i want to bmx that hole
i want to bmx that hole
Looks kinda dirty
Look at my hole
After a reverse image search yielded no results, I now truly bellieve that is your hole.
Well done.
Not deep enough. That's more of a depression
How much is the pool costing total ?
Around $85kDoesnt sound worth it but I guess if you got the money
Doesnt sound worth it but I guess if you got the money
Doesn't sound worth it to youRight
i also dont have that kind of money to blow on a pool ^_^
Which one?
You could fit so many dudes in that hole.Body dumping party at Jen's house!
Hope I get the chance to spend some quality time in your hole someday
Hope I get the chance to spend some quality time in your hole someday
Doesnt sound worth it but I guess if you got the moneyIt'll probably add a lot to the houses value, so it's probably worth it even beside her own use.
It'll probably add a lot to the houses value, so it's probably worth it even beside her own use.
Below-ground pools typically lower property values, since they come with added insurance considerations and not everybody wants them enough to deal with that (and if they don't want them, getting rid of them is a pain). If you're building a pool, it's pretty much always going to be because you want a pool, not an investment or anything like that.
Look at my hole, my hole is amazing
imagine posting your unwashed hole for all to see on this blessed day
what if they just filled it with water as it is and fled to another country, pocketing all the money you spent? how would you react in that situation?
what if I build a pool on your property and then sue you for the accidental development?
Body dumping party at Jen's house!
I guess it makes sense that that trend wouldn't apply in Arizona. I'm more used to thinking in terms of Canadian cities, where pools aren't unheard of, but also definitely aren't a top priority for many buyers because they're mostly useless for 2/3 of the year.
i would file a claim against their bond or a claim with the register of contractors for restitution. else i'll contact the product company and ask their assistance again like when the first contractor had their contractor license revoked after i already paid them $1,000 out of pocket and secured financing.
and what if you called to file a claim they just farted into the phone mic and hung up?
Around $85kNo idea if thats alot for a pool or not, but i love swimming and having a pool of my own would be amazing and well worth the money.