After having his name cleared, ZeRo is returning to making content.

Board 8

ExThaNemesis posted... Fortunately, Technicals exists.

Technicals is a youtuber who does all the boring research and due diligence so you don't have to and puts it all together in easy to follow and highly entertaining format. Technicals has a chip on his shoulder and is... probably a little more edgy than most people around here would care for, but he presents nothing but facts and screenshots in all his videos.

fwiw technicals is extremely far from an unbiased account providing "nothing but facts". dude is a toxic shit stirrer who wants to monetize drama and does this with literally every piece of controversy. Here's one community board response in choosing to remove the video:

"The video was not perfect; outside of a few examples of hard evidence, Technicals used it to draw some fairly far-reaching and heavily opinionated conclusions with some fairly large assumptions about peoples' intents, and used the limited scope of the story he was telling to push a certain narrative, but this wasn't seen as enough to disqualify the actual evidence itself as something that was fair to leave available for users to access.

With this new information and testimony made regarding the scope of Technicals' manipulation of the situation, as well as evidence that he and ZeRo were conspiring to discredit any victims involved in the controversy and manipulate and control the narrative, we feel that we've underestimated the damage that Technicals's reframing of the situation has caused and there is far less validity to leaving this information up to spread further. While we do not want to silence any voices on the matter and to be fair in allowing all sides of a controversy equal opportunity to make their sides of the story known, we unfortunately have to draw the line somewhere when it comes to judging manipulative presentation or misinformation and allowing them to heavily influence the narrative. For these reasons, we are removing the Technicals video."


The Artist Formerly Known as Hannyabal