USA has no moral ground to stand on if China takes Taiwan.

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Current Events » USA has no moral ground to stand on if China takes Taiwan.
They would have no moral leg to stand on and you can play up the foolish western media but that bullshit won't fly against your geopolitical enemies that will use past actions that we've done as an excuse to do whatever they want. This israel stuff is gonna have some insanely bad consequences in terms of future super power land grabs.
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China will not invade Taiwan.
It's already a double standard now with us (correctly) criticizing Putin for the invasion of Ukraine and targeting civilians. Moral standing wouldn't have any effect on a Chinese invasion of Taiwan in any case
Countries dont need to have a moral standing or whatever.
I want a pet Lavos Spawn.
[Order of the Cetaceans: Phocoena dioptrica]
Aaah.. Cool, And China has no leg to stand on if it tries to take Taiwan either
Moral ground is less important than an effective military.
Biden already said he doesn't give a shit if Taiwan gets invaded
See profile pic
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can you list the countries that would have the high-ground? And, if those countries do and allied with the United States and asks the United States to get involved, would the US be justified in doing so?
You know how fads are. Today it's brains, tomorrow, pierced tongues. Then the next day, pierced brains.
-Jane Lane
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No country actually has a moral high ground.
Seattle Seahawks
Super Bowl XLVIII Champions
Lmao who gives a shit? Rules only matter insofar as someone can enforce them.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
We lacked a moral high ground the moment we tolerated slavery.

But I agree that China invading Taiwan would be bad.
Black Lives Matter. ~ DYL ~ (On mobile)
EmbraceOfDeath posted...
Lmao who gives a shit? Rules only matter insofar as someone can enforce them.
This has not been the precedent in a post WW2 western ideas in general diplomacy. But the world is definitely moving back to pre WW2 standards.
RTX 3070, Ryzen 7 5700x,16GB DDR4, 700WGold PSU
Switch FC: SW-3966-2111-8902, Proud Steam Deck Owner
UnholyMudcrab posted...
China will not invade Taiwan.
Russia won't invade Ukraine either everyone needs to chill
Common sense says it may not taste good, but it'll make a turd.
China is never going to physically attack Taiwan, they can't afford it.

Russia can't even come close to steamrolling Ukraine and that's a land invasion. All Taiwan has to do is lob some missiles towards the Three Gorges Dam and China would be brought to its knees.

In fact, I don't even think they need to hit the damn, I think they can attack damns further up the Yangtze river and the cascade of water flowing downstream will do the job for them.

This was a talking point of the Eastern bloc for half a century.
OmegaShinkai posted...

This was a talking point of the Eastern bloc for half a century.
And they were right.
Furthermore, The GOP is a Fascist Organization and must be destroyed
ScazarMeltex posted...
And they were right.
Technically correct, yeah, but incredibly hypocritical.
chaos_knight posted...
No country actually has a moral high ground.
North Sentinel Island does
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
At what time period did you think we had an outstanding record to stand on? We absolutely should be better. Abandoning Taiwan isnt a step in the right direction.
"Something's wrong! Murder isn't working and that's all we're good at." ~Futurama
luigi33 posted...
This israel stuff is gonna have some insanely bad consequences in terms of future super power land grabs.
Yeah imagine if Russia uses this as an excuse to repeatedly invade their former Soviet territories under the guise of protecting the poor repressed Russian minorities along their borders.

oh wait they've been doing that anyways for the past 15 years
I am so glad people like TC dont run our global defense framework
"Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth."
luigi33 posted...
you can play up the foolish western media but that bullshit won't fly against your geopolitical enemies they will use past actions that we've done as an excuse to do whatever they want.

they pulled that shit against the US and Canada. done some bad things in the past 2000 years.
currently playing: WRC 10 (ps4)
FL81 posted...

Warning: This post may contain triggering or distressing content.
I genuinely do not give a fuck about the moral high ground, Pooh aint getting his grubby mitts on Taiwan.
As the morning sun rises, my lingering memories fade. I no longer see your silhouette. It's too far gone into the haze.
It's far more likely that China and Taiwan would "peacefully" merge than any kind of bombing/invasion

Taiwan is small and it makes a lot of stuff. Destroying that doesn't do China any good.
while you slept, the world changed
FL81 posted...

PotD's resident Film Expert.
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kelemvor posted...
China is never going to physically attack Taiwan, they can't afford it.

Russia can't even come close to steamrolling Ukraine and that's a land invasion. All Taiwan has to do is lob some missiles towards the Three Gorges Dam and China would be brought to its knees.

In fact, I don't even think they need to hit the damn, I think they can attack damns further up the Yangtze river and the cascade of water flowing downstream will do the job for them.

Literally advocating committing war crimes. You can't attack Russia for blowing up the Kakhovka Dam then support Taiwan doing the same. Not surprising coming from the Israel apologist who think that their war crimes are excusable because they go to the polls every few years.

I'm sure drowning millions of civilians would endear you to the rest of the world. You think that the Chinese are that stupid to not recognize the strategic importance of the dam in a war and enacted preventative measures?
FL81 posted...

Imagine still believing in a shitty meme that has been discredited by Western researchers. How is your credit score again?
More than a few countries definitely have higher moral ground than we do.
UnholyMudcrab posted...
China will not invade Taiwan.
That will trigger certain people itching for a war

Aloc will now post in PG or try
Naturally Fenris arrives several hours later to bootlick his favorite country
Fenriswolf posted...
Literally advocating committing war crimes. You can't attack Russia for blowing up the Kakhovka Dam then support Taiwan doing the same. Not surprising coming from the Israel apologist who think that their war crimes are excusable because they go to the polls every few years.

I'm sure drowning millions of civilians would endear you to the rest of the world. You think that the Chinese are that stupid to not recognize the strategic importance of the dam in a war and enacted preventative measures?

What I think or or don't think doesn't matter. I merely suggested it was a strategic target in war time, and if Taiwan is attacked it would resort to asymmetric warfare to defend itself and it would do whatever it could to repel the invaders. I actually don't think they would do that unless China threatens nuclear attack or their backs were against the wall.

Did I advocate war crimes? Why are you putting words in my mouth? And Russia seems to get a free pass to destroy dams and power plants in Ukraine as they please and they are the agressors, not the defenders.
Fenriswolf posted...
Imagine still believing in a shitty meme that has been discredited by Western researchers. How is your credit score again?

FL81 posted...

Warning: This post may contain triggering or distressing content.
kelemvor posted...
What I think or or don't think doesn't matter. I merely suggested it was a strategic target in war time, and if Taiwan is attacked it would resort to asymmetric warfare to defend itself and it would do whatever it could to repel the invaders. I actually don't think they would do that unless China threatens nuclear attack or their backs were against the wall.

Did I advocate war crimes? Why are you putting words in my mouth? And Russia seems to get a free pass to destroy dams and power plants in Ukraine as they please and they are the agressors, not the defenders.

Irrelevant. The fact that you're suggesting it to "bring China to its knees" says otherwise. BLOWING UP A DAM TO DROWN MILLIONS OF CIVILIANS IS A WAR CRIME.

Nobody's giving Russia a free pass, and in fact their attacks on dams are widely condemned. The ones that got a free pass is Israel even when they're starving civilians and blowing up hospitals, which you attempt to justify in the other topic because "they're a liberal democracy".
eggcorn posted...

How's your credit score again?

the tofu dreg constructed buildings would be obliterated.
I may look calm, but in my head, I've just killed you three times.
WalkingPlague posted...
the tofu dreg constructed buildings would be obliterated.

Of course every building in China are constructed the same way /s The 2000s are asking for their stereotypes back.

Imagine being so bloodthirsty that your think obliterating buildings, many of which houses civilians, are a good thing.
You don't need moral high ground to defend an ally.
THE Ohio State: 11-2 | Las Vegas Raiders: 8-9
UnholyMudcrab posted...
China will not invade Taiwan.

I have a friend now living in Taiwan and he's convinced China would never invade Taiwan.

He says China has already invested too much in Taiwan behind the scenes to risk destroying in an invasion. Furthermore, Taiwan is a financial haven for China's oligarchs who hide their money there from the government. China freezes all Chinese nationals foreign bank accounts except for Taiwan based on the reasoning that they consider Taiwan to be a part of China.
"But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?"
-Mark Twain
BB_mofo posted...
I have a friend now living in Taiwan and he's convinced China would never invade Taiwan.

He says China has already invested too much in Taiwan behind the scenes to risk destroying in an invasion. Furthermore, Taiwan is a financial haven for China's oligarchs who hide their money there from the government. China freezes all Chinese nationals foreign bank accounts except for Taiwan based on the reasoning that they consider Taiwan to be a part of China.
Your friend is correct
There is no good. There is no evil. There just is.
captialism is evil. Any where the idea that it brings properity to anyone but the wealth 1% needs to go away. Taiwan should be conquered so to issue a crushing defeat to capitalism
Guillotine/Gulag 2020. You didn't vote Bernie now pay the price. Eat the Rich
Ubergeneral3 posted...
Taiwan should be conquered so to issue a crushing defeat to capitalism
There is no good. There is no evil. There just is.
PRC is a paper tiger, their only military actions since takeover are getting spanked by the US in the Korean War and repeatedly getting spanked even worse by Vietnam.
"Tether even a roasted chicken."
- Yamamoto Tsunetomo
Fenriswolf posted...
Literally advocating committing war crimes. You can't attack Russia for blowing up the Kakhovka Dam then support Taiwan doing the same. Not surprising coming from the Israel apologist who think that their war crimes are excusable because they go to the polls every few years.

I'm sure drowning millions of civilians would endear you to the rest of the world. You think that the Chinese are that stupid to not recognize the strategic importance of the dam in a war and enacted preventative measures?
China and Russia would be/are the aggressors, not Taiwan and Ukraine. Shit analogy.
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DarthAragorn posted...
China and Russia would be/are the aggressors, not Taiwan and Ukraine. Shit analogy.

Irrelevant. If Ukraine bombs a civilian target in Russia then it would lose a large amount of international support.

And the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is still scrutinized to this day even when Imperial Japan was the aggressor.
sfcalimari posted...
PRC is a paper tiger, their only military actions since takeover are getting spanked by the US in the Korean War and repeatedly getting spanked even worse by Vietnam.
Current Events » USA has no moral ground to stand on if China takes Taiwan.
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