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Community » ArchNemo
Thanks beautiful <3
Down with the Signess.
Mad Ducats
Down with the Signess.
Down with the Signess.
Down with the Signess.
Down with the Signess.
I do be postin'
Down with the Signess.
Post y
Down with the Signess.
Down with the Signess.
Down with the Signess.
Down with the Signess.
AceMos posted...
the cartoon also gave us ahsoka my fave star wars character and IMO the best developed one

Ahsoka is great. Rex is one of my fav SW characters too
Down with the Signess.
"Hey, you know that mysterious, powerful, badass, evil wizard from Star Wars? I'm dying to know what he was like as a bratty kid"

Said no star wars fan ever.

Hell, the clone wars cartoon does more to make sense of how Anakin became Darth Vader than the movies do.
Down with the Signess.
GrandConjuraton posted...
You're not a troll


:p just kidding fam

Down with the Signess.
Why do bad things happen to good people?
Down with the Signess.
I wanna win
Down with the Signess.
Down with the Signess.
What's your favorite CE memory?
Down with the Signess.
Probably the sequel trilogy.

Phantom menace is probably the worst star wars movie by far, but revenge of the sith was pretty good and the prequel trilogybat least gave us stuff like the Clone Wars cartoons.
Down with the Signess.
I think we're all a little bit Sayo deep down
Down with the Signess.
Down with the Signess.
I spinning roundhouse kick the first zombie into the second one and slip on my sunglasses as I prepare to battle the hordes of hell
Down with the Signess.
I feel like it won't._. But it's the only way I can play it.
Down with the Signess.
I had that red guy
Down with the Signess.
What kind of bear?
Down with the Signess.
KiwiTerraRizing posted...
The point of Warhammer is to sell the miniatures. Its why nothing concrete ever happens. They will draw this out long after were all dead.

The lore, the books, the games the show is all to sell miniatures.

I mean, you clearly don't know what you're talking about in regards to 40k so it's weird you keep acting like you do to prove some kind of weird point.

Yes, 40k has an alt-right problem. That doesn't make people complaining about the lore of an established universe being tampered with automatically alt-right.

Personally, I don't think it matters and I doubt the show will last more than a few seasons regardless.
Down with the Signess.
Did you try jiggling the cord?
Down with the Signess.
Turbam posted...
Join Turbams instead :V

I asked @Crimsoness to put in a good word for me
Down with the Signess.
The characters from Fresh Precure
Down with the Signess.
Help me celebrate CE
Down with the Signess.
If I don't win you're sleeping on the couch
Down with the Signess.
Down with the Signess.
I saw Chris Cornell live in a bar called the Kool Haus in T.O.

Great show
Down with the Signess.
Down with the Signess.
Lungs are killin me
Don't care about the facts
So relax
Cuz you'll still get sick with

My my my WOO

Muh muh muh my Corona
Down with the Signess.
Warhammer 40k: Vogue Trader
Down with the Signess.
Down with the Signess.
That's my favorite part of the ghostbusters song
Down with the Signess.
Venom from the 90s Spider-Man and Kurt Van Houten
Down with the Signess.
Down with the Signess.
Well, post
Down with the Signess.
You'll be hearing from my lawyers
Down with the Signess.
Post i GUESS
Down with the Signess.
Post 200
Down with the Signess.
Post #11
Down with the Signess.
Post #7
Down with the Signess.
Post #6
Down with the Signess.
Posty toasty
Down with the Signess.
If I had to take a stab in the dark I'd say it's because these things were all being done by tabletop rpgs beforehand. Things like Ultima were just transferring the concept of levelling, roleplaying, party based combat, etc from those. It didn't revolutionize thlse things in any way it just brought them to a new medium.

That's just a guess though and I could be way off base.
Down with the Signess.
Really shitty situation to find yourself in, I can't imagine what'd it'd be like to feel like you're holding someone's life in your hands. That's definitely something you need to see a therapist about.

I'm rooting for you anyway, I don't imagine the 50+ messages acting like you're just supposed to blow this girl off are helping much or feeling particularly empathetic. I'll just say I hope when you see someone you can find a path that helps.
Down with the Signess.
Once you go blonde you never meet Squeaky Fraun
Down with the Signess.
Community » ArchNemo
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