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How do you feel about the protests on college campuses

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Current Events » How do you feel about the protests on college campuses
I am very much supportive and it's been a frustrating issue for me in terms of how the media is presenting it and how people around me perceive it. Especially frustrating how discourse in the media is so much more focused on specifics about the protests with little discussion about the issue they're trying to bring attention to.
All the cowards voting indifferent should start developing views and opinions about the world
I think that the day when young people cease to go out and protest disruptively is the day that the victory of establishment authoritarianism is complete.

Universities have been the breeding ground for protest since Medieval times.
'Vinyl is the poor man's art collection'.
Negative all around. A bunch of antisemitic, window-smashing harassers getting tag-teamed by a bunch of pro-genocide domestic terrorists and their abusive cop friends while the school faculty twiddles its thumbs and refuses to disclose where their funding comes from.
Hyena_Of_Ice posted...
Negative all around. A bunch of antisemitic, window-smashing harassers getting tag-teamed by a bunch of pro-genocide domestic terrorists and their abusive cop friends while the school faculty twiddles its thumbs and refuses to disclose where their funding comes from.

Actually the protesters are explicitly against the genocide that is currently happening, and a lot of faculty are either standing with them or watching from the sidelines and horrified at swat teams being so readily called to quell peaceful protests.
Negative, because these protest movements have been partially undermined by people who are either anti-semitic or anti-democratic. The protesters are either ignorantly or willfullingly tolerating their own undermining. Fueled by one-sided social media usage, they loose what's important in conflicts. Staying level-headed, seeing the conflict as a whole, understanding both points of views, standing for a general good cause instead of simply taking one side only.

I've said it in another thread:

I condemn the way Israel's right-wing government responded to the terrorist attack on Oct 7. I truely do. I wished they would have responded differently.
But at the same time, protesters, who can't see the complexity of the conflict as a whole, and who are unable to see and understand both positions, are taking a one-sided stance.
Israel aims to eliminate those who want to extinguish them (Hamas). They have been already in the past - and still are - a genocidal target for certain groups. While I disagree with the methods they responded to Hamas' attack, I can somewhat understand that they want to eliminate the threat that wants them dead (Hamas). Israel is not commiting a genocide, because they do not have the intent to extuingish all Palestinians. They want to extuingish the terrorist organization Hamas, who wants to extinguish all Jews with genocidal intent.

Naturally, that is still no excuse for how Israel's government has been operating ever since, which is why I condemned them earlier.

But the cause of all this are terrorist organizations in general, and Hamas in particular.
I want Palestinians being able to peacefully live in their own state.
I want jewish people being able to peacefully live in Israel.
I want terrorist organizations to cease to exist.
I want no civil casualties on either side.

While it's okay to be for an independent Palestine state and to condemn civil casualties, I wished, the people who participate on these protest movements would not tolerate anti-semitic people among them. I wished, they would protest "for a peaceful world", "against war" or "against terrorist organizations", instead of simply taking one side and look at the conflict with a social media fueled bias.

The latter only leads to more division and not to what's desperately needed:
A common ground, where it's possible to grow mutual understanding eventually.
Like: great videogames, peaceful discussions, open-minded people
Dislike: console wars, trolls, haters, review-bombing, negativity
College campuses arent sacred grounds. More of grounds to exploit adolescents to become insanely rich.
gu-gohan posted...
Israel is not commiting a genocide, because they do not have the intent to extuingish all Palestinians. They want to extuingish the terrorist organization Hamas, who wants to extinguish all Jews with genocidal intent.

LOL clown. Are you calling the dead 30k civilians Hamas members too? The IDF meanwhile turns a blind eye to their own extremist settlers who are driving Palestinians off their land because apparently their holy book said the land belonged to them.
Ozovzk posted...
Actually the protesters are explicitly against the genocide that is currently happening, and a lot of faculty are either standing with them or watching from the sidelines and horrified at swat teams being so readily called to quell peaceful protests.

This. The Civil Rights and anti-Vietnam War protest in the 60s were hated by a significant amount of Americans back then, with the same excuses ie "they're troublemakers", "why can't they just protest peacefully". Nowadays the same people are pretending that they always supported the protests.
Indifferent. If these young adults think them protesting will make any changes to what is happening, they are delusional. Their protests will make no difference. Its just not how our world works. Only thing that will probably happen is that they will get hurt.
yum ce being right wing again
Aloc will now post in PG or try
Hyena_Of_Ice posted...
A bunch of antisemitic, window-smashing harassers getting tag-teamed by a bunch of pro-genocide domestic terrorists and their abusive cop friends

Those are all the same people you're describing there, and none of them are the protesters.
Re-open board 261.
I didn't go to any of them but the Cops aren't too happy with the Wisconsin ones yesterday and this morning
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
Ozovzk posted...
Actually the protesters are explicitly against the genocide that is currently happening, and a lot of faculty are either standing with them or watching from the sidelines and horrified at swat teams being so readily called to quell peaceful protests.

Wouldn't the "pro-genocide domestic terrorists" be the violent counter-protestors who have assaulted the peaceful protest encampments.
Will the little voice in the back of my mind screaming "This is a bad idea" please yield the floor. --Mikey
Chivalry be hanged, and so will you.
Giacomo_Hawkins posted...
Wouldn't the "pro-genocide domestic terrorists" be the violent counter-protestors who have assaulted the peaceful protest encampments.

I haven't been following the protests so I have no opinion on how that's going. Other than to say in today's day and age of social media and corporate news coverage. With their tendency to either distort the events of what's going on, to muddy the message, or even straight up lie with conspiracies.

You have to be pinpoint with you protest with a plan, with a clear message that everyone can understand and agree (like a message calling for peace for example). Also members of your protest has to be willing to go media blitz, all news media that is covering the protest. You have to seek out a TV camera, so that your message can reach viewers all across the country who are watching or listening. Keep seeking out the news media as long as they're willing to have you on. It's one way to combat against corporate media's attempt to create a false narrative of your protest.
"Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat." - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Aloc posted...
yum ce being right wing again
It's called common sense. The correct thing to do is to listen to and to understand both sides and find solutions on a common ground. Because finding middlegrounds is what makes us human and eventually helps to reduce frustration, hatred and crimes. If you fail to understand such basics, and if you accuse everyone who doesn't share your point of view, maybe you should question yourself for once and understand that it's your extreme stance that is part of the problem.

That's all I say.
Like: great videogames, peaceful discussions, open-minded people
Dislike: console wars, trolls, haters, review-bombing, negativity
I'm not seeing any reason at all for so much police brutality. If they're peaceful protests then leave them alone, don't say "they're peaceful protesters but there's some bad elements so we have to beat and arrest them all." It's disgusting how American media will find any excuse to promote beating and demeaning and doxxing "hippies," but will always celebrate and excuse violent if not homicidal conservative "protest."
"Tether even a roasted chicken."
- Yamamoto Tsunetomo
gu-gohan posted...
It's called common sense. The correct thing to do is to listen to and to understand both sides and find solutions on a common ground. Because finding middlegrounds is what makes us human and eventually helps to reduce frustration, hatred and crimes. If you fail to understand such basics, and if you accuse everyone who doesn't share your point of view, maybe you should question yourself for once and understand that it's your extreme stance that is part of the problem.

That's all I say.

Mate you literally denied that there's a genocide going on in Gaza in spite of the ICJ ruling.

Using your delusional logic, BLM protesters should attempt to find common ground with white nationalists, even though one side wants to stop being killed, and the other is only too happy to kill the other if they could get away with it.
Post #20 was unavailable or deleted.
I see no difference between this and the treatment of student protest during the Civil Rights movement and the Vietnam war.

It's the footsoldiers of the establishment clearing house of a protest that shames them.
'Vinyl is the poor man's art collection'.
Extremely positive on the students

Extremely negative on how mainstream media is portraying the students

I realized I can no longer trust even "left wing " corporate news media
In dentibus anticis frustum magnum spinaciae habes.
Zikten posted...
Extremely positive on the students

Extremely negative on how mainstream media is portraying the students

This is how I feel. The media have completely poisoned the well and have spent more time trying to tie these protests to antisemitism, and have successfully done so judging by the people in this topic acting like that's what these students are advocating for.

It's fucking frustrating and even more frustrating watching supposed liberals act just as reactionary as their right wing counterparts.
Sigs are for losers.
Giacomo_Hawkins posted...
Wouldn't the "pro-genocide domestic terrorists" be the violent counter-protestors who have assaulted the peaceful protest encampments.

No shit, who exactly did you think I was referring to?
Music_Rock_Cat posted...
I didn't go to any of them but the Cops aren't too happy with the Wisconsin ones yesterday and this morning
Well that's not good. Gotta make the cops happy, that's the important thing
Rest in Peace Mamba
Negative. I can't believe antisemitic behavior is so publicly displayed.
chitown82 posted...
Negative. I can't believe antisemitic behavior is so publicly displayed.

Opposing occupation and genocide is antisemitic now?
Crazy how Kent State was 54 years ago. Maybe in another 54 years, we'll all be saying, "You know, maybe these college kids were onto something."
Hey, everyone, what's going on in this topic? Oh.
Possibly a stupid question but what are these protests at American college campuses supposed to accomplish regarding a foreign war? What are these students going to get done here in America? Why don't they just go home and play Minecraft?
Hyena_Of_Ice posted...

Oh, really? So the antisemites calling for a 2nd intifada and "Death to Israelis" and the domestic terrorists calling for a "2nd Nakba" both sockpupper groups being operated by Russian disinfo agents, then?

Well, considering the "Kill the Jews" chant came from someone holding an Israeli flag, I wouldn't put it past them
All Hail
kind9 posted...
Possibly a stupid question but what are these protests at American college campuses supposed to accomplish regarding a foreign war? What are these students going to get done here in America? Why don't they just go home and play Minecraft?

Oh how dare young people be politically active and not waste their lives staying at home. You do know that that the majority of Israel's weapons come from the USA?

Negative. I sympathize with the cause, but trashing private property, trespassing, violating codes of conduct, and really being generally immature about how large bureaucratic organizations function, is not the way to accomplish your goals.
Fenriswolf posted...
Opposing occupation and genocide is antisemitic now?
It seems like opposing Israel in general is being considered anti-semetic these days. The term has lost its meaning because it's the immediate response to any criticism of Israel, which also sadly makes it easier for actual anti-semites to blend in.
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tankboy posted...
Negative. I sympathize with the cause, but trashing private property, trespassing, violating codes of conduct, and really being generally immature about how large bureaucratic organizations function, is not the way to accomplish your goals.

But of course Israel is well known for their adherence of international law /S

"Why are the civil rights protesters sitting inside private diners to protest? Why can't they be respectful and protest racism away from customers?"
kind9 posted...
Possibly a stupid question but what are these protests at American college campuses supposed to accomplish regarding a foreign war? What are these students going to get done here in America? Why don't they just go home and play Minecraft?

You want a population so beaten down, docile and insular, that their reaction to ethnic cleansing and the mass slaughter of innocents overseas is 'nothing I can do. Might as well play videogames'?

You write as if there is no connection between the US, the institutions the students attend, and this 'foreign war'.
'Vinyl is the poor man's art collection'.
chitown82 posted...
Negative. I can't believe antisemitic behavior is so publicly displayed.
It shouldn't be antisemitic to say "Fuck Israel"
I havent followed closely enough the actions being taken by the protesters, but if theyve been nonviolent then the actions taken against them are clearly in the wrong.
Probably the only Mario Maker 2 level I'll ever create worth sharing.
Overwhelmingly positive opinion of the students putting themselves on the line to support the Palestinian people and protest the genocide being done to them. I could not be more proud of the way the vast majority of these very young people have behaved, and of their organizational discipline when dealing with counter-protestors, police, and especially hostile/adversarial media.

kind9 posted...
Possibly a stupid question but what are these protests at American college campuses supposed to accomplish regarding a foreign war? What are these students going to get done here in America? Why don't they just go home and play Minecraft?

Pretty much all of these Universities have either money invested in , or receive grant money from , sources tied to Israel, and in some cases defense contractors whose weapons are currently being used to ethnically cleanse Gaza. One of the main goals of these protests is divestment from these, and a transparent process from the school administrators in doing so.

Here, for example, is a page listing the overall goals of the students protesting at Columbia University:

Divest all of Columbias finances, including the endowment, from companies and institutions that profit from Israeli apartheid, genocide and occupation in Palestine. Ensure accountability by increasing transparency around financial investments.

Sever academic ties with Israeli universities, including the Global Center in Tel Aviv, the Dual Degree Program with Tel Aviv University, and all study-abroad programs, fellowships, and research collaborations with Israeli academic institutions .

No land grabs, whether in Harlem, Lenapehoking, or Palestine. Cease expansion, provide reparations, and support housing for low-income Harlem residents. No development by Columbia without real community control.

End the targeted repression of Palestinian students and their allies on and off campus, including through university disciplinary processes. Defund Public Safety and disclose and sever all ties with the NYPD.

Release a public statement calling for an immediate, permanent ceasefire in Gaza, denouncing the ongoing genocidal campaign against the Palestinian people, and call on government officials to do so too.
"The hopeless don't revolt, because revolution is an act of hope."
Nvm CE has a positive opinion overall.

If you have a negative opinion of these protests you are right wing.

There's no ifs or buts.
Aloc will now post in PG or try
MrToothHasYou posted...
Pretty much all of these Universities have either money invested in, or receive grant money from, sources tied to Israel, and in some cases defense contractors whose weapons are currently being used to ethnically cleanse Gaza. One of the main goals of these protests is divestment from these, and a transparent process from the school administrators in doing so.

Here, for example, is a page listing the overall goals of the students protesting at Columbia University:
Thanks for the actual answer to my admittedly stupid question and not getting too annoyed by my bit of facetiousness. I haven't followed these protests at all , but I've always been anti-Israel in the war. I honestly didn't even know Israel gets most of the weapons(60%) from America and that all these universities have money tied up in Israel. No excuse for my ignorance.
Hyena_Of_Ice posted...
No shit, who exactly did you think I was referring to?

The violent counter-protestors who have assaulted the peaceful protest encampments, but I thought that Ozovzk has missed that point which is why I quoted him.
Will the little voice in the back of my mind screaming "This is a bad idea" please yield the floor. --Mikey
Chivalry be hanged, and so will you.
gu-gohan posted...
Israel is not commiting a genocide, because they do not have the intent to extuingish all Palestinians. They want to extuingish the terrorist organization Hamas, who wants to extinguish all Jews with genocidal intent.

When your defense of a Genocide is that they could have killed more people, really wanted too. You might want to rethink the post.
Biden is the greatest President ever.
Protests are the corner stone of American democracy
"While you were wasting your time castrating a priceless antique, I was systematically feeding babies to hungry mutated puppies!" -The Monarch
Post #46 was unavailable or deleted.

it's unlikely any of them have actually gotten violent before counter-protestors or police show up, but the media doesn't start covering it until that happens
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
Pretty indifferent.
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Couldn't care less. The world is beyond fucked and it's only going to get worse and worse. I stopped caring long ago. Humans have very limited time left to continue fucking everything up before it's all finally over.
You're nearly a laugh but you're really a cry
Bigpapaplut posted...
Couldn't care less. The world is beyond fucked and it's only going to get worse and worse. I stopped caring long ago. Humans have very limited time left to continue fucking everything up before it's all finally over.
The end couldn't come soon enough
Rest in Peace Mamba
Current Events » How do you feel about the protests on college campuses
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