Do You Think Trump Will Successfully Overturn Democracy?

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Current Events » Do You Think Trump Will Successfully Overturn Democracy?
Remember, until Trump gains 270 electoral vote in November, Trump has won jack shit.

Vote. Get everyone you know to vote. That's how we stop him.
"Let me hear you make decisions
Without your television."
Deyestus posted...
Remember, until Trump gains 270 electoral vote in November, Trump has won jack shit.

Vote. Get everyone you know to vote. That's how we stop him.
Im in a solidly blue state.
But, havent numerous states been trying to make it incredibly hard for groups who might vote democrat to vote by changing laws over registration and how and where people can vote? Basically, trying to get Jim Crow results within the laws of the present time.
Thats nothing to say of places whove opted for voting machines from dubious sources.
MangaBroski posted...
Im in a solidly blue state.
But, havent numerous states been trying to make it incredibly hard for groups who might vote democrat to vote by changing laws over registration and how and where people can vote? Basically, trying to get Jim Crow results within the laws of the present time.
Thats nothing to say of places whove opted for voting machines from dubious sources.
The only way to peacefully beat Trump and the Republicans is to outvote them by a margin too large for them to steal, despite all the obstacles Republicans are putting in the way of voting.
"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." -- 1984
Smashingpmkns posted...
Idk I feel like there has to be a better strategy to combat absolute fascism than democrats needing to win every election. It's straight up unfeasibile. Maybe the FBI should have done the thing.

This is just the Republican Party now, Project 2025 does not require Trump and it was not his idea.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
Campbell posted...
Trump will never be elected President again. I'm sure there are contingency plans to prevent that from happening a second time.
This must make you sad, considering you're one of the chudreddit alts who hangs around the Blacklist trying to troll.

And on topic, Trump personally won't do it. It's all the people steering him around like the fucking useful idiot he is that will.
Currently playing: Jurassic Word Evo 2, Fortnite STW, WoW, Punch-Out, Super Punch-Out
Convicted criminal Donald Trump: Inmate No. P01135809
Relient_K posted...
It's kind of a coin toss. Which is scary. While as a straight white dude I'd probably be physically safe, the fact that I actually care about others means that I probably wouldn't blend well. Honestly I kind of seeth just seeing trump flags so I don't know if I could bite my tongue forever if things truly got bad. And I live in FL so it's going to get worse especially if he wins.

The 2025 project claims that the President has autocratic juristiction across the entire executive branch-- including the military, FAA, CDC, EPA, USDA, and FDA.
How are you going to be physically safe if you can't even trust your medicine, the food you eat, or air traffic control? They'll likely roll back air and water emission standards as well. Yeah, bullshit you'll "probably be safe as a white dude"
ROB45 posted...
Why? That poster just said my opinion is worthless because I'm not american. Is that the kind of shit you moderators support?
It quite literally is. You came in here and by your own admission said you don't know kuch about what's going on over here in America, and the candidates themselves. Yet you are clutching your pearls in faux concern or confusion why people are so critical of dear Trump.

Nothing wrong with not being American and uninformed about our politicians and politics, but the moment you start inserting your opinion as if it should be valued despite being uninformed.... Again, by your own admission you are not American, and by yoir own admission uninformed about whays going on.

That's not even getting into some users here provided context about dear leader Trump.

Don't throw on the shocked Pikachu face criticism is being directed at you for chiming in serious concern over something by your own admission you don't know a lot about.
Yes, and the GOP will help him every step of the way.
Just call me Discount Dan.
mybbqrules posted...
This must make you sad, considering you're one of the chudreddit alts who hangs around the Blacklist trying to troll.

And on topic, Trump personally won't do it. It's all the people steering him around like the fucking useful idiot he is that will.

You seem hurt, offended and upset. Perhaps if you were more accurate in your misguided notions you wouldn't feel so bad. Misinformation is truly harmful.
Campbell posted...

You seem hurt, offended and upset. Perhaps if you were more accurate in your misguided notions you wouldn't feel so bad. Misinformation is truly harmful.

Misinformation is harmful, poster from the subreddit sewer system.
This signature is not political.
Mad_Cow46 posted...
ooger posted...
Misinformation is harmful, poster from the subreddit sewer system.

Care to prove that accusation?
Campbell posted...
Care to prove that accusation?
All your posts on Blacklist, LOL.
This signature is not political.
ROB45 posted...
Why? That poster just said my opinion is worthless because I'm not american. Is that the kind of shit you moderators support?

Because you're blatantly trolling about a subject you self-admittedly don't know much about.

Go sealion somewhere else.
I'm a long, long way from giving up
Call me old-fashioned, call me a fool
ooger posted...
All your posts on Blacklist, LOL.

Really? I originally posted there talking about 261 and how things could have been different if everything would have been fairly balanced Then I proved my point by illustrating how my posts were attacked by certain other posters on the Blacklist board. Then I left as as stated I would. You are struggling to confirm your self delusions.
Campbell posted...
This signature is not political.
ooger posted...
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Thank you.
I've never seen someone who likes the smell of their own farts more.

Campbell posted...
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Thank you.

This is truly fascinating
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
Cemith posted...
I've never seen someone who likes the smell of their own farts more.

This is truly fascinating.

Yes is it. To honestly believe one man can end a democracy or a (representative Republic) in the United States is truly the pinnacle of a conspiracy theorist mindset.
Campbell posted...
Yes is it. To honestly believe one man can end a democracy or a (representative Republic) in the United States is truly the pinnacle of a conspiracy theorist mindset.

How do you view an entire political party as one man? And were a representative democracy.
"Something's wrong! Murder isn't working and that's all we're good at." ~Futurama
Topic's not great
Please don't be weird in my topics
bfslick50 posted...
How do you view an entire political party as one man? And were a representative democracy.

To be very specific, the United States could be defined as a federal constitutional representative democracy. You might also call it a federal constitutional republic.
Post #123 was unavailable or deleted.
HighSeraph posted...
Might as well vote for Santa Claus it'll do just as good as voting third party
Voting Biden or Trump*

...I knew this 45 year old guy, goes by the name of Uncle Slappy, used to hang out on the corner of 56th and Rucker... -SArmstr0ng
Campbell posted...
To be very specific, the United States could be defined as a federal constitutional representative democracy. You might also call it a federal constitutional republic.

Or you could say democracy for short. But representative Republic and democratic democracy would be stupid labels.
"Something's wrong! Murder isn't working and that's all we're good at." ~Futurama
bfslick50 posted...
Or you could say democracy for short. But representative Republic and democratic democracy would be stupid labels.

As long as it's understood that is not a true/pure democracy, sure.
Gladius_ posted...
Kanye west has literally zero support and his bid for "presidency" hardly even made headlines yet here you are pointing to it. Not only this but you support his presidential bid and who is kanye? A man who brought a literal nazi to dine with Trump who pushes anti-semetic conspiracies against the Jewish people.

I actually meant to point this out yesterday. There's no way someone that is arguing in good faith knows about Kanye's presidential bid but not Trump's rabid racism.
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
Campbell posted...
As long as it's understood that is not a true/pure democracy, sure.
The only reason the GOP keep bringing that up is to make accepting the end of democracy in our system easier, as they transition us away from electing our officials directly.
'Just sitting around the house tonight w my dog. Felt like I should be doing something important, but couldn't put my finger on it.' - Phil Kessel on USA snub
It's a higher than zero chance, which is too high for comfort.
"You need a hobby. I suggest sticking forks in your eyes."-DJosef
HeeathLivesOn posted...
The only reason the GOP keep bringing that up is to make accepting the end of democracy in our system easier, as they transition us away from electing our officials directly.

This. There's a lot of people who don't know all of their government vocab and couldn't answer "what is a direct democracy versus other types of democracy" but literally every person can answer the question of "do you think you personally vote on every single item before Congress?" But they just want people used to say "it's OK if we become less democratic because we weren't a direct democracy anyways."
"Something's wrong! Murder isn't working and that's all we're good at." ~Futurama
HeeathLivesOn posted...
The only reason the GOP keep bringing that up is to make accepting the end of democracy in our system easier, as they transition us away from electing our officials directly.

I honestly don't know have to respond to this kind of conspiratorial rhetoric. The mindset has to be paranoid to say the least.
Gladius_ posted...
It's a common understanding here in America that those who support trump typically believe the left is as fervent towards biden as they are of trump. Since they worship the ground trump walks on it breaks their minds over how someone can vote for a man they despise over a candidate they genuinely love. The same confusion you are displaying in here.

Simplifying his case like that is neglecting context. This was the response to his first post telling people to vote 3rd party/independent:

He was immediately accused of being a Trump cultist giving disingenuous advice. Simply because he claimed neither main candidate deserved votes.

When he then retaliates by claiming the people who literally personally attacked him just for not supporting Biden are the actual cultists, you going, "you only say that because you're projecting your own cultism onto them" is pretty off-base. He wasn't even the first one to throw that accusation in this argument.

People have a habit of overlooking the aggression of their own side while hyperfocusing on any wrongdoing of the opponent.
~ DH ~
Spend enough time talking politics on the internet or in any other public forum and youll run into this standard reply to anyone who wants more democracy in American government: Were a republic, not a democracy.

Connect the two links because it's too long for GameFAQs
Have you tried thinking rationally?
Campbell posted...
I honestly don't know have to respond to this kind of conspiratorial rhetoric. The mindset has to be paranoid to say the least.

The former President and current canidate for the republican party tried to overthrow the government in 2021.

Shut the hell up.
I'm a long, long way from giving up
Call me old-fashioned, call me a fool
For what it's worth I'm like 95% sure that Campbell is SMIB.
Look, I can name a few instances in MY life where I tried to reach mutual understanding
and i can TELL you, always faster and easier to just kill em. Just is!
Campbell posted...
I honestly don't know have to respond to this kind of conspiratorial rhetoric. The mindset has to be paranoid to say the least.
You're wrong.

Considering the dude audibly said"I'll be a dictator lol But only for a day!"

It's absolutely the default, and nothing else.
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
Cemith posted...
You're wrong.

Considering the dude audibly said"I'll be a dictator lol But only for a day!"

It's absolutely the default, and nothing else.
The absolutism in your opinion obscures your view of reality.
Campbell posted...
The absolutism in your opinion obscures your view of reality.

Okay, tagged and moving on. You won't find me wasting time debating willful ignorance.

You're only choosing not to see it because you don't want to. It is obviously evident for pretty much anyone capable of critical thinking.
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
Campbell posted...
The absolutism in your opinion obscures your view of reality.

It's not an opinion, it's an abject fact.
Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
I mean he was what, 4 men away last time?
Cemith posted...
Okay, tagged and moving on. You won't find me wasting time debating willful ignorance.

You're only choosing not to see it because you don't want to. It is obviously evident for pretty much anyone capable of critical thinking.
Nah, he's just doing what Trump supporters do best. Project and repeat alternative facts until enough people believe it.
Post #143 was unavailable or deleted.
HighSeraph posted...
Might as well vote for Santa Claus it'll do just as good as voting third party
All posters and events depicted in this post are entirely fictitious. Any similarity to actual events or posters, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
LightningThief posted...
Nah, he's just doing what Trump supporters do best. Project and repeat alternative facts until enough people believe it.
Yep. In fact -

KajeI posted...
For what it's worth I'm like 95% sure that Campbell is SMIB.

I'm willing to believe this. Veteran accounts of genuinely new people are exceedingly rare.
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
Cemith posted...
Okay, tagged and moving on. You won't find me wasting time debating willful ignorance.

You're only choosing not to see it because you don't want to. It is obviously evident for pretty much anyone capable of critical thinking.

I find it totally amazing how you just projected your short comings on to me to justify your conspiratorial opinions. Trump isn't my first choice for President by a mile. But that has been projected on to me by a few paranoid posters. Living in fear must be horrible.
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
Campbell posted...
I find it totally amazing how you just projected your short comings on to me to justify your conspiratorial opinions. Trump isn't my first choice for President by a mile. But that has been projected on to me by a few paranoid posters. Living in fear must be horrible.

Im with you here
if your electric car runs out of juice do you walk to the charging station for a jerry can of electricity?
Mad_Cow46 posted...
Im with you here
So you do agree that Joe Biden fairly won the 2020 election?
Look, I can name a few instances in MY life where I tried to reach mutual understanding
and i can TELL you, always faster and easier to just kill em. Just is!
Cemith posted...
I've never seen someone who likes the smell of their own farts more.

Sounds like you never met the posters Covenant or demoratraken.

Also lol at Soup.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
Current Events » Do You Think Trump Will Successfully Overturn Democracy?
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