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After having his name cleared, ZeRo is returning to making content.

Board 8

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Board 8 » After having his name cleared, ZeRo is returning to making content.
D-day for the Smash community happened during Covid last year I think? When a large number of prominent community members were being systematically busted for sexual abuse. The highest profile cases that I can think of were Cinnpie, Nairo, and of course ZeRo.

Due to the fact that we were all cooped up with nothing better to do than vomit our anxieties and angst onto the internet, I feel like no one bothered to do due diligence or proper research in these cases and everyone was presumed innocent or guilty based on feelings and he said/she said.

Fortunately, Technicals exists.

Technicals is a youtuber who does all the boring research and due diligence so you don't have to and puts it all together in easy to follow and highly entertaining format. Technicals has a chip on his shoulder and is... probably a little more edgy than most people around here would care for, but he presents nothing but facts and screenshots in all his videos.

If you don't care about Smash drama, which you shouldn't it's literally all so ridiculous, you shouldn't watch any of his videos. But if you're interested and have time to waste like I do you should start with The Curious Case of Captain Zack, then move onto The Truth About Sky House, and finally watch the video Technicals released today titled What Really Happened to ZeRo.

I figured some people here might have read about what happened at the time and then never looked any further into it, so getting a chance to look at the facts all compiled for them in these videos would be helpful.

I have no strong opinions other than I despise Captain Zack, Leffen, and ESAM btw

"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Smash Ultimate Switch Code: SW-6933-1523-8505
haven't looked into zero but Nairo was also wrongly accused
does anyone even read this
KommunistKoala posted...
haven't looked into zero but Nairo was also wronged


And I also fully get that competing in Smash tourneys is a privilege and the TOs are within their rights to not let either of them compete, not that Nairo wants to.

But both of them have every right to run a youtube channel and make Smash content despite what is gonna be a loud minority of people saying otherwise.
"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Smash Ultimate Switch Code: SW-6933-1523-8505
The Curious Case of Captain Zack vid I mentioned highlights how totally fucked that situation was.
"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Smash Ultimate Switch Code: SW-6933-1523-8505
I don't know many of the facts here but the Smash Bros board is throwing a whole fit over it right now.
"God Hand is the ultimate expression of the joy of humanity, specifically the punching part of the joy of humanity."-Shigeru Miyamoto
I clicked around in the video and there was some segment about how to be a pedophile there had to be a continuing habit of pedophilia and that since stuff was in the past theres no ongoing threat.

I clicked to an interesting point, to say the least.

Video is likely trash like everything that comes from the Smash community.

(The dude in the video is way too annoying for me to give this more than 60 seconds of my time)
"First thing that crosses my mind: I didn't get any GameFAQs Karma yesterday." Math Murderer after getting his appendix removed.
Well... thanks for your input I guess?
"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Smash Ultimate Switch Code: SW-6933-1523-8505
For anyone misled by red's worthless contribution, that is not what Technicals said at all. He was saying that with most cases of pedophilia and people who are an actual danger to minors, there's a pattern of behavior of abuse or attempted abuse. Despite ZeRo having practically unlimited access to the people he was supposedly a danger to, there's no such pattern here.
"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Smash Ultimate Switch Code: SW-6933-1523-8505
Smash board seemed mostly on the "guilty" side but I don't trust them to have good reasons whether or not they are correct. I also am admittedly not going to watch a 45 minute video explaining the issue from one perspective, so I mean, say what you will about only watching 60 seconds from the middle but I get it.
"God Hand is the ultimate expression of the joy of humanity, specifically the punching part of the joy of humanity."-Shigeru Miyamoto
Oh no I get it, read my disclaimer.

If you don't have the time or energy I don't blame you at all.

Just don't come in here and drop a dismissive comment mischaracterizing something from a video ur not even gonna watch lol
"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Smash Ultimate Switch Code: SW-6933-1523-8505
I never cared for Zero/Smashtubers other than the occasional Alpharad video (who completely sucks now).

However, I feel like if his name was actually cleared there wouldn't be as much of a debate now, right?

Therefore, without watching this video, I feel safe assuming it's not a complete version of the story.

while you slept, the world changed
Was Zero the one who admitted to asking a 14 year old to masturbate and film it for him? Do they address that? Because I'm curious how he clears his name on that one if it was him.

Might not have been him, I just remember that being part of the shitshow for one of 'em and I think it was Zero.
Murphiroth posted...
Was Zero the one who admitted to asking a 14 year old to masturbate and film it for him? Do they address that? Because I'm curious how he clears his name on that one if it was him.

Might not have been him, I just remember that being part of the shitshow for one of 'em and I think it was Zero.

It is addressed.

ZeRo made the admission under extreme duress and meant for that twitlonger to be his suicide note. He was going to post it and then take his own life due to having lost everything in a manner of days and having a lot of his friends turn on him.

At least, that is what he is alleging now. He's also got some defamation cases in the works against I'm assuming Leffen and Jisu just from the sound of it.

Again, I don't have SUPER strong opinions on ZeRo in regards to his overall innocence, but the video makes a compelling case that he was railroaded in an extremely coordinated hit job.

I also think that he may have made some mistakes due to a lack of social skills from his upbringing and that he's definitely not a danger to anyone other than himself.
"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Smash Ultimate Switch Code: SW-6933-1523-8505
Extha, I will admit that I think this particular topic (potential false allegations towards men) is one you have extremely strong feelings towards, and that those feelings have a high chance of coloring your perception. While I'm not up-to-date on everything regarding Zero, and the video could very well be right, I'm skeptical just based on strong verbiage you used in your opening post.

But yes, Nairo at least is definitely cleared and has been for a while.
It's Reyn Time.
ExThaNemesis posted...
Again, I don't have SUPER strong opinions on ZeRo in regards to his overall innocence, but the video makes a compelling case that he was railroaded in an extremely coordinated hit job.

You literally opened this thread with saying his name was cleared dude.

How predictable.
"First thing that crosses my mind: I didn't get any GameFAQs Karma yesterday." Math Murderer after getting his appendix removed.
red13n posted...
You literally opened this thread with saying his name was cleared dude.

How predictable.

The video literally clears his name on every allegation except the one, and I just mentioned how it goes over that one.
"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Smash Ultimate Switch Code: SW-6933-1523-8505
So not cleared. Maybe a pedophile once but its okay.

That is what I've gotten from my abbreviated foray into this topic.

(Also sorry B8 there are people on b8 where I assume they are being a bad actor with every topic/post they make and ExTha is absolutely one of those dudes now unfortunately)
"First thing that crosses my mind: I didn't get any GameFAQs Karma yesterday." Math Murderer after getting his appendix removed.
Yeah red definitely don't want anyone to be swayed about my agenda on pro Smash Bros players lmao

"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Smash Ultimate Switch Code: SW-6933-1523-8505
I didn't expect this topic to be people going "I won't watch this video but here's how I feel"

idk how that's productive in any way. If ur not gonna watch the video why do you feel your opinion is necessary to give lol
"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Smash Ultimate Switch Code: SW-6933-1523-8505
Actually I gave my opinion on your posts there, nothing about the video. I haven't commented on the video since my first post.
"First thing that crosses my mind: I didn't get any GameFAQs Karma yesterday." Math Murderer after getting his appendix removed.
KamikazePotato posted...
Extha, I will admit that I think this particular topic (potential false allegations towards men) is one you have extremely strong feelings towards, and that those feelings have a high chance of coloring your perception. While I'm not up-to-date on everything regarding Zero, and the video could very well be right, I'm skeptical just based on strong verbiage you used in your opening post.

But yes, Nairo at least is definitely cleared and has been for a while.

Actually Nairo is not publicly cleared. Technicals goes over it in this video, but he and Captain Zack settled out of court without showing anyone but 3-4 people the 30 page document that allegedly proves his innocence.

Now I don't personally care as I think everything out there shows that Zack's a manipulative emotional terrorist and his credibility is (lol) zero.

"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Smash Ultimate Switch Code: SW-6933-1523-8505
red13n posted...
Actually I gave my opinion on your posts there, nothing about the video. I haven't commented on the video since my first post.

Yeah but it hasn't been just you. Admittedly yours was the most annoying.
"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Smash Ultimate Switch Code: SW-6933-1523-8505
Hey, not my fault you can't stick to the facts. You presented this as something that sticks to the facts. It is 45 minutes full of this annoying guys opinion.

And you made a topic title you openly admitted isn't true.
"First thing that crosses my mind: I didn't get any GameFAQs Karma yesterday." Math Murderer after getting his appendix removed.
ExThaNemesis posted...
Admittedly yours was the most annoying.

I mean, that was my intention. So...
"First thing that crosses my mind: I didn't get any GameFAQs Karma yesterday." Math Murderer after getting his appendix removed.
It's loaded with screenshots and interviews with people involved but yeah just his opinion bro sure

"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Smash Ultimate Switch Code: SW-6933-1523-8505
ExThaNemesis posted...
It's loaded with screenshots and interviews with people involved but yeah just his opinion bro sure

It can be both. Just the facts it is not.
"First thing that crosses my mind: I didn't get any GameFAQs Karma yesterday." Math Murderer after getting his appendix removed.
So you came into the topic, mischaracterized 60 seconds of a video that you shit on and said you wouldn't watch with the specific intent to be annoying

But I'm the one who is acting in bad faith?

"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Smash Ultimate Switch Code: SW-6933-1523-8505
ExThaNemesis posted...
But I'm the one who is acting in bad faith?

You are one person acting in bad faith here, yes.
"First thing that crosses my mind: I didn't get any GameFAQs Karma yesterday." Math Murderer after getting his appendix removed.
The only thing bad is my judgment in responding seriously to you

I mean jesus, a lucario player, what did i expect
"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Smash Ultimate Switch Code: SW-6933-1523-8505
Jesus would never play lucario
zero was an extremely unlikable annoying little bitch even before the accusations
Jesus would be a Toon Link main
while you slept, the world changed
Jesus would be an Olimar main. That's the only character with disciples that follow him around.
ExThaNemesis posted... Fortunately, Technicals exists.

Technicals is a youtuber who does all the boring research and due diligence so you don't have to and puts it all together in easy to follow and highly entertaining format. Technicals has a chip on his shoulder and is... probably a little more edgy than most people around here would care for, but he presents nothing but facts and screenshots in all his videos.

fwiw technicals is extremely far from an unbiased account providing "nothing but facts". dude is a toxic shit stirrer who wants to monetize drama and does this with literally every piece of controversy. Here's one community board response in choosing to remove the video:

"The video was not perfect; outside of a few examples of hard evidence, Technicals used it to draw some fairly far-reaching and heavily opinionated conclusions with some fairly large assumptions about peoples' intents, and used the limited scope of the story he was telling to push a certain narrative, but this wasn't seen as enough to disqualify the actual evidence itself as something that was fair to leave available for users to access.

With this new information and testimony made regarding the scope of Technicals' manipulation of the situation, as well as evidence that he and ZeRo were conspiring to discredit any victims involved in the controversy and manipulate and control the narrative, we feel that we've underestimated the damage that Technicals's reframing of the situation has caused and there is far less validity to leaving this information up to spread further. While we do not want to silence any voices on the matter and to be fair in allowing all sides of a controversy equal opportunity to make their sides of the story known, we unfortunately have to draw the line somewhere when it comes to judging manipulative presentation or misinformation and allowing them to heavily influence the narrative. For these reasons, we are removing the Technicals video."


The Artist Formerly Known as Hannyabal

and here's the proof of technicals directly conspiring with zero to discredit his victims.
The Artist Formerly Known as Hannyabal
Post #37 was unavailable or deleted.
changmas posted...

and here's the proof of technicals directly conspiring with zero to discredit his victims.

Yeah, this doesn't look good.
#SEP #Awesome #Excellent #Greatness #SteveNash #VitaminWater #SmellingLikeTheVault #Pigeon #Sexy #ActuallyAVeryIntelligentVelociraptor #Heel #CoolSpot #EndOfSig
"i have no strong opinions"

proceeds to argue with every response
You did indeed stab me in the back. However, you are only level one, whilst I am level 50. That means I should remain uninjured.
"discredit his victims"

There is one, unproven "victim" in this case who has vanished and never even provided evidence of the main thing ZeRo was railroaded for.

Why does it look bad that they want to cross-examine someone who came forward to try and ruin his life and then disappeared?

Anyway, this and the Sky House video were more than enough proof for me that ZeRo was railroaded out of the community by a few opportunists, and even if he made a mistake with the Katie situation, far worse people have been allowed back in or never been kicked out of the community at all.
"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Smash Ultimate Switch Code: SW-6933-1523-8505
banananor posted...
"i have no strong opinions"

proceeds to argue with every response

well most of the responses I argued with were "I'm not watching this, but..."
"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Smash Ultimate Switch Code: SW-6933-1523-8505
ExThaNemesis posted...
more than enough proof for me

ZeRo being a man who you happen to be fond of was more than enough proof for you.
#SEP #Awesome #Excellent #Greatness #SteveNash #VitaminWater #SmellingLikeTheVault #Pigeon #Sexy #ActuallyAVeryIntelligentVelociraptor #Heel #CoolSpot #EndOfSig
I'm not even a big ZeRo fan and that criticism goes the other way
"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Smash Ultimate Switch Code: SW-6933-1523-8505
There's literally a screenshot of them plotting how to control the narrative and you're just like "nah that's nothing"
#SEP #Awesome #Excellent #Greatness #SteveNash #VitaminWater #SmellingLikeTheVault #Pigeon #Sexy #ActuallyAVeryIntelligentVelociraptor #Heel #CoolSpot #EndOfSig
He admitted to asking an underage girl to film herself masturbating and send it to him while he was an adult didnt he? I much more fucking yikes than that do you need to know somebody is a piece of shit
colliding posted...
I never cared for Zero/Smashtubers other than the occasional Alpharad video (who completely sucks now).

Alpharad is better than ever actually.
Dont follow any smashtubers really though.. but good for Zero I guess?

(allthough maybe not if that image is to be believed)
IGN: Pandora
It's not understandable for ZeRo to want to try and find and cross-examine one of the ppl who tried to ruin him?
"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Smash Ultimate Switch Code: SW-6933-1523-8505
I used to be a huge fan of ZeRo right before the allegations arose

but uhhh yeah, I saw the ice cube text (i.e. the one big thing he got cancelled over, and the thing they didn't really address well in the video)

I really don't think we should be welcoming him back into the community with open arms
Thanks to Proofpyros for the sig images
swordz9 posted...
He admitted to asking an underage girl to film herself masturbating and send it to him while he was an adult didnt he? I much more fucking yikes than that do you need to know somebody is a piece of shit

He has recanted that admission and said that it was made under duress and included in what was meant to be his suicide note. There was never any evidence of this. The only evidence we ever saw in screenshot form was cringy/flirty messages exchanged.
"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Smash Ultimate Switch Code: SW-6933-1523-8505
ExThaNemesis posted...
It's not understandable for ZeRo to want to try and find and cross-examine one of the ppl who tried to ruin him?

He admitted to it. What is there to cross-examine? They're literally discussing how to control the narrative and looking for ways to discredit her on stuff he already admitted to.
#SEP #Awesome #Excellent #Greatness #SteveNash #VitaminWater #SmellingLikeTheVault #Pigeon #Sexy #ActuallyAVeryIntelligentVelociraptor #Heel #CoolSpot #EndOfSig
Board 8 » After having his name cleared, ZeRo is returning to making content.
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