is reddit having problems?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » is reddit having problems?
on the main page it says sorry cant load content, on other pages it will say log in at the top, then i go to another page and i'm still logged in. nothing unusual in the sign in history. cleared cache and restarted chromebook and its no better.
Recommend some anime, preferably completed series or in the least, series that feel like they ended well.
i think its because of the issues with your phone youve been mentioning
im gay
Work fine for me. Must be on your end If youre still having trouble, that is
Currently Playing - Astral Ascent (Switch Edition)
Switch FC: 7216-4417-4511 Add Me because I'll probably add you. I'm the LinkPizza you'll see around
reddit is always having problems you gotta be even more specific than that honestly
see my gundams here
updated 2/28/24; hg rising freedom
Reddit has seemed especially shit lately.

If i am in a subreddit and click on a post, then go back to the prior page.... Before it was a quick and clean process, like most webpages where going back it's still in your cache or whatever.
But now loading basically any reddit page is like you're visiting it for the first time and the entire site re-loads on you. Which means not only does it take noticeably longer (3-4 seconds instead of 1 second at most), but when you go back to the subreddit page, you're back at the top of the list instead of where you left off.
It's honestly really fucking annoying and I haven't seen anyone else complaining about it, so I didn't know if it was a reddit problem or a "you haven't updated Firefox in a long time and it's finally coming back to haunt you" problem.

(Also, this has gone on for months now, but the fucking "2023 New" design -- not to be confused w/ the "New Reddit" design that predated it -- is there any time you click on a user profile now. I have the good "new" design for subreddits and posts, but if I want to scroll thru a user's posts or something, it's the awful new-er design, which hogs way more space and loads fucking the god damn site pretty much freezes if you dare scroll too far down. I'd love to know how to make it go away. I tried replacing "www." with "new." in the address like I saw some suggest, but that doesn't work)
you go into settings and opt out of the redesign
see my gundams here
updated 2/28/24; hg rising freedom
ConfusedTorchic posted...
you go into settings and opt out of the redesign
You can only choose between "old" reddit and "new" reddit.
There is no option to stay in "new" without "2023 new".

I wish there were better ways to describe the layout names.
it fixed itself yesterday, but there was many others facing issues in the reddit help subreddit, issues like mine and their accounts saying they were banned without actually being banned and such.
Recommend some anime, preferably completed series or in the least, series that feel like they ended well.
Post #9 was unavailable or deleted.
I did have some issues on mobile around the time I first saw your post the other day, but it's been fine since
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
I just had the same problem today. using new.reddit fixed it.

I'm having other issues, though. My keyboard is currently screwed up. I can't type q w e r or u (I've been C&Ping them individually in this post).

No idea if it's a physical hardware issue, a driver issue, or some sort of virus/malware issue. No idea how to fix it, either. Might just get a new laptop - this on is already having other issues anyway.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
reddit today was really fucking weird

Forced me to the "2023 new" layout, on all pages. But then using new.reddit worked to change it back, when before it wouldn't even load reddit if I tried that.
I don't know WTF they're doing, but I don't like it. Seems like in the long run they're gonna force you to the 2023 layout that's fucking atrocious.
Poll of the Day » is reddit having problems?