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Last Topic: 11:01:22pm, 05/16/2024
DToast forgot to set-up a PotD for today

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Last Post: 7:47:59am, 07/25/2024
Goldenguy posted...
I could see the following:

-Kamala may lose a few moderate "hold your nose and vote for Biden" votes due to either racism or sexism.

-Kamala may gain a few votes from anyone who may have been voting strictly due to age, but I doubt this is many.

-She will probably gain a lot more votes from an energized Democrat populace that was otherwise starting to see the writing on the wall with Biden's continuance.

Kamala also benefits from RFK being less relevant as a third-party candidate because he mainly appealed to voters that didn't like either Trump or Biden. Kamala doesn't have the baggage that plagued Biden's chances of winning re-election, so some potential RFK voters will be satisfied with Kamala as an option for their vote.

With Biden out, the Kamala campaign can try to make the argument that Trump is too old to be president. Previously, it wasn't possible to use Trump's age against him because Biden was even older and had concerns over his stamina to serve another 4 years.

Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
Popular at school, but not as cool as azuarc, Guru Champ!

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Last Post: 6:52:32pm, 08/09/2006
I submitted a feedback ticket earlier so I will wait before doing anything else.
Luster Soldier - Pwned by Repus_Yortsed