Potd, do you consider yourself a "gamer?"

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Potd, do you consider yourself a "gamer?"
Do you consider yourself to be one?

I enjoy playing video games.... So yes?
Well yeah otherwise I don't think I'd be on here. Obviously I don't play games like I used to but that's part of growing up. With age you just kinda realize there's more to life than video games.
Johnny Allen Hendrix Reborn....the JaH used to be Japanese at Heart, but I no longer think that's cool, so I changed it. <_<
More or less. I mean its not really my main hobby, but its been a part of my life since i can remember.
If you want to make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself, and then make a change
don't a lot of guys come on here just to use the social boards? maybe a lot of dudes who are on the social boards aren't gamers at all. most of the talk on the social boards don't even center on games. And i disagree a lot of older dudes like video games
CwebbMichSac4 posted...
don't a lot of guys come on here just to use the social boards? maybe a lot of dudes who are on the social boards aren't gamers at all. most of the talk on the social boards don't even center on games. And i disagree a lot of older dudes like video games

I didn't say you stop liking them or appreciating them it just doesn't have the same appeal like it did when you were a kid.
Johnny Allen Hendrix Reborn....the JaH used to be Japanese at Heart, but I no longer think that's cool, so I changed it. <_<
Oh yes. Definitely. I still play games and still look forward to purchasing new releases. I definitely have my nostalgic glasses on when playing old games. :)

What's changed for me, though, is the lack of time to indulge in games due to a job and life in general.
"Ladies don't start fights, but they can finish them." -Marie, Aristocats
Alexandra_Trent posted...
Oh yes. Definitely. I still play games and still look forward to purchasing new releases. I definitely have my nostalgic glasses on when playing old games. :)

What's changed for me, though, is the lack of time to indulge in games due to a job and life in general.

Johnny Allen Hendrix Reborn....the JaH used to be Japanese at Heart, but I no longer think that's cool, so I changed it. <_<
TheGreatNoodles posted...
I enjoy playing video games.... So yes?

I'd argue that there's more to it than that.

But everyone here is literally on a video game web site, which likely none of us ever would have found if we weren't slightly more enthusiastic about video games than is the norm, so odds are everyone here either considers themselves a gamer, used to consider themselves a gamer and is just still here out of a sad sort of inertia, or are kind of deluded about their own gamer-hood.

"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
I consider myself to be a gamer, although I don't play as much as I used to do nowadays.
Yes. But nothing close to my younger self. Wake up on a Saturday morning and immediately push power to play the new game I was able to get, and grab a soda for breakfast. That was into my early 20s
Still waters run deep
Nope. I came to GFAQs when I was 12 to ask a question on the Kingdom Hearts II board, and stuck around because of the social board they had there. I made some of my best friends there and a small group of us made our own forum on another website; I'm still friends with a few people from back then, too. But from the KHII board I learned about EVERYBODY PANIC!, The End of the World, and The Couch. And when those started dying I became a regular here.

I might have actually been 11. I sorta remember waiting for my twelfth birthday and posting on the OoT board. This is how my original account was banned.
Damn right I do
"Life's a game. It's meant to be played."
"Amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic."
JaH Reborn posted...
With age you just kinda realize there's more to life than video games.

Get out. Just... just leave. Please.
You shouldn't be here.
One day dude, I'm just gonna get off the bus, and I'm gonna run in the woods and never come back, and when I come back I'm gonna be the knife master!
-The Rev
Lightning Bolt posted...
JaH Reborn posted...
With age you just kinda realize there's more to life than video games.

Get out. Just... just leave. Please.
You shouldn't be here.

"With age you just kinda realize..." ROFL! Electronic hobbyist since I was a kid, building circuits to move dots of light around an oscilloscope screen as a teenager in the early 1960s, lots of other interests and activities but a "gamer" for 55+ years. More to life than video games, sure. Video games as an important part of life, definitely.
If ballet was easy, it would be pointe-less
dancer62 posted...
Lightning Bolt posted...
JaH Reborn posted...
With age you just kinda realize there's more to life than video games.

Get out. Just... just leave. Please.
You shouldn't be here.

"With age you just kinda realize..." ROFL! Electronic hobbyist since I was a kid, building circuits to move dots of light around an oscilloscope screen as a teenager in the early 1960s, lots of other interests and activities but a "gamer" for 55+ years. More to life than video games, sure. Video games as an important part of life, definitely.

To each his own.

"Ladies don't start fights, but they can finish them." -Marie, Aristocats
TheGreatNoodles posted...
I enjoy playing video games.... So yes?
Been a murder, over in Riften. Some old lady who runs an orphanage. Those poor children must be heartbroken.
CwebbMichSac4 posted...

I don't actively go around calling myself a gamer in real life as I hate labels. However if someones say to me "your a gamer?" I'll just say I am as it's not a secret I love video games and anything todo with them including the actual process of making them. It's not a bad hobby to have and I feel it can give you a lot of knowledge that could help you in some jobs too. I mean for example I have worked in retail and it helped a lot in that type of work.

There used to be a stigma to liking video games but video games are so common these days that even some of the OAPs have got into them. Some folk are still in the mindset that games are for kids though. A conversation with my dad:

Dad: "This is guy at work is in his 50's and plays video games!".
Me: "Cool. What games?"
Dad: "It doesn't matter he's in his 50's!"
Me: "So you don't watch films? Video games are like interactive films"
Dad: "Yeah but he's too old!"
Me: "Given video games, like films have something for everyone at any age I disagree"
Dad: "Well you would"
Me: "Yeah I would. Besides you're basically moaning about people having fun. It's like you're jealous. Perhaps you should try them yourself"
Dad: "Don't be stupid"
*end of convo*

I'm not exactly sure where he expected that conversation to go. I mean he's basically preaching to the choir. My dad is 62 and has dinosaur logic so It's no surprise how ignorant he is when it comes to some things. Still he has expressed interest in video games in the past but is stuck in his ways and never likes change or anything new. :\

JaH Reborn posted...
With age you just kinda realize there's more to life than video games.

Video games are nothing more than another form of entertainment. A lot of guys my age like sport, watch it, go to matches, talk about it on the internet and so on. My Brother is one of those people and loves football(soccer). He probably will all his life. I don't see how video games are any different.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
http://psnprofiles.com/wwinterj - http://i.imgur.com/kDysIcd.gif
No, not really.

I just play casual stuff nowadays and spend maybe a total of 2 hours a week playing games, if even that. I'll buy big name new releases from Nintendo and anything that catches my eye, but I'm usually left disappointed or bored nowadays.

I bought Witcher 3 from Amazon a couple months ago for like $10 or something. Played it for 30 minutes and haven't played it since. I still have Dark Souls 3 that I also bought online for $10 but it's still in its original packaging.

When Zelda came out, though, I played that constantly for like 2 weeks. The weekend it came out I honestly played for like 10 hours a day. Pokemon Sun last fall had my attention for a couple hours a day for about a week.
-- Defeating the Running Man of Ocarina of Time in a race since 01/17/2009. --
Depends on what sort of question we're asking here. "Gamer" can be a description of ones recreational habits, but it can also be an identity. One is true for me, and one isn't.
This album is not available to the public.
Even if it were, you wouldn't wanna listen to it!
JaH Reborn posted...
Well yeah otherwise I don't think I'd be on here. Obviously I don't play games like I used to but that's part of growing up. With age you just kinda realize there's more to life than video games.

http://TinyURL.com/Learn2Learn101 - My advice for surviving college and writing academically
http://TinyURL.com/SirNintendolot - My YouTube channel
This topic makes me miss the good ol' days :'(
Oh the nostalgia...
Not really. I game, but it's not like I'm terribly active or involved. I did replay some Pokemon LG this month and I've sporadically done some Pokemon Go although I don't consider Pokemon Go to be much of a video game.

But I do still buy most new main-series Pokemon games which come out so there's that.

ParanoidObsessive posted...
TheGreatNoodles posted...
I enjoy playing video games.... So yes?

I'd argue that there's more to it than that.

But everyone here is literally on a video game web site, which likely none of us ever would have found if we weren't slightly more enthusiastic about video games than is the norm, so odds are everyone here either considers themselves a gamer, used to consider themselves a gamer and is just still here out of a sad sort of inertia, or are kind of deluded about their own gamer-hood.

While I agree that the term gamer has a stronger connotation than just a person who plays video games, I half think the rest is a chicken-egg argument. While people of any level of interest in gaming can find the site (since it's an unexceptional behavior considering that some of the most mainstream games sometimes need faqs), people who stick with the site are more likely to get into gaming heavily at some point. Similarly, people who are here are more likely to self-describe as a gamer even if their behaviors aren't very gamer-esque.

wwinterj25 posted...
I don't actively go around calling myself a gamer in real life as I hate labels.

Actually, that's probably half of it for me. In general, I'm of the belief that labels are for people with low self-esteem who need an affiliation of some sort to feel better about themselves or more sure of their convictions (or, in the case of political parties, to give them some convictions)
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Yep and a no life one at that.
Currently playing - Birth by Sleep
Yes. Just had a brag war with my 10 yr old stepdaughter about how many different systems we've played on.
Nobody is perfect. Well, one guy was but we killed him.
Indeed, not hardcore as i used to be since i'm getting old and shit.. bt still my main hobby and interest, also the main thing i spend my money on.
I like playing videogames but I dislike being called anything.
- 12 MB of Ram - 500 MB harddrive - Built in spread-sheet capabilities - A modem that transmits at over 28,000 BPS
"Gamer" just sounds stupid to me
I'm so glad The Cheat is not dead
The term has always sounded a bit stupid to me, but I think it's even worse now that there's a growing stigma that a lot of "gamers" are sheltered, ignorant bigots. It used to just be that you were thought of a socially-awkward dork, back in simpler times.

I'd still my consider myself one but I rarely ever call myself by that term. I'll just say that I play/like video games. And sometimes I don't even say that, like if I'm asked my hobbies in a job interview (even though in reality it probably is my biggest hobby).
Post #30 was unavailable or deleted.
DorkLink posted...
The term has always sounded a bit stupid to me, but I think it's even worse now that there's a growing stigma that a lot of "gamers" are sheltered, ignorant bigots. It used to just be that you were thought of a socially-awkward dork, back in simpler times.

Which is mostly based on the stereotype that gamers are white males and the erreoneous belief among SJWs that white people are racist by default and that males hate women, etc, by default.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Or, you know, maybe it's the highly-visible gamers who are actually saying and doing racist and misogynist things
DorkLink posted...
Or, you know, maybe it's the highly-visible gamers who are actually saying and doing racist and misogynist things

By that logic all directors would be suspected of being pedos and rapists because a number of notable ones -- including Roman Polanski -- have ever done it or been accused of it. Given that directors are a smaller subsect of the population, that would make more sense than branding gamers with a negative stereotype. However, if you transfer the stereotypes associated with white males to gamers, the negative stereotypes involving gamers make a lot more sense.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash

and anyone who just plays on a phone/tablet isn't a gamer
Kill From The Shadows
Zeus posted...
DorkLink posted...
The term has always sounded a bit stupid to me, but I think it's even worse now that there's a growing stigma that a lot of "gamers" are sheltered, ignorant bigots. It used to just be that you were thought of a socially-awkward dork, back in simpler times.

Which is mostly based on the stereotype that gamers are white males and the erreoneous belief among SJWs that white people are racist by default and that males hate women, etc, by default.

It doesn't stop them from making the assumption though, so it's best not to bring it up (that you are a gamer)
I'm so glad The Cheat is not dead
thekingoftown posted...
Zeus posted...
DorkLink posted...
The term has always sounded a bit stupid to me, but I think it's even worse now that there's a growing stigma that a lot of "gamers" are sheltered, ignorant bigots. It used to just be that you were thought of a socially-awkward dork, back in simpler times.

Which is mostly based on the stereotype that gamers are white males and the erreoneous belief among SJWs that white people are racist by default and that males hate women, etc, by default.

It doesn't stop them from making the assumption though, so it's best not to bring it up (that you are a gamer)

Well, if you're a white male, they're going to already make those assumptions and probably think you're a gamer as well.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Zeus posted...
By that logic all directors would be suspected of being pedos and rapists because a number of notable ones -- including Roman Polanski -- have ever done it or been accused of it.

Not really a relevant comparison because there is no apparent correlation between being a director and having an affinity for sexual misconduct. On the other hand, there has always been a bit of a correlation with gamers being people who lead sheltered lives, and studies that show people who get out and see more of the world being more tolerant. Add onto that how white males are the largest demographic that plays video games, and the stereotype makes more sense.

Given that directors are a smaller subsect of the population, that would make more sense than branding gamers with a negative stereotype.

Doesn't matter that they're a smaller subset of the population when the ratio of openly bigoted gamers to total gamers is surely much larger than the ratio of rapist directors to total directors
wwinterj25 posted...
JaH Reborn posted...
With age you just kinda realize there's more to life than video games.

Video games are nothing more than another form of entertainment. A lot of guys my age like sport, watch it, go to matches, talk about it on the internet and so on. My Brother is one of those people and loves football(soccer). He probably will all his life. I don't see how video games are any different.

Ask your brother if there's more to life than soccer. Then realize how dumb it is to get so offended over what you quoted.
My friends call me Vee.
I'm not your friend, buddy.
DorkLink posted...
Not really a relevant comparison because there is no apparent correlation between being a director and having an affinity for sexual misconduct.

Actually, there's a prevalence among directors when it comes to sexual misconduct.

DorkLink posted...
On the other hand, there has always been a bit of a correlation with gamers being people who lead sheltered lives, and studies that show people who get out and see more of the world being more tolerant.

So your premise is basically that you assume one stereotype and, because that stereotype is assumed to be true, the other stereotypes are as well? That's just bad logic.

More importantly, there's little correlation between worldliness and tolerance, especially given that truckers -- who are more worldly than 90% of the population -- are also notoriously bigoted. Which, you know, is a stereotype with more meat on it than your gamer ones. However, if we're going to play with your logic, directors are people in positions of power who enjoy forcing other people to their whims which makes them natural sexual predators, hence casting couch being a widely-known practice and, of course, the numerous implications where child stars were subject to pedophile directors -- something that a lot of people in the business -- including other child stars, such as Mara Wilson -- have acknowledged.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
DorkLink posted...
Doesn't matter that they're a smaller subset of the population when the ratio of openly bigoted gamers to total gamers is surely much larger than the ratio of rapist directors to total directors

You're underestimating the rapists and overestimating the racists. There's a substantial enough number sex offender directors which skews the their relatively small number. I would go into detail, but it gets rather graphic. Also keeping in mind that rape is a physical action and is therefore a thousand times worse than any perceived microaggression you're complaining about gamers doing. Short of murder and maybe torture, rape is the worst thing that can be inflicted on a person.

Granted, since Hollywood is liberal, directors get a free pass with many SJWs even supporting pardoning Polanski, who is one of the most notable offenders for taking advantage of a 13 y/o. Meanwhile the same SJWs who defend Polanski will turn around and attack all other white males as being horrible people.

And, as far as labels go, I refuse to call myself a Millennial because of the SJW shit baggage associated with it and the complete bullshit tropes associated with Millennials. Instead, I round up to Gen X. Sure, it's a bit of rounding, but I figure it's close enough and, ideologically speaking, I'm much closer to Gen X anyway.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
we play most genre of games, going for an RPG roguelike this time however this won't raise my ranks as quick as the other ones :(. does have a 9.70% plat (very rare).
Embrace the rage, my dear boy. Let the cortisol levels shave hour after hour off your general life expectancy - Starmieketone
DorkLink posted...

In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Zeus posted...
DorkLink posted...
Doesn't matter that they're a smaller subset of the population when the ratio of openly bigoted gamers to total gamers is surely much larger than the ratio of rapist directors to total directors

You're underestimating the rapists and overestimating the racists. There's a substantial enough number sex offender directors which skews the their relatively small number. I would go into detail, but it gets rather graphic. Also keeping in mind that rape is a physical action and is therefore a thousand times worse than any perceived microaggression you're complaining about gamers doing. Short of murder and maybe torture, rape is the worst thing that can be inflicted on a person.

Granted, since Hollywood is liberal, directors get a free pass with many SJWs even supporting pardoning Polanski, who is one of the most notable offenders for taking advantage of a 13 y/o. Meanwhile the same SJWs who defend Polanski will turn around and attack all other white males as being horrible people.

And, as far as labels go, I refuse to call myself a Millennial because of the SJW shit baggage associated with it and the complete bullshit tropes associated with Millennials. Instead, I round up to Gen X. Sure, it's a bit of rounding, but I figure it's close enough and, ideologically speaking, I'm much closer to Gen X anyway.

I thought we were discussing gaming.
Why are we now discussing truckers who may or may not be rapists?
What happened?!
Been a murder, over in Riften. Some old lady who runs an orphanage. Those poor children must be heartbroken.
That's just the way it goes around here sometimes
I'm so glad The Cheat is not dead
Poll of the Day » Potd, do you consider yourself a "gamer?"