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Community » Hyena_Of_Ice
Topics: 38
Current Events Lookinbg for cheap custom or pre-built gaming level PC pt 2 47 2024-11-25 22:38:49
Posts: 2,424
Probably not a concern as I recall the TC said she wanted to only play older games (not sure how we're defining old though). The build I linked has an 8GB Nvidia GPU which is already on par with the PS5/XSX so this should last for some time, especially considering that there isn't a target resolution in mind. I'm assuming the monitor being used is a 1080p monitor.

Older games, but newer graphical design (both 2d and 3d) programs. I can install my own RAM cards if I have to (I already know the rule is both cards must have the same memory capacity)

Mint is going to have really old Nvidia drivers and a host of other things. Honestly I would avoid anything Debian based on a desktop besides PikaOS, which has a ton of hand maintained packages to bring things up to date.
Mint was what I gave as an example. I already figured that it wasn't something I would liter

On hardware, I will just say avoid prebuilts. Theyre goin to have garbage RAM and motherboards most of the time. You can use a build service like NZXT BLD to build a PC for you, or ecollegepc, etc.
I don't know if I have one of those close to where I live, though.
Community » Hyena_Of_Ice