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DeepFriedSquid posted...
I've been off CE for a few years and I'm glad to see that PPP is still killing it in the weight room. You were a massive inspiration for me, and I appreciate all the lifting knowledge you've shared with CE. And shit Pinky you're turning into an inspiration for me too, when the fuck did you get so strong? Lol

I'm still pretty weak but I've been at this consistently for more or less 2 years making sure I get the fundamentals right so its been going alright!

Idk some people grow like fucking weeds. I remember reading a study where untrained men were given the same lifting program and while all saw gains, the proportion of gains were different, i.e. bottom 25 percentile saw 10% gains, median saw 30% gains, top 25 percentile saw 80% gains.

My feeling about genetics is that for people who want to be athletes or have bodybuilder level gains then genetics is everything. For people who just want to get really strong and look good naked, genetics makes things easier or harder, but isn't a dealbreaker.

My favourite example of this is a guy on reddit called MythicalStrength, who is a natural lifter with factually average genetics, but looks like this:

How do I know he's natural with average genetics? Because he's been training like the fucking terminator for 20 years (his full blog and videos of his methodology freely available) and his powerlifting total is 1430, which is factually mediocre.

He's not even that big - 180lbs i think. Just strong and lean.

My point here is that if your goals are mediocre then you only need mediocre genetics to get there, time allowing.

CE's Resident Scotsman.