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Current Events » The workout topic
I like these but don't see an active one so I made my own for the first time.

I'm gaining weight after several years of staying pretty lean for martial arts. With that, I've discovered the torturous magic of high-rep squats. Recently I was able to hit 445 for 10 reps and 315 for 23 reps.
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
Training log:
You are a beast, my dude.

I started training like 2 years ago. Deadift 1rm id at 400lbs now. My bench sucks. Squats are middling.
CE's Resident Scotsman.
pinky0926 posted...
You are a beast, my dude.

I started training like 2 years ago. Deadift 1rm id at 400lbs now. My bench sucks. Squats are middling.
I swear I remember your name from the Martial Arts board a long time ago regarding working-out, but anyway damn, a 400 deadlift in 2 years is impressive.
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
Training log:
Pow_Pow_Punishment posted...
I swear I remember your name from the Martial Arts board a long time ago regarding working-out, but anyway damn, a 400 deadlift in 2 years is impressive.

Thanks. I have weirdly strong pulling power relative to everything else. Built like an orangutan.

I used to post there occasionally - was into fighting and dieting but not training
CE's Resident Scotsman.
I'm still pretty new to working out but I've been slowly improving. Only work out alone, so not a lot of pushing to absolute failure, 3x5 bench around 55% bw, squat around 75%bw and dl around the same. Already feeling stronger though, but that's because there's a lot of headroom and I'm a fatass.
CE Mafia Archive
pinky0926 posted...
Thanks. I have weirdly strong pulling power relative to everything else. Built like an orangutan.

I used to post there occasionally - was into fighting and dieting but not training
Ah that explains it then.

Post-gym pump. I'm training around an elbow injury right now and bench pressing with an underhand grip, which doesn't aggravate the golfer elbow syndrome I have.
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
Training log:
A question I had for more experienced people: when I train legs/ lower body, my heart rate and breath go crazy, especially in comparison to when I train chest and back. It's this normal, and if so, what causes it? Squats, split squats, and deadlifts are all big culprits in this phenomenon.
CE Mafia Archive
That's normal. They're far more of a full-body effort, and just overall much more intense, than almost anything you can do for your upper-body.

Although if you're seriously concerned about your heart rate you should check with a doctor, of course.
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
Training log:
Went in for another workout today, Also an excuse to charge some backup batteries since my power has been out for a day. Managed to bench the same as before, which isn't bad for day after legs, poor sleep, and no breakfast.

I want my power back.
CE Mafia Archive
^ Right on for getting it done despite life stressors and not feeling 100%. I'm just a big fan of training under harsh conditions.

Last year I had a lot of back problems but this year things are going well so I'm working my way back up with heavy deadlifts. Added pause deadlifts too, which are new for me and are an idea I got from Layne Norton.

535x3 deadlifts
405x3 pause deadlifts
315x10 Romanian deadlifts
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
Training log:
I made the topic about not killing your lower back a couple of days and you suggested an ab roller. The gym at work has an ab roller and I've been using that and planks and so far it feels pretty good. No back pain >_>
Neon >_>
I hate going to the gym. Saw a dude go up to a chick in the middle of working out and adjusted her equipment without saying anything and then tried to small talk her. She politely told him to go away. Then some other chick was sitting at the chest press the whole time just texting her phone for like 20 minutes. Everytime me and other people went up and asked if she was done, she said "no", would do a quick rep, and then go back to sitting her texting >_> I really need a home gym lol
Neon >_>
DKBananaSlamma posted...
I hate going to the gym. Saw a dude go up to a chick in the middle of working out and adjusted her equipment without saying anything and then tried to small talk her. She politely told him to go away. Then some other chick was sitting at the chest press the whole time just texting her phone for like 20 minutes. Everytime me and other people went up and asked if she was done, she said "no", would do a quick rep, and then go back to sitting her texting >_> I really need a home gym lol

People have really awful bench etiquette, people start bringing shit in from other places to the fucking bench or leave their shit there and go to another fucking machine
Anyway I'm going to start doing the elliptical again, probably 30 mins twice a day before and after work
Massacred my back last night between rows, pull-ups and pulldowns. Turns out the secret to getting good targeting and pump was to reduce weight and really focus on the lats. How the hell am I gonna work today....
CE Mafia Archive
Hey pow pow, advice on not good morning-ing my squats as I do here (reps 4 onwards are particularly bad).

I suspect it's that I'm not actively bracing when coming out of the hole?
CE's Resident Scotsman.
I did the 20 rep squats and milk thing in my early 20s to gain and had decent results actually. I quickly moved to 5x5 instead because fuck squatting for reps.

315 for 23 is both impressive and terrible sounding.

I have a 1 and a half year old kid and have essentially not worked out in that time. Started running a few weeks ago and am trying to get back into the gym but life just took over. I work a ton and the baby doesnt make it easier.
PPP, how do i get bigger forearms/wrists?
CM_Ponch posted...
PPP, how do i get bigger forearms/wrists?

I can answer this one!

  1. Train them like any other muscle - specifically and with some sort of progressive overload. Specific wrist exercises might be wrist curls.
  2. Indirect exercises like deadlifts, rows, pullups or farmers carries. Only problem here is that you typically dont want your grip to be the point of failure for these exercises. Like presumably you row to make your back bigger, not make your wrists bigger.
  3. Move wrist exercises up the order on your program. 3 lazy sets at the end of a workout probably isn't enough.
  4. Eat, brah
  5. Bow to the genetics gods
CE's Resident Scotsman.
I started working out a bit yesterday. I've started and gave up many, many times over the years. Just doing some petty stuff with some dumbbells and some other stuff. For the first time though, I didn't feel like complete crap after the workout and the next day after doing it. I actually felt good for the first time ever when I got done yesterday. I was basically this:
When I sin I sin real good.
How can I get my neck to look as thick as possible, I do shrugs but it's not enough
Southernfatman posted...
I started working out a bit yesterday. I've started and gave up many, many times over the years. Just doing some petty stuff with some dumbbells. For the first time though, I didn't feel like complete crap after the workout and the next day after doing it. I actually felt good for the first time ever when I got done yesterday. I was basically this:

I was you for about 15 years and something changed when I hit 33. It might have been a change in priorities, but ultimately a change in what I thought training had to be was the most useful thing.

This podcast episode helped me a lot:

  • consistency beats optimal every time. 3 crappy workouts a week for a year will always net significantly more gains than 6x a week for 2 months and then burnout.
  • build momentum (like a snowball down a hill) by starting out smaller and slower than you think is necessary. Figure out a level of exercise you can maintain with little to no mental energy every day of the week. For me that was basically 20 minutes of not very heavy exercise per day for 3 months to start with. As long as I did something - even if it was 15 minutes of walking or 10 minutes of yoga - that was enough to start with.
  • Make habit building the number 1 objective, long before making muscle gains.
Basically I used to go super hard and heavy and then quit and wondered why I could never get the knack of it. That was the wrong approach.
CE's Resident Scotsman.
What are people's tips on developing forearms? I've been trying to grow them because they are the most visible muscle in a T shirt and I get he most mires and attention when I flex my forearms.
Working out is actually fucking bullshit

b 300
s 260
d 350

these are my stats after 10 years

it just doesnt work for some people man
pinky0926 posted...

Thanks for the advice. Funny thing is I'm 33 as well. Making it a habit is what will really seal it for me because I'm very habitual as a person. I have my set routines with everyday stuff. If I can succesfully add working out into it I'm good.

Basically I used to go super hard and heavy and then quit and wondered why I could never get the knack of it. That was the wrong approach.

I think that was part of my problem as well. I was most likely using too heavy of weights for a beginner with my low level of activity and strength. Impatience was another problem and I felt like I was just wasting my time. I feel like now I've just had some sort of an epiphany and look at the whole thing differently.
When I sin I sin real good.
Turtlebread posted...
Working out is actually fucking bullshit

b 300
s 260
d 350

these are my stats after 10 years

it just doesnt work for some people man

Think I remember you saying this before. And you definitely routed out diet/protein/stress/sleep as factors? Like have you ever tried bulking?

Anyway a 300lb bench isn't bad at all dude. Also how is it bigger than your squat and nearly bigger than your dl, lol

CE's Resident Scotsman.
pinky0926 posted...
Think I remember you saying this before. And you definitely routed out diet/protein/stress/sleep as factors? Like have you ever tried bulking?

Anyway a 300lb bench isn't bad at all dude. Also how is it bigger than your squat and nearly bigger than your dl, lol

Im 6ft 205lbs which is the heaviest Ive ever been

even if I have been stressed and lacking sleep I should be further along than I am after 10 years

idk about the bench, genetics
Turtlebread posted...
Im 6ft 205lbs which is the heaviest Ive ever been

even if I have been stressed and lacking sleep I should be further along than I am after 10 years

idk about the bench, genetics

I'm always a bit reluctant when people blame their genetics because usually they just haven't tried very hard but I dunno, sounds like you have.
CE's Resident Scotsman.
pinky0926 posted...
I've been off CE for a few years and I'm glad to see that PPP is still killing it in the weight room. You were a massive inspiration for me, and I appreciate all the lifting knowledge you've shared with CE. And shit Pinky you're turning into an inspiration for me too, when the fuck did you get so strong? Lol

Personally I've been on and off the past few years, I'm a bit scatterbrained because I'm trying to focus on both running and lifting, I have a hard time getting good at both at the same time. I ran a half marathon last year and I did well enough but it was slower than I wanted, so I've decided to relegate running behind lifting. I'm actually kicking ass at lifting the past few months, I'm doing a Smolov Jr bench press cycle (which is stupid for someone not on gear but whatever) and I'm seeing gains. The volume is killing me though so when I complete this I'm going to stick with an Intermediate program for the foreseeable future. For specifically increasing my bench, I'm thinking 531 or Juggernaut Method. Anyone have any other recommendations? Currently 6', 195lbs, started the cycle with a calculated max of 208lbs (which is way lower than my ATH of 250 I hit back in college)

pinky0926 posted...
I'm always a bit reluctant when people blame their genetics because usually they just haven't tried very hard but I dunno, sounds like you have.

Idk some people grow like fucking weeds. I remember reading a study where untrained men were given the same lifting program and while all saw gains, the proportion of gains were different, i.e. bottom 25 percentile saw 10% gains, median saw 30% gains, top 25 percentile saw 80% gains.

For turtlebread's case though there's no valid reason to have such a big bench and proportionately weak squat and dl, unless he is a gorilla
DeepFriedSquid posted...
I've been off CE for a few years and I'm glad to see that PPP is still killing it in the weight room. You were a massive inspiration for me, and I appreciate all the lifting knowledge you've shared with CE. And shit Pinky you're turning into an inspiration for me too, when the fuck did you get so strong? Lol

I'm still pretty weak but I've been at this consistently for more or less 2 years making sure I get the fundamentals right so its been going alright!

Idk some people grow like fucking weeds. I remember reading a study where untrained men were given the same lifting program and while all saw gains, the proportion of gains were different, i.e. bottom 25 percentile saw 10% gains, median saw 30% gains, top 25 percentile saw 80% gains.

My feeling about genetics is that for people who want to be athletes or have bodybuilder level gains then genetics is everything. For people who just want to get really strong and look good naked, genetics makes things easier or harder, but isn't a dealbreaker.

My favourite example of this is a guy on reddit called MythicalStrength, who is a natural lifter with factually average genetics, but looks like this:

How do I know he's natural with average genetics? Because he's been training like the fucking terminator for 20 years (his full blog and videos of his methodology freely available) and his powerlifting total is 1430, which is factually mediocre.

He's not even that big - 180lbs i think. Just strong and lean.

My point here is that if your goals are mediocre then you only need mediocre genetics to get there, time allowing.

CE's Resident Scotsman.
I think it's really shitty to compare yourself to world class body builders and think of any total as mediocre. Yeah, you want to keep progressing, but the comparisons are gonna kill you.
CE Mafia Archive
warlock7735 posted...
I think it's really shitty to compare yourself to world class body builders and think of any total as mediocre. Yeah, you want to keep progressing, but the comparisons are gonna kill you.

Yeah. Sadly that is what people do all the time though. And it's not helped by the sheer level of misinformation out there.

Go onto any fitness forum and people are still asking stuff like "I did the chris hemsworth Thor workout for a year and I don't look like him. Do I need to do more tyre flips or does my bosu ball squat form need work". incredible shit.
CE's Resident Scotsman.
I will say, there's an addictive feeling to tracking body composition and seeing pretty massive changes after a good workout. I'm really glad that I'm not just looking at the scale, because my weight has stayed the same within a 2-3 pound range, but I'm seeing impressive amounts of recomposition in the last few weeks, and it's nice to have a quantitative amount to point to. That being said, I know beginners gains aren't going to last.
CE Mafia Archive
pinky0926 posted...
Hey pow pow, advice on not good morning-ing my squats as I do here (reps 4 onwards are particularly bad).

I suspect it's that I'm not actively bracing when coming out of the hole?
I've seen much worse than that, but some things you can do: more ab work like ab rolling and planks, get a belt for use on your top-set, think about sitting back on your heels more and rising with your shoulders first, and experiment with a low-bar set-up vs high-bar.
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
Training log:
DeepFriedSquid posted...
I've been off CE for a few years and I'm glad to see that PPP is still killing it in the weight room. You were a massive inspiration for me, and I appreciate all the lifting knowledge you've shared with CE. And shit Pinky you're turning into an inspiration for me too, when the fuck did you get so strong? Lol

Personally I've been on and off the past few years, I'm a bit scatterbrained because I'm trying to focus on both running and lifting, I have a hard time getting good at both at the same time. I ran a half marathon last year and I did well enough but it was slower than I wanted, so I've decided to relegate running behind lifting. I'm actually kicking ass at lifting the past few months, I'm doing a Smolov Jr bench press cycle (which is stupid for someone not on gear but whatever) and I'm seeing gains. The volume is killing me though so when I complete this I'm going to stick with an Intermediate program for the foreseeable future. For specifically increasing my bench, I'm thinking 531 or Juggernaut Method. Anyone have any other recommendations? Currently 6', 195lbs, started the cycle with a calculated max of 208lbs (which is way lower than my ATH of 250 I hit back in college)
Much appreciated man, I always like seeing comments from old acquaintances. This year marks 20 years I started getting my first serious lifting advice on the Martial Arts board here (which was also the year it was created IIRC). Crazy.

You can't go wrong with 5/3/1.

CM_Ponch posted...
PPP, how do i get bigger forearms/wrists?
You can't get bigger wrists, but you can create the illusion of that with bigger forearms through grip training like farmer's walks, plate pinch holds, and Captains of Crush grippers. Non-grip forearm stuff I like are wrist-rollers and good ol' wrist curls (it used to be vogue to mock wrist curls but I recently find myself having to rehab my elbow with them and they get the job done for giving you a forearm pump).
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
Training log:
Pow_Pow_Punishment posted...
I've seen much worse than that, but some things you can do: more ab work like ab rolling and planks, get a belt for use on your top-set, think about sitting back on your heels more and rising with your shoulders first, and experiment with a low-bar set-up vs high-bar.

Thanks! I actually found an article by greg nuckols talking about ways to actively brace better, and it included using planks to wake things up a little before squatting.

I don't think I have the mobility for high bar squats, my femurs are pretty long and my ankles stiff af.
CE's Resident Scotsman.
While we're at it, 330lbs for 5 sets of 2.
CE's Resident Scotsman.
Pinky you ever try squat shoes? Really helped me with my back angle. I bought Do-win's like 15 years ago and they're still holding up. I could never squat without them

pinky0926 posted...
While we're at it, 330lbs for 5 sets of 2.

Looks pretty damn solid. Only thing I notice is that it looks like maybe your back angle is opening too soon. If I remember correctly from what I read from Rippetoe, the back angle should stay the same until the bar hits your knees, then you open up. So more leg drive at the bottom

But I'd wait for the guru PPP to chime in with the real answer lol
I do a pretty standard ppl split. I made the switch to it about a year ago and love it in comparison to my old bro splits. I'm overall pretty satisfied with my muscle size and strength at this point. Just weird arbitrary goals like "be able to do more pull ups"

Currently on a very short break from a long cut, which I will continue again shortly. The difference in energy levels is noticeable from last week when I was still cutting. I talked a lot of shit to guys I'm in a wedding with this summer who are like 20 years younger than me. I gotta be cut, so it's back to that soon
I don't believe in belts. There should be no ranking system for toughness.
DeepFriedSquid posted...
Pinky you ever try squat shoes? Really helped me with my back angle. I bought Do-win's like 15 years ago and they're still holding up. I could never squat without them

Not sure if you can see in my first vid but I have some Adidas powerlifts on there. Really helped me get low in the squat, but I still need to work on keeping it tight when it gets heavy.

Looks pretty damn solid. Only thing I notice is that it looks like maybe your back angle is opening too soon. If I remember correctly from what I read from Rippetoe, the back angle should stay the same until the bar hits your knees, then you open up. So more leg drive at the bottom

But I'd wait for the guru PPP to chime in with the real answer lol

I've had some conflicting advice here, so I dunno. Some say my hips come up too high, others say just start at a higher angle.
CE's Resident Scotsman.
pinky0926 posted...
I don't think I have the mobility for high bar squats, my femurs are pretty long and my ankles stiff af.
Hard to tell from the angle but the bar looks fairly high already.

Your back will be bent (really at the hips, not bent or rounded mid-back) more based on your squat type and, like you alluded to, your natural levers (leg length and overall height). If you were low-bar squatting and bending, that would be expected to some degree. In that case, the bar would be lower on your back so it's still more or less in line with your feet. With the current height of the bar on your back, though, it's too far away from the plane your feet are standing on.

If you keep the bar where it is on your back, then work on strenghtening your abs and keeping your back straighter so you can sit back and stay more upright. Heavy goblet squats and also box squats would be great for training this. If that's not working out, certainly still do that because it's never a bad thing but also lower the bar position to squat closer to that of a powerlifter. You'll probably want to widen your stance then too.

pinky0926 posted... using planks to wake things up a little before squatting.
This is a good idea!
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
Training log:
Post #43 was unavailable or deleted.
Just wanna point out for your benefit that focusing on hypertrophy and eating a low-calorie diet that you will not gain hypertrophy from are two contradictory efforts. You gotta eat a calorie surplus to grow.

totalnerdken posted...

But y'all are dope af. Stay strong kings.
Thanks dude!
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
Training log:
Post #45 was unavailable or deleted.
I guess it's semantics then if you know you're not going to actually gain hypertrophy, which is why I said that can't be your goal in that case.

It is possible to gain strength while on a calorie deficit, though, which is why fairly heavy weight for low volume is recommended when losing weight, and hypertrophy-STYLE training as a focus not so much.
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
Training log:
Pow_Pow_Punishment posted...
heavy weight for low volume is recommended when losing weight
I just want to make sure I understand this. If I want to lose weight, I should do heavy weights and short reps? And I guess if I want to gain muscle, I should do lighter weights with more reps?
Post #48 was unavailable or deleted.
Post #49 was unavailable or deleted.
NeonTentacles posted...
I just want to make sure I understand this. If I want to lose weight, I should do heavy weights and short reps? And I guess if I want to gain muscle, I should do lighter weights with more reps?
It helps reduce muscle loss on a cut to lift heavy. Gaining muscle size sprcifically is the lighter weights part. Keep in mind, it's the difference in doing sets of 8ish and sets of 12ish for most people's routines. Honestly, both of those will kind of get most people where they're headed until they're throwing around big boy numbers.
I don't believe in belts. There should be no ranking system for toughness.
Current Events » The workout topic
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