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I've been off CE for a few years and I'm glad to see that PPP is still killing it in the weight room. You were a massive inspiration for me, and I appreciate all the lifting knowledge you've shared with CE. And shit Pinky you're turning into an inspiration for me too, when the fuck did you get so strong? Lol

Personally I've been on and off the past few years, I'm a bit scatterbrained because I'm trying to focus on both running and lifting, I have a hard time getting good at both at the same time. I ran a half marathon last year and I did well enough but it was slower than I wanted, so I've decided to relegate running behind lifting. I'm actually kicking ass at lifting the past few months, I'm doing a Smolov Jr bench press cycle (which is stupid for someone not on gear but whatever) and I'm seeing gains. The volume is killing me though so when I complete this I'm going to stick with an Intermediate program for the foreseeable future. For specifically increasing my bench, I'm thinking 531 or Juggernaut Method. Anyone have any other recommendations? Currently 6', 195lbs, started the cycle with a calculated max of 208lbs (which is way lower than my ATH of 250 I hit back in college)

pinky0926 posted...
I'm always a bit reluctant when people blame their genetics because usually they just haven't tried very hard but I dunno, sounds like you have.

Idk some people grow like fucking weeds. I remember reading a study where untrained men were given the same lifting program and while all saw gains, the proportion of gains were different, i.e. bottom 25 percentile saw 10% gains, median saw 30% gains, top 25 percentile saw 80% gains.

For turtlebread's case though there's no valid reason to have such a big bench and proportionately weak squat and dl, unless he is a gorilla