
03.2024 -
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Community » EvilResident
Topics: 2
Current Events 1 slice of pizza in the fridge since Sunday 15 2024-02-15 12:47:10
Posts: 233
Damn_Underscore posted...
So they will let you back CE? I feel like my moderations were very questionable at best. At this rate I could wait until all my moderations go away and it seems like I would be let back in (assuming no more of those questionable moderations lol, but I dont post about non-gamefaqs-approved topics anymore)

However, I dont want to go back that much. There are people there that I miss talking to but the discussion overran was really bad even before it got locked down. I like it here more honestly
Theres a chance they might
Although one mod called my offense 'transphobic speech' which is not true, he clearly didnt read the context of the msg to see it wasnt directed at anyone, and even the poster right before me who said something DIRECTLY ABOUT ME didnt get modded.

They are obviously trying to run the good posters off the boards.
Community » EvilResident