The bigots have won: Target to cut back on Pride merch this June.

Current Events

Current Events » The bigots have won: Target to cut back on Pride merch this June.

Target says it will no longer sell its 2024 Pride Month collection in all of its stores following last year's conservative backlash over its LGBTQ+-themed merchandise.

The retail giant said in a press release last week that it plans to offer its collection of products to celebrate Pride Month including adult clothing and home decor during the month of June both online and in "select stores," depending on "historical sales performance."

In a statement to NPR, a spokesperson for the retailer says it is committed to supporting the LGBTQ+ community not only during Pride Month but year-round.

The retail giant says it will continue to offer benefits and resources for the community and its more than 400,000 employees, adding that the company will have a presence at local Pride events near its Minneapolis headquarters.

For years, Target has carried Pride-themed merchandise in its stores including clothes, cups, champagne, accessories and even pet costumes.

But last year, the retailer faced heavy criticism after it announced plans to remove some of its Pride Month merchandise from store shelves following a backlash against the products including threats to employees' safety.

"Given these volatile circumstances, we are making adjustments to our plans, including removing items that have been at the center of the most significant confrontational behavior," the retailer said in a previous statement addressing the backlash.

At the time, when asked which items were removed and whether security was being increased at its stores, Target not respond to NPR's inquiry.

Human Rights Campaign President Kelley Robinson said in a statement to NPR that Target's decision to limit its Pride Month merchandise this year is "disappointing," saying the move "alienates LGBTQ+ individuals and allies at the risk of not only their bottom line but also their values."

"Pride merchandise means something. LGBTQ+ people are in every zip code in this country, and we aren't going anywhere. With LGBTQ+ people making up 30% of Gen Z, companies need to understand that community members and allies want businesses that express full-hearted support for the community. That includes visible displays of allyship."

News of Target's scaled-back efforts for Pride Month comes as the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security issued a warning on Friday that foreign terrorist organizations may potentially target LGBTQ+ events and venues during Pride Month in June.

The joint statement does not discuss any specific threats or intelligence suggesting that a specific event, celebration or individuals are subject to being targeted.

The rainbow is dead.
Do not write in this space.
News of Target's scaled-back efforts for Pride Month comes as the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security issued a warning on Friday that foreign terrorist organizations may potentially target LGBTQ+ events and venues during Pride Month in June.

Yeah, "foreign"

Do not write in this space.
And I will continue to refuse shopping at Target. Which isn't that hard because it would be out of my way to do so anyways, however I also refuse to patron Walgreens which is actually an inconvenience to me, but fuck them for giving into Republican fascist secretary of states merely talking about how they planned to ban Mifepristone. And no Anheuser-Busch products for me either.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
Damn shame. Hopefully my local Target tells them to fuck off and sells Pride stuff, our neighborhood is incredibly pro-LGBTQ+ despite our state.
Peace Love Dope
The retail giant said in a press release last week that it plans to offer its collection of products to celebrate Pride Month including adult clothing and home decor during the month of June both online and in "select stores," depending on "historical sales performance."

On one hand, this sounds like corporate BS, but on the other hand, not selling items in places that know it won't sell, and (fuck 'em becasue they shouldn't want their business anyway, but I digress) know it will cause you to lose customers, does seem like a sound business decision.

It does kinda suck though that large companies that actually CAN make a difference choose not to just becasue the bottom line may get an insignificant dent in it.
It takes zero effort to be a good person.
They had protests here in Arkansas at Targets lol
The stuff isn't selling and apparently people are threatening store staff. Not a hard choice.
specialkid8 posted...
The stuff isn't selling and apparently people* are threatening store staff. Not a hard choice.

*Domestic terrorists and Christo-fascists are threatening store staff
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
HylianFox posted...
The retail giant said in a press release last week that it plans to offer its collection of products to celebrate Pride Month including adult clothing and home decor during the month of June both online and in "select stores," depending on "historical sales performance."
Seems fair enough.
THE Ohio State: 11-2 | Las Vegas Raiders: 8-9
This I already knew since at my Target they skipped on setting up Pride merchandise and instead set up 4th of July stuff.
It's more than good, it's alive!
Warning: May contain stone hat pieces
It's super fun to see the people who defend this.

Predictable as the sunrise.
Mfs should focus on hiring more employees for when I need a price check
The bigots have won:

When don't they win. bigots always win. Hell the South fucking won the Civil War in the end.
Biden is the greatest President ever.
Post #15 was unavailable or deleted.
bigblu89 posted...
On one hand, this sounds like corporate BS, but on the other hand, not selling items in places that know it won't sell, and (fuck 'em becasue they shouldn't want their business anyway, but I digress) know it will cause you to lose customers, does seem like a sound business decision.

It does kinda suck though that large companies that actually CAN make a difference choose not to just becasue the bottom line may get an insignificant dent in it.

Im sure if people really want an item they can order it online.

Target more and more doesnt want you in stores. They have a limit on self check outs but barely have any people manning regular checkouts. They want you to do pickup or shipping. Or thats what it feels like.

cjsdowg posted...
Hell the South f***ing won the Civil War in the end.
Let's not catastrophize, Reconstruction didn't go nearly far enough but they wouldn't be so butthurt about the "lost cause" if they won in the longterm.
As the morning sun rises, my lingering memories fade. I no longer see your silhouette. It's too far gone into the haze.
ImAMarvel posted...
I don't understand why people keep catering to these idiots when most people either support LGBTQ+ stuff being sold in stores or they just don't care.
Because no one is threatening people to tell them how okay they are with gay merch. Also, I imagine this has a lot more to do with this stuff just not selling. It just happens to dovetail with the reactions from last year.
My friends Target "let them go" among other workers for no reason and reduced their entire support stock to a small shelf back at the corner of the store

Cowards, fuck target
So much A R T
Im glad everyone is on board with "fuck target" now.

If they can't have the queer community's back they can't have the queer community's money either.
April 15, 2024: The Day the Internet Died
Don't leftists hate rainbow capitalism to begin with?
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Humble_Novice posted...
Don't leftists hate rainbow capitalism to begin with?

no i love being pandered to during pride month. but terms and conditions apply.

ill take pandering over frothy-mouthed hate.
April 15, 2024: The Day the Internet Died
Huh, I honestly did not expect to see the death of rainbow capitalism in my lifetime but here we are.
If it was about babies we'd have universal maternal care. There would be no charge no matter how complex the delivery. But its not about babies, is it?
Humble_Novice posted...
Don't leftists hate rainbow capitalism to begin with?
its more complex than that

we hate the double standard of these companies who do nothing to actually support us

but when it comes to stuff like merchandise and sales on media

sure we can get behind that and put a smile on our face and pretend we are not supporting a company that is just as evil as any other multi billion company

in other words

we hate companies who have a rainbow twitter logo but do nothing

but if steam has a massive sale on LGBT games we will buy them and pretend for a moment they dont let tons of vile bigoted crap on the store front daily
3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*
i dont think we hate rainbow logos that do nothing. it's fine to be lazy and do nothing.

but, the "terms and conditions": if something happens and now a company is in a place to do something, make a stand, exactly like target had the chance, they damn well better.
April 15, 2024: The Day the Internet Died
Smashingpmkns posted...
Mfs should focus on hiring more employees

they should have 2 checkstands open at all time in the morning.

always seem to understaff which results in long lines.
currently playing: elder scrolls skyrim (ps5)
RIP Sophie the dog: February 2011-april 2024. we'll miss you alot.
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I think even if the companies are making empty gestures the idea that society will respond positively to gestures of goodwill towards the lgbtq community is a good direction for society. Letting some whackadoos make them not make those gestures hurts the overall societal vibe imo; it sends the message that it's unsafe to express those opinions and I say fuck people who want me to think that.
The newest and greatest spinoff site
absolutebuffoon posted...
I think even if the companies are making empty gestures the idea that society will respond positively to gestures of goodwill towards the lgbtq community is a good direction for society. Letting some whackadoos make them not make those gestures hurts the overall societal vibe imo; it sends the message that it's unsafe to express those opinions and I say fuck people who want me to think that.

yes this.

that's the thing with pride: you dont have to go to a parade, it's still about just being seen.

and this year, like last year, im too scared to go to pride--don't feel like being shot.
April 15, 2024: The Day the Internet Died
Sigh. Stupid.
"Intelligence has no place in Politics" Londo, (Babylon Five)
Best new show of 2023, One Piece live action.
specialkid8 posted...
The stuff isn't selling and apparently people are threatening store staff. Not a hard choice.

It sells incredibly well; Pride is consistently one of the top performing assortments every year.

We also saw a significant increase in threats from right wing groups *after* it was pulled last year; giving extremists any reason to believe their techniques are working will only amplify their efforts.
It became too mainstream to be cool.
You haven't set a signature for the message boards yet
BrohammedAli posted...
We also saw a significant increase in threats from right wing groups *after* it was pulled last year; giving extremists any reason to believe their techniques are working will only amplify their efforts.

next year hopefully the pride doesn't give up. cant have the hate group win every time because they have guns.
currently playing: elder scrolls skyrim (ps5)
RIP Sophie the dog: February 2011-april 2024. we'll miss you alot.
absolutebuffoon posted...
I think even if the companies are making empty gestures the idea that society will respond positively to gestures of goodwill towards the lgbtq community is a good direction for society. Letting some whackadoos make them not make those gestures hurts the overall societal vibe imo; it sends the message that it's unsafe to express those opinions and I say fuck people who want me to think that.

Agreed. Last year I heard 2 prominent activists, reporters, and radio pundits within the gay community talk about how some years ago Google had some like tacky pride month display on the home screen that just made them roll their eyes at the corporate pandering, however due to the attacks on Target and their response it was actually making them nostalgic for such pandering because the alternative is this, a return to the former status quo where society tried to act like they didn't even exist and whose existence wasn't tolerated
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
Metal_Gear_Raxis posted...
Let's not catastrophize, Reconstruction didn't go nearly far enough but they wouldn't be so butthurt about the "lost cause" if they won in the longterm.

They did slavery went on when Reconstruction ended. Before that it was black codes convict leasing and then Jim Crow. Black people even in the modern eras had land stolen when they did too well.
Biden is the greatest President ever.
Robot2600 posted...
yes this.

that's the thing with pride: you dont have to go to a parade, it's still about just being seen.

and this year, like last year, im too scared to go to pride--don't feel like being shot.

They want you scared, my dude.

Take it from somebody who used to be part of that anti-woke, perpetually angry portion of the right wing, youre ultimately giving them what they want by letting them intimidate you to the point of giving in to their terrorist demands.

If theyre foolish enough to back up their threats with violence, then I hope the current president sends in the National Guard to begin cracking skulls since those scumbags have gotten away with far too much to the point where theyve gone completely mask off with regards to their bigotry.
"We're going to shake things up, Morgan. Like old times." -- Alex Yu, Prey (2017)
I know and agree, but still couldn't have fun at pride this year. Maybe next year.
April 15, 2024: The Day the Internet Died
Agent_Stroud posted...
They want you scared, my dude.

Take it from somebody who used to be part of that anti-woke, perpetually angry portion of the right wing, youre ultimately giving them what they want by letting them intimidate you to the point of giving in to their terrorist demands.

If theyre foolish enough to back up their threats with violence, then I hope the current president sends in the National Guard to begin cracking skulls since those scumbags have gotten away with far too much to the point where theyve gone completely mask off with regards to their bigotry.

this is why left wing people and minorities need to arm themselves.
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
thronedfire2 posted...
this is why left wing people and minorities need to arm themselves.

so i can get shot by police like that FL airman? pass.
April 15, 2024: The Day the Internet Died
Robot2600 posted...
so i can get shot by police like that FL airman? pass.

they'd shoot you anyway

but if you have a gun right wing pussies are much less likely to try anything
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
Cool, don't come to Pride parades then, Target.
Japanese Crack:
Pride merch was always just performative pandering. Target showed their ass when they capitulated to bigots that got all uppity about tuck swimsuits.

They don't actually care, they're a business that just wants to make money and LGBT people are just one of the audiences they sell to.
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
Cowards. Catering to the bigots just ends with everyone hating your company. Because the bigots aren't going to suddenly come back to Target over this and they'll quickly find something else to be mad at Target about. So this just alienates the LGBTQIA+ community in addition to the bigots
Steam/Xbox/PSN = NoxObscuras
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cjsdowg posted...
They did slavery went on when Reconstruction ended. Before that it was black codes convict leasing and then Jim Crow. Black people even in the modern eras had land stolen when they did too well.
And yet things would be a whole lot worse today if they hadn't lost.
As the morning sun rises, my lingering memories fade. I no longer see your silhouette. It's too far gone into the haze.
NoxObscuras posted...
Cowards. Catering to the bigots just ends with everyone hating your company. Because the bigots aren't going to suddenly come back to Target over this and they'll quickly find something else to be mad at Target about. So this just alienates the LGBTQIA+ community in addition to the bigots

Yep, same thing happened with Bud Light.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
Rainbow capitol everyone
3DS FC: 4382 - 2449 - 5707 IGN: Anthony
Current Events » The bigots have won: Target to cut back on Pride merch this June.