Pick a coffee flavor

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Pick a coffee flavor
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.

Every time I think I want flavored coffee, I buy one and I'm instantly reminded why I don't drink flavored coffee

It's like those Lacroix water memes the flavors aren't that great typically
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Plain with Snickers creamer.
Far-Queue posted...

Every time I think I want flavored coffee, I buy one and I'm instantly reminded why I don't drink flavored coffee

It's like those Lacroix water memes the flavors aren't that great typically

The worst coffee I ever had was a peach flavored coffee so I can't imagine blueberry would be any better.
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms, Switch: SW-1900-5502-7912
I only drink coffee flavored coffee.

The only compromise I'm willing to make is putting espresso in my coffee.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
mocha flavored coffee pls

Previewing your message before you post is for suckers.
honey lavender is intriguing at least

throw the rest out imo
I went with "I don't like coffee" but if I had to pick one I'd still probably go for plain coffee over most of those flavors.
all of the above... but only if instant coffee
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Dmess85 posted...
mocha flavored coffee pls

Oh noes, not this discussion again...

Also, if I put a syrup in my coffee, it is mostly hazelnut.
Official Teetotaller of PotD
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Sugar flavored
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
Nichtcrawler-X posted...

Oh noes, not this discussion again...

Also, if I put a syrup in my coffee, it is mostly hazelnut.

There was a discussion?
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms, Switch: SW-1900-5502-7912
Revelation34 posted...
There was a discussion?

About it somehow coming to mean chocolate coffee in the US, whereas it is actually more of a quality thing named after a coffee growing region.
Official Teetotaller of PotD
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I don't usually go for flavored coffees but when I do it's Highlander Grogg.
Some of those sound pretty bomb! Where do I find the blueberry crumble?
I'm just a girl who loves games
I am not a fan of flavouring in coffee 90% of the time but I can deal with vanilla as long as it isn't too sweet and doesn't overpower the coffee.
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Plain, sometimes with mocha.
I am the forum boy, I'm the one who posts.
I love flavored coffee but only if cream's available. I'd probably start with the blueberry.
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Lil_Bit83 posted...
Some of those sound pretty bomb! Where do I find the blueberry crumble?
I think it was one of the limited-time spring flavors at Aldi. It was probably the best of the ones I've tried so far (which is all of the above except the caramel, apple, and maple pecan. I just got those last week so I haven't had a chance to try them yet).
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
SeahorseCpt89 posted...
Plain, sometimes with mocha.

That makes even less sense. Mocha is a quality of coffee and a wrong name for coffee with chocolate.

So coffee with an extra side of good coffee, or coffee with coffee with chocolate, neither make much sense.
Official Teetotaller of PotD
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captpackrat posted...
I think it was one of the limited-time spring flavors at Aldi. It was probably the best of the ones I've tried so far (which is all of the above except the caramel, apple, and maple pecan. I just got those last week so I haven't had a chance to try them yet).
Oh bummer. Thanks anyway. Tell us how the 3 you tried taste.
I'm just a girl who loves games
Lil_Bit83 posted...
Oh bummer. Thanks anyway. Tell us how the 3 you tried taste.
The blueberry and the cherry were the best, by a long shot. I would definitely buy them again if I could. Pumpkin spice was pretty good, though it seemed to have more cinnamon than nutmeg or clove. The honey lavender was actually pretty bland, not much different from the plain Summer Blend. The chocolate coconut was the worst of the bunch.

Keep in mind I'm making them as cold brew, which might extract different flavors than normal hot brewing.
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
Why drink coffee if you dont like the flavor of coffee
CrocNRoll posted...
Why drink coffee if you dont like the flavor of coffee
Most flavored coffees still taste like coffee....
I drink coffee primarily as an appetite suppressant. It also keeps me alert.
yeah, I'm thinking I'm back
Nichtcrawler-X posted...
That makes even less sense. Mocha is a quality of coffee and a wrong name for coffee with chocolate.

So coffee with an extra side of good coffee, or coffee with coffee with chocolate, neither make much sense.

Yes, we get it, you're aggressively European.

Now please stop.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
I love a chocolatey ice mocha.

I voted pumpkin for my inner white girl
ParanoidObsessive posted...
Yes, we get it, you're aggressively European.

Now please stop.

Sure, I could have left out the wrong. The second line still stands.
Official Teetotaller of PotD
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain!
Nichtcrawler-X posted...
About it somehow coming to mean chocolate coffee in the US
That's how I've always understood the term "mocha": Chocolatey coffee. Wonderful combination.
I used to prefer caramel but recently I feel like plain has grown on me somehow
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"Poor argument. I can write a story about a fish, but that doesn't mean I'm not a human." -AmericanLink
tbh I have not really seen this amount of 'coffee flavours' here in Canada, but I might just not be paying attention.I'll investigate! I usually buy that Kicking Horse brand when it's on sale, Kirkland when at Costco, and McDonald's if there're no deals because it's pretty damn good.

I only get the flavour syrup if it's gas station coffee to mask the mediocre-ness. Or if I get a Starbucks coffee (unfortunately came to enjoy it while working my old Telecomm job) I like 3 pumps of vanilla in a grande americano. With two 'splashes' of lactose-free milk, which is nice that they have actual lactose-free milk instead of a dairy alternative like oat/soy/coconut or almond milk. All of which I'm OK with but...I like my milk.

If it's fast food coffee I get two cream and one sugar. Dark Roast if it's Tim Horton's because then it tastes OK as opposed to the weak piss water that is their regular brew.
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Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
ReturnOfFa posted...
tbh I have not really seen this amount of 'coffee flavours' here in Canada, but I might just not be paying attention.I'll investigate! I usually buy that Kicking Horse brand when it's on sale, Kirkland when at Costco, and McDonald's if there're no deals because it's pretty damn good.

I only get the flavour syrup if it's gas station coffee to mask the mediocre-ness. Or if I get a Starbucks coffee (unfortunately came to enjoy it while working my old Telecomm job) I like 3 pumps of vanilla in a grande americano. With two 'splashes' of lactose-free milk, which is nice that they have actual lactose-free milk instead of a dairy alternative like oat/soy/coconut or almond milk. All of which I'm OK with but...I like my milk.

If it's fast food coffee I get two cream and one sugar. Dark Roast if it's Tim Horton's because then it tastes OK as opposed to the weak piss water that is their regular brew.

God I haven't had americano in years. Best coffee drink.
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms, Switch: SW-1900-5502-7912
There are people who like coffee and then there are people who want sugary dessert beverages disguised as coffee. If you have to have a sugar filled dessert for breakfast every morning, you're gross
Flavoured coffee seems like a weird step given that flavoured coffee creamers are much more widely available. I guess if you drink your coffee black it makes sense, but I still wouldn't bother with it.
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OhhhJa posted...
There are people who like coffee and then there are people who want sugary dessert beverages disguised as coffee.
But it's less syllabic work to just call it a coffee. Lol and it's not "disguised" as coffee. It's still gonna have that caffeinated bean juice in it.

If you have to have a sugar filled dessert for breakfast every morning, you're gross
You mean like pancakes, waffles, and french toast? Those kinda desserts? Cuz sugar in general is kinda everywhere and also addictive. Kinda goes hand-in-hand with caffeine.
speedpunk posted...
But it's less syllabic work to just call it a coffee. Lol and it's not "disguised" as coffee. It's still gonna have that caffeinated bean juice in it.

it literally covers the coffee flavor. it's why I ask for half the flavor in a McDonald's vanilla iced coffee. I want it more balanced so the coffee flavour is not covered up, or disguised.
girls like my fa
speedpunk posted...
You mean like pancakes, waffles, and french toast?
My hot take is that most breakfast food that doesn't involve protein could pass for a dessert. I almost exclusively eat cereal as a sweet snack.
I also just don't find a lot of breakfast foods "filling" and I find myself hungry again in a few hours which makes me wonder why I even bothered.
yeah, I'm thinking I'm back
speedpunk posted...
You mean like pancakes, waffles, and french toast? Those kinda desserts? Cuz sugar in general is kinda everywhere and also addictive. Kinda goes hand-in-hand with caffeine.
Yeah, I also don't eat stuff like that in the morning. Actually, except on the weekends, i generally just eat two meals a day and take an early lunch to eat around 11 am. People definitely shouldn't be eating pancakes, waffles, french toast, cereal, etc everyday just like they shouldn't be getting dessert coffee beverages every morning from Starbucks. But I'm not here to tell people what to do... just definitely not good for you at all
Pancakes are dinner, not dessert.
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PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
"Maple Pecan Pie" I'd try that. Sounds interesting.
captpackrat posted...
The blueberry and the cherry were the best, by a long shot. I would definitely buy them again if I could. Pumpkin spice was pretty good, though it seemed to have more cinnamon than nutmeg or clove. The honey lavender was actually pretty bland, not much different from the plain Summer Blend. The chocolate coconut was the worst of the bunch.

Keep in mind I'm making them as cold brew, which might extract different flavors than normal hot brewing.
Yeah honey lavender makes a deliciously soothing tea, but sounds awful as a coffee. I hafta be in the mood for coconut, so idk if I'd try it.
I'm just a girl who loves games
faramir77 posted...
Flavoured coffee seems like a weird step given that flavoured coffee creamers are much more widely available. I guess if you drink your coffee black it makes sense, but I still wouldn't bother with it.

Yeah Walmart had a blueberry cobbler flavor. I imagine that a flavored coffee can pair with a flavored creamer extremely well though.
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms, Switch: SW-1900-5502-7912
Just black for me.
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Poll of the Day » Pick a coffee flavor