Conservative MAN buys a Ticket to a WOMEN'S ONLY event for Wonder Woman!!!

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Conservative MAN buys a Ticket to a WOMEN'S ONLY event for Wonder Woman!!!
Do you think Stephen is a Troll?

Stephen Miller, a conservative man in Brooklyn sparked outrage after he tweeted a photo of his ticket receipt to a WOMEN'S ONLY screening of the new Wonder Woman!!

He writes for the conservative site "Heat Street" and said he would be attending the "no boys allowed" screening of the new film at the Alamao Drafthouse movie theatre and said "i have some personal news i'd like to share" and shared the pictures

The theatre announced "Apologies, gentlemen, but we're embracing our girl power and saying No Guys Allowed for several special shows at the Alamao Downtown Brooklyn and we say Women (and people who identify as women" only. we mean it"

He was "bothered" by the choice to host a ladies only screening but said he's not "interested in causing a scene"

He replied to the outrage and said "I'll be enjying the film with the tickeet i purchased"

He pointed out it was legal to buy a ticket to a specific screening but it would be illegal to kick him out on grounds of sex or gender identity and said "They cannot remove me froma public place for my sex or gender. I plan on enjoying the film, Thanks"

Stephen also referred to the new film as "Chris Pine superhero movie" and ignoring the fact that this is the first comic book movie inspired by a woman since Elektra.

People blasted and wrote "Some men lay down their lives battling white supremacists on the streets. Others demand admittance to the women only Wonder Woman screening" which was in reference to the 2 good Samaritans killed by a Nazi supporter in Portland

An employ at the theatre said they hold various types of screenings now and then for women's only screenings which was just meant as a fun celebration.

Do you think Stephen is a Troll? let's see what people think.

Stephen - Jerk

Backlash -

Wonder Woman -

Movie Theatre -
Every time a Gamefaqs User PROVES they Stepped on a Bug, i will STOP Posting for 24 Hours...Beware, this is NOT a good thing to do!!
Sounds like he's trying to get thrown out so he can make some money from a lawsuit. Don't hate the player, hate the game.
Lol what a snowflake

He's right.

Conservative or not. He wants to enjoy a screening of Wonder Woman which is allegedly the only good DCu movie since batman begins.

His reasoning is logical and based on anti discrimination. Exerting ones rights to fight discrimination is not trolling.

You want to call him an sjw fine maybe he is- but a troll, no?

He also shouldn't be making an issue of this.
"Now I'm in THREE cowboy hats!!!" ~ Senator Bluto Blutarsky
Conner4REAL posted...

He's right.

Conservative or not. He wants to enjoy a screening of Wonder Woman which is allegedly the only good DCu movie since batman begins.

His reasoning is logical and based on anti discrimination. Exerting ones rights to fight discrimination is not trolling.

You want to call him an sjw fine maybe he is- but a troll, no?

He also shouldn't be making an issue of this.

Did you even read the thing? He went there specially to troll them.

I found my new hero
A.K. 2/14/10 T.C.P.
Victorious Champion of the 1st Annual POTd Hunger Games.
the hypocrisy in that twitter post by that rachel person is so thick it just has to be on purpose

like i honestly can't believe more people aren't making a big deal about this. you can't have your cake and eat it, too. if you want equality, then you will get it. you can't have SOME equality for SOME people and ignore the others

as nate diaz would say, "nahhh fuck that"

i hope they try to get buck with him, too. "sorry bro women only" and he'll be like "sorry bro that's illegal get fucked, i bought the ticket"

Please, God, let there be a scene.
#TeamShenti #AlphaAF #Unbannable
EvilMegas posted...
Conner4REAL posted...

He's right.

Conservative or not. He wants to enjoy a screening of Wonder Woman which is allegedly the only good DCu movie since batman begins.

His reasoning is logical and based on anti discrimination. Exerting ones rights to fight discrimination is not trolling.

You want to call him an sjw fine maybe he is- but a troll, no?

He also shouldn't be making an issue of this.

Did you even read the thing? He went there specially to troll them.

If that's trolling then all the black people who went into restaurants to get thrown out during the civil rights movement were also trolling....

By your "logic" which isn't logic at all.

Of course he's not breaking any ground. It's already illegal to toss him yet the screening is inherently implying discrimination.

Women only, whites only, Asian only etc.

Not trolling.

Not worth the time, maybe but still it's textbook discrimination.
"Now I'm in THREE cowboy hats!!!" ~ Senator Bluto Blutarsky
lol please stop, you're killing me.

He's a real MLK.
SmokeMassTree posted...

I found my new hero
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
The fact that he's writing about this ahead of time suggests he's trying to make a scene. If he really just wants to see the movie at that time, he could go, say at the door that he's a trans woman, and maybe write about it afterward.
I wonder how disappointed he will be when he shows up and nobody really gives a shit
"I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!"
EvilMegas posted...
lol please stop, you're killing me.

He's a real MLK.
"I am not gay! Can't you get that through your head? I am very much aroused at the site of a naked woman!" - Dan0429
OmegaM posted...
The fact that he's writing about this ahead of time suggests he's trying to make a scene. If he really just wants to see the movie at that time, he could go, say at the door that he's a trans woman, and maybe write about it afterward.

He's trying to counter the irony of gender discrimination, not sneak under the velvet rope.
RIP_Supa posted...
I've seen some stuff
If he goes to the theater and quietly enjoys the movie like he would have anywhere else (barring a bunch of people getting in his face or vocal towards him and MAKING it a scene...dude has a right to talk back), no he's not a troll.
Too early to judge, and I'm guessing even if he doesn't intend to troll, agitators are going to make it into a fiasco anyway.
Which is sad, because all he did was buy a ticket to a movie and post his ticket to social media, like plenty of vapid people do pictures of their movie tickets, dinner, etc... If someone is outraged by the fact he owns a movie ticket that he paid for, that's their hangup, not his.

mrduckbear posted...
People blasted and wrote "Some men lay down their lives battling white supremacists on the streets. Others demand admittance to the women only Wonder Woman screening" which was in reference to the 2 good Samaritans killed by a Nazi supporter in Portland.

"The only good man is a dead one," apparently.
Conner4REAL posted...
the only good DCu movie since batman begins

I guess you missed The Dark Knight?
He's a much better hero than Wonder Woman.
One day dude, I'm just gonna get off the bus, and I'm gonna run in the woods and never come back, and when I come back I'm gonna be the knife master!
-The Rev
Big flaw in his logic.
A movie theatre isn't a public place. So they can deny anyone they want. Women only is still an accepted discrimination, so nothing he can do about it.
He who stumbles around in darkness with a stick is blind. But he who... sticks out in darkness... is... fluorescent! - Brother Silence
Conner4REAL posted...

If that's trolling then all the black people who went into restaurants to get thrown out during the civil rights movement were also trolling....

Those people werent going to places and doing that to annoy people, like this man is. They went there and did that for something much much greater than annoying people.

It isnt a fair comparison at all.
But more to the point I've seen male/female only events advertised around here, I dont see what the problem is.

Every year here there are billboards for a "meeting of catholic men" where only men can go. I supposed to care?
I support him. Not a troll, just a man exercising his rights to piss off a bunch of women.
argonautweakend posted...
Conner4REAL posted...

If that's trolling then all the black people who went into restaurants to get thrown out during the civil rights movement were also trolling....

Those people werent going to places and doing that to annoy people, like this man is. They went there and did that for something much much greater than annoying people.

It isnt a fair comparison at all.

And you know all that how? Or are you just basing all of this on what you want to believe?
i hate this whole thing so much. It's a publicity stunt for the company and a chance to give women/girls a blockbuster superhero movie. It's not a political statement! It was supposed to be fun! God, people suck.
Honestly, after SJWs have pulled similar shit in the past, it's a matter of two can play that game. And, technically speaking, it is illegal.

mrduckbear posted...
He pointed out it was legal to buy a ticket to a specific screening but it would be illegal to kick him out on grounds of sex or gender identity and said "They cannot remove me froma public place for my sex or gender. I plan on enjoying the film, Thanks"

In theory, sure. In practice, men don't have the same rights as women. Women are a privileged, protected class.

mrduckbear posted...
Stephen also referred to the new film as "Chris Pine superhero movie" and ignoring the fact that this is the first comic book movie inspired by a woman since Elektra.

Pretty sure there's been comic book female film since Elektra but only PO would know for sure.

mrduckbear posted...
Do you think Stephen is a Troll? let's see what people think.

Stephen - Jerk

And yet if the gender roles were reversed, you'd be hailing him as a SJW hero.

Conner4REAL posted...
Conservative or not. He wants to enjoy a screening of Wonder Woman which is allegedly the only good DCu movie since batman begins.

Point of order: Batman Begins sucked while TDK was awesome. Everything else I either have no strong feelings about or haven't seen.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
SinisterSlay posted...
Big flaw in his logic.
A movie theatre isn't a public place. So they can deny anyone they want. Women only is still an accepted discrimination, so nothing he can do about it.

no it's not. any kind of discrimination based on race or gender is illegal.

they can't do shit and neither can you
#TeamShenti #AlphaAF #Unbannable
The_Beta_Male posted...
SinisterSlay posted...
Big flaw in his logic.
A movie theatre isn't a public place. So they can deny anyone they want. Women only is still an accepted discrimination, so nothing he can do about it.

no it's not. any kind of discrimination based on race or gender is illegal.

they can't do shit and neither can you

Go to a bar on ladies night and ask for a cheap drink.
Go to a night club wearing a bra, see if you can get in.

Discrimination against men is considered acceptable in todays society.

Oh, and age discrimination is perfectly ok too.
^^^Every single listing there is illegal. But no one says a thing.

Oh and age and race discrimination? You can see that right on the government of Canada immigration website. Certain races and certain ages get higher priority for immigration. That's legal government run discrimination. It's all ok in todays world.
He who stumbles around in darkness with a stick is blind. But he who... sticks out in darkness... is... fluorescent! - Brother Silence
Conner4REAL posted...

He's right.

Conservative or not. He wants to enjoy a screening of Wonder Woman which is allegedly the only good DCu movie since batman begins.

His reasoning is logical and based on anti discrimination. Exerting ones rights to fight discrimination is not trolling.

You want to call him an sjw fine maybe he is- but a troll, no?

He also shouldn't be making an issue of this.

Which clearly makes you a troll as well.
He's perfectly able to enjoy another screening of WW, just not this one. Plus, you could argue that any reasonable person would have an expectation of there being no men at this screening so when he tries to sue for this whiny crap and they countersue him it'll be a pretty short conversation.
Tbh, you could tell everything you needed to know about the guy by looking at him-he clearly fancies himself and is doing it for teh lulz but might get a shock on the night when a few decent ppl decide to stop him and he just might get his ass kicked (which, of course he'll sue over, but it'll still be entertaining).
He should be allowed to see the film. The theater is in violation of state law regarding discrimination of public services based on gender. Theaters and gender/gender identity are listed in the law. Look it up.

Women, homosexuals, various ethnicities, etc., can't argue and riot for equality and then turn around and do the very unequal things that were done to them. It's hypocrisy and trolling of the highest order.
Elite: Dangerous, Marvel Heroes Omega, MXGP 3, Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
Private events =/= Public services. There are countless other events for men or women only. It is legal. How silly that this is the hill people want to die on.
Never write off the Doctor!
Wow. He's a real tool.
A giant one at that.
SinisterSlay posted...
Go to a bar on ladies night and ask for a cheap drink.

They're not denying men service. They're just giving women a better price.

Go to a night club wearing a bra, see if you can get in.

I'm sure there are night club where this would be perfectly acceptable. Besides, "men wearing bras" isn't a protected class. And what if it was a manssier?

Oh, and age discrimination is perfectly ok too.
^^^Every single listing there is illegal. But no one says a thing.

Actually, at least in the US, retirement communities have been deemed to be legal in the courts.

"While in the United States discrimination in housing is generally prohibited, the Fair Housing Act of 1968[8] and the Housing for Older Persons Act of 1995 (109 STAT. 787)[9] allow communities to restrict residency to older individuals. Individuals may buy into these properties regardless of age; however, the owner may be prohibited from occupying the property according to the association declarations and bylaws."
Yeah, that's from wikipedia, but I'm sure you can follow links to the sources.
Montreal Expos (1969-2004) Now playing: Dragon Quest VIII (PS2) -- started 4/11/2017
Blaqthourne posted...
"While in the United States discrimination in housing is generally prohibited, the Fair Housing Act of 1968[8] and the Housing for Older Persons Act of 1995 (109 STAT. 787)[9] allow communities to restrict residency to older individuals. Individuals may buy into these properties regardless of age; however, the owner may be prohibited from occupying the property according to the association declarations and bylaws."
Yeah, that's from wikipedia, but I'm sure you can follow links to the sources.

So legalized age discrimination. That one ups Canada, which just doesn't discuss it.

Blaqthourne posted...
They're not denying men service. They're just giving women a better price.

Funny, sounds a lot like making black people sit at the back of the bus, or paying women less.
But against men, it's ok.
He who stumbles around in darkness with a stick is blind. But he who... sticks out in darkness... is... fluorescent! - Brother Silence
SinisterSlay posted...
The_Beta_Male posted...
SinisterSlay posted...
Big flaw in his logic.
A movie theatre isn't a public place. So they can deny anyone they want. Women only is still an accepted discrimination, so nothing he can do about it.

no it's not. any kind of discrimination based on race or gender is illegal.

they can't do shit and neither can you

Go to a bar on ladies night and ask for a cheap drink.
Go to a night club wearing a bra, see if you can get in.

Discrimination against men is considered acceptable in todays society.

Oh, and age discrimination is perfectly ok too.
^^^Every single listing there is illegal. But no one says a thing.

Oh and age and race discrimination? You can see that right on the government of Canada immigration website. Certain races and certain ages get higher priority for immigration. That's legal government run discrimination. It's all ok in todays world.

no, it's really not, you're just disillusioned b/c you spend too much fucking time on the internet. go outside and experience the real world; people are much nicer there b/c there's a threat of getting their asses kicked

trust me, if i walked up to that theater and said "hey im a male and im going inside, do something" they wouldn't do jack shit and neither would you

it's just a publicity stunt. whose fucking side are you on anyway kid?
#TeamShenti #AlphaAF #Unbannable
mrduckbear posted...
Stephen - Jerk

Citation needed.

SinisterSlay posted...
A movie theatre isn't a public place. So they can deny anyone they want. Women only is still an accepted discrimination, so nothing he can do about it.

Doesn't matter if it's public or not. Otherwise anybody would be allowed to be racist and throw people out of their business based on their race.

Syntheticon posted...
countersue him

Lol. That would be great. I'd love to hear that argument. "We're counter suing him because we support discrimination!"

Blaqthourne posted...
Actually, at least in the US, retirement communities have been deemed to be legal in the courts.

"While in the United States discrimination in housing is generally prohibited, the Fair Housing Act of 1968[8] and the Housing for Older Persons Act of 1995 (109 STAT. 787)[9] allow communities to restrict residency to older individuals. Individuals may buy into these properties regardless of age; however, the owner may be prohibited from occupying the property according to the association declarations and bylaws."
Yeah, that's from wikipedia, but I'm sure you can follow links to the sources.

I can confirm these exist but I didn't know that you could also buy them.
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355
Poll of the Day » Conservative MAN buys a Ticket to a WOMEN'S ONLY event for Wonder Woman!!!