Best wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.

Current Events

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Current Events » Best wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.

I'm not planning on leaving the forums, but I figured it's best to remove my work from a company that doesn't respect it.

Hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of views over the last 21 years but I'm old enough now not to care. I figured that's not a GameFAQs user, so it's all deleted.

I know nobody really cares about some old FAQs being deleted, but I've had some fun on this site.
I used to be a moderator, tried to be personable and also antagonised a lot of my fellow mods. I still apologise for that fuckup I did when I spoiled something.
I was on the front page as a prolific contributor in the cgi days.
I was one of the first to experience private boards.
I had LUE access until I went to close my account.
I've met a few folks from the site too. I sold a phone to another 313er, I met a young lady, and had a fellow mod stay over. He ate a lot.

What does it mean? Absolutely fuck all. I'll still hang around but it's not quite the same it once was. I hope that the new Fandom team can perhaps do what nobody's ever done and give us old folks a little bit of love.

Rant over.
I respect it.
Black Lives Matter. ~ DYL ~ (On mobile)
Good for you. Fandom has no respect for us and don't deserve to make any money from contributions from people like you until they learn to RESPECT THE USERBASE!
Thank you Fandom for destroying the community, its just what we always wanted for this site
I hope you uploaded them elsewhere.
No lollygaggin'.
What were some of your most popular faqs that your removed?
Umbreon posted...
I respect it.

Warning: This post may contain triggering or distressing content.
Not uploaded anywhere else, except very old versions. Unsurprisingly, something written as an angry 14-year-old is pig shit compared to something re-written in my early 30s.

I don't want to draw any more attention to the games my guides have been written for, I assume the contribution IDs will probably be enough for some sleuthing. However, I must praise one of the other FAQ writers for this:


Luigi and Tails, for his fabulous walkthrough

Like I said, nothing super popular and I'd assume most folks wouldn't know what the games are. However, the community is pretty close-knit. I don't use discord but maybe at least one person on the relevant subdiscords or whatever would recognise my name.
[teep is] an evil genius who will one day kill us all - Choco
teep is a God damn genius - Zodd
Post #10 was unavailable or deleted.
I copied all of them and am going to resubmit them and take credit
April 15, 2024: The Day the Internet Died
Mad respect, fuck Fandom
A hunter is a hunter...even in a dream
Post #14 was unavailable or deleted.
Umbreon posted...
I respect it.

It don't matter. None of this matters.
Hopefully others follow the same route. If they want to gut us as a community, then gut their website
"We would have no NBA possibly if they got rid of all the flopping." ~ Dwyane Wade
CyricZ could single-handedly tank this place's search rank by nuking his Yakuza guides.
"Look, if I was good at math, I wouldn't be on CE at 2:00 the morning clicking on topics about porn stars ****ing horses." - May 2017, Dash_Harber
SuperShake666 posted...
CyricZ could single-handedly tank this place's search rank by nuking his Yakuza guides.
He doesnt want to he should tho
Fandom doesn't really deserve best wishes tbh. But I respect what you're doing.
CADE_FOSTER posted...
He doesnt want to he should tho

If he doesn't take them down then they're going to shut down the message boards anyway, steal his work, then claim ownership of it and post it wherever they want. Fandom's TOU says absolutely nothing about politics or sex, but it has a LOT of clauses about how everything we host here automatically belongs to them forever.
"Tether even a roasted chicken."
- Yamamoto Tsunetomo
Srk700 posted...
Fandom doesn't really deserve best wishes tbh. But I respect what you're doing.

I use Google... A lot.... >______>
Sucks, but fuck it. Fuck Fandom.
My Words Were True And Sheamus Made You Believe!
Umbreon posted...
I respect it.

Bucks World Champions 2021
PS4 looks great
sfcalimari posted...
If he doesn't take them down then they're going to shut down the message boards anyway, steal his work, then claim ownership of it and post it wherever they want. Fandom's TOU says absolutely nothing about politics or sex, but it has a LOT of clauses about how everything we host here automatically belongs to them forever.
Are those the same TOUs that Cyric agreed to when originally providing the guides? Changing a TOU needs consent from all parties, not just one persons
I respect what you're doing TC.

Fuck Fandom.

Now you just have to hope they don't have them saved somewhere else where they can just re-upload them and steal all the credit. As far as I'm aware, fandom isn't exactly the best when it comes to content that doesn't necessarily belong to them.
I do drawings and stuff
Feels like the end of an era.
Post #28 was unavailable or deleted.
Good man. Now if only someone could convince Cyric.
Luigi_and_Tails posted...

I'm not planning on leaving the forums, but I figured it's best to remove my work from a company that doesn't respect it.

Hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of views over the last 21 years but I'm old enough now not to care. I figured that's not a GameFAQs user, so it's all deleted.

I know nobody really cares about some old FAQs being deleted, but I've had some fun on this site.
I used to be a moderator, tried to be personable and also antagonised a lot of my fellow mods. I still apologise for that fuckup I did when I spoiled something.
I was on the front page as a prolific contributor in the cgi days.
I was one of the first to experience private boards.
I had LUE access until I went to close my account.
I've met a few folks from the site too. I sold a phone to another 313er, I met a young lady, and had a fellow mod stay over. He ate a lot.

What does it mean? Absolutely fuck all. I'll still hang around but it's not quite the same it once was. I hope that the new Fandom team can perhaps do what nobody's ever done and give us old folks a little bit of love.

Rant over.
TC, have you considered submitting your FAQs to this site? It's shaping up to be what GameFAQs used to be in the past:
Miss what the Current Events board used to be? Then come here to discuss it with us:
I feel like everyone should be doing this now. I plan on it, I will just move them to Neoseeker if they aren't already there.

Luigi_and_Tails posted...
Not uploaded anywhere else, except very old versions. Unsurprisingly, something written as an angry 14-year-old is pig shit compared to something re-written in my early 30s.

I don't want to draw any more attention to the games my guides have been written for, I assume the contribution IDs will probably be enough for some sleuthing. However, I must praise one of the other FAQ writers for this:

Like I said, nothing super popular and I'd assume most folks wouldn't know what the games are. However, the community is pretty close-knit. I don't use discord but maybe at least one person on the relevant subdiscords or whatever would recognise my name.
Most of us were cringy, angry, angsty teens when we wrote these. They still have value though, I know mine don't have alternatives anywhere. You should just re-upload them as-is to another site (Neoseeker is basically the only place I know of). Maybe Allen will start a new spinoff like he implied to someone in his thread and you can put them there later.

Oh and final note I've definitely used your guides before.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
Okay bye
I write Naruto Fanfiction. But I am definitely not a furry.
I like how Fandom slowly killing us has made is appreciate each other more and come together
^ Hey now that's completely unfair!
All the weird random shit I know about this site, completely swept away just like that.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
Post #35 was unavailable or deleted.
THE Ohio State: 11-2 | Las Vegas Raiders: 8-9
Guarantee they start making it impossible to remove them from now on.
Trucking Legend Don Schneider!
KiwiTerraRizing posted...
Guarantee they start making it impossible to remove them from now on.
This. Everyone needs to remove them and make the site even more worthless at this point.
Let's make biscuits!
KiwiTerraRizing posted...
Guarantee they start making it impossible to remove them from now on.
This is coming.

But for now I'm with the TC on this, I have started the process to remove my content as well, it's not much and super old, but it's mine, and I don't want it associated with this site.

If they do not respect their contributors they should not profit off of them. Everyone who contributes should have their stuff removed while they still can.
Starfire: "They are too numerous to fight. What shall we do?"
Robin: "Fight anyway!" (pb)
KiwiTerraRizing posted...
Guarantee they start making it impossible to remove them from now on.
pretty sure that would be illegal

granted no one here can even afford a lawyer to sue them ove rit
3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*
Maybe they will pay you $300,000 to re-upload them.
Thank you for for your contribution to the cause
See profile pic
Good stuff.
Trying is the first step towards failure, so just dont give it a shot and you cant dissapoint.
The internet archive is a thing. They accidentally lost a bunch of guides when they did a server migration 10+ years ago. That's the only way to read them now.
"It was horrible," guard Jeff McInnis said.
"I took 100 naps and we were still in the air."
Umbreon posted...
I respect it.

Beware the beast Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed.
This is what a backbone looks like.
This signature is not political.
Luigi_and_Tails posted...
Rant over.

Look man, I feel your frustration for watching a familiar place youve loved and enjoyed for so long change course and become a little less familiar. But this change is in an attempt to appeal to new (more modern) users change to something that has gone unchanged for so long can be scary.

But part of loving and respecting a platform that has provided you with constant years of joy is wanting it to succeed and thrive, and wanting younger generations to also experience the benefits of such an awesome website like GaneFaqs.

In short, I think we should want to see the site live on, even tho we may have finally outgrown it. But removing content isnt going to help that. If Fandom can attract new users to keep the site afloat, those are going to be users that arent going to have the benefits of enjoying your guides.

Ultimately, its just one less thing to keep them here, and ultimately less content hurts the platform and makes it harder for fandom to dig GameFaqs out of the grave that we all ultimately are responsible for digging by refusing to evolve with the times and push for modernization.

I guess you need to ask yourself a question:
Would I rather GameFaqs suceed or fail after Im gone?
Gobstoppers12 posted...
Okay bye

Weren't you bootlicking reddit's IPO a few months ago?
This signature is not political.
I would definitely be curious to see the metrics of contributions being removed cause maybe that would be the one thing that gets Fandom to stop being so garbage and actually listen to a community. For once. - Thanks GP cosmonaut!
STEROLIZER posted...
Look man, I feel your frustration for watching a familiar place youve loved and enjoyed for so long change course and become a little less familiar. But this change is in an attempt to appeal to new (more modern) users change to something that has gone unchanged for so long can be scary.

But part of loving and respecting a platform that has provided you with constant years of joy is wanting it to succeed and thrive, and wanting younger generations to also experience the benefits of such an awesome website like GaneFaqs.

In short, I think we should want to see the site live on, even tho we may have finally outgrown it. But removing content isnt going to help that. If Fandom can attract new users to keep the site afloat, those are going to be users that arent going to have the benefits of enjoying your guides.

Ultimately, its just one less thing to keep them here, and ultimately less content hurts the platform and makes it harder for fandom to dig GameFaqs out of the grave that we all ultimately are responsible for digging by refusing to evolve with the times and push for modernization.

I guess you need to ask yourself a question:
Would I rather GameFaqs suceed or fail after Im gone?

Boo this man
Trucking Legend Don Schneider!
Current Events » Best wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.
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