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What are your dreams usually about?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » What are your dreams usually about?
Any re-occurring dreams?

I'd say mine are random and new for the most part.

Other than that, the only repeating thing is that some people in my life end up in more dreams than others, even if we're no longer around one another anymore, but the events are new.
I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're goin', and hook up with them later. -Mitch Hedberg
My aspirations and desires, as well as my inadequacies and failures.
Your mom.
You are now blinking and breathing manually.
I happily don't dream at all.
ImmortalityV, "I would like to kiss Icoyar to be honest in a non gay way though"
I have the awesomest dreams, although there's a lot of variety to narrow it down - I do often have superhero dreams.
"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube:
My dreams are usually quite strange and for the most part bad so I do my best to make sure I don't remember.
PSN: Kollin6618
At least 90% of what is asked on boards can be answered with a simple Google search.
Totally random, zero lucidity
If they drag you through the mud, it doesnt change whats in your blood
I suspect the majority will be random or cannot recall! Dreams are cray, though.
I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're goin', and hook up with them later. -Mitch Hedberg
Random things. Last night I dreamed I fell down the stairs. The night before I dreamed I was at Children's Hospital and the elevator doors had fun, kid like artwork on them.
Most of my dreams are about me dying in ridiculous ways. It's amusing.
"I, Garland, will knock you all down!"
Post #11 was unavailable or deleted.
Sort of a mish-mash of "don't normally recall dreams" and "mostly random, no pattern visible"
A plethora of DKC-related fanart to numb your mind:
All of them are bad. For example:
-Me losing my stuff on a train.
-The entire world freezing over.
-The sun imploding.
get in the bag
I see what you did thar with the sex option
Not changing my sig until Nintendo announces the Switch XL 1/12/2017
One time I had a nightmare that these big fucking spiders, think as big as housecats, were just hiding all over my house and constantly jumping out at me
If they drag you through the mud, it doesnt change whats in your blood
What are your dreams usually about?

Farm ani-* gets shot *

"Show me your ***t. I want to see if it's worth fighting for." ~ Mero
Life's failures. Dead friends & family. High school-but-I'm-my-current-age.

Sometimes it's interesting and even pseudo-enlightening/philosophical, but mostly it's depressing.

In my younger years, my nightmares were more like... Getting chased by a pack of dogs. A group of adult bears attacks. I fall in between the cracks of an escalator. Lawnmower tries to kill me. Those were all individual dreams, not the same one.
Creator of the official Digimon: Digital Monsters community board !
I either don't remember my dreams or they're awful, wake up in a cold sweat, nightmares.
Let strength be granted so the world might be mended.
I usually dream about work
212's #1 Colby Covington fan
Monsters and going on adventures. My dreams are lengthy and surprisingly vivid.
"Ladies don't start fights, but they can finish them." -Marie, Aristocats
I voted Other because they seem to be a combination of some of the choices. I get a lot of nightmares, and most of them don't make sense, but there are some repeatedly recurring things in my dreams.

One of the themes that seems to appear the most in my dreams would be the choice, Running late or missing an event . I get a lot of nightmares about schools and sometimes work and events. I would usually miss classes for a whole quarter or semester or not finish or even start assignments. Being way too late occurs a lot, too.

The choice, Nudity in public places , fits me, too. It's another one of my worst nightmares. I would be in public places without wearing anything because I forgot to put on clothes,was running late and had no time to do so, or suddenly lost all my clothes. This makes me very embarrassed and shameful.

I also get many nightmares about car and driving problems. In them, my car would not slow down or stop, no matter how hard I step on the brakes. It even keeps moving when I turn off the engine. At times, these problems result in accidents, so the choice, Accidents resulting in injury or death kind of fits .

I've dreamed about being chased a few times as well. Finally, another recurring theme is Ew! Yuck! Sick! Gross! things. They are often not sexual. When I say dirty things, I mean things that are not clean. They are usually things that take place in the bathroom or involve being sick. Dirt and trash are examples, too. These nightmares gross me out and I am still grossed out with nausea and upset stomach hours after waking up.
"You don't need a reason to help people." (Zidane Tribal of FFIX)
Electric sheep.


More seriously, it's a weird mix with a few running themes including going back to school (despite simultaneously knowing I've graduated), getting lost, being late, having limited time somewhere, moving or taking a vacation (with a fair bit of anxiety around packing), needing to be somewhere, etc. A lot of dreams involve malls and quite a few involve fairs/amusement parks/zoos/etc. Deconstructing them is neat in a way, since a few places are clearly composites of places I've seen. Then, of course, there's a dangerous element to quite a few areas (such as a walking path that leads near crocodile-infested waters) which I assume is probably because I've watched way too much horror over the years.

And, although it's kind of a mix, I'm selecting "Running late" since it's probably the largest single segment and overlaps with quite a few other dreams. Partially because there's *always* some sense of urgency in my dreams. I always need to be somewhere or do something.

fishy071 posted...
One of the themes that seems to appear the most in my dreams would be the choice, Running late or missing an event. I get a lot of nightmares about schools and sometimes work and events. I would usually miss classes for a whole quarter or semester or not finish or even start assignments. Being way too late occurs a lot, too.

Same, pretty much.
There are precious few at ease / With moral ambiguities / So we act as though they don't exist.
the anime/video games/books etc im currently enjoying, sex, weird/non-nonsensical stuff, and every embarrassing event that has ever happened to me.
I just passed out on the couch and dreamt of Starbomb for some reason
"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube:
I dream a lot. They're sometimes steamy, but usually random. There are some common things/patterns in them though. I'm often trying to catch a city bus to go to campus, or interacting with a girl or girls (they're not always wet dreams; often we just talk). I often find myself in bathrooms too. *shrug*

Thankfully, I rarely get nightmares (though I did dream about a giant spider in the house somewhat recently).

Garlands_Soul posted...
Most of my dreams are about me dying in ridiculous ways. It's amusing.

Care to share one?
FC: 2724-1435-8055 - IGN: PSI_BLUE
My past and failures.
Alex Jones' powder gives you a shriveled weewee.
Video games or sci-fi shows.
No locked doors, no windows barred. No more things to make my brain seem SKARD.
Look at Mr. Technical over here >.> -BTB
Nightmares every night. Random ones that can be very twisted.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
- middle/high school
- kpop girl idols
- running / chased around city
- family, cousins
- bus rides
- sex w/ girl idols or cousins
- weird game ideas
Ergonomic keyboard layouts for Android
5-suited Draw Poker for Android
I have fairly good recall
Only really bad nightmares a couple times a year
I find your lack of faith disturbing
JixHedgehog posted...
I see what you did thar with the sex option

haha yess
I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're goin', and hook up with them later. -Mitch Hedberg
Travelling. Im always on a journey, Im never in one place. Always on a mission to go somewhere.

I also find it easy to just jump into the air and start flying for some reason
*walks away*
Poll of the Day » What are your dreams usually about?