My crazy predictions for the June Nintendo Direct

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Poll of the Day » My crazy predictions for the June Nintendo Direct
Summer Games Fest starts tomorrow, and while one hasnt been announced, that means a Nintendo Direct will most likely happen next week or the week after. Heres just my crazy guesses for what we will see.

First of all, things that WONT be there:

Switch 2. Its too early to see this. It WILL be out next year, but they wont show it until September at the earliest is my guess. We very well could see something that will release on it, but they wont tell us its for Switch 2.
Pokemon Legends Z-A. I think we could get some news on this game this month or next month. But it wont be at the Nintendo Direct. This would be in a separate Pokmon Presents.
Metroid Prime 4. I dont think were seeing this this month. I think they will show this off for the Switch 2 reveal. Its going to simultaneously launch on Switch and Switch 2 like BotW did on Wii U and Switch.

Things that will be in the Direct

Luigis Mansion 2. Its coming out shortly, theyre just going to remind everyone Hey, Luigis Mansion!
Mario Party. This game has been leaked to hell and back. Were getting a new Mario Party, no question.
A billion farming sim games. The market is oversaturated. Whats a few more farming sims among friends?

Things I think we could see

Okay heres where the facts stop and my crazy brain takes over

Donkey Kong. I think the Mario Odyssey team has been working on a 3D Donkey Kong game. Theyre trying their hand at another DK64 style game. But instead of 5 playable characters that you have to hot swap a million times, its just going to be Donkey Kong playable. Maybe Diddy Kong in 2P mode but I doubt it. I think it will be structured similarly to Odyssey, separate levels with a lot of objectives to complete, but theyre going to be larger, because DK is going to be able to climb trees and walls and swing on vines. Theyre doing for DK what they did for Zelda and Mario in 2017.

Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War remake. Yes I think theyre bringing FE4 to the Switch. The console is at the end of its life, so Nintendo isnt afraid to do weird niche games like this since they dont really have to worry about selling consoles anymore with new Hardware coming. Theyre going to streamline the game. Each map will be split into multiple sub chapters each about 30-60 minutes in length. The coliseum grinding will be faster, there will be a lot of QoL improvements. There will be no Thraccia 776 content.

Wave Race. This could be a Switch 2 title. Alongside MP4 to show off the power of their next Gen hardware, Wave Race will be a launch title to show off how the console can handle water and dynamic weather. Plus they seemed to be dropping hints about Wave Race in Pikmin 4, and I cant find it now, but I believe in recent years a producer at Nintendo expressed interest in bringing the series back in an interview.

Zelda. The rumor is Nintendo has been sitting on Wind Waker and Twilight Princess ports for years. I could definitely see them dropping a double pack, or maybe these will be saved for a GameCube library on NSO on Switch 2. Besides those though, I think Grezzo is working on a new 2D style Zelda game. They proved themselves with the Links Awakening remake. I dont think theres really much interest in an Oracles remake. I think 2D Zelda is coming back in a big way with a new game.

Kirby. We might see Kirby, but again could be too early for another new game, but HAL seems to be able to put these out about every 3 years. So could be we dont see it until September. Im going to guess its a direct sequel to Forbidden Land. I think 2D Kirby is over, Star Allies put a nice little bow on the 2D Kirby games they were doing since Return to Dreamland. I think the next Kirby Game will be called Forbidden Planet, Kirby will explore more of that universe.

Other games: I think a Nintendo has been sitting on a lot more GameCube remasters than people realize. Besides the Zelda games already mentioned, games like F-Zero GX. Kirbys Air Ride, Mario Sluggers, Star Fox Assault, Metroid Prime 2, etc. some of these games might get a Switch release. I think most will be on NSO on Switch 2.

But yeah those are my crazy predictions! What do you guys think?
Nintendo Network ID: papercups
3DS FC: 4124 5916 9925
we already know we ain't seeing the next console until March, barring any leaks with proof
see my gundams here
updated 05/31/24; hg aegis knight
super mario rpg 2
Wave race... man haven't thought about that game in a while
custom robo comeback this year trust
TheSlinja posted...
custom robo comeback this year trust

I'm surprised/disappointed they never made a 3DS Custom Robo game that used the system's AR features, given that Custom Robo canonically happens in an AR setting. Granted, the 3DS' AR features weren't exactly great, given how horrible the camera was, but I expected them to at least try to cash in on the novelty.

papercup posted...
I think 2D Kirby is over,

I don't know about that. Forgotten Land was fantastic and sold really well, but they haven't abandoned 2D Mario with 3D Mario's success, and I don't think there's any reason to abandon 2D Kirby altogether just because Forgotten Land did well. I'd expect a mix moving forward, if possibly a temporary break from 2D like what happened with Mario before NSMB revived the 2D games.
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Im going to SGF in-person tomorrow
im gay
I am thinking before the Switch 2 comes out they are going to fill some of the obvious gaps in the classic games library. Things like Four Swords, Wario Land 1-4 (3 is already there), F-Zero GP Legend, Metroid Zero Mission, etc.

Extra hot-take for Switch 2: I think it will be fully backwards compatible and will use the same NSO service. There will just be a "Switch 2 exclusive" set of games.
My bookshelf:
I bet there will be some Mario shit and then an indie game nobody gives a fuck about
I think they'll pull a Pikmin 5
"Salt cures Everything!"
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Lokarin posted...
I think they'll pull a Pikmin 5
Im actually surprised we never got Pikmin 4 DLC. Pikmin 4 was already a big game, but it sold decently well, and Pikmin 3 got DLC, just seemed like an obvious thing to have more Dandori challenges
Nintendo Network ID: papercups
3DS FC: 4124 5916 9925
Blightzkrieg posted...
I bet there will be some Mario shit

Bet Mario shit weighs more than green poop
What's better than roses on your piano?
Tulips on your organ.
I hope for a new Mario Maker, that game is timeless
"Salt cures Everything!"
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just got word from the big guy....golden sun 4....
TheSlinja posted...
just got word from the big guy....golden sun 4....
God is doing Nintendo leaks now. Was there a burning shrub?
Didnt Nintendo straight up say no Switch 2 news in this direct sometime in May? But we can expect to see some news for it late this year
Ogurisama posted...
Didnt Nintendo straight up say no Switch 2 news in this direct sometime in May? But we can expect to see some news for it late this year
Yes, they said no Switch 2 news this summer
Nintendo Network ID: papercups
3DS FC: 4124 5916 9925
Dikitain posted...
I am thinking before the Switch 2 comes out they are going to fill some of the obvious gaps in the classic games library. Things like Four Swords, Wario Land 1-4 (3 is already there), F-Zero GP Legend, Metroid Zero Mission, etc.

Extra hot-take for Switch 2: I think it will be fully backwards compatible and will use the same NSO service. There will just be a "Switch 2 exclusive" set of games.
And speaking of games coming to NSO, apparently someone in the Portuguese Mega Man community found something about the GB Mega Man games coming to NSO
Nintendo Network ID: papercups
3DS FC: 4124 5916 9925
papercup posted...
I dont think theres really much interest in an Oracles remake.

I really hope you are wrong on that.
Official Teetotaller of PotD
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain!
I'm just waiting to see if there's a WW/TP HD port since in my journey to complete all the Zelda games in release order, WW is coming up soon for me.

Otherwise I'm not expecting anything new at all. Certainly nothing big. Metroid Prime 4 is likely cancelled as we haven't heard anything about it in 7 years.
-- Defeating the Running Man of Ocarina of Time in a race since 01/17/2009. --
faramir77 posted...
Metroid Prime 4 is likely cancelled as we haven't heard anything about it in 7 years.

Apparently, it hasn't but they've been so quiet and it's taken so long that it really feels that way. But gotta remember they started development over with retro like only 4 years ago now
MP4 probably isn't cancelled, but at this point I'll be surprised if they don't pull a TP/BotW and release it on both the Switch and its successor as a launch title (unless the Switch's successor is so different that that's not possible).
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Mario Spinoff (Luigi, Sports, Party)
Kirby remake
Pokemon ZA update (asking us to please, stay tuned)
Fire Emblem and/or a game that never made it to the West
4 v 4 game
Stardew Valley RPG/Farming game(s)
Montage of 3rd party/Indies
NSO update, subscription bundle
San Francisco Nintendo Store & Super Nintendo World updates
Miyamoto gives Mario 2 and Zelda movie news
One last thing that's about a 5 out of 10 on the hype scale

I'd predict a Collection, but the Switch got its fill recently.. unless Halo makes an appearance?

Your move Nintendo
rjsilverthorn posted...
God is doing Nintendo leaks now. Was there a burning shrub?
sorry not allowed to talk politics, but he said to keep an eye out for shin onigashima
This post feels so like... 2006. I feel like the hype around these types of events is just non-existent anymore. Nobody really treats them seriously since E3 died.
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Based on Metroid Dread's track record Prime 4 will release in 2039
if you're wrong about DK i'm gonna be kinda bummed now.
"Most of the time, I have a whole lot more sperm inside me than most women do." - adjl
Oh snap they released Mega Man 1-5 GB on NSO last night :0
Nintendo Network ID: papercups
3DS FC: 4124 5916 9925
Nade_Duck posted...
if you're wrong about DK i'm gonna be kinda bummed now.
Its just feels right for Nintendo to bring DK back in a big way
Nintendo Network ID: papercups
3DS FC: 4124 5916 9925
GameReviews posted...
This post feels so like... 2006. I feel like the hype around these types of events is just non-existent anymore. Nobody really treats them seriously since E3 died.

Most people stopped caring before E3 died. Which is part of why E3 died.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Sonic X Shadow Generations?
"Salt cures Everything!"
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GameReviews posted...
This post feels so like... 2006. I feel like the hype around these types of events is just non-existent anymore. Nobody really treats them seriously since E3 died.
Nintendo Directs always fared a bit better because they are typically announcing things that are more immediately relevant rather than things that are potentially years in the future.
rjsilverthorn posted...
Nintendo Directs always fared a bit better because they are typically announcing things that are more immediately relevant rather than things that are potentially years in the future.

At least in recent years. TotK was announced like 4-5 years before it came out, and MP4's initial announcement was 7 years ago with nothing to show for it except the news a few years ago that everything developed to date had been thrown out for Retro to take over. I do generally prefer the more recent trend of mostly announcing games that will be out within 6-12 months, even big news drops like Xenoblade 3.
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GameReviews posted...
This post feels so like... 2006. I feel like the hype around these types of events is just non-existent anymore. Nobody really treats them seriously since E3 died.
e3 died because it already wasn't taken seriously

mainly because there never was any reason to take it seriously in the first place
see my gundams here
updated 05/31/24; hg aegis knight
ConfusedTorchic posted...
e3 died because it already wasn't taken seriously

mainly because there never was any reason to take it seriously in the first place

It was always odd to me that a convention happened to talk about games that may be released pending delays in 2 or more years.

Didn't seem like there was much financial incentive to it. The decline of E3 happened not long after YouTube was created which I don't think was a coincidence.
-- Defeating the Running Man of Ocarina of Time in a race since 01/17/2009. --
faramir77 posted...
It was always odd to me that a convention happened to talk about games that may be released pending delays in 2 or more years.

Didn't seem like there was much financial incentive to it. The decline of E3 happened not long after YouTube was created which I don't think was a coincidence.

Youtube definitely played a role, but so did the broader shift in social media, the move to digital distribution, the way the industry has grown beyond large publishers, and just how people use the Internet in general. When people largely got gaming news from magazines, a big trade show that journalists would attend and report on made sense. When press conferences started being recorded and played back online (whether through Youtube or through journalism sites that were given copies of official recordings) and trailers could be shared the same way, games journalists no longer really had a need to report on the press conferences themselves, so their role shifted to commentating what they saw on the show floor or the occasional interview with a publisher/developer. As more indie games started coming out that never made it to the show floor, though, and digital distribution systems were established that meant that demos could just be shared with everyone instead of being curated by journalists, that stopped being unique to trade shows. Nintendo made the call that they really weren't getting anything out of E3 that they couldn't get out of directly promoting their upcoming content to consumers with Directs, which meant that paying to present at E3 didn't make much sense, and that was really the conclusive beginning of the end.
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Wow no Direct tomorrow. Must be next week then.
Nintendo Network ID: papercups
3DS FC: 4124 5916 9925

Nintendo Direct tomorrow! :0
Nintendo Network ID: papercups
3DS FC: 4124 5916 9925
I hope they announce something really interesting... Ill even take Mario Maker 3
Some guys have all the luck, Some guys have all the pain
Some guys get all the breaks, Some guys do nothing but complain
I'm really curious what this is going to look like if there's going to be nothing on a successor to the Switch. Assuming a spring release for the next system seems like a pretty safe bet, and if that is the case, I'm expecting that any major releases in the next six months will probably be delayed to be ported as launch titles for the new system and therefore won't be announced until that is. On the flip side, though, with how successful the Switch has been and the fact that it's still got a decent amount of momentum, they may try to keep that going for a couple years under its own steam, though as we've seen with the PS5/Series, that may hurt sales of the new system.

Really, I just don't know what to expect. I'm okay with that, though. I like surprises.
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I usually don't like remasters but like I mentioned before I am hoping for a WW and TP port on the Switch. I doubt they'll bundle it together, Nintendo knows they could sell them separately and make bank. It would be a sleazy move if they charge full price for them though, unless they're getting a Metroid Prime treatment where it's a much bigger change (Twilight Princess needs that, the Wii U port was pretty lame. WWHD looked phenomenal but then TP looked like they didn't even try).

I also wouldn't be too surprised if we get a new 2D Zelda using the engine Link's Awakening used. That would be awesome but maybe a bit ambitious.
-- Defeating the Running Man of Ocarina of Time in a race since 01/17/2009. --
We're definitely overdue for a new 2D Zelda. Not counting Triforce Heroes (which wasn't a bad game, by any means, but it's definitely not a typical Zelda game), we haven't seen one since ALBW in 2013.
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So far you got it right on them not covering Switch 2, at least according to the tweet today. Good prediction, considering the 100s of youtubers that thought we'd be hearing about it.
girls like my fa
Nintendo tweeted like a month or two ago that whatever they presented in June wouldn't cover the new system. That wasn't really in question; tweeting it again today was most likely just a reminder/effort to temper the expectations of people that missed the previous announcement.
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without looking at the date posted, this is very funny to me
see my gundams here
updated 05/31/24; hg aegis knight
They should rerelease the Wii U and call it a switch successor
I can't wait for the gamecube 2 announcement tomorrow
OhhhJa posted...
I can't wait for the gamecube 2 announcement tomorrow
Some guys have all the luck, Some guys have all the pain
Some guys get all the breaks, Some guys do nothing but complain
One down
Can't wait for the cast announcement I want them to go all in on meme casts

Timothee Chalamet as Wario
Eddie Murphy as Waluigi
Jimmy Carter as Birdo
Poll of the Day » My crazy predictions for the June Nintendo Direct
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