After having his name cleared, ZeRo is returning to making content.

Board 8

D-day for the Smash community happened during Covid last year I think? When a large number of prominent community members were being systematically busted for sexual abuse. The highest profile cases that I can think of were Cinnpie, Nairo, and of course ZeRo.

Due to the fact that we were all cooped up with nothing better to do than vomit our anxieties and angst onto the internet, I feel like no one bothered to do due diligence or proper research in these cases and everyone was presumed innocent or guilty based on feelings and he said/she said.

Fortunately, Technicals exists.

Technicals is a youtuber who does all the boring research and due diligence so you don't have to and puts it all together in easy to follow and highly entertaining format. Technicals has a chip on his shoulder and is... probably a little more edgy than most people around here would care for, but he presents nothing but facts and screenshots in all his videos.

If you don't care about Smash drama, which you shouldn't it's literally all so ridiculous, you shouldn't watch any of his videos. But if you're interested and have time to waste like I do you should start with The Curious Case of Captain Zack, then move onto The Truth About Sky House, and finally watch the video Technicals released today titled What Really Happened to ZeRo.

I figured some people here might have read about what happened at the time and then never looked any further into it, so getting a chance to look at the facts all compiled for them in these videos would be helpful.

I have no strong opinions other than I despise Captain Zack, Leffen, and ESAM btw

"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
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