Do u think Israel is going to cost Biden the election?

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Current Events » Do u think Israel is going to cost Biden the election?
A worthless existence
Babymetal will cost him the election.
Atlanta Falcons choking a 28-3 lead in the 3rd qtr:
Atlanta Falcons choking a 26-10 lead in the 4th qtr:
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ArkhamOrigins posted...
Babymetal will cost him the election.

What? No.
XBOX Live Gamertag: DevilAnse33v2
PSN: DevilAnse33
I'd be worried about Gen Z'ers not voting for him over it, but they don't vote anyways
Your mom
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He would likely lose more votes by not supporting Israel. The US is overwhelmingly biased toward Israel.
Favorite Games: BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, Bayonetta, Bloodborne
thats a username you habe - chuckyhacksss
It could and if it does it is all on him. Since he cares about killing brown people more than beating Trump.
If you say I am wrong, then prove that you are right.
cjsdowg posted...
It could and if it does it is all on him. Since he cares about killing brown people more than beating Trump.
It's also on the people who act like it's the only issue on the ballot.
No. RFK might.
hockeybabe89 posted...
It's also on the people who act like it's the only issue on the ballot.
No, it really isn't.
Dokkan ID: 2365415872
Nah. Knowing the masses, they'll have long forgotten about Israel and moved on to the next major issue by the time the election is here.
One time, CE triggered me so hard with their objectively wrong opinions that I accidentally punched myself in the balls.
Yourself, your loves ones and your community before all else. The rest is distractions to keep you from what matters in this life.
hockeybabe89 posted...
It's also on the people who act like it's the only issue on the ballot.

It is on the people who don't want to fund a genocide, really ?
If you say I am wrong, then prove that you are right.
cjsdowg posted...
It is on the people who don't want to fund a genocide, really ?

That isnt close to what was said.
Considering the alternative is Trump who has already said he plans to kill the Palestinians even harder, nah.
FGO US:973,940,202 JP:410,404,215
Resident Europa fangirl
cjsdowg posted...
It is on the people who don't want to fund a genocide, really ?
Bad news.

We're still doing that if Trump is elected.

We're getting kicked. All the election does is determine where. Trump is in the balls. Biden is in the left shoulder.
^ Hey now that's completely unfair!
whitelytning posted...
That isnt close to what was said.

So who he is speaking about .
If you say I am wrong, then prove that you are right.
whitelytning posted...
That isnt close to what was said.
It stupid regardless. No president is entitled to votes.
Yourself, your loves ones and your community before all else. The rest is distractions to keep you from what matters in this life.
When Trump wins and puts people in concentration camps, at least people will feel good having taught an 81-year-old a lesson
Your mom
cjsdowg posted...
It is on the people who don't want to fund a genocide, really ?
Have they been abstaining from voting for 200 years then?

You have to look at the bigger picture. Too many people vote with their heart.
Euripides posted...
When Trump wins and puts people in concentration camps, at least people will feel good having taught an 81-year-old a lesson

Stuff like this is why when people call white liberals racist, I believe them. I hope you are the first to go to the camps buddy, followed by the people whom think like you.
Yourself, your loves ones and your community before all else. The rest is distractions to keep you from what matters in this life.
cjsdowg posted...
So who he is speaking about .
Nothing is going to cost Biden the election unless he dies before November. He will win by an even bigger margin than last time. The fearmongering to act like this election could be in doubt is a joke. This shit has already been decided. Its over.
PSN ID: sled_dogs76
60" Pioneer Kuro Elite PRO151FD, Yamaha RX-V3900 A/V Receiver, Oppo DV983-H player. Coming soon: 2 Seaton Submersives from Mark Seaton
Teddytalks posted...
Stuff like this is why when people call white liberals racist, I believe them. I hope you are the first to go to the camps buddy, followed by the people whom think like you.
We doing that thing where it's racist to say "concentration camp" because the Nazis apparently own that term and it only applies to what they did to Jews?
hockeybabe89 posted...
Have they been abstaining from voting for 200 years then?

You have to look at the bigger picture. Too many people vote with their heart.

Bigger picture seem to be white liberals are hella racist and don't care about anybody but themselves. Eventually the issue will come back and bite another group in the ass and we will have the same problem. The bigger picture really is do you tolerate their position or not? From what I am seeing, the margins biden needs hate the man and not voting.
Yourself, your loves ones and your community before all else. The rest is distractions to keep you from what matters in this life.
archizzy posted...
Nothing is going to cost Biden the election unless he dies before November. He will win by an even bigger margin than last time. The fearmongering to act like this election could be in doubt is a joke. This shit has already been decided. Its over.
I wouldn't be so confident

He barely won last time and a lot of people are even more deranged now. The entire election could come down to less than 100,000 votes
^ Hey now that's completely unfair!
Teddytalks posted...
Stuff like this is why when people call white liberals racist, I believe them. I hope you are the first to go to the camps buddy, followed by the people whom think like you.

You can be against Biden's support of Israel and still not doom our country to a Trump dictatorship
Your mom
hockeybabe89 posted...
We doing that thing where it's racist to say "concentration camp" because the Nazis apparently own that term and it only applies to what they did to Jews?
This doesn't even make sense.
Yourself, your loves ones and your community before all else. The rest is distractions to keep you from what matters in this life.
Itachi157 posted...
If it does that would be monumentally stupid


this guy supports Israel so Im not gonna vote for him and cause this *checks notes* other guy who supports Israel as well as a million other awful things to become president instead
Euripides posted...
You can be against Biden's support of Israel and still not doom our country to a Trump dictatorship

My family and all I know are not voting at this point. Neither am I tbh unless something serious changes.
Yourself, your loves ones and your community before all else. The rest is distractions to keep you from what matters in this life.
Teddytalks posted...
Bigger picture seem to be white liberals are hella racist and don't care about anybody but themselves.

I mean, it's the complete opposite of that, but go off king.
Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
UnfairRepresent posted...
He barely won last time

the election was called for Biden before election day was over. he trounced Trump.
PSN: ArsenalGear, NNID: CrimsonG80, XB GT: CrimsonG80
Last game(s) finished: Robocop: Rogue City (PS5), Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (PS5)
Heineken14 posted...
I mean, it's the complete opposite of that, but go off king.

I been CE long enough to know it marginally better than the conservative places when it comes to outgroups. Yall not much better.
Yourself, your loves ones and your community before all else. The rest is distractions to keep you from what matters in this life.
Teddytalks posted...
My family and all I know are not voting at this point. Neither am I tbh unless something serious changes.

Stunning and brave
Your mom
Teddytalks posted...
I been CE long enough to know it marginally better than the conservative places when it comes to outgroups. Yall not much better.
Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
littlebro07 posted...

this guy supports Israel so Im not gonna vote for him and cause this *checks notes* other guy who supports Israel as well as a million other awful things to become president instead
Yup. I hope Americans are smart enough to realize this. But betting on the intellect of American voters doesn't have the best historical results...

CrimsonGear80 posted...
the election was called for Biden before election day was over. he trounced Trump.
No, it wasn't. It wasn't called until Saturday, several days later, because some swing states were close and took forever to count ballots.
I distinctly remember those days of angst and when it was finally called, we made Orange Chicken for dinner to celebrate.
cjsdowg posted...
It is on the people who don't want to fund a genocide, really ?
Make sure if Trump gets reelected you tell all the LGBTQ people how against genocide you were with your vote. They'll get a chuckle on their way to be loaded into the rail cars.
Currently playing: Fortnite STW, WoW, Punch-Out, Super Punch-Out
Convicted criminal Donald Trump: Inmate No. P01135809
mybbqrules posted...
Make sure if Trump gets reelected you tell all the LGBTQ people how against genocide you were with your vote. They'll get a chuckle on their way to be loaded into the rail cars.

And the Muslims
And the Mexicans
And the non-Christians
Your mom
streamofthesky posted...

No, it wasn't. It wasn't called until Saturday, several days later, because some swing states were close and took forever to count ballots.
I distinctly remember those days of angst and when it was finally called, we made Orange Chicken for dinner to celebrate.

everyone knew way before then that the counties that still needed to be counted were blue as the sky.

PSN: ArsenalGear, NNID: CrimsonG80, XB GT: CrimsonG80
Last game(s) finished: Robocop: Rogue City (PS5), Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (PS5)
Teddytalks posted...
Stuff like this is why when people call white liberals racist, I believe them. I hope you are the first to go to the camps buddy, followed by the people whom think like you.
Wow, wishing harm on other posters for their opinions? How moral of you.
Currently playing: Fortnite STW, WoW, Punch-Out, Super Punch-Out
Convicted criminal Donald Trump: Inmate No. P01135809
Euripides posted...
And the Muslims
And the Mexicans
And the non-Christians
Currently playing: Fortnite STW, WoW, Punch-Out, Super Punch-Out
Convicted criminal Donald Trump: Inmate No. P01135809
CrimsonGear80 posted...
everyone knew way before then that the counties that still needed to be counted were blue as the sky.
Everyone "didn't know" for sure, and you claimed it was "called for Biden" before election day was over, which was blatantly false and wrong.
streamofthesky posted...
Everyone "didn't know" for sure, and you claimed it was "called for Biden" before election day was over, which was blatantly false and wrong.

a lot of analysts did. and they ended up being right so....yeah.
PSN: ArsenalGear, NNID: CrimsonG80, XB GT: CrimsonG80
Last game(s) finished: Robocop: Rogue City (PS5), Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (PS5)
Heineken14 posted...

I mean, it's the complete opposite of that, but go off king.

Nope you only got that shit with black people. Black people keep voting for Dems while they do shit all for us beyond not being as racist as Republicans. Other groups are saying no to being treated that way.
If you say I am wrong, then prove that you are right.
hockeybabe89 posted...
We doing that thing where it's racist to say "concentration camp" because the Nazis apparently own that term and it only applies to what they did to Jews?

It's also strange that he's pretending to give a fuck about another country when his sig is basically saying "Only you and your own matters ".
Black Lives Matter. ~ DYL ~ (On mobile)
Umbreon posted...
It's also strange that he's pretending to give a fuck about another country when his sig is basically saying "Only you and your own matters ".

My community intersect with theirs. It was cute of you to try though, like you knew my full background.
Yourself, your loves ones and your community before all else. The rest is distractions to keep you from what matters in this life.
Current Events » Do u think Israel is going to cost Biden the election?
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