: You are a monster.
Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!