Unofficial Current Events Discord Servers Now Up

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Current Events » Unofficial Current Events Discord Servers Now Up
So far, there are two Discord servers for CE users. One started by me and another made by C_Pain. Feel free to join whichever server interests you most if you don't mind using the app.
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Sticky pls
When do we know how long we can break it? Where do we go to have some?
We should really stick to one unified discord but I guess 2 is fine compared to like 10 or so right now >_>
Neon >_>
DKBananaSlamma posted...
We should really stick to one unified discord but I guess 2 is fine compared to like 10 or so right now >_>
True. I think some differentiation in utility between the two servers would help.
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which one is the good one
The user formerly known as RogerHuxley
TheGreatEscape posted...
which one is the good one

The two discords should fight for supremacy. I won't join one until there is one true Discord server.
TheGreatEscape posted...
which one is the good one
That's entirely up to you. I don't want to force anyone to join the server I made if they don't want to.
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Join Turbams instead :V
~snip (V)_(;,;)_(V) snip~
I'm just one man! Whoa! Well, I'm a one man band!
Turbam posted...
Join Turbams instead :V

I heard rumors about that one
Planning is the process of replacing chance with error.
Karovorak posted...
I heard rumors about that one
You didn't hear shit! >:V
~snip (V)_(;,;)_(V) snip~
I'm just one man! Whoa! Well, I'm a one man band!
Turbam posted...
Join Turbams instead :V

I asked @Crimsoness to put in a good word for me
Down with the Signess.
Turbam posted...
Join Turbams instead :V
Is it no fun allowed like this site now or?
3DS FC: 2380-2873-6073 Sun IGN: Evelyn Sword IGN: Fiora
Dakimakura posted...
The two discords should fight for supremacy. I won't join one until there is one true Discord server.
But this isn't a contest.
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Ive never used discord, does it have a forum type thing or is it voice chat only?
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
ArchNemo posted...
I asked @Crimsoness to put in a good word for me
You can trust ArchNemo if you wanna invite him @Turbam
She is like a cat in the dark. And then she is the darkness
Discord won't be the same. Most will last 1 year beforw a clique with the owner takes over and kills it or just only their friends remain.
GameFAQs boards are fine for the moment, but I wouldn't mind heading to one of the discord servers as we get much closer to the presidential election.
"Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat." - F. Scott Fitzgerald
thronedfire2 posted...
Ive never used discord, does it have a forum type thing or is it voice chat only?
It has both, though text is mostly used.
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Post #20 was unavailable or deleted.
thronedfire2 posted...
Ive never used discord, does it have a forum type thing or is it voice chat only?
It has both text and voice channels, but nothing like the message board style of topics and posts sadly.
"Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat." - F. Scott Fitzgerald
we gonna be alt right
The power it holds can bring either salvation or destruction at the whim of the user - Aura
I joined both. Discord name is splodybits. I never use it though.
Trying is the first step towards failure, so just dont give it a shot and you cant dissapoint.
GrandConjuraton posted...
Sticky pls
Error actually should sticky this topic. That way there won't be other servers popping up.
Joined both as well. Name is Princess_Amelia. They're going to be a poor substitute for a proper message board though. What's really needed is a new, independent, oldschool message board to take the place of these. But who's going to foot the bill for that?
"Bothering people when they're shopping or going to work or whatever because you find them attractive makes you scum of the earth."
Lillymon posted...
Joined both as well. Name is Princess_Amelia. They're going to be a poor substitute for a proper message board though. What's really needed is a new, independent, oldschool message board to take the place of these. But who's going to foot the bill for that?
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Something about CEmen in a discord server sounds awful to me.
Humble_Novice posted...
I thought internet ad revenue hit the point of diminishing returns years ago. Isn't that why every site is pushing a paid premium model now? Hell maybe that's the more viable model. If enough of us are willing to chip in maybe we could all have the message boards we want. Or maybe not. I don't know.
"Bothering people when they're shopping or going to work or whatever because you find them attractive makes you scum of the earth."
It really needs to just be one discord group
If you read this signature, then that meant that I had control of what you read for 5 SECONDS!!
I wonder if InvisionFree is still a thing lmao
Jupiter posted...
I wonder if InvisionFree is still a thing lmao
I used to frequent those back in the day.
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bump so people can see these discords
Neon >_>
I linked this topic to the OP of the discussion megathread so people will see them >_> I hope you don't mind
Neon >_>
These are the channels my server currently has.
Don't know what C_Pain's server offers, but feel free to join their server as well.
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DKBananaSlamma posted...
I linked this topic to the OP of the discussion megathread so people will see them >_> I hope you don't mind
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Jupiter posted...
I wonder if InvisionFree is still a thing lmao
It turned to Zetaboards years ago. Then it turned into some newer more abominable form later.
S*** I have to stop doing that," Gheb said, as he lay back down and died again. - Forgotten Love
The Chiefs won the Super Bowl!
Humble_Novice posted...

Neon >_>
jeffhardyb0yz posted...
i've stayed away from the discord stuff due to old man syndrome but it really looks like its inevitable.

Same. I'll learn a new technology at work but in all my personal life stuff I've hit a "if it ain't broke don't fix it" mentality.
"Something's wrong! Murder isn't working and that's all we're good at." ~Futurama
refmon posted...
It really needs to just be one discord group
Normally I'd agree but I think having these official two and only two servers give people choices without dividing the userbase too much. Seems like everyone is joining both. This way if one server's gaming channel is tied up discussing FF7 for a while, you can talk about other game in the other server without feeling like you got lost in the shuffle.
BlazinBlue88 posted...
Normally I'd agree but I think having these official two and only two servers give people choices without dividing the userbase too much. Seems like everyone is joining both. This way if one server's gaming channel is tied up discussing FF7 for a while, you can talk about other game in the other server without feeling like you got lost in the shuffle.
Yeah, having two different options is probably for the best. There are some people here who wouldn't be very happy with me as an admin, so giving them an alternative is important.
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I just realized the context of this thread had been due to Fandom rule change. Damn CE/GameFAQs might have a mass exodus soon.
Hey now.
ShaneMcComez posted...
It has both text and voice channels, but nothing like the message board style of topics and posts sadly.
Just wanted to comment on this for anyone new to Discord, there are threads you can create which are somewhat similar to topics.
BlueTigerLion posted...
I just realized the context of this thread had been due to Fandom rule change. Damn CE/GameFAQs might have a mass exodus soon.
What exactly is Fandom thinking here with this move?
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BlazinBlue88 posted...

Just wanted to comment on this for anyone new to Discord, there are threads you can create which are somewhat similar to topics.

They have a forum channel type also.
Resident Synthwave enjoyer.
Unable to accept invite
It don't matter. None of this matters.
You gotta have just 1 discord. 2 is hard to keep track of for the same subject.
Conducting Horsemen Business
DoesntMatter posted...
Unable to accept invite
Does this work? Link:
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I dont use discord. When gamefaqs shutters the boards Ill simply be done. Same when got rid of their message boards.
PSN ID: sled_dogs76
60" Pioneer Kuro Elite PRO151FD, Yamaha RX-V3900 A/V Receiver, Oppo DV983-H player. Coming soon: 2 Seaton Submersives from Mark Seaton
Just make a brand new site and make sure it has blackjack and hookers
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Current Events » Unofficial Current Events Discord Servers Now Up
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