adjl posted... Their conduct in the conversation" being to identify themselves as being trans
No... Their conduct being to make an issue out of it. I see no reason they can't identify themselves as being trans and then move on to discuss something else. Maybe it's your view of trans people that they're unable to do that. I think they are quite capable of that because I don't expect being trans to be the whole of their personality the way you seem to.
adjl posted... "This is my friend Bill, she's really good at soccer."
"She? I'm a guy, dude."
Now I'm questioning how good of a friend they are to mix that up. In the other scenario I figured it was the first conversation I'm having with them and I know nothing else about them.
adjl posted... Oh hey that response looks just as stupid this way as in the first version.
No argument there.
BoomerKuwanger posted... I don't know how you de-radicalize people
The problem might be that it's not a radical position to want to be able to ignore people. Like I said before... The opposition has been a moderate stance. I don't believe we've seen an extreme stance in the opposite direction.